N r X s K t f Iff LA t i 7 Time Card IS McCook Neb mum rSfliSrSftftw MAIN LINE BAST DEPaET No 6 Central Time 1045 p M 16 500 AM 12arr6I5pm 715 am 14 942 p m 10 u 600 P M main line west depart No 1 Mountain Time 115 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arrS 50 pm 930 AM Jut y Zt A M is 1230 A M 9 arr 910 am 820 A M IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 P M No 175 departs 710 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Chief of Motive Power Roupe is here officially today Engine 1950 is over drop No 2 having set of new tires fitted C T Watson of Brookfild Illinois was a brief city visitor last Sunday The Burlington weed burner has been operating in theRed Cloud district this week The paint gang in their special cars two of them occupy the freight depot siding Work is being actively pushed on the viaduct which will require GO days to complete H O Swenson has been on the relief this week with an injured hand Storekeeper and Mrs E C Hill are visiting relatives in Beemer Nebraska this week Dispatcher W C Euans vacation commenced today Hecwill visit awhile in the east Engine 2702 was over drop No 1 WednerdBy having a new pony wheel set under her Joe Kubick was the guest of his daughter Mrs James Moranville Red Cloud last Sunday Supt Weidenhamer was down from Sterling last Saturday and took in the picnic at Cambridge Mr and Mrs John R Ferree arrived home Monday from spending rt month vacation in Valentine this state Craig McDonald has resigned from the service and has accepted the posi tion of book keeper in the Citizens Na tional Bank It has been very encouraging the past few weeks the manner in which both freight and passeDger business has been picking up on the McCook di vision Miss Jessie Enoch of Polk Pa and Mrs Edward Van of Appleton Wis arrived in the city Tuesday and will briefly visit their brother George Enoch before continuing their visit to Denver SKfePMMAMVAflR THETELIE 0O0D POSITIONS AWAIT ALL OUR STUDENTS TOP WILL STAND THE TEST The practical value of the rail brace which is an important feature in ELIB YehiclES is becoming more and more appreci ated The seat is braced so that the strain is equalized between the back and the seat end preventing opening- of seat joints at the corners The illustration demonstrates the strength of this seat bracing and shows how superior features in construction are studied so as to bring the finished product The best Vehicle Construction on the Market YEUE WROUGHT IRON VEHICLES We are here to show you and explain to you other important points of the Velio Vehicle phone si McCook Hardware Co LINCOLN NEBRASKA A new and thorouehly live practical school conducted by successful business people preparing younc people for the best painc positions Equipment and methods the most modern Practical features of instruction not found in other schools We make a specialty of each student eKine Individual aid Many of our graduates are now earning more in a single month than the entire cost of tui tion and books We have an ideal location NO SALOONS IN LINCOLN Fall opening Sept 1 Write for beautiful illustrated catalogue address W M BRYANT Ppfsident 1519 O St Lincoln Nb To Railroadmen I desire to thank the Railroadmen for the invitation to and the privilege of at tending their picnic at Cambridge last Saturd iy I pronounce it the most sane orderly clean and entertaining thing of its kind I ever attended The people who attended and their behavior was a credit to our city Great praise in due to the railroad officials and em ployees for this day of clean and de lightful amusements It shows that sports can be carried on decently when right men manage them As I have said several times before I pay again in this more public way Our railroad people make up our best citizenship M B Carman John Patzman book keeper in the Citizens National Bank has resigned and will reenter the forestry division of the government service in a few days expecting to make his headquarters in Cheyenne for the present and later to be transferred south New flues are being placed in the 318 this week Ward Evans is night caller now suc ceeding McFann Supt Weidenhamers family is pack ing up preparatory to removing to Sterl ing Col rado Mr and Mrs W CAdams returned Tuesday night from their visit in Friend Nebraska The Burlington will soon add 500 re frigerator and 2000 bos cars to its freight equipment Switch engine No 1371 was given her final coat of paint Wednesday and she is ready for service Train No 13 did not arrive here until 425 Wednesday and was brought in then by two locomotives The engine and dynamo are in place and will be ready for service soon The whole plant here however will have to be re wired except the depot before the companys light plant can go into operation Frank J Brady of the