The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 24, 1909, Image 2

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    Affirmatives Get the Decision
A larirt nnd interested audience hoard
tho donate on tlio womans suffrage
question in the Mothodiat church hst
Thursday evening The iifiirraaivp side
win k von the favorable decision of the
The question debated was Re
solved that women should have tbo
ballot on the swne terms as men
Tho affirmative side was represented
ly Mr4 Edker Burton Mrs Eugene
Gary and Mrr Joseph Allen besides by
a large preponderance of the sympathy
of tho audience The negatives were
MrsMatio Welles and MrsWG Dutton
The question was quite ably and most
vigorously handled
Bertidf tho debate there was a pro
gram of muiic etc The high ncliool
orchestra played two selections which
were greatly appreciated Tho Misses
Ilfclcniati kvm n delightful piano duet
The reading by Miss E itella Faus was
pertinent and effective
The ontertainment was upder W C
T U auspices aud well worth a hearing
and the price
The lords of creation who served as
jtdgea were C II Boyle Dr S C
Uuaoh and Judge J 3 M ore
Dairy Meeting Held
Claud Frtic and Edwin Perkins ac
companied oy Dr Wilmer Neer went
to Mclook last Wednesday evening to
take examination for handling of cream
under the State Dairy Commission in
compliance with the new laws enacted
during the lust best ion of the legislature
aud in force JuU 1st A larce number
of the operators from Western Nebras
ka were present and the meeting was
under the direction of Deputy F od
Commissioner S L Mains After July
1st all operators not holding a permit
from th Dairj Commicion will not be
allowed to handle cream The paper
sufferri one duvo tardiness this weeK oy
tho editors two da s absence while at
tending a meeting of the State Dtiry
men at McUook Hendley Delphic
Prompt and unqunstioning obedience
is the cornerstone of the foundation of
success in life No man can give orders
properly who his not learned to take
them and save he serve no man maj
rule Ii will oe found that the men
who have won their way to positions of
power and responsibility have invariably
bten the men who did not reason or
argue or even respectfully rospresent
but who prompiy riid as the were com
mandod without questioning It is the
large man not the little man who re
ognizes a superior authority Ex
Licensos to marry issued by the
t judge since our last report
Sylvester B Snoke 25 and Mrs Anua
Louise Peeler 24 both of Deni er Colo
Alexander 32 of Broken Arrow
Okla and Anna Huff 24 of Holbrook
Franklin P Oxley 26 and Ada Olm
etead 19 both of Cambridge
Everyone would be benefited by tak
ing Foleys Orino Lixative for constipa
tion stomach and liver trouble as it
sweetens the stomach and breath gently
stimulates the liver and regulates the
bowels and is much superior to pills
and ordinary lasvtives Why not try
Foleys Orino Laxative today
A McMillen Druggist
Borer Parasites
Borers are gradually destroying a
large maple tree in front of the A P
Ely residence the Sawyer place One
of the insects seen at work on the tree
and thought possibly to be a borer was
sent to the state entomologist He re
ports tho supposed borer to be a para
site of the borer if destroyer in fact
Arrived Here Monday
On next Monday Will Hill leaves for
McCook with his two race horses Will
has his two horses Reynolds Wright
and Jiig Chief in fine shape and expects
to win his share of the purses in every
race in which they enter They will
take in the big circuits of Iowa and
Nebraska Arapahoe Pioneer
Engraving- and Embossing
Your wants can be supplied at The
Tribune in the line of engraving and
embossing such as calling cards invi
tations and announcements monogram
correspondence paper etc Handsome
samples of all on display Prices rea
sonable Prompt service If interested
come and inspect
Foleys Honey and Tar is especially
recommended for chronic throat and
lung troubles and many sufferers from
bronchitis asthma and consumption
have found comfort and relief by using
Foleys Honey and Tar
A McMillen Druggist
Stomach Trouble
Your tongue is coated
Your breath is foul
Headaches come and go
These symptoms show that
your stomach is the trouble To
remove the cause is the first thing
and Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets will do that Easy
io take and most effective
Chkistian Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E
at 7 p m All are welcome
R M AiNswoRTH Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these service6
