The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 24, 1909, Image 3

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iiifrtv ayssaifcasaagasa
Business Office Station
ery is Our Specialty
Particularly Pine Line of
Writing Papers in Boxes
McCook Views in Colors
Typewriter Papers
Box Writing Papers
Legal Blanks
Pens and Holders
Calling Cards
Manuscript Covers
Typewriter Ribbons
Ink Pads Paper Clips
Brass Eyelets
Photo Mailers
Memorandum Books
Letter Files
knights templae
St John Commaudery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 p
m in Masonic hall
David Magner E C
Henky E Cdlbertson Rec
eastern stae
Kareka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the
Bocond and fourth Fridajs of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mrs Sarah E Kay W M
W E Hart Sec
modern woodmen
Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments
at White House Grocery
Junes Kuneet Consul
J M Smith Clerk
royal neighbors
Noble Camp No 862 R A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Morris hall
Mrs Caroline Kcneet Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
w o w
Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8
oclock in Diamonds hall
Chas F Maekwad C C
W C Moyee Clerk
McCook Lodge No 61 A OUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Monte Cristo hall
JMWENTZFinancier RoYZiNTForeman
McCook LodcoNo 3 D of H meets every
second and forth Tnosdajs of each month at
800 p m in Mont Cristo hall
Mrs Della McClain C of H
Mrs Carrie Schlagel Rec
locomotive engineers
McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets
avery second and fourth Sunday of each
month at 2 30 in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meets on the first and third Saturdays of each
month in Morris kail
I D Pennington Pres
C H Husted Sec
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
socond and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at S00 p m in Morris hall at 304
Main Avenue S E Callen C Con
M O McCluee Sec
d W Branson Lodge No 487 B of R T
moats first and third Sundays at 230 p m and
second ana lourtn rnuuya as coup m eacn
month in Morris hall C W Coeey M
B J Moose Sec
TT T rrr o Nr iSR R R O of A
VtaA Wiling TnAira Nn S7 I A of M meets
Post Card Albums
Duplicate Receipt Books
Tablets all grades
Lead Pencils
Notes and Receipts
Blank Books
Writing Inks
Erasers Paper Fasteners
Ink Stands
Bankers Ink and Fluid
Library Paste Mucilage
Self Inking Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands
Invoice Files
McCook Views in Colors
are a Leader with Us
Stationery Department
McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M meets
every first and third Tuesday of the month at
80 p in in Masonic hall
Charles L Fahnestock W M
Don Cone Sec
Occcnoxoe Council No 16 R S M meets on
the last Saturday of each month at S00 p m
n Masonic hall
RALrn A Hagberg T I M
Sylvester Coedbl Sec
King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets
every first and third Thursday of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Clarence B Gray H P
W B Whittakeh Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesdav at 800 p in in Masonic hall
H W Coxovee C C
D N Cobb K R S
McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F meots every
Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall
H G Hughes N G
W A Middleton Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
300 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the first and third Fridajs
R S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
national sociation of letter carriers
Branch No 1278 meets firt Mom ay of each
month at 330 p in in carriers room potolIice
G F Kinghorn President
D J OBeien Secretary
knights of columbus
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdajs of each month at 800
p m in Diamonds hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meots on the second
and fourth Thur dajs of each month at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannaa G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Morris hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
g A E
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m
Morris hall
Wm Long Commander
Jacob Steinmetz Adjt
relief corps
McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
