The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 11, 1909, Image 2

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    Born in Red Willow County
Ono of tho latest of Omaha young roon
to ontor tbo ministry after sovoral years
activity in tho vnrioua schools colleges
and universities from which bo gradu
ated is iiovo Z Statnbaugb the son of
JKov VV D Stnmbaugh pastor of Diotz
Momorinl Motbodistchurch Thoyoung
er Stnmbaugh has just boon given a li
cense to preach and assigned to the
cburgont Palmer Nob where bo expects
80 remain for a period of two years when
lio will enter the Boston Theological
Mr Stambaugh was born in Rod Wil
low county Nebraska Ma 23 1888 Lie
ynaaud through tho public schools taking
Jho last two years of his high school work
in South Omaha serving as literary edi
tor one year and as editor-in-chief of the
Tooter the South Omaha high school
pnpnr in his graduating year Prom
thtiro he entured the Nebraska Wosleyan
nniversity from which ho recoivod his
diploma last Tuesday giving him his A
li degroo
The faculty of tho institution say that
Mr Stambaugh has given to tho institu
tion in bis work as editor of the Coyote
Ibu best and most artistic issue of the
yearbook over finished in tho history
of tbo university
Prof Allabaster professor of Latin and
Greek says of him that he is tho best
typo of tlio old school art in nigh literary
taste and sensibility of any student be
has had the privilege of tutoring Oma
ha World Herald
National Holiness Association
Tile National Holiness Assciation unite
with the Nebraska State this year in
holding a great camp meeting Four of
the ablest men in the National Associat
ion have been secured as workers viz Dr
O J Fowlar Dr B Carradine Rev J
W Ruth and Rev C F Weigele The
meeting will be held on the Stato Fair
Ground which is high and well drained
and there will be no danger of being
fljoded in case of wet weather Excellent
accomodation will be provided for all who
will attend and the expenses will bo
brought down to the minimum Prepar
ations are being made for the greatest
meeting in the history of tho Association
The buildings of the State Fair Ground
afford such excellent shelter it is be
lieved not many tents will bi used but
those who wish tents can procure them
by ordering tbem ahead and at the old
This meeting is inter denominational
and people from all tho churches are in
vited to attend and feel it is their meet
A great spiritual feast is expected
you cant afford to miss it
Remember the time July 13 to 16
and place State Fair Ground Lincoln
Write for circulars giving full particu
Jars to W II Prcott Secy 1219 O St
Lincoln Nebraska
Womans Suffrage Debate
Dawn of Victorv
High School Orchestra
Song Audience
Prayer Rev Carman
Pi mo Solo Mrs Mills
Vocal Solo The Holy City
Alma Weidenhamer
Heading Stella Faus
American Bellts
High School Orchestra
Resolved that women should have
tho ballot on tbe same terms as men
lrsMatie Welles Mrs W G Dutton
Jlrs E Burton Mrs Joseph Allen
31 r E Gary Mrs F M Kimmell
Canalas High School Orchestra
Judges Chas Boyle Dr Beach J
C Moore
Price of admittance ten cents
Debate will be held in the Methodist
church June 17th beginning at 8
Have You An Oliver
Remington Smith - Premier or Cali
graph typewriter We have at this
office ribbons for any of these makes
Alo good assortment of papers manu
script covers carbon paper etc
I r
III ICi5fBA mik2MTZA 3
This Shetland Stallion
Weight 380 Pounds
will make the season of
1909 at my residence
701 1st Street East Mc
Cook Nebraska at 10
Mares sent to me will
be kept and bred at 12
L S Viersen
East Side City Park
O11KI8TIAN Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m 0 E
at7 p m AH are welcome
R M Ainsworth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m ancl 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Eable Rector
Catholic Order of services
i a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
ichool 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O M 1
Mkthodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer mooting Wed
nesday night at 745
M B Carman Pastor
Baptist Sunday scnool at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
ill to Worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in frame
building of East Ward every Sunday
morning at 1000 All Germans cordial
ly invited Rev Wm Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Christian Scisnce 219 Main Avo
lue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
jpen all the time Science literature
on sale Subject for next Sunday
God the Preserver of Man
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching nt 11 a m and 8 p
11 by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ng Wednesday evening al eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
jervices G B Hawkes Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
oy pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
neetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
for Nearly Forty Years
While The State Journal has been one
of the leading papers of the state for
nearly forty years yet its most rapid
growth has been recently during which
time it has come to be recognized by
many as Nebraskas greatest paper mak
iug most of those things that interest
Nebraskans most in this way creating a
place for itself in the daily life of thous
ands of Nebraska homea The country
press generally could be quoted as raying
that the editorial page of The Journal
is exceptionally strong and fearlessly in
dependent It is also unusually bright
Bixby himself being a gem No writer
in Nebraska ever had the warm admirat
ion of so many people as Bixby His col
umn in The Journal is alone worth the