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
i a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
whool 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O I
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
uesday night at 745
M B Carman Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 11 00 a m Even
tng service at 800 B Y P TJ at 7 p m
most cordial invitation is extended to
ill to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in frame
building of E ist Ward every Sunda
morning at 1000 All Germans cordial
ly invited Rev Wm Brueogeman
607 nth st East
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
iue Services Sunday at 11 a ra and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
jpen all the time Science literature
on sale Subject for next Sunday
Christian Sciei c
Congregational ounday Bchool at
10 a m Prea ming st 11 a in rtnd 8 p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ng Wednesday evening at eight oclock
Uhe public is cordially invited to these
ervices G B Hawkes Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
oy pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Praor
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
lay evenings at 730 All Germans
ordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
The Red Mans Burden
The spectacle of an aged Indian
preaching a prohibition sermon over the
grave of his son while hundreds of
blanketed braves stood by in silence
was presented one day last week at
Lander Wyoming when Wolf Bear
sub chief of the Arapahoe tribe de
livered a forceful and pathetic address
at the grave of Leo Wolf Bear
The young brave drank too much
white mans whiskey laid down on a
railroad track to sleep and was killed
The white mans whiskey kill my
only son said the venerable chief
You see young men of the Arapahoes
what the white mans whiskey will do
I dont blame the white man for drink
ing and selling whiskey but I hope the
young men and women of my tribe will
have more judgment than their pale
face brethren and abstain from fire
Brlnton Rogers
A very pretty wedding took place on
Saturday evening June 5th just at sun
set hour when Mr L Wayne Brinton of
Crewe Va and Miss Marie L Rogers
of West Medford Mass were united in
marriage in the presence of immediate
relatives of the bride and groom and
friends from Rochester New York and
Wilmington Delaware
The wedding took place at Aspen Hall
the home of Dr and Mrs J B Weems
cousins of the bride the spacious library
being converted into a bower of greenery
and roses Rev Telford of the Presby
terian church officiated The couple
were the recipients of numerous gifts of
cut glass silver table linen china etc
The future home of Mr and Mrs Brjn
ton will beat Wild wood Crewe Va
Record June 12th
Do this with your children
School children should be fed plenti
fully and frequently on Quaker Oats
It makes the best possible breakfast for
anyone who is to work with either brain
or muscle Its easy to prove this in
your own family Increase the daily
consumption of Quaker Oats and youll
see an almost immediate improvement in
the health and energy of those who habits
eat it
Regular size packages for city trade
large size family packages for those who
are not convenient to the store
Breakfast on Quaker Oats every day
Mrs Margaret West of Hayes Center
superintendent W Hayes county has
been teaching school law and course of
study this week with her usual
thoroughness She came down on the
Saturday evening Imperial
Have You An Oliver
Remington Smith - Premier or Cali
graph typewriter We have at this
office ribbons for any of these makes
Also good assortment of papers manu
script covers carbon paper etc
Cash Register Stationery
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Why a Small Boy Persisted In Hear
ing It Every Day
Senator Vest was making a buggy
campaign In southeast Missouri some
years ago said a Missouri official
Ills driver was a small boy who was
duly Impressed with the Importance
of his distinguished passenger
At each town visited by Vest the
boy hurried his team to a convenient
livery barn and then raced for the
courthouse or wherever the speakia
was to take place and perched him- j
self with painful regularity on the
front seat He Invariably turned his
eyes on the senator and took In every
word of the speech as If his very life
depended on It
Finally the lads continued conspic
uous presence among his auditors an
noyed the senator and he kindly but