230 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
l of g a e
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridajs of each month at
230 p m in Morris hall
Mary Walker Pres
Ellen LeHew Sec
moots on the first and tliird Tuesdays of each head off these early colds
month m Morns nail at i JU pm
Rat O Light C C
N V Fbanklin Rec Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets fhe second and
fourth Saturdav s of each moHfcj at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs 1 A Wilcox Pres
Mes J G Schobel Cor Sec
Tiy Preventics At My Risk
With Book on Colds
Just to prove merit to show you how
quickly Preventics can and will check colds
or the Grippe I will mail you free on
request these samples and my book Simply
address Dr Shoop Racine Wis
Preventics are thoroughly harmless little
Candy Cold Cure tablets No Quinine no
laxative nothing sickening whatever
To check early Colds or Grippe with Pre
ventics means sure defeat for Pneumonia
To stop a cold with Preventics is surely
safer than to let it run and be obliged to
cure it afterward Preventics will however
reach a deeply seated cold But taken
early at the sneeze stage they break or
That is sutely
better that is why thev are named Pre
ventics Promptness however is all-important
Promptness in the use of Pre
ventics may savo half your usual sickness
Feverishness night or day with child or
aauit suggests the need of Preventics
rerysecond and fourth Tuesday of the month j Write Dr Shoop Racine today for
DmB preg eampies ana Doomet Seventies are sold ha
Fsed Wasson Fin Sec I
Fumt Beeky Cor Sec j
No man is
the Elder
ii iiiMlllliWi
Where They Dar the Windows
Leave the Doors Open
The City of Mexico swarms with life
yet it is still life It is the hour of the
siesta when you arrive and the streets
are deserted of moving tilings though
every darkened doorway possesses its
own colony of slumberers who have
cast themselves down where they
stood to sleep away the heat laden
hours when no man works Even the
very dogs slink into the shadow of the
dazzling wails and loll pitifully The
tinkle of mule bells Is hushed The
cry of the muleteer sounds no longer
To walk through these streets with im
perious foot after the British fashion
seems sacrilege One might be walk
ing through a city of the dead
But the hot hours pass the city
awakens the mules strain and plunge
at the collar the dogs prowl about be
tween the legs of those who pass the
shops are opened the scent of garlic
saturated cookery rises strongly man
tilla shrouded faces peep from ancient
casemates protected by massive iron
bars and the city of sleep becomes a
city of leisurely wakefulness You no
tice these barred casemates particular
ly They are a feature of Mexico
Householders bar the windows and
leave the doors unfastened and here
you have an epitome of Mexican char
acter Do nothing openly everything
on the sly even to wooing your lady
You might spend a long lifetime in
the City of Mexico and still leave
much unseen there are so many fea
tures to note the actual city life tiie
life beyond those jealously guarded
windows the life lived in the flowei
scented patios where cooling fountains
play with musical softness Here
comes a vaquero riding nonchalantly
up the street a typical product of
Mexico a cattle hand from one of the
outlying ranches a perfect fury un
chained when the liquor of the coun
try is in him a gentle dreamy child
when the liquor has evaporated and
yet between the two events he might
have committed a dozen murders with
out the slightest compunction Ilis
swarthy face is alight with merry
laughter His earrings sparkle in the
declining sun The gay trappings of
his magnificent horse fling back daz
zling specks of color In his eha
parajos those fringed overalls which
protect the speckless white riding
breeches from the dust of the way
liis bell buttoned jacket his sombrero
with the haft of a machete protruding
from his crimson sash he might be a
hero of old legend instead of a com
monplace cowboy Frank H Shaw in
Chambers Journal
Why Men Wear Trousers
No living man of this age ever de
liberately chose to adopt trousers
He was forced into them and all other
eccentricities of dress by woman In
the very earliest sartorial experience
of every man he is swathed in a queer
bundle of incoherent bandages by a
