The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 24, 1909, Image 8

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McConnell for drugs
McMillan proscription druggist
Kodaks for everybody
L W McConnell Druggist
Mrs J JncHBon nuree Phone red 251
Try our crackers la tin boxes You will
never use any other HUBER
Mrs Jennie Davis of St Louis is ready
to receive pupils in vocal instruction
512 west lsc street phone red 301
McMtllen druggist has recently re
ceived a large assortment of the latest
post cards You should see them
W B Wolfe formerly of McCook
later nf Benkelmuc now of Dodge City
Kansas has become cashier of the State
Bank ol that place
A Dundy county stockman last week
Bold 127 head of cattle on an eastern
market for 812105 10 or 89508 per head
The shrinkuge was 100 pounds per head
at that
Will please him more than fire crack
ers and last him a great deal longer a
new Fourth of July suit for the boy
Kozall Barger have a selection
will please and at the right figures
Dont neglect to get a kodak to take
on your vacation Youll want it a
hundred times while away See our
superb stock A kodak at any price
from SI 00 up
L W McConnkll Druggist
Giain and Coal
We have just added coal to our
business and have now in our bins
a full stock of both Colorado and
Pennsylvania coals such as
Chandler Canon
Sunshine Maitland
Baldwin Nut and
Susquehanna Anthracite
Your orders will be appreciated
and given prompt attention
Does Your House
Need Painting
Give it a coat of Bradley
Vroomans absolutely pure
Made of Carbonate of
Lead Oxide of Zinc and
Linseed Oil
Packed full net measure
full U S Standard gallons
The best paint made for
wear appearance pro
tection and economy
Saves you money in
creases the value of your
property Try it and see
for yourself
Fix up the Walls
and Ceilings I
Make them clean and
beautiful with Perma Lac
It is a permanent hand
some finish for all surfaces
metal wood or plaster
When you finish the walls
and ceilings try it on the
woodwork floors doors
shelving cupboards and fur
Also use it outdoors on
buggies wagons farm im
plements porch floors and
steps Made in 24 beauti
ful colors and ClearNatural
in all sizes of cans Get
a color card
Stansberry Lumber Co
9 McCook Nebraska
McOonnells Balsam cures coughs
Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286
Whito House Grocery for fresh vege
tables Phono 30
Go to the Star Laundry for good and
clean work Phone 140
Of course you know Huber keeps the
Wedding Breakfast Coffee
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Have you attended the big reduotion
sale of millinery at Miss Andersons
We have fresh lettuce and celery every
Wednesday and Saturday HUBER
If you are skeptical about the wheat
crop a trip into the country will help
Now is the time to got that pretty hat
for your vacation trip at Mies Ander
Famous Curlee pants 250 and 8500
in gray green and blue
RozbII Barger
John Kennedy shot holes in a mail
box and it cost him 825 to square the
account with your Uncle Sam
If you want something good try our
Velvet ice cream made in Holdreg6
Woodworth Co Druggists
We have a full line of California Canned
Goods in both the Advo and J M brands
Nothing superior HUBER
For breakfast we have buckwheat Ral
ston and Advo pancake flours and maple
syrup and mapleine to go with them
The next Dorcas kensington will be
held at the home of Mrs V J
cole Thursday July 1st at 230 oclock
A cement stone crossing has been built
across B street west from the Monte
Cristo cafe to Viersen Osborn shoe
Free 10c package Conkeys Lice
Powder also 25c poultry book Bring
ad to G P Smith By mail 7 cent
Phone 20
Clyde J Wright state secretary of
the Socialist party for Nebraska will
speak in McCook Tuesday June 29th
An out-of-doors meeting
Our Soda Eountain is now open and
we are pleased to offer you all the latest
and most delicious fancy cold beverages
Woodworth Co Druggists
disinfects and kills the
germs Mixes with water Is cheap
and effective Use it now and prevent
diseases Pint 35o G F Smith guar
antees it Phone 20 4 4
Chancellor W J Davidson of the
Nebraska Wesleyan uuiversity will
preach in the local Methodist church
Sunday July 4th morning and evening
He will visit the Junior State normal
on Monday
Bound Over to Federal Court
Harry Green approaching 21 ears of
age son of J C Green of our city was
before U S Commissioner J F Cordeal
of our city Wednesday charged with
the destruction of mail not belonging to
