CHSCAQO - s lyfl l P 7 JIW v VW 1 Pure in the can- BARTLEY Homer Borden of Atlanta visited in Bartley over night with Leo Simpson Mrs Roy Hoover and Miss Ethel Hoover returned from a visit with friends in Wauneta last week Air and Mrs James Fletcher of j Omaha are hero this week Jake Stenner of Plattsmouth is riot expected to -live He was a pioneer of Hod Willow county and has many relatives and frionds who regret to hear of his dangerous condition C M Babbitt returned from Lincoln Friday evening having had a fine time i in attendance at the druggists associa tion meeting Dr Arbogast sold his automobile be fore he left for Chicago At a special meeting of the A F A Al Lodge here on the 16th Rev Hageman and George Rawson Jr were made master masons Several visitors were resent fronvHolbrooK Cambridge Danbury and Stockville A banquet closed the session Fred Paley who moved from here with his family to Arapahoe a short time since is reported dangerously sick Word from Delta Colorado was re ceived Sunday by A F McCord of the death of J M Epperly who was for uany years a resident of Bartley and a member of the G A R Post here His many frionds here are grieved to hear of his death and sympathize with his daughters with whom he had been living Another fine rain here Monday morning when one and eight tenths of an inch fell without wind Small grain prospect is fine and alfalfa is just ready to cut Corn is doing well Small fruit and garden stuff in good supply and the potato prospect was never better Roses are freely blooming birds are sweetly singing and all nature is seemingly helping us to be happy Word was received here Tuesday of the sudden death of Mrs Samuel Bent ley last week at Edgar Nebr Mr and Mrs Bentley were for several years residents on a farm near Bartley and had many friends who sorrow to hear the sad news of Mrs Bentleys death G W Jones is having a concrete walk laid along the east part of his residence property S R Grisell is in charge of the work Several loads of hogs were sold in Bartley Tuesday at 87 10 per cwt This is good for those who have to sell but not so good for those who must buy Jas Sipe ships this week to Denver and E E Smith to Omaha- - Good milling wheat is selling here this week for 8110 per bushel To avoid serious results take Foleys Kidney Remedy at the first sign of kid ney or bladder disorder such as back ache urinary irregularities exhaustion and you will soon be well Commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy today V fcAMNGf Pure in the baking Never Fails Try it mJGarrtTl fm A hammock for two Just you and ZuZu the glorious little ginger snap For what better company could you wish Theyre snappy and have just enough ginger At your grocers K NARIUN Mrs Wm Pryor of Cedar Bluffs was in town on business Thursday after noon Rev Miller and family of Danbury were visitiug in town between trains one day last week Mrs Sarah Ruby of Danbury visited her son and family a few days last week E Dodge and wife were county capital business visitors one day lust week Mrs S E Boyer came up from Dan bury last midweek for a few days visit with her daughter Mrs Gockley north west of town T E McDonald of Danbury was in town awhile Friday afternoon A J Green and family spent Satur day night and Suuday at the parental Yeatr home northwest of town W H Eifert was a business visitor at the county capital one daylast week Ilari Myers of Valley Grange precinct was io town with two loads of wheat and took home a double rowed weeder Friday E Galusha and E E Blake did some work a few miles northwest of town Monday afternoon Frank Bryon ha3 quit the ranch and gone home to help with the farm work Pearl Angell is helping Mrs C Red west of town ccok for hay hands this week J W Pepper and family visited at the parental Wingo home south of Dan bury Sunday R E Bacon and wife visited at Al bert Styers in the Fairview district Sunday RED WILLOW Mrs Helm is improving slowly Little Blossom Longnecker age 7 and Alice age 3 took part in Childrens day exercises at the Christian church in In dianola Charles Miller seems to go up north pretty often on a wolf hunt I wonder if any of us knew what an extraordinary eclipse that was on the 17th One professor said that never to the knowledge of man was such knowu Another said that no record of such is in the history of astronomy Wasnt that a rain Sunday evening and during the night 1J 6 inches of rain fell here PLEASANI RIDGE Charles Burger wife and sister visited at B F Wilsons laBt Sunday Born to Mr and Mrs Casper Haken kamp June 17 1909 a sweet baby girl Messrs Cornelius Hayes and Ferm ingsmier of Hastings Neb were in this vicinity one day last week looking af ter real estate Crops of all kinds are growing fast likewise the weeds Frank Hakenkamp and family attend ed church at St Ann last Sunday Quite a lot of corn replanted on the account of the cut worms Many weak nervous women have been restored to health by Foleys Kid ney Remedy as it stimulates the