The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 24, 1909, Image 4

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the monoy you blow in
foolishly if invested in a
bank account would soon
put you on easy street
You owe yourself the
protection a Savings Ac
count will afford you
If you aro spending all
you earn it is unfair to
yourself and those who
may bo dependent on you
You have noticed the
manner in which small
amounts expended count
up in a month a part of
such expenditures saved
will allow you to have an
account at this bank
Start with a dollar
have money in the bank
Bank of Mccook
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
All express companies doing busi
ness in Nebraska have been notified by
the companies they represent not to re
ceive for shi ment to or delivery in
Oklahoma any intoxicating liquors
Theodore Roosevelt urges from the
wilds of Africa the American people
To wrest the control of the govern
ment from the hands of the rich men
who use it for unhealthy purposes
Teddy better come home and help
Neither the postal savings bank idea
nor the bank guaranty law of Nebraska
seems to suit or please the bankers of the
state The Tribune does not under
stand that the measures are either one
of them especially or exclusively in
tended for the bankers It has been
our understanding of them that they
are primarily intended to benefit the
The death of Elsie Sigel one of the
most horrifying of late years at the
hands of a converted Chinaman in
dicates among other things that it is not
desirable for pretty young white women
to become too enthusiastic over con
verting the average chink Slum work
at the best is on the danger line and
the heathen Chinee only needs small en
couragement or none to become more in
terested in the pretty but often soft
headed and softer hearted young woman
than he is in her religion Hence
either disgrace or tragedy Let the
men do the work
Naturally the idea of an income tax
appeals more earnestly and strenuous
ly to the man who has no income suffi
cient to bring him under the effectual
operations of such a law and on the
other hand is opposed by men who may
thus have their incomes reduced by
such a law But besides operating to
make the wealthy pay a more adequate
and just portion of taxation and to
that extent relieving the poorer class of
citizens it will incidentally result in
restricting the growth in a small degree
of the abnormal fortunes of the brutally
rich The income tax should and
doubtless will come eventually in
A dispatch from Washington by the
Associated Press speaks as follows of
the attack made by Senator Burkett
upon Senator Aldrich and the methods
of the Finance Committee
Indulging in a vigorous denuncia
tion of the committee on finance because
of its change of front over night on the
subject of tobacco importations from
the Philippines Senator Burkett stand
ing face to face with Chairman Aldrich
today declared that its action looked to
him like a game of petty politics He
characterized this action as an effort to
hang Senator LaFollette in the air and
finally declared that this event afforded
senators a good opportunity to vote a
lack of confidence in the committee
Senator Burketts remarks came dur
ing the discussion over admitting tobac
co free from the Philippines After
refusing to adopt an amendment offered
by Senator LaFollette the finance com
mittee accepted an amendment made by
Senator Bulkeley calling for a reduc
tion more sweeping than the one asked
for by Senator LaFollette It was this
action which aroused Senator Burketts
ire The incident served to show even
more plainly the bitter fight that men
like Senator Burkett are making fori
true revision in opposition to the Al
drich followers
Bill Filed In Federal Court
A bill in equity was filed in tho fed
eral court Monday afternoon by fifty two
state banks in tho state against Govern
or Shallenberger State Auditor Barton
State Treasurer L G BriBn Attorney
General W T Thompson Ed Royse
secretnry nf the banking board and
Sam Putterson Unlesa preventive action
jb taken by the court the guaranty law
will go into offect on July 2 and the
complainants pray for an immediate
restraining order enjoining the defend
ants from acting as a banking board
and from taking possession of the books
and papers of the present banking board
from interfering with tho plaintiffs or
enforcing any of the provisions of the
guaranty law and also that at the final
hearing the law be declared unconsti
tntional The bill is signed by William
