lrutst Against pjroii The report having been cireulitt 1 in Rd Willow county that John F On ar si wife in i lerer from that o 1 1 uy sriri tning Jbtsiin si pardon or U o 2rinsferrcd from the ponitentiarv to the aslniii nun Ireds of xuple fiiilir with hirtCMtu have ictlioned CJ nv uor JStuilIenbergr not to isue si psir ionand 13 the priaoniT attempts to show ihat ho was in van- when lit committed tho crime for which ho is now serving a life SJiitenoe they ik for si hearing There s no application for si psirdon peiding iiafore the g in the case of Con ntr An application va male sit one lime lo h ivo Inn iranerro I to the snylmn os the goiul of in -mil but ibis applicati n wis tu iie i down afksr he prison iij cu hsi 1 inve tigated aiul rejiorte in probtile gri ind for raMuoval of isi auiiy Mrs Joey Reb mn of CeJsir Ksis is one oT the a live ones in s c ring the Uitilio wng tl governor n t to issue a jwdon Wuei rh volu n iousoti ion vsi3 rraiy it wsi s itto the governor by Jl A Gr ei of C dar Bluffs The petition stnet that C com mitted a when he killed his wstV that lie i i desperate juswi and has thrcaioivi the lives of jftversil persm an I thsit L will commit lher enmud if lie is li united The Voliiiouera f tr lc lisiy sent to the asylum an i iiu a s cured and go out and cvimimi otner c imos Under the law in I ins statu u a convict is irusferrod tio vim -le must be re lumcrf to tio peitieiitiry when ho be comes of mi 1 jjiii 1 o complete the Temsiiu er of his sMic ice Conner is ioty of sie lij was convicted of murder in xLz sjc i 1 degree for the billing of iio wiiv -le has two chil iren liv j avjli Journal 3f isflrtis him juaintancesof John 33 iiiii t J to life imprison silent ii inn Muni t of his wife in Ked Wilio ii e thnn a year ago ive lvriv irro i ed for a perpetual uuyiI ch idh - petitions have uei KIied iii tin- ice of Governor Shal Jentiurger 10 i vLi petitioners ask that no be - own the convict A huge iiimiii r of the petitioners re sidual Cedar Kas They declare hal the mart r was war ton and brutal and unprm uid Attorney Snavely a hroihfr in l t the convict who residua in Denver i mpted t have C inner lrnsfei roil t he insane sisylum Prison Plisiciin L i examined the convict and dHoiue j o recommend a transfer K A Giu has written a letter to vi nuir i dleuberger asking that the jetition lf iaced on tile and considered obf iiuviT n nove is made to obtain for tie murderer Tin- is te first genoral objection ever Sled ngiiiii t a pardon hearing Coni pl lins sin 1 protests have been scheduled jut ttie Red Willow residents are the origtmttH of the automatic remonst 3rtiicn ii j of fighting pardons Lincoln For a City Park Hold ages commercial club is promot g j Un to secure a park for that city 21o d- e is like McCook in that it has v liable and accessible park near the cm- 10 natural ptrk of any suitable vx rear at hand Her commercial club aas taken up the matter and is 3eek sg to promote a plan whereby the of Holdrege can come into posses sion sf a 13 acre tract bounded by Fourth jst aue Burlington avenue and the ra nad tracks This would give -them a ik within her city limits and the original townsite and an j5nd this reminds The Tkibuxe that nTS lackiug a park of adequate size 73ihin our borders and a similar jshiisi -could probably be carried to a jttcces ful termination in this city In MiiuiMUon with the Lincoln Land Co ssmighs be feasible to secure sufficient Iid in a similar situation on either side the original townsite between and in due time possess a suitable 2f for large public gatherings out icw2S for pastime sports celebrations There is available land on both east send west B street Perhaps the land Till never be any cheaper than now Engraving and Emoosslng Tour wants can be supplied at The CfKJNE in the line of engraving and ambossing such as calling cards invi tkions and announcements monogram as Tiespondence paper etc Handsome SKDples of all on display Prices rea sonable Prompt service If interested jaiaie and inspect Many of our citizens are drifting to srciTds Brights disease by neglecting sjinptoms of kidney and bladder trouble Foleys Kidney Kemedy will qpiukly cure AJlcMillen Druggist Stomach Trouble Your tongue is coated Your breatb is foul Headaches come and go Tbese symptoms show that par stomach is the trouble To rsaaove the cause is the first thing wstJ Chamberlains Stomach and HSrer Tablets will do that Easy Vaake and most effective CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Bible