kindeys so that they will eliminate the waste matter from the blood Impurities de press the rerves causing nervous ex haustion and other ailments Com mence today and you will soon be well Pleasant to take A McMillen Druggist Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribune office W - JJMMM A Package NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY DANBURY A fine shower Sunday night The Childrens day exercises were given in the Congregational church Sun day night The program was well ren dered and enjoyed by all A fair sized crowd greeted the Mu sical Trio from the Wesleyan univer sity Tuesday night These three girls did exceptionally fine Saturday night was the lucky night for a free-for-all fight There were two fights going on at one time Danbury seems to be the fighting grounds for these roughnecks to set tle their old grudges Now is the time for our honorable board to get busy Several from here attended the eighth grade exercises at McCook last Friday C W Rogers and family M M Young and family and Mrs Lumb spent Sunday at the Rea Oman home The oil man from McCook was in town one day last week The home talent play entitled Tomp kins Hired Man will be given in the opera house Saturday June 26 1909 Knowles Darlings comedians will give a show here Monday and Tuesday June 28 and 29 consisting of crema tion magic and funny acts Everybody come to the celebration here July 3rd It will be the biggest and best celebration on the line Mr Johnson and family and Mr Fair and family all of Lincoln visited at the T E McDonald home the past few days J L Sims Homer Bastian Will Yates and Mr and Mrs Stone were McCook social visitors last Thursday Childrens day exercises will be held at the Methodist church Sunday night Every one invited to attend Danbury has organized a band con sisting of twenty members They will order their instruments as soon as pos sible Mr Shepherd of Indianola will train them for awhile Let every one get interested and help to make it a success for there is nothing like having a good band Heres success to the band boys Mrs Cleaver grand chief of honor of the Degree of Honor lodge spoke to the lodge Monday afternoon She thought the lodge was doing fine ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoffice June 21th 1909 LETTERS Bagan Mr W J Browning Mr Clarence Davis Lou Koreck Mr E C 2 Laferty Implement Man McMahou Mr E C Perry Mr Warner Eobin John Smith Mr G B Stilson Mrs F C Smith Nettie Yvilber F W Witham Bros Woods Mrs D CARDS Clark Mr George Erskin Mr N R Foard Jennette Hurst Howard Twiggs Mrs Kosvell When calling for these please say they were advertised Lon Cone P M Save the little chicks from indiges tion diarrhea etc Conkeys Cholera Cure in the drinking water is guaranteed by GFSmith Price 50a Phone 20 1 1 NEVER FAILS I The automobile livery in South western Nebraska that always gets there and back Trips day or night anywhere Prices reas onable D G DIVINE Phone 166 Can be found at 104 McCook Neb INDIANOLA T A Haley made a business trip to McCook Thursday Mrs Jam3s Boldman is visiting in Republican City Doctor Porter was called by telegram Monday from this place to attond the bedside of his dying father who resides somewhere in Illinois Albert Norman was an Oxford visitor fore part of the week Mrs Thomas Haley receiveda tele gram this week announcing the death of a brother-in-law in South Dakota Iiittle JackMcClung died Wednes day morning of rheumatism He was six years old and the idol of his parents The funeral was hold at the home Thursday afternoon Reverend Carman of McCook officiating W E McClung and wife of Nebraska City came Wednesday to attond the funeral of little Jack Mr Lane and family of St Louis Missouri are the guests of John R Neil and wife Miss Lulu McNeil is entertaining a young lady cousin from Hastings this week R E Smith is giving his house a coat of paint Mr and MrsESByfiold visited with relatives in McCook Sunday Mrs Pat McNeil and daughter Ruth are visiting friends in Juniata this week Mrs Ivinyan and daughter of King fisher Oklahoma arried Tuesday evening for a visit with L B Korns and family Miss Vivian Patterson went to Stock ville Sunday for a two weeks visit with relatives Mr and Mrs W A McCool have been entertaining a brother of the latter for a few weeks A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs F W Duffer Wednesday morning Mr Meitz of Culbertson is engaged in painting the Indianola mill Mr and Mrs Cosgro are taking in the sights of Denver this week Mr Drake and wife are visiting the J S Philips family Mr and Mrs Drake are from Indiana Miss Lilia Humes arrived home from Lincoln and Bennett Monday evening where she had been visiting frionds for a few weeks Mrs Merle Powell went to Denver last week for a short visit with rela tives William Mohung is improving his property near the depot by the applica tion of a neat coat of paint Miss Bertha Schoenthol is expected home from Bennett this Tuesday evening The Two Sinners