V Allen and John Lee Webster as coun
sel for the banks
The bill claims that the guaranty law
deprives the banks of the natural and
inherent right to conduct a banking bus
iness and deprives them of property in
vested in their bunking business with
out due process of law and without
compensation therefore being in viol
ation of section 1 article 14 of the
amendments to the federal constitution
and deprives them of their contract right
under the charters granted to them
severally by the existing banking board
thereby impairing the obligation of the
contract existing between the banks
and the state of Nebraska
The bill states that the state is with
out right or authority to require the
private bankers to transfer their banking
business to a corporation and that to
require the private banker to discon
tinue their business or to have their
affairs wound up by a receiver would
result m loss and damage to each of the
banks And that at the time the char
ters were issues there was no provision
in them or in the banking act of 1895
or in the state constitution or in any act
of the legislature in existence at that
time reserving to the state the right to
cancel or terminate the contract of the
banks to continue tho transacting of a
banking business Lincoln Journal
Mr Skalla Announces Himself
This issue Mr Skalla breaks the op
pressive silence in the local political
situation by annpuncing his candidacy
for renomination to the office of county
clerk subject to the decision of the
Republican primary election August
17th Mr Skalla points to his record
in that office for tho past two years
with pride we believe and is willing to
rest the case with the voters of the
county on the record made Ho has
made a hard working conscientious
and competent county clerk giving the
office his close personal attention All
persons having county business have
looked alike to him and have received
equal prompt and courteous attention
and service
The average voter has become bewild
ered trying to keep track of the many
changes in the election laws during the
past two years The first thing the
voters will have to do this year is to
hold a delegate county convention some
time before the third Tuesday in July
to select members of the county central
committee and to elect delegates to the
state convention which will be held on
the third Tuesday in July for the pur
pose of making state platforms These
conventions have nothing whatever to
do with the selection of party candidates
These are to be selected at primaries to
be held on the third Tuesday in August
The governments attitude of printing
return cards for patrons on its stamped
envelopes is one of the indefensible
paradoxes of the post office department
The embossing of the stamps on envel
opes or at furthest the printing of blank
returns without names of individual
firm or corporation should be the limit
of the government action in this line
Their printing of regular business cards
at prices below possible competition is
not only an expense against all for the
advantage of these who are able to buy
in the required quantities but is cou
spicuonsly unfair and unjust to the
printing business of the country which
is thus hopelessly bereft of a large item
of its proper business
Nebraska Citv and that section of
the state seem to be suffering with an
acute case of squirrelitis
No One Badly Hurt
Mrs S L Wray was thrown out of
her buggy Tuesday coming to town
but not injured severely her horse
becoming frightened at an automobile
The horse ran on into town On West
B street he ran over a little boy Ste
vens by name on a bicycle which was
considerably damaged and the boy
hurt he escaped severe injuries also
Praise for Blessings
A squib which is going around laid
on to an exchange says the following
announcement adorns a tomb stone in a
western Nebraska burying ground
Here lies our wife Samantha Proctor
who ketched a cold and wouldnt dock
tor She could not stay she had to go
Praise God from whom all blassings
Perfection Oil Cooks
can be run a whole month for seventy
cents This makes the cheapest pos
sible way for cool summer cooking
Guaranteed to not smoke or smell Sold
by McCook Hardware Co
Rkv Bickford of Indianola was a
city visitor Monday
Mrs Jacob Matz and child were Mc
Cotk vis t ire Monday
Velma Suttpn arrived home end of
last week from school in Omaha
Mr and Mrs John Clark are fondly
caring for a youne son born June Hth
Miss Mary Barhazette returned
close of last week from school in Den
Mrs M Corlky of Chicago is a guest