firmly reminded the boy that it was
not necessary for him to attend every
I make the same speech each time
You have heard it often enough to
know It by rote so just put In your
time In the future looking after the
team he admonished his youthful
Despite the senators objection the
boy was again in the front seat the
next day and the following day This
enraged Vest and he thundered
The Appreciation of Music
If we would appreciate music aright
we must remember that its beauty de
pends not upon the composer alone
but upon ourselves also Deep calls
unto deep and the harmony of sound
though appealing primarily to the out
ward ear must be answered by a har
mony from within ourselves The
more culture we bring to the hearing
of music the wider our sympathy the
more exquisite will be the echoes
which it awakens In the soul If we
would understand the composers mes
sage we must co operate with him
We must reach out to him with all
our faculties If we do that the reve
lation of music will ceaselessly renew
its beauty ever turning unimagined
aspects to gladden us Redfern Mason
in Atlantic
An Ugly Looking Lizard
Among the lizards of Australia the
thorny devil Moloch horridus is
unrivaled in Its ugliness From the
tip of its nose to the end of its tail
this lizard is covered with tubercles
and spines but in spite of its danger
ous appearance it is quite harmless
It measures about seven inches in
length It has a flat body a small
head and a cylindrical tail It fre
quents sandy places feeds largely on
ants and is more or less diurnal In
Its powerful limbs are fur
nished with strong claws which it
iises in digging the sand in which it
often lies wholly or partially buried
What Is the difference between
firmness and obstinacy asked a
young lady of her fiance
Firmness was his gallant reply
is a noble characteristic of women
obstinacy is a lamentable defect in
Her Eyes Opened
Scribbler She isnt writing any
more articles on how to manage a
husband Scrawl or No she knows
better now Shes married Philadel
phia Record
Enough Sad
Visitor What part of prison life is
the hardest to put up with Convict
The visitors Judge
In great attempts It Is glorious even
to fall Longinus
At Aorcapolis
June Week at the Naval Academy and
the Ways In Which Its Functions Differ
From Commencement Ceremonies
of Other Educational Institutions
UNE week as graduation time
Is called at the United States
Naval academy at Annapolis
varies In many important re
spects from commencement week at
the average college or nnhcrsity The
training of a young man to fight for
his country on a vessel of war
sarily differs from educating a boy
to be a lawyer doctor minister teach
er mining engineer or journalist or
from training a young woman to ex
cel in intellectual pursuits or the sci
Mico of hnniikponmi Tim studios at
their instructors are alert at this time
especially to make a good showing
when the eyes of the representatives
of the nation are upon them One of
the events of the week is the inspection
by the visiting board appointed by the
president acting under the authority
of congress
This year special interest has per
tained to the graduating exercises at
Annapolis because of the visit of the
Baron and Baroness Triii of Japan
The baron is a vice admiral of the
Japanese navy and a graduate of the
tnited States Naval academy in the
class of SI The academy had much
to do with preparing him for his im
portant part in the war with Russia
He and Admiral Dewey enjoy the
highest rank of any of the academys
- fr
living graduates The class of SI held
a dinner which the Japanese admiral
attended and he was a guest of honor
at various other functions June week
begins with the receptions to the board
of visitors and ends with the grand
ball with which almost all educational
institutions wind up the festivities sig
nalizing the close of the academic
year One event of the week which
always enlists the interest of visitor
is the sail drill on board the Severn
the practice ship named in honor of
the beautiful rher which bounds one
side of the campus Gunnery of
course is a subject which occupies
leading attention at the academy and
the artillery drills are naturally fore
most in interest The efficiency of a
warship is at bottom the efficiency of
her and it is considered the
duty of every officer aboard her to
see that the highest possible results
are obtained from the ordnance equip
ment put into their hands to ue
Few people are aware how broad an
education is given to the graduate at