echool at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E at 7 p m All are welcome R M Ainswobth Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Earlh Rector Catholic Order of services Mass i a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday jchool 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J KutwiN O M 1 Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 M B Carman Pastor Baptist Sunday aciiool at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to U to worship with us E Burton Pa3tor Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in frame building of E ist Ward every Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans cordial ly invited Rev Wm I3rueggeman 607 5th st East Christian Science 219 Main Ave jue Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at S p m Reading Room pen all the time Science literature on sale Subject for next Sunday Is the Universe Including Man evolved by Atomic Fnrre Congregational buuday school at 10 a m Preauhiujj it 11 a m and 8 p m by pa3tor Junior C E at 3 p m Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these G B Kawkes Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Congkega tional Sunday School sit 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior 0 E at 400 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Eev Gustav Henkelmann 505 3rd street West Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Adam Baker wf to Oscar Grismore wd to 3 in 9 7th McCoolc 1500 00 Robert W Sullinger et ux and John N Stilliuger et ux to John P Redler wd to sw qr 26 2 30 4000 00 Lincoln Lind Co to Nora M Kelley wdjto p sw qr ne qr 29 3 29 750 00 Margaret V Mechan et cons to John W Ritchie wd to 1 12 in H Esther Park Bartley 2400 00 Bartley Milling S L Co to Sylvester J Rouse qcd to 1 2 in 3 Esther Park Bart Ipv i nn David Diamond to McCook Aerie No 1514 FOE Iea3e to 13 14 15 in 21 McCook John II Miller et ux to David I Wolford wd to ne qr 24 4 23 5000 00 A Fool and His Money A sucker is a man who sends his money to a city fakir The mails are burdened with tons and tons of circu lars of every discription sent out by fakirs or fakir sharks in the big cities offering inducements to men of means for investment They cover absolutely every field of speculation Annually millions upon millions of what they call in places like Chicago and New York country money is absorbed Nobody Knows better than the shrewd city spec ulator that the man who thus sends is a sucker He is a lamb who walks into the wolves deu The only astounding feature is that it is possible to continue the same game year in and year out They keep up their business however on the theory that a sucker is born every minute Bent Murdock Not Important A rain is not a very important item of news in western Nebraska Earn is entirely too common You have to look all over the papers out that way and then they have only in two line items mentioning a drenching When we published the second best newspaper in McCook in a rain arrival was entitled to a double head and position on first page where it didnt have to be looked for Things have changed Hastings Democrat Everyone would be benefited by tak ing Foleys Orino Laxative for constipa tion stomach and liver trouble as it sweetens the stomach and breath gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and is much superior to pills and ordinary laxatives Why not try Foleys Orino Laxative today A McMillen Druggist Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blankB to order promptly and accurately Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribute office A BASHFUL LOVER The Professor Was a Shy Wooer but Finally Got the Lady Dr Llaldsine at one time a professor of St Andrews university was a very shy man This latter failing prevented him from asking any lady to become his wife until he was well ad sauced in life However he plucked up courage oiip day redecorated his house and went to call on the object of bis affections The lady seeing the doctors emhiir rassmeut opened tire Weel doctor hue ye got through a your papering and painting yet Pin told yum new carpets sire just heautifu Thej say the pattern o the dining room chairs is just quite out o the way In stmiL that everything a boot the House is just perfect Here was a providential ooening he was not such u goose as to overlool He advanced his chsiir sidled toward her simpering the while raised His eyes furtively to ber face and said with a gentle inflection ol his