of relatives in the city Mr and Mrs J
R Burke
Miss Millie Slaby spent last week in
Red Cloud guest of her sister Mrs An
thony Clark
Mrs Wm Sullivan visited her
parents Mr and Mrs A D lledden iu
Alma labt week
Rev and Mrs R M Ainsworth will
leave for South Dakota Saturday on a
vacation of two weeks
Arnold Austin and George Converse
of Herdley were in the city over Sunday
guests of I E Converse
Mrs Mabel Clark and Mrs D W
Colson returned home Sunday night
from their trip to Sutton
Mr and Mrs William Jeffries re
turned last Friday evening from visit
ing his mother at Palisade
Mrs D D Dodge and daughter of
Orleans came up to our city last Thurs
day to visit relatives in our city
Miss Hilma Benson went to Holdrege
Tuesday to visit relatives She will
also visit McCook Harvard Courier
George Dyer went to McCook
yesterday to take a state cream testers
examination Republican City Ranger
Mrs C W Britt of our city was
chosen first vice president of the state
organization of P E O at their recent
J H Corrick of the Culbertson
Banner spent Monday night in the city
checking the political situation up to
date etc
L W McConnell was in Lincoln
last Friday looking into thf matter of
electric light fittings for the temple-
opera house
Miss Leah Pennell arrived home
last Saturday evening on No 5 from
Omaha where she has been attending
school past term
Miss Janet Manard who has been
living with Rev and Mrs Webber for
some time departed end of week for
her home in Denver
Miss Audrey Jones arrived home
Friday la3t from the university stop
ping at Holdrege a few days to visit the
Lind6manns enroute
Mr and Mrs Drath of Herndon
Kansas and children were guests of her
brother and sister Louis Suess and Mrs
Schwab over Sunday
Mrs D W Colson was called home
from Sutton where she has been visit
ing by the death of her father in Den
ver and his burial here
Mrs W P Ely departed close of
last week for Rochester New York on
a visit to the old home which she has
not seen for the past twenty years
J H Woddell renews his subscrip
tion in Iowa with the postscript We
could not do without the Tribune for
it is like getting a letter from home
Dr and Mrs A W Murphy took
No 5 for McCook yesterday The Dr
will return today while Mrs Murphy
will remain several days with her sister
Arapahoe Pioneer
Mr and Mrs J G Schobel Mar
jorie and Marion Sisson went up to
Denver last Thursday night enjoying
an excursion over the Moffat line and
returning home Saturday morning
D H Babbitt of Utica Michigan in
renewing his subscription wishes to be
remembered to oldtime friends in Red
Willow county and states that Mrs
Babbitt and daughter are in Boston
town guests of the Hickeys and Mc
Kennas former residents of our city
Miss Gertrudes Allen who has
been visiting her cousin Mrs W M
Weidenhamer returned home to Stam
ford last Saturday evening Miss Ger
trude will be united in marriage with
Rev Gustave Klatt June 30th and they
will be at home in Stamford after Octo
ber 1st
Miss Cleo Rector attended Miss
Inez Mae Walker of Stratton Tuesday
of last week at her marriage with Mr
Marquis E Johnston of Denver The
account of the nuptial event states that
Miss Rector was daintily gowned in
pink and carried a shower bouquet of
pink roses
W W McMillen and Albert Mc
Millen departedMonday morning for a
western trip of three or four weeks
They will see various California points
take in the Seattle exposition and the
northwest and incidentally keep an eye
open for anj thing promising and at
tractive in the investment line
C E Eldred arrived home Sunday
morning from a trip to Goldfield Ne
vado on business On bis return home
he met AI Davis a former resident of
McCook who is now practicing law
and interested in a newspaper in Grand
Junction Colorado and apparently
prospering Davis is well known to all
of the old timers in our city
M rwtTgfrrSrVrrfrTTirvrg
I hereby announco myself as a candi
date for renomination to tho oflico of
County Clerk subject to the Republican
primary election August 17th
I invite a thorough investigation in
to tho manner in which tho office of
County Clerk has been conducted
during the past two years and pledge
myself to a continuance of this policy
of fair and square dealing to all if
favored with a re election
Chas Skalla
I hereby annonce myself a candidate
for re nomination to the office of County
Treasurer subject to the decision of the
Republican voters at the primary elec
tion August 17th
During ray present term of office I
have endeavored to treat each nnd
everyone fairly in all matters pertaining