Annapolis or how well his brain and
body are both trained
Few appointments under the govern
ment involve the necessity for more
general and scientific attainments As
officers of the navy the graduates are
required to act as judges of the la
and evidence on trials of their brothei
officers for offenses affecting the live
and character of the accused as com
manders of ships they should not on
possess a practical acquaintance wl
seamanship but an accurate knowl
edge of thoe branches of mathematics
connected with the science of naviga
tion with astronomy and geography
and as commanders of fleets or squad
rons they must be well Informed on all
points of international law
tract This was the beginning of a
career so dazzling that its successive
steps are simply a series of incionslnr
banknotes In LS72 she obtained In
London 200 guineas a night since she
1 Insisted on having more than rhristli
NHsson who 200
the Naval academy include many sub- was receiving
jects taught in the curricuum of the1 Sin tw a WOt
average college like the nudern lan
guages mathematics and science but
a student who graduates from Yale or
Harvard or Columbia or Princeton or
Cornell or the similar institutions of
Why do you persist in always oc 1 the middle west or Pacific coist is not
cupying that front seat Didnt I tell expected to know much about how a
you I make the same speech every I warship should be handled during an
day Its as old and stale to you as It engagement with an corny or to be
is to me Why insist on hearing it
again and again
I want to see what youre going to
do when you fergit it answered the
boy Vest capitulated St Louis Re
How It Is Used by the British Gov
ernment In India
Its elephant fleet is one of the stran
gest and most deadly departments
maintained by the British government
in India It is a large fleet of coast
ing steamers specially built for the
transport of elephants Indias popu
lation is onv fifth that of the entire
globe AH these people use elephants
They use them for draft work and for
tiger hunting and in the arenas of the
native stales they even pit them
against one another and against wild
beasts The elephant fleet transfers
the animals from Dacca the trapping
and training headquarters to the va
rious districts whence comes the de
To get an elephant aboard ship is a
difficult and dangerous task The ani
mal must wade through the surf to a
stout raft and this unknown surf so
white and tumultuous often terrifies
and maddens him If in his fury he
slaughters a mahout or two he cannot
be greatly blamed Once on the raft
his legs are tied to pegs and the slow
sail to the ship Is uneventful But
now a great band must be arranged
under the elephants belly and a crane
must hoist him up some twenty or
thirty feet to the deck nere again
the elephant cannot be set down as in
tractable if losing his head In that
unprecedented aerial Journey he mur
ders some more mahouts Very pros
perous albeit stained a little with ma
houts blood the elephant fleet for
many years has plied up and down the
Indian coast embarking and dlsem
birking its heavy unmanageable
freight New York Tress
on intimate terms with the articles
and formulas of naval construction
Much of the time during the gradua
tion season at Annapolis is taken up
with drills in which the future cap
tains and rear admirals of the navy
hut as Colonel Maplesou remarked
no one ever approached her In the art
of obtaining from a manager the
greatest possible sum he could by any
possibility contrive fo pay But the
nuisktil miracle was the spoiled dar
ling or her day and she never failed
to obtain exactly what she wanted
She was first engaged In London lu
1801 by Maplesou to sing four nights
on approval aid In case of success
to obtain -10 a week This contract
was not fulfilled however for being
hard pressed finnu hilly she had bor
rowed o0 from a rival manager and
her receipt proved practically a con
Ten years lat
she was given 000 a night Her fa
mous t ontrct to sing in America pr
that the money should be pa
her at 2 oclock on the day she sanj
also a drawing room and sleeping cn
to be espo Ially built for her with
conservatory fernery etc Further
0000 for payment of the last ten
performances- Pattls favorite device
She thus received about twenty times
what Mario and GrisI got
Her private car Incidentally cost
00000 and contained a sliver hni
and gold keys to the doors to sav
go through evolutions which are very l i - piano xaui gave
Interesting and spectacular and usual- to the mwr only her voice and her