him He finally acknowledged the
offense after investigation and was bound
over to the next term of federal court
being placed under 8500 bond in de
fault of which he is now in the couutj
The particular offense is that of taking
mad belonging to a traveling man by
the name of H Green and destroying
the contents instead of returning the
same to the postoffice when he discover
ed that the mail did not belong to him
The offense is punishable with 8500
fine or imprisonment for one year
Inspector Rice and Deputy Marshal
Powell were here Wednesday on the
case which had been worked up in the
meanwhile by Postmaster Cone and the
local officers
This affair should serve as a lesson to
all Mail matter is inviolable not a
matter to be treated lightly as so many
Note Changes in Time
Eeaders of the Tribune should note
changes given in the time card which
becomes effective Sunday morning at
No 5 arrives at S50 p m or ten
minutes later
No 10 departs at 600 p m or fifteen
minutes earlier
No 15 departs at 1230 a m or thir
teen minutes later
No S is added leaving McCook at
525 p m or thirty five minutes ahead
of train No 10
No 9 which has been stopping at
Oxford is now continued to this city
arriving at 930 a m
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heart felt
thanks to our host of friends neighbors
Sunday School Junior Epworth League
Engineers and Lodges for their moat
tender sympathy shown in work words
and flowers in our sad bereavement
Mb and Mrs E E DeLong
and Tacik
Cut Glass or Silver Ware
makes an appropriate present and you
will find at McCook Hardware Cos the
latest designs New goods arriving
frequently makes this store an ideal
place at which to buy
Binder and Header Bargains
One of each at McCook Hardware Cos
5awmtartwar i
Famous City Its Walls and the
Curso or Joshua
The walls of Jericho remains of
which huve been excavated by Ger
man nrelmeologtets are of course
chiefly famous In connection with their
miraculous destruction by Joshua It is
recorded In the book of Joshua chap
ter vl that by command of the Lord
Joshuas army compassed the city go
lug roundabout It once a day for six
days hended by seven priests bearing
seven rams horns before the ark On
the seventh day they eucampassed It
seven times Thou on Joshuas com
mand the people shouted and the
priests blew with the trumpets and It
came to pass when the people heard
the sound of the trumpet that the peo
ple shouted with a great shout and
the wall fell down flat so that the peo
ple went up Into the city every man
straight before him and they took the
city destroying all that was In it ex
cept Itahab the harlot who had
den the messengers sent by Joshua to
spy out the city and her fathers
household The date of this destruction
Is placed nt B C 1451 In spite of
Joshuas curse on any one who should
rebuild the city it was rebuilt In the
reign of Ahab in B C 118 by Hlel a
native of Bethel nnd It is recorded In
I Kings xvl 34 how the curse of
Joshua was fulfilled The second city
flourished and under Herod the Great
became important It was sacked by
one Simon slave of Hercd Archelaus
the son of Herod founded n new town
on the plain which he had planted
with palms Jericho was finally de
stroyed by Vespasian In A D GS
Dundee Advertiser
A Display of Quick Wit by the Come
dian Martineff
The Emperor Nicholas of Russia
was once sold as follows
During an interview which Martineff j
tlm frimiwlinn jiiwl miiiiir Iinl
- w
ed in obtaining with Prince Volkhon
sky high steward the emperor walked
into the room unexpectedly yet with
a design as was soon iuaue evident
Telling the actor that he had heard
of his talents and should like to see
a specimen of them he bade him
mimic the old minister The feat was
performed with so much gusto that
the emperor laughed immoderately and
then to the great horror of the poor
actor desired to have himself taken
Tis physically impossible plead
ed Murtiueii
Nouense said Nicholas I insist
on its being done
Finding himself on the horns of a
dilemma the mimic took heart of
grace and with a promptitude and
presence of mind that probably saved
him buttoned his coat over his breast
expanded his chest threw up his head
and assuming the imperial part to the
best of his power strode across the
room and back then standing opposite
the minister he ciied in the exact
tone and manner of the czar
Volkhonsky pay M Martineff 1000
silver rubles
The emperor for a moment was dis