to the records and business of this office
and have made it a point to keep the
work up to date If reelected my
present record will continue and any
support extended in my behalf I trust
you will have no occasion to regret
Your vote will be much appreciated
C Naden
Mrs C L Fahnestock is a Lincoln
visitor today
Emerson Hanson is entprtaining his
mother and sister from Illinois
Dr J F Atha is in the city pros
pective succesbor to Dr C M Duncan
Mr and Mrs Wm Jeffries arrived
home from Missouri Tuesday morning
Mrs I N Biggs and daughter ac
companied him on his trip to Texas
this weik Tuesday
Miss Ruth Campbell will leave for
Kansas tomorrow to assist in the har
vest for a few weeks
Mrs G W Bunting and two chil
dren from Denver are the guests of Con
ductor and Mrs A L Bunting
Linus C Stoll is trying to maintain
a true Christian fortitude while suffer
ing an attack of Bciatic rheumatism
this week
Mrs A R Mehaffey departed this
morning for Lincoln where she will
visit briefly before going on to Sheldon
Iowa She will be absent about two
Mr and Mrs Henry Best arrived in
the city last night nnd are receiving
hearty congratulations of their many
friends They will occupy the Dye
property on 3rd street east
Mr and Mrs A C Ebert and chil
dren will leave next Wednesday for
the Northwest to be absent a month or
so seeing the exposition visiting in
California and intermediate points com
ing east
Mrs C H Boyle and two children
and Mrs M A Northrup departed
Weanesday for Denver en route to the
coast Mr Boyle joined them later in
the week and after a short visit in Den
ver they continued on their way west
to be absent several weeks
Mrs A S Campbell came down
from Imperial Wednesday afternoon to
meet her daughter Gertrude on her way
home from Hastings who was accomp
anied by her cousins Misses Helen and
Marion Ingalls of that city They left
for Imperial this morning
work a long tune They are sold and
put up by McCook Hardware Co
Increase In Full Term Pupils
The uumher of full term pupils in the
McCook Junior State normal this week
places it high among the best in that
regard 116
For Sale Blue squaw corn for seed
Mrs S E Christian phone ash 36S2
For Sale Good family driving or
work horse reasonable Morrisey Ranch
Phone black 292
For Sale My residence and house
hold goods cheap Good lawn and
shade trees Call at 206 E 3rd st
R O Light
For Sale Baby
black 260
buggy Call
For Sale A good header D B
Reisher 1J miles northwest of McCook
23 2
For Rent 5 room dwelling Phone
red 278
For Ret Furnished rooms
J I Lee phone 43
For Rent Good house 902 3rd st E
Phone cedar 9S3 Mrs W Hicklinj
House for rent New 5 room cottage
with bath Inquire of O N Rector
phone red 349
Lost Ladys gold watch with bow
pulled out on street or in store in Mc
Cook Reward for leaving at Tribune
Lost Ladys pocket book Saturday
at Hubers Btore containing money
Leave at this office Reward
Lost A gold fob with initials P E
B Reward Leave at this office
Lost Between the race track and
some point 4J4 miles on the 6outh west
road from McCook a gentlemans coat
size 42 brownish color having a Grand
Army button in the lapel Finder
please return to this office and receive
With a Big Wheat Crop
you will need a new wagon
and we want to sell you a
New Moline Wagon
ii m
because these wagons are
built especially for this
country have the popular
boxes oak hubs and sawed
or bent fellos in fact
they are the best that can
be made of well seasoned
wood steel and iron Just
like the
Velie Buggy
You can tell a Velie as far
as you see it because they
are made in correct styles
and finished perfectly You
cant get a buggy better at
any price and it is not pos
sible to build a good one
for any less
If you get a Velie you get your
moneys worth and that is what we
all want so come in and get fitted out
with a Velie and a new harness for
the Fourth
mK3i McCook Hardware Co
v ox
C c mtmnrrt mmntMfou
It is comingthe small boy and the 4th of is
our volume of business
Where is one of the best places to buy lumber
From the Stansberry Lumber Co McCook Nebr
Where is one of the best places to buy coal
From the Stansberry Lumber Co McCook Nebr
Where is one of the best places to buy paint
From the Stansberry Lumber Co McCook Nebr
Why is the Stansberry Lumber Go a good place to trade
They make a specialty of buying the best
Quality is always first Our best recommendation is our
customers you ask them And the volume of business we have
picked up in the past five months makes us feel that we make
no mistake when we put quality first