She was a woman worn and thin wnom me worm conaemnea ior a single sin They cast her out of the Kings highway and passed her by as they went to pray He was a man and more to blame but the world spared him a breath of shame Beneath his feet he saw her lie but he raised his head and passed her by They were the people who went to pray at the temple of God on that holy day They scorned the woman forgave the man twas ever thus since the world began Time passed on and the woman died on a cross of shame she was crucified The world was stern and would not yield and they buried her in a potters field The man died too and they buried him in a casket of cloth with a silver brim And as they turned from the grave away said We buried a noble man today Two mortals knocked on heavens gate stood face to face to inquire their fate He carried a passport with an earthly sign but she a pardon from love divine O ye who judge twixt love and vice which think ye entered Paradise Not he whom the world had said would win but the wcman alone was ushered in Exchange Men Past Fifty In Danger Men past middle life have found com fort and relief in Foleys Kidney Reme dy especially for enlarged protate gland which is very common among elderly men LE Morris Dexter Ky writes Up to a year ago my father suffered from kidney and bladder trouble and several physicians pronounced it enlargement of the prostate gland and advised an operation On account of age we were afraid he could not stand it and I recommended Foleys Kidney Remedy and the first bottle relieved him and after taking the second bottle he was no longer troubled with his com plaint A McMillen Druggist FOR AGED PEOPLE We unhesitatingly and strongly advise the use of Rexall Orderlies in preference to any other constipation treatment We so well know their value that we offer to return every cent paid us for them if they fail to give entire satisfaction They are eaten like candy are beneficial to the whole system do not cause any inconvenience or gripirg and positively relieve the evils of constipation Two sizes ioc and 25c L W McConnell The Rexall Store Many of our citizens are drifting to wards Brights disease by neglecting symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble which Foleys Kidney Remedy will quickly cure A McMillen Druggist REAL THREAD OF LIFE A Tiny Wisp of Tissue Imbedded In the Hearts Walls Accord lug to tradition It was Atro pis tin blind Fury with the abhorred 8uars who silt the thin spun life and many ol Miltons readers may have wondered whether there was any thread lu the anatomy of man the severance of which would be immedi ately fatal Injuries to the bralu mid heart in both or which the principle of life has been supposed to reside may be survived for shorter or longer periods but us un article by Dr C E Lea reminds us physiologists have of late years discovered a nerve or bun dle of nerves which might well be de scribed us the thread of life One ol the developing sciences of our time is cardiography the science of the heart beat The heart as most people are aware is divided into auricles and ventricles The ventricles are the pumping chambers the auricles arc the collecting chambers of the blood and like the stroke of a racing eight set the rhythm of the heart beat A little instrument called the sphygmo graph Is placed on the wrist pulse and migniths its movements and traces them with a recording pen In a zigzag curve telling the observer what the ven tricles are doing Another instrument the polygraph placed on the jugular records the more delicate vibrations of the auricle With the utd of these two instruments the physician can Und what all the four chambers of the heart are doing Now the auricular con traction ucts as a stimulant or start ing shock to the ventricular contrac tion Most stimuli are conveyed along nerves Therefore a little nerve In the heart to act as a telegraph wire betweeu auricle and ventricle was to be expected Such a thing has been found by physiologists but rather than a nerve It Is a specialized sensitive por tion of the heart muscle Itself It is a little wisp of tissue not an inch long and only one twelfth of an Inch thick On this delicate communicating wisp called thp uuriculo ventricular bundle hangs existence itself Evolution has arranged that It shall be so small and so sheltered In position in the heart that It Is rarely damaged even by large In juries to that organ But If It Is sev ered then the ventricles must stop and life must fnstantaneously cease Lon don Post THE POSTOFFICE It Seemed to Be Located In a Rather Lonely Place A veteran stagecoach driver In Idahc used to tell of an incident that hap peued wheu he drove the stage ovei to Boise City from the Union Pacillc Hue lie had on one trip only a single passenger a little tenderfoot of a New England schoolmaam going to take charge of a school in that town She had never berore been farther from Boston than the Hudson river Along about dusk oue evening us