woman Later she puts him into cute
little dresses so that the neighbors
cant tell him from his little sister
Still later she cuts off his curls and
puts him into knickerbockers and he
puts on long pants when she gives
the word and not before That is all
that man has to do or ever had to do
with wearing trousers Woman forced
him into them in the first place and
now he is afraid to wear anything else
for fear of making a sensation Provi
dence Journal
Virginia Cabbage
Select a small fine pointed head of
cabbage cutting off the top for a lid
Cut out the center leaving a wall an
inch thick Chop one cupful of cab
bage very fine then add one cupful
each of ground ham and veal one
grated onion and finely chopped green
pepper six rolled crackers two beaten
eggs one cupful of milk two table
spoonfuls of melted butter one half
teaspoonful each of celery salt and
salt one saltspoonful of white pepper
and two dashes of cayenne Mix thor
oughly fill cabbaire tie on the lid put
in a cheesecloth bag and boil in salted
water for one hour Slice crosswise
and serve with cream sauce Deli
cious Serve the potato croquettes n
the same platter Chicago Record-Herald
Fatherly Advice
Dad said the country youth who
had just graduated from the distri t
school I have long cherished a desire
to go on the stage and have at last
decided with your permission to
My boy interrupted the old gran
ger all the worlds a stage You hitch
the mules to the big red plow and
transfer the outfit to the ten acre lot
behind the barn where you can enact
the star role in that beautiful drama
entitled Down on the Farm Chi
cago News
Courtship In the North
The old Eskimo lit a cup of walrus
oil and peered over the sealskin cur
Aurora he called sharply is that
young man down there yet
Yes pa answered the Eskimo
Well I want you to cut him out
Er youll have to do it yourself
pa He has been here so lone he i
frozen to the snow settee Success
The great magazine editor sneered
What right have you he asked
to think youll ever make a poet
Well sir the youth said timidly
Ive been asting man in a sideshow
for the last two seasons Cincinnati
wise at all times Pliny
Widow of the Vice Prc3idtnt
the Standard Oil Company
The widow of the late U II Rogers
who under the terms of his will Inher
its a large share of his vast estate
was Mrs L R Hunt The great oil
man was married first In early man
hood to a Massachusetts girl who be
came the mother of his four children
a son and three daughters all now
married The first Mrs Rogers die
In 1SII3 Three years later Mr Roger
led Mrs Hunt to the altar She is p
well preserved woman approaching
middle age and is much interested In
carrying out the ideas of her late hiib
band in respect to benefiting the people
of his boyhood home in the Old Bay
State Fairhaven Mrs Rogers was at
her husbands bedside when death
Congressman Who Takes Former Seat
of Theodore E Burton In House
Congressman James S Cassidy ot
Cleveland who succeeds to the seat in
the house of representatives vacated
by Theodore E Rurton when he was
promoted to the senate is one of the
younger members of the house lie
was formerly secretary to Senator
Burton and Is well posted on many of
the matters to which Senator Forakers
successor has given so much study
Although as a new member of the
house Mr Cassidy is not supposed to
take much part in legislative doings
the fact that he holds the seat occu
pied for so long by a man of Mr Bur
tons prominence and ability gives him
a certain amount of prestige that a
new member would not ordinarily en
joy He was born in Cleveland thirty
eight years ago graduated from the
Central High school of Cleveland and
is a lawyer
How Methods of Transit Were Im
provised During Philadelphia Strike
The big street ear strike in rhla
deiphia caused improvised car- an
coaches of every description to b x
brought into requisition and many a
owner of a wtgon utt idiMiy u
for convening passengers turned a fe
honeet dollars by fNng av ificrr
5 3
Li vyvnv v xseii1
i -
rr r - vTjrvrv f
T a r n it i
ST V S Hf t A
the unusual situation Oftentimes the
scenes Aore amusing as some portly
and dijrnilied person In search of a
ride on an improvised coa h climbed
to a high perch by means of a box or
chair Though such experiences were
not always pleasant to the people who
furnished the amusement In general