master mechan ics office resigned the first of the month and has accepted a position with the Warren Lumber Co of Fort Morgan Colorado going up on No 3 July 6th Both the Omaha and Lincoln passen ger depots are to be equipped with fences and gates on the platforms to keep the people from going out to the trains unless they have business there They will be installed by September and will be of usual type Homer Smith John Strike and Clark and Ralph Daily have gone to McCook to attend the Modern Woodmen con vention and rally in session there this week The above named compose the local Woodman quartet and will appear on the program at McCook for several selections Havelock cor Lincoln Journal 1 irewwasawsEJSasai THOUSAND PEOPLE ATTEND PICNIC The First Annul Picnic of the Employes of the McCook I Division Was Most Satisfactory THE DAY A PERFECT ONE FOR SUCH AN EVENT Railroad Officials and Employes Have a Good Time and Provide the Comfort Enjoyment and Entertainment of a Numerous Array of Guests The first annual picnic of the in ployes of the McCook division of thf Burlington Route is now a part of con temporaneous history The event materialized at the little city of Cambridge ontne Medicine last Saturday and lacked not au item of complete satisfaction and pleasure over fl iwing The special train of a dozon cars filled to the guards lt ft bure about eight oclock in the morning and returning arrived at about nine oclock The in tervening hours were filled full of all the jjys incident to picnics Arriving at Cambridge at about nine oclock the crowd numbering near toe thousand mark followed the band to the park just adjoining that own on the eaRt With Master Mechanic H ECulbert Bon aB master of ceremonies a brief pro gram ensued before the dinner hour Lead by our ownest band the audi ence sang a verse or two of America Cambridges mayor delivered a brief address of welcome assuring us that some one bad the night previous carrii d off the city bastile and that it contained the keys of the city As both werp lost we were assured of the abpolut free dom of the city and wished much joy Supt Koller isnt much on pretty phrases just plain matter of fact prac tical railroad man who has made good all along but his response was to the point and well received He referred to an organization of Burlington officials completed some forty yenrs since which bad been a source of much social and economic good to the members the road and the public and expressed the hope that this annual picnic might be come a great factor and feature in the lives of the men nnd women of the Mc Cook division bringing them nearer to gether and giving the public a better vision of the men who make the wheels go round on this great division A few selections by the Cambridge quartet which were given warm approv al by the band with usual inspiring result and a ball game between the Mechanical and Transportation depart ments left the way open to the enjoy ment of the basket dinner After dinner the band and quartet were given a pleasurable hearing in the park bandstand and J F Forbes of the old guard delivered one of his inimitable short talks historical reminiscent with due regard for the facetious etc and then the deck was cleared for an after noon or Bports ot wnicn we append a a complete report EVENTS WINNERS AWARDS Ball game Mechanical department vs Transportation department Mechan ical department 6 Pickard and Cul bertson Transportation department 2 Lyon Brothers Priza box of cigars Womens foot race 50 yards Blanche Asten first prize 82 00 Delia Car eon second prize 81 00 Womens base ball throwing contest Virgie Ludwick first prize 8100 Delia Carson second prize 50 cents Womens nail driving contest Mrs C H McBride first priza S100 Mrs Edna Briggs second prize 50 cents Womens lumber sawing contest Mrs Edna Briggs first prize 8100 Mrs J W Spencer second prize 50 centc Broad lump Robert Burns first 16 feet and 4 inches prize 8200 C R Sheets second prize 8100 gS for 100 yard dash Ri Ran first prize 8200 Ward Evuns second prize 6100 Shot put H E CulhertRon first 32 fttflt and 5l S100 II F Feekin Mcuiid 3L feet and 9 niches 50 cents Pole vault Ward Evans first 8 feet ami 6 inches prize 8100 Jack Da vis Sdcond 6 feet aud 10 inches prize 50 cents Costume race for boys Jake Schlect first pr St 00 George Eckhart second priz 75 cents 0 J Wood third 50 cents Frank Putnam fourth prize 25 cents Eiwy moaej John Burns 8106 Lyle Corey 60 cents Clifford Stansbie 37 cents UHymoud Rod well 32 cents j jfc Willie Jiffnes 30 cents Obstacle race Frank Jrffries fir t prize 150 Ray riudig second prize 100 Llarve Culbortson third prize j 50 cents Pie eating contest Cecil McMillen first prize 75 cents Lyle Corey second prize 50 cenre Frank Ji ttrie J third prize 25 Tug of war No 1 John Seth captain