concerted but recovering himself
with a smile he ordered the
to be paid
who complained that she was
there was a rat in her stateroom
Keep it there madam said
They will be put out ready for business 1 went out
rrrWWiWTTMW it y wyggjspiig5aa
Stories of John Bright
John Bright was supposed to be a
total abstainer but once when Ed
ward Miall was very nervous at the
prospect of having to make an impor
tant speech in the house Bright said
Well Miall if I were you Id for
once go and have a pint of cham
Mr Miall did as he was told and the
result may be judged from the narra
tors comment that champagne on
an unaccustomed interior is not al
ways a curative or a tonic
Bright rarely had any difference
with his wife but occasionally they
were not at oue about the children
When they came to a point of abso
lute disagreement he used to say
Now I tell thee if thou doesnt do
what I wish 111 go straight to Mr
Gladstone and ask him to make me a
knight to which the answer invari
ably was
Oh anything rather than that
He Was Not Superstitious
A captain of an ocean liner tells the
following story Coming from the old
country was a very nervous old lady
But do you like rats asked she
Ive got a nest in my cabiu re
torted the brusque seaman and I nev
er disturb them When they leave the
ship I do
Why you must be superstitious
urged the dame
No maam wound up the captain
Im not but the rats are
sure my daughter is croln
make a great singer some day
Is that so
Yes shes always quarreling with
her mother who tells me it is absolute
ly impossible to manage her Detroit
Free Press
Paid Her Back
Mae So you are engaged to George
I refused him three times Ethel That
must have been what he meant when
he told me that he had had several
narrow escapes New York Journal
The Flame
Clara That man who julft passed
was an old flame of mine Kate In
deed What happened between yon
Clara Oh he flared up one day and
Boston Transcript
irmnfmrin riMmri iw 1 11 UTitiHM i niiiiiiii
Notes of Sundays Storm
The porches on the east two dwelling
houses owned by Edward Fitzgerald on
west D street were blown down bnt the
fronts of the buildings were not other
wise damaged much
Eight large glass windows in the new
high school building were broken by the
had as were a few panes in the Chris
tian church and a scattering few in re
sidences over the city but the damage
of this description was small
Fruit and garden in the path of the
hail suffered considerably and the
strong wind pressure proved too strong
for trees all over the city while the hail
cut the foliage severely
Andrew Strawder and Henry Calkins
who live a short distance northwest of
town report severe damage by hail
Sunday theircrops being badly damag
ed Besides Mr Calkins states that his
granary and chicken house were blown
down by the wind storm
The rainfall in a few minutes amount
ed to 145 inches to which 57 of an
inch was added later in the night and
early Monday morning making the total
rainfall a little over two inches The
rain did not extend farther west how
ever than Perry
The approaches to the bridge over tho
canyon northeast of town were washf d
away showing that the water in the
canyon must have reached a height of
sure 15 feet and that a powerful current ran
in the canyon during the early stages of
the flood
Both the grain elevators had more or
less water in their grain pits from Sun
day evenings rain
The territory surrounding the lower
reach of the Driftwood creek seemed to
have sustained the worst damage from
hail Sunday C II Jacobs reports
a damage of several hundred dollars
while his neighbor S B Rankin thinks
a thousand dollars will not more than
cover his I03S I H Wasson Charlie
Evans and others in that section were
sufferers in a greater or less degree
Two of George Hartraans little girls
were caught in the storm on their way
home to South McCook and were pretty
badly pummeled by the hail but not
seriously hurt
Wants Better Facilities
Cambridge wants better depot facili
ties and throught he LadiesTourist club
is memorializing Supt Kbller to that
effect and he has promised to give the
matter due consideration and bring it
before the Burlington management
The ladies are among other improve
ments seeking a separate waiting room
for ladies
mmm nrmt ffhi
Everything in drugs McConnell
Fresh fruit always in season at Hutjers
Fifty 50 per cent discount on all
trimmed hats at Miss Andersons
Ice cream soda and fancy cold drinks