ly attract manv visitors besides the costumes Her drawing capacity justi
immediate relatives of the young mem
who are to receive reward for their
four years work
The academy is a national school
supported by the government of the
United States and as such subject to
the superviFion of congress and the
chief executive and the cadets and
fied tins iucla as an example was
sung to an iverage of 14000 TraT
drew more since she sang more
notes It was a frequent occurrence
among the poorer music lovers to hi
a club tlket and each take turns j
hearing her for twenty minutes if
one overstayed his time he paid for
tho entire t icket Some mathematician
computed by dividing the number of
notes sung by the sum paid that In
Semlrantlde Tattl received 42s con s
for each note was found to be
just 7 1 10 cents a note more than Ros
sini got for writing the whole opera
George Middleton in Bookman
The Picture the Amateur Photographer
Did Not Wait to Get
The best bear story I ever heard
states a writer In Recreation was toid
me by an amateur nrosnetor who
might have stepped out of a comic
weekly He had made a big trip in
the Siskiyou with no weapon save a1
nickel plated miners pick
Have you seen much game I
None at all he replied In his dry
Xo bear I exclaimed knowing he
had come right through Bear Camp
Oh yes he returned quite s
Now that you mention it I d ire say
that is what It was Didnt occur to
me you know I was so very an rry
dont von see I took no pains to iden
tify the brute
Why what did he do to you
What did he do Why nothing of
course You see the little beirtnr ran1
I and climbed up a stump And he
j wouldnt come down so I could obtain
I a derent photograph of him Sat up
j there half a div fifty feet from the
i ground Then his leers got tired hold
i Ing on I imagine for he started in to
squeal And do you know the brute
must have given me away for pretty
soon his mother I suppose It was
came hurrying up and I had to cleir
out Four times as big as lie she was
I assure you
Did you run I asked laughing
Oh not at all not at all said he
But still I thought it best not to re
main He paused and stroked his
stubbly chin reflectively
By Jove said he finally how
very interesting I should have thought
to photograph the old one She looked
quite savage dont you know
Such a picture would have been
unique to say the least I replied
Quite so said he
Why Shs Was Right
Haydn had a peculiar way of deter
mining the time in which a piece of
music should be sung On one occasion
a female singer in high esteem at
court hrd been appointed to sing one
of Haydns compositions At the
she and the conductor differed
as to the time of the mu ic The mat
ter was to he settled by referring it to
Ilaydn himself When called on to de
cide he akcd the conductor if the
singer was handsome
Very was the reply and a spe
cial favorite with the prince
Then she is right replied HayC
You muct try to love your papa
said the visitor as much as he loves
Oh I love him more replied
Indeed Doesnt your papa love
you very much
Xot much He says he loves me
only when Im good Exchange
Ta Is a vessel a boat
Er yes you may call It that
Well what kind of a boat is a
blood vessel
Its a lifeboat Now run away to
bed Boston Transcrint
Failure after long perseverence 13
much grander than never to have a
striving good enough to bo called a
failure George Eliot
-V fjf
1 1 r w ia WW i ii awi i -
lWivyrri ii i imniyrtnnyy
Pnl W W PHHanrlr
k w i if VA tlwUtlwl
The Shrewd Financial Methods of the GENERAL AUCTIONEERING J
Musical Miracle I McCook Nebraska
Adellna Pattl never suffered from
the lllianclal timidity of a Jenny Llutl J nindo at tho Citizens Hank
x i cii umiiiiiiia vrvjillsr r
liui iiiy nun auc ii -
iDVUfllf fill i IfrlV i1 1Vfi1riiV Ii i HtlVlf Jxljl
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnella drug
store McCook Nebraska
rz fiVWtyPfi TT FT WV 1 iHTfWWIKi
Qpn Kstate Farm Loans
and Insurance
j Oflico over Marshs Meat Markot
iiiliil ilH il ititilllg
E F 0 S B 0 R N
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phone 13
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location jnst acros3 Plrrrrlr
root ia P Walsh building l
ak vaBarsafsasssssissrvsssxaN
Plumber and
Steam fitter
Iron Lead and Sewe Pipe 3rass
Goods Pumps an 3oer Trmmtngs
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment o the Postofice Buildmg
PfONt 1114 1420 24 LAY RJNCt OEJlYEJJ COLO
i A
KA YTfc Vil ITl
vi y
j r m iiiz
Barnett Lumber Co
i i nmtun i i im