tiie exigencies of such transportation
were taken good naturedly
The Willing Worker
The man who does his humble best
Regardless of the cynics fling
Should be resrjectedby the rest
Excepting when be tries to sing
Minneapolis Journal
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Isubrnskn Juno 17 109
The county hoard of equalization and iissesr
nients met pursuant to adjournment 1reeut
S lrciner C H Grny nnd F S Lofton com
missioiiurs T A Endsley county assessor and
Chas Sknlln county clerk
In the matter of the a tcbsment of tho north
west quarter of section 19 township 3 runKU iC
of E K Smith the Intter having been notiiled
nnd having ghen his consent to have same
raided n motion was made by Sknlla seconded
by Lofton that the t aluntion of said quarter he
raised from 100000 to 320000 Motion carried
The minutes of the meetings held on June lr
nnd 1 veto rend and on motion npprocd
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements of Hugh A Jcnnott on tho south
east qnnrter of section 21-4-30 presented to On
board by C J Itjnn n motion was made bj
Gray seconded by Skalla that the ablation of
said improements he reduced from 1MX10 to
00000 Motion carried iinnuiuiously
In the matter of the as essnient of the im
protements of 10000 nsesed on lot G block Lt
origitiH1 town of McCook of Mrs James Cain
who claims that there are no improwMiients on
said lot n motion was made by Skalla seconded
by Gray that said valuation of 10000 he
stricken from tho assessment list Motion
carried unanimously
In the matter of the assessment or the im
provements on lot 2 block 9 1st Addition to
Mcfookprcsented to the board by Mrs Stella
M Allen a motion was made by Skalla second-
1 I 1 1 it 1 t m
eo oy r nusicy mat mo aiuaiion oi said mi
prmoments be reduced from 15C00 to1200U
Motion carried unanimously
f In the matter of the assessment oftho fur
niture of JV Line for 1909 a motionwas
mnde by Lofton seconded by Sknln that the
valuation of same bo reduced from 40000 to
17r00 Motion carried unanimously
On mot ion the board adjourned to meet June
22 1909
S Prumek Chairman
Attest Charles Skalla County Clerk
McCook Mebrnska Juno Ih 1909
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present S Iremer and
C H Gray county commissioners and Chas
Sknlla county clerk
Tho minutes of tho meeting held Juno 7th
were read and on motion approved
On motion the county treasurer was in
structed to refund to Joe ITegenhergpr the sum
of 2873 being the amount erroneously assessed
for improvements on lot 4 block 2i 1st McCook
and paid by him under protest
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and the clerk wns instructed to draw
warrants on the county general fund levy of
1908 as follows
Harney Koetter juror February term C 70
Khody Jones same 10 10
HG Phelps same C10
E J Hakorsame 0 ti
E FMarkwad same 8 10
Thomas Hojd same 11 00
ES Dutcter same 10 45
G C Heckman same G 10
Andrew Anderson sumo 7 10
Ed Perkins same 6 10
I A Ljman same 10 20
H J Cox same 0 10
Almcrou Reed same 10
E E Shoemaker same 10 20
W A Mimiiear same 10 i0
W H Movers same 7
C G Coglizer same J iO
J G Irvin same 10 00
A M Caldwell same 2 10
S V Frje same 9 70
E J Wilcox same 2 10
Dave Deveny same 6 15
Herman Keiners same 7 ao
Charles bailey talesman February term 2 10
C It Livingston same 2 10
John R Burke same 2 10
George McClain same 2 10
A N Linoberg same 2 10
J E Melius same 2 10
C W Rozell same 2 10
JudKay same 2 10
Charles Ebert same 2 10
Scott Doan same 2 10
Ed Waite same 2 10
and on the road funds of the respective
districts levy of 190S as follows
P Roush road work Commissioner Dis
trict No 1 5 00
Charlie Sedden road work Commissioner
District No 2 1 50
R J Dutclier same 17 70
E S Dutcher same 12 iS
John Dutcher same 11 35
Max Grousch same 1 fc5
J B Spalding same 7
EEFrje same 24 05
WP Elmer same 9 25
Mrs Mary Colling same H 33
C H Holcomb same I 80
George Cramer same 4 L0
CAFrjesame 10 80
FD Hudson same 3 70
SVFrje same 25 15
Fay Butler same 3 CO
FBMartssame 8 00
Chas Rinck san e 22 50
George Hoagland same 7 50
Chas Masters same 15 50
Henry Bellairs same 7 50
L B Ruggles same 3 00
M Stewart ame COO
Ben King 4 50
John ODea same 4 50
Ed A Itipck ame 1 50
William C Randel same
Fred Masters ame
Chas Rinck same
E A Rinck same
L B Ruggles same
M S Rinck same