TnK uni l c i i tv uuuu uuU xvnj uiiiiuDi ciuii w Wm Goodwin George Enoch Ed Howell Wm Sbngley J S Miller Gus Wiehe No 2 C W Corey captain Vm Raino O R Redding r L S Vierson II Moers J WJ Rhodes W Evans Wm Deere II J l Petersou G W Campain Prizes 50 i cent necktie for each man F W ffi ninul II irnt ttlil QOfl anif rtVtWLAA V l iw vuJ vS UWil UUIG14 KJJ the Drebert Clothing Co Potato race for bos Evert Rouch f first Drize 8100 Fiank Jeffries Qrtfnnrt nri7A 7i iuiitu fiMnvrt finllu hon third 50 cents Harvey jf son fourth 25 cents Egg race for girls Mary Spencer first t prize 100 Mabel Anton second prize 75 cent Eva Wood third 50 cents Ruby Lineburg fourth 25 cents Base running contest Ward Evans first 16 seconds prize 82 00 Earl Newkirk second 18 seconds prize S100 Blind wheel burrow race George Eck hart first prize 1 00 C J Wood second prize 50 cents ON THE SIDETRACK With Harry Culbertson Gus Wiehe I Charles Langston EJ Howell Hill A I Smart Will Pate and the rest of the j official boys and layman all on the job there wasnt anjtv iLg to be desired fori comfort entertainment or pleasure The railroad boys provided ice cream j lemonade etc free to their guests and employes during the day All supplies and baggage were re ceived at the depot at McCook check ed to Cambridge nnd delivered on the grounds by the ralroad boys and every effort made to make it easy and conven ient fcr all A more orderly well behaved gentle manly and lady like gathering of a thousand people the writer has never seen on a similar or other occasion The day was absolutely without an unpleasant incident or ought to offend the most delicate or sensitive The first annual was a most enjoyable success but the boys hope to excel it next year And they will And they dont make better people than Carabridgeites vCSAiliiln -ft n I rl I PV - I II l Ts XN - ov When we get your wireless call for HELP we -will come to tne rescue with good old PRINTERS INK GOOD ADVERTISING HAS SAVED MANY BUSINESS MEN FROM FINANCIAL SHIPWRECK Q We Are Here to Do Your Printing We Have a Large Assortment of Type Ready to Serve You WE PRINT What You Want The Way You Want It And When You Want It Jgz agryWf1WHDt1VtVf lHTHMiTWIlf I i MiyTliyyTIPillilHiTWfl 1 cents for 10 ct and 121 ct Values in Lawns Or gandies Etc - - Also a Special Discount on the Better Grades of Wash Fabrics - Get our prices on Suits and Wash Dresses new goods good styles at bargain prices C L DeGroff Co II j0m Business will prosper Only when the people Of the community Make a united effort Your business depends On others prosperity Unless we work together Results are disappointing Only those prosper Whose patrons are prosperous Nothing succeeds like success Towns thrive and flourish Only when they deserve to When their own people Neglect no opportunities They Needed Prayers A member of parliament tells a good story of an out of the way country clergyman who did not keep up to date In what was going on In the world One Sunday he asked his sex ton Is the prayer for parliament to be used today Is parliament still sit ting The sextons reply came promptly Well sir I dont know but anyhow better pray for them for theyre a precious bad lot London Standard Truthful He Give me a kiss She decidedly I wont He You shouldnt say I wont to me you should say I pre fer not She But that wouldnt b true The greatest flrmnesa Is tho greatest mercy Longfellow 9 i UrtrtttUiUAUU it an Miiftti y iV1 M n1 ilStji ijflrftf f a JE Boom Your Own Town FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC Fok Rent 5 room red 278 dwelling Phone ForKent A five room cotufi close in Mrs J I Lef phono 43 For Good house 9023rd st E Phone cedar 953 M ra W I J icklinp House for rent New 5 room cottage with bath Inquire of O N Rector phone red 349 For Rent One desirable oilicc room over Electric Theatre McCook Hard ware Co Lost A clntb pin Letters BVC and year 06 on one side and initials E F on other side Reward for re turn to this office COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report John Rote 28 and Ina B Lankford 27 both colored and both of Denver Colo They were married oy the count judge July 10h If Your Tastes Arc too fine for letter press prifitinir if they demand engrhving and die em bossing com and gt our figures on such work Dont send awav or give your order to t ome traveling shark that is dont Co it before yuu have seen our samples of such work e i gotten our figures t t t REAL EASTERDAY Grain and Coal We have just added coal to our business and have now in our bins a full stock of both Colorado and Pennsylvania coals such as Chandler Canon Sunshine Maitland Baldwin Nut and Susquehanna Anthracite Your orders will be appreciated and given prompt attention PHONE 262 UAAAAAAAMAXAXXXJU 4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A t