price of the paper His wholesome phil
osophy will put sunshine and cheer into
rhe most chronic grouch The state uni
versity the other public institutions at
Iiucoln make The Journal peculiarly a
paper for state people It is clean ex
cluding all liquor and impure medical
advertising Its sporting department is
clever and there with the goods More
money is spent for state telegraphic news
than by other state dailies If you want
to know what is happening in Nebraska
as well as the whole world The Lincoln
Journal is the paper for you Why not
give it this trial subscription
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last report
Frank B Hardesty et ux to
Lena Short wd to 1112 in 27
Indianola 1550 CO
Julia Burke W L to Emery
J Simpson wd to sw qr S-4-29
3375 00
Lincoln Land Co to A Schill
ereff wd to 6 in 2 7th Mc
Cook 250 00
A G Bump et ux to John Kel
ley wd to 8 in 28 McCook 1 00
John W Hoppe et ux to Harry
M Wyrick qcd to pt 7 in 4-3-26
50 00
United States to Melville W
Simmons pat to s hf se qr
1S4 26
United States to John Flury
pat to ne qr 2 2 26
John Flury et ux to C M
Druse agree tone qr 2 2 26 5000 00
Christ Larson to John G Lof
venborg wd to pt blk 5 West
McCook 35 00
James W McClung etux Lewis
Mihm wd to se qr 5-3-27 3750 00
Engraving and Embossing
Your wants can be supplied at The
Tribune in the line of engraving and
embossing such as calling cards invi
tations and announcements monogram
correspondence paper etc Handsome
samples of all on display Prices rea
sonable Prompt service If interested
come and inspect
Many of our citizens are drifting to
wards Brights disease by neglecting
symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble
which Foleys Kidney Remedy will
quickly cure AMcMillen Druggist
Pen Sketches
Of H H Rogers
Some of tlio Great Oil Mans Peculiarities
His Kindly Heart and His Gapacity
For Satire and Vindictiveness
A Remarkable Man
TIE late Ilenry II Rogers vice
president of the Standard Oil
company has been described
as genial approachable talk
ative and altogether attractive then
sarcastic bitter and jeering cordial In
one breath chilly the next kindly ami
almost lovable then cold and harsh
Ills expression could transform Itself
while he blinked his eyes Ills voice
could travel through the scale of vin
dictiveness Indifference politeness af
fability and friendliness in a single
Ono of the Intimates of Mr Rogers
was Mark Twain who in private life
Is Samuel L Clemens When the fa
mous humorist became a bankrupt
through the failure of the publishing
firm with which he was identified the
oil man took charge of his shattered
fortunes and restored him to a position
of Independence He never seemed
happier than when in Mr Clemens so
cietv and often took him with him on
yachting cruises The great writer
heard of Mr Rogers death on his way
to New York where he had expected
to meet his friend and enjoy the day
with him lie exclaimed
This Is terrible terrible I cant
talk about it I am inexpressibly
shocked and grieved
Mr Rogers activities in connection
with the Virginia railway commonly
known as Rogers tidewater road
had been held responsible for much of
his ill health in recent years Prac
tically alone he had carried through
this project his last great industrial
venture There have been many re
ports that he lost millions in tbe en
It was said by his associates that he
had done little or no speculating in
Wall street since 10CG and that all his
energy beyond what was required in
the overseership of the Standard Oil
company had been concentrated on
the tidewater roads completion Re
ferring to the present status of his for
tune a man in a position to know the
facts said that Mr Rogers held at the
time of his death about 20000 shares
of Standard Oil stock worth 1 1000-
- 1
irrn iiaa u 1 iimW 1
000 The estimates of his losses in
late years ran as high as 30000000
When the new road was opened form
ally in April the city of Norfolk ex
erted itself to honor the builder Mr
Rogers took a party to Norfolk for the
opening lie appeared stronger than
for many months and in great spirits
over the railway achievement At a
dinner in his honor he heard Mark
Twain praise him as a benefactor The
author told how the oil man helped
Miss Helen Keller paying for her
education for a quarter of a century
It is related of Mr Rogers experi
ence as a member of the firm of
Charles Pratt Co that the men in
the different Pratt factories came to
know his humors by the twist of his
Both ends up they used to say in
advising each other that he was in a
mood to make trouble for somebody
One end up meant a fairly even
Both ends down signified that the
day would pass pleasantly for the em
The story of how Mr Rogers gave
his home town of Falrhaven Mass
its sewer system is identical with the
story of how he gave away one of his
daughters in marriage Having made
up his mind that if the town could
not afford the piping of its sewage into
the hay he Avould himself meet the
expense Mr Rogers determined that
lie would choose the very best cewago
system obtainable He decided on a
kind of sewer built by an English
company whose representative was
Urban n Broughton He accordingly
invited Mr Broughton to Fairhaven
and made him a guest at his home
while the two inspected the town to
determine where the pipes should be
laid At the Rogers home Mr Brough
ton met the financiers daughter Cara
and as the trenches deepened bis love
tor the heiress also grew deeper with
the result that the engagement was an
nounced Tjefore the sewers were fin
- -1 CHiHrii
Ono of Edisons Jokes
Edison was always a great Jokcplny
ti Those ones he seemed to enjoy
most were like the one lie worked on
one of the laziest operators In the of