voice which no ear but a willftilli deaf one could have misinterpreted- si na Miss Jane its no quite perfect It canusi be quite that so long as theres one thing wanting And what can thsit be asked the Imperturbable spinster Utterly thrown on his beam ends b her willful blindness to his meaning the poor doctor beat a busty ret resit drew back his chair from Us dsinger ous proximity caught up his hat ami in tones of blighted hope gsisped forth his declsiration in these words- Kh dear eh Well Im sure The thing wanting is a aa sulebosird flowever she married him after all London Answers THE WORD FELL0WV Its Course From the Universities Into Everyday Life The word bachelor mean originally cowboy a youth who looked attei the cow from the low Latin Dacca and through the classical Lsitin vacca In course of time the term wsis gi en in scorn to voluntarily un wedded men by ladies who had sharp tongues The word was taken over by the um versilies in the middle ages and tin1 degree of bachelor was not supposed to be given to any man who mid en tered into the state ot marriiuouy The word fellow has had a some whsit similat fate as tat as the ladies and the universities were concerned The universities of Oxford and Cam bridge to name but two grant fellow ships worth from 1f00 to JnIOOU pel annum at the various colleges to un married honor gradmiies of high dis tiuction If a fellow should enter into matrimony he srill loses oi tor feits his fellowship As the fellows were generally men ot apparent opu lence or at lesist comfort in regsird to living and dress they readily attracted the attention ot ladies who were think ing of settling down in life When an acquaintanceship was formed be tween a fellow and a marringeble lady things usually went very delight fully until the tsiir schemer discovered the academic status ot the man Then the expression Pooh he is a fellow came very nam rally to her lips And so it crept into secular or lay lite and begat its unkind meaning Hut of course if the graduate was willing to sacrifice his fellowship and its emolu ments for the sake ot the fair indys lovely eyes and why he be came a good lellow which Is a horse of a totally ditlereut color New Vork World What Ma Said A gentleman and his son were walk ing down a street the otuei daj As they passed by the eye hospital the son said What is that place dad That my on he replied is the ophthalmic Hospital Whats that tor the little fellow inquired Why the father said that Is for people who siiliei with theii eyes Why dont jou go there he asked his dad 1 dont have any trouble with my eyes Why should 1 go there The sou then answered I heard ma tell the next door neigh bor thsit you were nearly blind last night Now his ma wont let him go out with his father any more Loudon Tit Bits How She Traveled How did the queen ot Sheba travel when she went to see Solomon asked a Sunday school teacher No one ventured to answer Could she have gone by the rail way Yesm said a little girl Indeed Well we would like to know how you found this out In the second verse responded the child it says she came with a great train Habit That was an awful break you made at Mrs Gotroxs little buffet luncheon yesterday said his wife What break After you had received your platt of salad and finger roll from the maid you started to walk about the room looking for the cashier Detroit Free Press Satanic Satan Is represented as runnin after folks wif a pitchfork said Dncle Eben when de truth is dat so many folks is pullin at his coattails dat he aint got time to chase nobody Washington Star Learning is better than house and land Beaconsfleid HISTORIC PETERSBURG Tho Monument Dedicated by President Taft and Its Associations Petersburg Vn which recently had the honor of entertaining President Taft Is a city of many Interesting his toric associations It hsis figured In several wars and Its annals date back to the early years of the seventeenth century Where it stands was once an Indian village destroyed by Nathaniel Bacon in 1G7G It was the scene of engagements during the Revolutionary war and twice was occupied by Brit ish troops During the civil war it was the center of many of the en gagements of the famous Virginia campaign in which some of the gresil est generals of both the Union and Confedersite sirmies participated The visit of President Taft was undertaken primarily to dedicate on the site of ys i -- j - - wm v i i y v- iiMn i -1 vvtolSS sssswm 5M ViUfX sikijS Jab wiacatsss wmm assSS