A Vithnagel road work Commissioner
District No 3
4 50
3 00
5 50
2 50
2 50
1 50
Lee Arnett repairs for grader Commis
sioner District No 3 10 00
On motion the board adjourned sine die
S Premer Chairman
Attest Chas Sk kiia County Clerk
McCook Nebraska June 21 1909
the board ot county commissioners met in
regular session Present S Premer C B
Gray and F S Lofton county commissioners
and Chas Skalla county clerk
The minutes of the meeting held on June IS
were read and on motion approved
A motion was made by Gray seconded by
Lofton that the follow iiig resolution be adopt
Whereas certain taxes for the years prior to
1900 are not marked paid upon the treasurers
tax books and have for many years been omit
ted from the delinquent tax columns of the tax
books for the succeeding years and many of the
tracts of land against which such taxes appear
have been old and transferred and title to
them accepted by the purchasers believing the
same to be free from taxes as disclosed by the
oflicial treasurers tax books and
Whereas a doubt exists as to whether or not
such taxes have in fact been paid and in some
cases search has revealed the payment thereof
and where the receipts for such taxes cannot be
produced a great hardship results to the pur
chasers of such lands who have relied upon the
correctness of the oflicial records the county
treasurer is authorized and directed to accept
and receipt to the interested parties for the
fece of such taxes without penalty or interest
Motion to adopt these resolutions carried
The following claim win audited and allowed
and the clerk was instructed to draw a warrant
on road fund of commissioner dintrlot No 2
as follows
J H lluiitwork road work S 30
On motion the board adjourned to mct
July tith 19i9
S Phkwkk Chairman
Attist Ciiah Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebrahka Juim 22 ll09
The county board of equalization nnd MM
meats met pursuant to adjournment Present
S Prettier and F S Lofton county commie
si jners nnd Chas Sknlla county clork
The equalization of ns fstmicnts vvn contin
ued throughout tho day
On motion the board adjourned to moot
Juno 23 1909
S PiiKMKit Chairman
Attest Ciiah Ska 1 l County Clerk
McCook Nebraska June 23 1i9
The county board of equalization and a -month
met pur iinul to adjournment Present
S Premer 15 Gray and F S Lofton county
commissioners T Endsley county assessor
a id Clint Sknlla county clerk
Tho minutes of the meeting held on Juno 17
were read 011 motion approved
In tho matter of the nssovinont of the south
half of section 22 30 presented to tin- board by
J E Kelley 11 motion was made by Gray sec
onded by Lofton Unit tho valuation of said
hind of Henry A Iloufz bo reduced from
S9CO0O0 to S00000 Motion carried unan
In the matter of the awessinetit of tho Mc
C ok Water Works Company for 1909 present
ed to tho board bj J K Kelley a motion wag
made by Lofton seconded by Skalla that tho
a essment of said company be lixed at -00001
Motion carried unanimously
In the matter of the assessment of the north
west quarterof section 11 2 2C a motion was
made by Skalla seconded by Jray that tho val
uation of said laud of W
fr nn st8vS5W to28s5KI
K Doling be reduced
Motion carried
In the matter of the assessment of tho im
provements 01 doe iiegeiDorger 011 lot 4 111
block 25 1st McCook a motion was made by
Skalla seconded bj Gray that the valuation of
s iid improvements be reduced from 200000 to
2iC0 Motion carried unanimously
I In the matter of the assessment of pergonal
propertj of 1909 a motion was made by
I ley seconded by Lofton that tho following
uiiitiiKes ue iiuiiie
Additions Missouri Ridge precinct 10 ihjt
cent 011 cattle 20 percent on
North Valley precinct 5 percent
on horses
Deductions Red Willow precinct 10 percent
011 horses 10 percent 011 mulos
Motion carried unanimously
A motion was made by Gray seconded by
Lofton that the valuations placed by tho duji
utj ns esor on the household furniture or tho
following pirtics be reduced as follows
Dr S C Reach from 4lxMI to 20010
Mrs Dromon from aVKi1 0 to UKliu
Rev W Brueggemnii from S0O0O toitKO00
has W Millegan from 1004 to i500f
J E Morrisey from WIOOO to JX00
Mrs Sarah McCarl from 40000 to 20000
Geo W Norris from i0000 to C5000
F A Pennell Troiii tlOCOO to 21010
Mrs Matie O Welles from 5u0 to 35003
Motion carried unanimously