she sat on the box by the driver and the team wound its wav arouud the shoulder ol u bleak mouuiaiu a highwayman sud denly stepped into the middle of the road and held up his hand A cocked ride rested easily In the hollow ot his arm and its muzzle pointed straight at the drivers head He quickly pulled up Throw over Wells Fargos box said the uian with the gun The driver reached down and flung the bos Into the road then he started to gather up the reins Hold on the other cried impatient ly Wheres the mail bag Dont you think I want that For reply the driver swiftly kicked It overboard All right said the man on the ground lu affable tone you can drive on now For half a mile they rolled along In silence schoolmaam and driver The former seemed to be in deep study Al last turning to the driver she said 1 dont know anything about the west of course but that certainly does seen to be an awfully lonesome place t have a postoffice Washington Post A Useless Implement Aunt Ann Arkwriuht the bustling spouse of Dncle Joshua Arkwrigbt proudly showpd him a silver Imple ment which a friend had given her as a birthday present It was shaped something like a spatula but broad ened considerably toward the handle Uncle Joshua inspected it with some curiosity What Is it he asked Havent you any idea she said No not the least In the world Well said Aunt Ann its a pie knife Uncle Joshua picked it up inspected it critically and laid it down again 1 havent any use for it he said a far as Im concerned Its too p lde 1 couldnt eat pie with It thout cutting my mouth Youths Compan ion Dyed Articles In dyeing at home amateurs often make the mistake of putting the dyed article through the wringer possibly to avoid staining the hands for one reason or perhaps hoping to dry the garment more quickly This however should ppver op done for the crenses bo formpd are most obstinate and In fart often only disappear with wear despite all pressing Dyed articles should bp squeezed from the bath and hung out of doors to dry Adversitys Compensation Rlchlelgh 1 wish I were you Poor lelgh For goodness sake why Rlch lelgh Why you can have the fun of proposing to every girl you meet and be sure of being refused New York Journal The road leading to justice Is the safest Heslod fl iai rvjn uu TEMPERANCE COLUMN Conducted by fc tae McCook W C T U iiiriri rwi vumj The Ola Pipe Ho was out at the elbows and out at tha knees But ho had an old pipo in his mouth Bo was worse than a rag man by several degreos But he had an old pipe in his mouth IIo was out of a job and his plan3 had all failed He was down in the mouth and hia luck ho bewailed At the rich man he swore at monopoly ralod But uwkoptthatold pipo in his mouth Ha was woeful and shabby and hungry and Iamo But he had his old pipe in bis mouth He had saved little monoy he was not to blame For ho must have a pipe in hism uth He would go out to mark jt an every day j ike And you know what hed say era a sentence he spoke A penny for broad and five cents for a emoko Oh he must have that pipo in bis mouth His wife sowed by lamplight to drivee the wolf hence And to keep that old pipe in hla mouth And he said between puffs We must cut our expense But he kept that old pipe in his mouth Kind charity come without further de lay This woman may die what will hap pen then pray Heres a case you must holp Shall L tell you the way Just take that old pipe from- hia mouth Hattie H Loutban in Beacon Light I know of a fatal poison A deadlier never was seen A few drops of it will kill you Im sure They call this bad stuff nicotine We spend as much cash for tobacco as coal Or our nation does rather I mean Of course you and I would not do suck a thing As ever to touch nicotine Selected The Womans Suffrage debate held in the Methodist church last Thursday night was a success in every way We thank the citizens for their liberal patronage The money obtained from the debate is to be used for char itable purposes f Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right vwviiv v v vwfrwwpii FFWjg Dr J O Bruce I 1 h 1PA H - Telephone 55 MCCOOK Neb t Office over EtecrlcTheatre on Alain Ave ULiL 1 I JiiiirfiiiAt iAtLijiitiiiijfiLtllL DR EARL 0 VAHUE DENTIST Office over McAdams Store Phone 1 90 dr R GUNN DENTIST phb a Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walah BIk McCook Dr J A Colfer DENTIST Room Postoffice Building Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA jf f flf P V pfivw 1tWf1 1 17 iW3 - R ri Gatewood DENTIST Office over McMillen s drugstore Phone 163 McCook Nebraska Ii kMi itiiljJLrtW J i UtiitrtiAJLt tJkjkthAlt JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska CsAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Office in Postoffice building C H Boyle C EEldsed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance Ioaa 44 Booms 1 and T second floor PoEtofSce Building McCook Neb Middleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska FOLEYSKONETAR Cures Colds Prevents PaMauataa