mgmsmMw THE PETERSBURG MONUMENT AND THE HISTORIC CENTER HIIYL MANSION Fort Mahone a monument erected by the battlefield commission of Pennsyl vania to the third division of the Ninth army corps of the Army of the Potomac The Ninth army corps took a lead among the defenders commanding a ing part in the assault upon Peters burg during the civil war Major Gen eral William Mahone who gave his name to the fort was conspicuous SHAKESf tH o They POISONS Are Taken Too Seriously by Some Modern Chemists It Is one of the penalties of Shake speares position as a great poet that his words are taken seriously A learned doctor In a foreign scien tific review has been molding an Inqui Kltlon into the poisons mentioned by him Fie points out that the Juice of cursed hebenon which Claudius Is Haiti to have poured Into the ear of Hamlets father is Incapable ot pierc ing the tympanum of the ear and therefore could not have peueirsitcd the body and poisoned the blood as the ghost alleges Again the narcotic which Friar Laurence administers to Juliet was probsibly either l ituri stramonium or maudragora root The first Is used bv the com lets In New it Caledonia when rhey wish to rob their but its eftects do not Isist t forty two hours nor anything like that time A scientist who experimented on himself with iiiaudragoi a found Unit Intense sickness Is caused on waking and this did not happen to lullet As for tin poison vhi h was given to Ro meo it was probably aconite or one of those mixed poisons composed ot vege table alksiloids and ptomaine since it was so remarkably rapid in its effe ts Hut that is the fault of too serious people Thev will take everything se riously Shakespeare probably knew nothing at all ot poisons or of nsir poties Fie was a poet and not a chem ist and might therefore be allowed the usual poetic license- London lolie TWIN EARTHQUAKES Two Distinct Series of Shocks Are Felt Almost Simultaneously Among the most Interesting earth tremors from a scientific point of view are those known as twin earth qusikes where two distinct series of shocks are felt separated by an inter val of two or three seconds In each series the vibrations increase to a maximum and die away the whole duration including the quiet interval being eight to twelve seconds In some parts of the earthquake zone the most powerful shocks are nearly always ot this kind When they occur how ever there is always a strip of coun try where only one shock is felL Apparently there are two distinct points of origin for these shocks and the strip where a single shock is telt is that where the two sets of vibrations arrive simultaneously The fsid that this hand is straight shows that the twin shocks occin togethet and that therefore one is not a consequence ot the other Probably there is an S shaped bend in some interior layer of rock and the twin foci are at the points of greatesi displacement namely the bends of the S The movement thsit causps such a twin earthqusike there division of the Confederate army and i fore results in accentuating the form earning the title the hero of the era- of the fold in the eurths crust iew ter for the courage which he York Herald played The third division of the Ninth army corps was commanded by General John F Iltrtrsinft who led the divi sion in many other notable engage ments besides those in the vicinity of Petersburg After the war he served as governor of Pennsylvania On the east and west sides of the monument are inscribed the enlist ments the killed wounded and prison ers of the six Pennsylvania regiments of infantry in General Flnrtrafts divi sion The names of the places where they fought are marked on the obelisk Directly in front of the monument stands a Federal soldier of heroic size in bronze holding a banner and a rifle During his stay in Petersburg Pres ident Taft was entertained at Center Hill mansion This historic old home now the residence of Charles Hall Dsi vls president of the Petersburg cham ber of commerce was built in the days when the white man fesired the Indian Leading from the house sire under ground passages to make escape pos sible in case of an attack It was in this beautiful old colonial mansion that President Lincoln held his last conference with General Grant April 3 lii3 A few days afterward Mr Lincoln rerurned to Washington and was assassinated BANK EXAMINER DOVER New and Lucrative Job For Ex-Secretary of Republican Committee Elmer Dover who was recently ap pointed a bank examiner in New York by Secretary