again on tap at Woodworth Cos
We are now agents for the Famous Car
hartt Overalls and Jackets also for their
Gloves and Caps HUBER
Wall paper paints oils varnishes
stains and mission finishes at Wood
worth Cos Druggists
Patronize home industry by smoking
Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and
the Snnke 5 cent cigar
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have thema quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
Is your lawn covered with dandelions
If so use Kill O it knox em On
sale at Woodworth Cos Druggists
The pain of sunburn stops as soon as
you apply McConnells Fragrant Lotion
It sooths cools heals Price 25 cents
Going going not quite gone Poul
trymen come for a free copy Conkeys
25c Poultry Book GF Smith phone
20 By mail 4c
Monarch Silver Bell
White Satin spell success in
bread and cake baking Buy the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
McMillen druggist is serving the
famous Franklin ice cream at his foun
tain Can furnish cream in quantity
or take orders for brick ice cream
McCoofc has recently acquired an
addition to her directory of lawyers in
person of Seth S Silver Mr Silver
has practiced law in Racine Wis and
Milton Iowa and comes well recom
Lice soon eats up your profits Kill
off this pest quickly and surely with
Conkeys preparations Lice powder
ior coay lice mc ana nee iiquia ror
ridding the poultry house of mites 60c
All guaranteed and for sale by G F
Smith Will save your flocks Phone
20 4 i
Hilmer Johnson who has been attend
ing the Holdrege Business College dur
ing the past nine months has accepted
a position as stenographer with the C
B Q railroad at McCook and will
leave for that place sometime this week
Hilmer is well known and well liked
here and Loomis hates to lose him Our
band will miss him especially not only
as a musician but as an officer as well
Loomis cor Holdrege Citizen
ragyisragiwrcfiBMacag iwBm
Wherever You Celebrate the Fourth
You Will Want a New Dress
If you havent time to make one see
our big line of
in white blue and pink
Our Linon Suits
in 2 piece and 3 piece models
Our White
Dress Skirts
at r 19 139 189 248
289 389 and 489 each
Our Lawn Net
and Silk Waists
at 50c 90c 98c 125 i6S
and 225 each
Our entire line of ready-to-wear garments
are going at UNUSUAL JUNE
If you have time and ability to sew see
our large assortment of
Summer Lawns
Batistes and Tissues
at 5c 8c ioc 15c 25c and
Our White
Linon Suitings
at ioc 15c and 25c per yard
Our Handsome
in all widths and qualities
Our Bargains in Laces
in exceptional bargains from 3c a
yard up
Throughout our entire stock
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
of Summer
goods you will find SPECIAL
REDUCTIONS all next week
All Millinery at OneHalf Off
Next week we offer anything and everything in TRIMMED HATS at
MUST GO Call and get your share
222 Main Ave
Phone 56
McCook Neb
McConnell fills prescriptions
Limoneira Lemons White House
1 Grocery Phone 30
Suit cases and trunks large assort
ment at Rozell Bargers
Boys school pants Prices all the
way from 25c to 8150 Rozell Barger
Wont it seem lonesome without Chas
Meeker and George Thompson on the
library board
Apples Peaches Cherries and Black
berries in gallon cans White House
Grocery Phone 30
The American eagle wiil be given full
swepp at Lebanon July 3rd by Rev
M B Carman of our city
We have the finest line of Olives and
Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid bur
dock line HUBER
The grain storage capacity of Phelps
county is rated at 1275000 bushels
Holdrege is first with 955 000 bushels
Loomis second with 120000
July 1st the Holdrege Citizen will
advance its subscription price to 3121
per year if paid strictly in advance If
not paid in advance 81 50 per year
Quality like blood tells Quality ex
plains the well earned popularity of the
Famous Loomis High Patent Four3
Sold by McCook Four and Feed Store
v Telephones
Dr Herbert J Pratt
2124 Main av ov r Mrronnells
Druj Store McCook Neb
Oflice 100
Residence Black 131
Sharpen Your Lawn Mower
20 Times for 35c
Eureka Sharpener
A new device to attach to the sta
tionary bar of any mower Sharpens
all the blades to a keen even accu
rate edge in a few minutes Anyone
can attach it to stationary bar No
filing no work Simply push the
mower on sidewalk with Eureka
Sharpener attached and the blades
sharpen automatically Sold by
Polk Bros 118 W B St McCook
va a
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