On motion the board adjourned to meet
July 27 19t to make the levy
S Pkcmkk Chairman
Att st Chas Shall County Clerk
in th District Court of Red Willow county
In tle matter of the application of Alice M
Adams Administratrix Aith the U ill annexed
of the Estate of Ida L Kaime deceased for
License to -ell real e tate
Notice is herehv given that in pursuance of
an order of the Honorable K Orr Judge or
the District Court of Red Willow county
made on the 5th dav of May 19nU fur
the salt of the real estate hereinafter de cribodj
there will be sold at public vendue to tho
highest bidder for cash at the Fast front door
of the Court House 111 the City of McCook ill
said county on the 2th daj of June 1909 at tho
hour of 01 o o clock P M the following-described
real estate to wit an undivided one
ninth interest in the Northeast Quarter of Sec
tion Thirty four uil in township On Ij
Range Twenty eveii 27 in Red Willow county
Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour
Dated thisfrd day of Juno l09
Alick M Adams Administratrix
with the ill annexed of tho
Estate of Ida L Kainedeceaed
Boyle fc Eldred Attoniejs I It
By virtue of an order issueil from the Dis
trict Court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein
David A Gooiienberger Junior is plaintiff
and Mary A r ox and others are defendants
directed to the under igned as referee I shall
oiler at public sale and sell to tho highest
bidder for cash at the e ist front door tho
court house in the itj of McCook Red Willow
countv Nebraska on the 12th daj f July IftiO
at the hour of one oclock P M the following
decribcd real estate to wit the Northeast
Quarter of Section Twenty nine 29 1 Township
One It Range Twenty nine 29 Red Willow
county Nebraska
Dated the 5th day of Jun 1909
J E Klliky Roferetf
Boyle Eldred Attorneys ll 5ts
By virtue of an order i sued from the Dis
trict court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein Olive IC
Rittenhou e is plnintilT aid Albert P Ritten
home Eliza U Rittenhonse Mora ii Mans
field Samuel Baxter Manslield Georgia L
Martin II Hajden Mar 10 Harry Stern and
Rlanche Stern are defendants directed to tho
uuder igi ed as referee I shall otier at public
saleaml sell totbe highest bidder forca hat the
east front door of the court house in tle City or
McCook Red Willow counj Nebraska on tho
12tl dav of July 11 09 at the hour of one oclock
P M the follow real estate to
wit Lot numl ered Eleven II m Block num
bered Ninc9i in the Original Town of McCook
Red Willow county Nebraska
Dated this 5th day of June 1009
C E Ei ikid Refereo
Boyle A Eldred Attorneys U 5ts
To all person- interested in the tract of land
hereinafter described
Take notice that on October I 1907 I pur
chased a private tax -ale for the taxes a sesI
and levied thereon for the vears ivy to 1V05 in
clusive the following described real estate to
wn Lot 12 in block 2 in J outh in
Red Willow county Nebraska assessed in the
name of Hiram C Rider and have paid sab
sequent thereon for the years 19u J 1917 and
190s The time for redemption will expire Oc
tober 2 190 at which time I will apply to tho
treasurer of Reo Willow county Nebraska for
a deed to said real estate
Dated June 3 H09 11 TJts
Earl Spexcbr
Otlice r Comptroller of the Ctirrt acy
Wasinngtoii D C June 3 1WO
Whereas bj satisfactory evidence presented
to the undersigned it ha- been made to appear
that The Citizens National Bank of McCook1
in the City of McCook in tl County of Red
Willow nnd State of Nebraska has complied
vith all the provisions of the Statutes of the
United spates required to be complied with be
fore an a sociation shall be authorized to com
mence the business of Banking
Now therefore I P Kane Deputy
and Acting Comptroller of the Currencv do
hereby certify that The Citizens National Bank
of McCook in tho City of McCook m the
County cf Red Willow and State of Nebraska
is authorized to commence the business jf
Banking as provided in Section Fifty one hun
dred and sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of
the United States Conversion of The Citizens
Bank of McCook
In testimony whereof witness- my hand and
Seal of office this Eighth day of June 1909
Deputy and Acting Comptroller
of the Currency
Currency Bureau Treasury Department
Seal of tee Comptroller of the Currency
June is 1900 10 times