MacVeagh of the treas ury department will make 12000 a year in his new job which is more than lie not as secretary of the Repub lican national committee although the latter position gave him much influ ence ard opportunities for making a wide and valuable acquaintance Mr ii 4s ELMEU DOVER Dover was iirst tak en up by the late Mark Hauna who made him his pri vate secretary and from this post he grsuluated into that of secretary of the Republican national committee Mr Do ver and Chairman Hitch cock now postmaster general did not exactly agree on running the Republican campaign last autumn and Mr Dover was made secretary of the advisory board of the committee which gave him a chance to do cam paign work without danger of friction with the head of the partys national organization His party service was appreciated however and he has now received in recognition of it a position which Is much coveted on account of the generous fees that go with it Mr Dover was born in McConuelsville Q in 1S73 The Fightinq Maoris Some 300 Maoris weie shut up in In trenchments at a place called Orsikaw Without food except a tew raw pota toes without water pounded at by sir tillery and under a hall ot rifle bullets and hand grenades unsuccessfully as saulted no less than five times rhey held out for three days completely surrounded ieneral Cameron hu manely sent a flag of truce inviting them to surrender houorablv To this they made the evei famous reply Enough We fight right on forever Then the general offered to let the wo men come cut and the answer was The women will tight as we At length on the afternoon of the third day the garrison in a body charged at quick march right through the Knglish lines fsiirlj jumping over the hc irb of the men of the Fortieth regiment as they lay behind a bank Flalf ot them fell the remainder got clear away The earthworks and the victor j re mained with us but the glorv was theirs- The Long White Cloud by W P Reeves Forgot Himself Absentminded persons are not infre qnenrly met among the medical pro fession who ot all men should al ways have their wits about them It is related that a well Known doctor j was once present in a public place when an accident occurred and see ing a wounded man went about call ingr A doctor A doctor Somebody go and fetch a doctor A triend who was by his side ven tured to inquire Well what about yourself Oh dear answered the doctor suddenly recalling the fact that he be longed to the medical profession 1 didnt think of that To Ferment You know Elsie that ferment means to work said the teucher Now yon may write a sentence on tne nine Kuoaru coutaming tue worn 4 a - 1 i iei iiiciiL After a moments thought Elsie wrote as follows In summer I love to ferment among the flowers in our garden Chicago News The Real Object Indulgent Iapa Why my dear you had a party last month liow often do you wish to entertain your friends She This one is not to entertain my friends papa but to snub my enemies Life He Struggles In Vain The cynical bachelor rises to remark that when a girl makes up her mind to marry a struggling young man all his struggles are useless Philadelphia Record Man must always In some sense cling to the belief that the unknowable Is unowauie tioetne I pwpT wwrvfttiini WiVWWrfri Wri t i ft11 T fWW I- Coi W W CrMenden GEhfckAL AUrnn vbfcRMG McCook Hebrukj Farm snlos a Dito may bo mudu ut tho Citizens Hank lfftiVif l tf t f f tf itlirt A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska J S McBRAYER Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Office over Marshs Meat Market if VtfViWbii H i SDTTOJS KlCtOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NfcBkASKA E F OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL 0 Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone 13 Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across street iu P WhMi building Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer D oe 3rass Goods Pumps an 3oi erTnmmngs Estimates Fumishea Free 3ase ment of the Postoffice 3uildincr McCOOK NEBRASKA 3fr3S1MtsJ5SJBS25gBl i in i li i Tin i ilii - rV 1 FRANK III - flcCook I lis J 1 SfeMtga 1 1 mmmmmmm OMfflU TLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPES P OM 1114 1420 24 LAYIRlfCE DEflYCB COLO g ga E3 c Bft 5535 EJ f22 JSH 2 r3raagi3 m KHSa g sd ft El aSal M SIS 1 NasjBNavsNfiisias J F D BURGESS Plumber ami Jg WiSS -- 31 I WE HAVE kj vti n t rtjn ltm 4 v a i wfo C TO BURN Barnctt Lumber Co Phone 5 j h m 1 41 K 4 1 V iS J