Dce where he was once employed One
night when this fellow thought his
days work was over and was getting
ready to go home Edison slipped
around to the ollice switchboard made
a connection with the lazy fellows
telegraph key called him down to the
table and supplied with an old news
paper proceeded to send Mr Lazy n
long lot of presumably Associated
Press stuff from New York Edison
was a lightning sender as well as re
ceiver from almost the beginning of
his career and the way he made that
fellow work for two solid hours was a
joy After wearing him completely
out making hiin receive and copy the
equivalent of about three or four
newspaper columns Edison suddenly
came from behind the switchboard ex 1
posed the joke to the poor fellow and
wound up by pelting him on the nose
with the newspaper he had been send
ing from Pearsons
Scolded and Comforted
At a lunch given in his honor Sven
IJcdin read an amusing letter written
to him by Alfred Nobel at a time
when Iledin was still a student but al
ready filled with a longing to explore
unknown Asia lie applied to the gov
ernment for funds but the answer
was so slow in coming that he wrote
to Nobel who promptly replied I
take no interest in these geographical
exploration trips In fact I regard
them as an anachronism Men com
municate with each other today from
one end of the earth to the other by
means of telegraph and post There
are in Asia too explorers and savants
who are surely better qualified than
you sir to study and describe their
native country I therefore believe
that you could make better use of
your ambitious impulses than by un
dertaking trips to Asia But In order
that you may see that I do not always
act as I think I send you a sum which
may serve as the best confutation of
my own convictions
Squandering Ability
Doing the lower when the higher is
possible constitutes one of the great
est tragedies of human life The
squandering of money seems a wicked
thing when we think of the good that
might be done with it But what
about the wicked waste of ability the
deliberate throwing away of 50 75
perhaps CO per cent of ones success
possibly just because he never trained
himself to use it to grasp it with such
vigor and power that he can fling his
life into his career with its maximum
effectiveness Most people take hold
of life with the tips of their fingers
They never get hold of the life propo
sition with that grip and tenacity of
purpose and vigor of determination
which do things worth while They
just hang on the outskirts of things
playing upon the surface of their pos
sibilities without ever getting down
into the marrow of their being where
efficiency and power dwell Orison
Swett Marden in Success Magazine
Exclusive Perfumes
The late Dr Andrew Wynter in a
charming article on perfumes suggest
ed the desirability of every lady hav
ing her own special and self prepared
perfume The custom however would
have its disadvantages More than one
sensational story might be mentioned
wherein the heroine or villain was
saved or unmasked as the case might
be by the recognition of a distinctive
scent In Diplomacy the denoue
ment is effected by the telltale per
fume of the adventuress being detect
ed in the dispatch box she had rilled
As a matter of history the assassins
of the oriental sovereign Yezdijird
were discovered by one of them smell
ing of the perfume with which the
robes of tho murdered king had been
redolent London Globe
nave you seen the account in this
mornings papers about Dr Cutting
having brought a dead man back to
No Did he do that
Yes It was a wonderful demon
stration of his skill
Well I shall be more hopeful now
than I have been for some time If he
can bring the dead back to life he may
be able to bring back the book he bor
rowed from me about two years ago
Chicago Record Herald
Begging In Paris
Giving up his profession a Paris
beggar offers his pitch for sale His
advertisement reads For sale pres
ent holder retiring to the country good
situation for one legged man neigh
borhood of the Etoile hours of work
2 p in to 7 p m receipts 240 to
315 regular passersby children and
strangers or any infirmity would suit
A Feminine Reason
But asked the first co ed why
did you elect to take up the study of
German instead of French
Oh replied the other the German
professor was so awfully handsome
you know Catholic Standard and
The Complaint
A magistrate looked at a disreputa
ble specimen of manhood in the dock
and turned to the policeman Officer
he asked what is the complaint
Rheumatiz yr honor exclaimed
the prisoner answering for himself
A Tost Question
Newed I tell you old chap Im an
other man since I was married Sin
gletonSo Does your wife love you
as much as the man she married
The Way Germany Handles Her Re
serves In Case of War
Nobody who has visited Germany
can fall to have been struck by the
large official signboards at the entry
to each town or village These con
tain full information as to exactly
which official In the community to ap
ply to should the magic word mobi
lize be spoken
Wherever the German reservist may
chance to be when the order to mobi
lize Is given assuming of course
that he is not out of the country lie
has only got to ask the first inhabitant
or walk to the end of the village and
look at the directions on the signboard
to find out his own particular place in
the military scheme lie will see that
he must go to nerr Schmidt at 40
Schutzen street nerr Schmidt will
tell him exactly in which town he lias
to go in oilier to rejoin Ills own unit
and what is still more Important will
give him the money and the railway
pass to take him there
Arrived at his destination he will
find his uniform anus and accouter
ments piled neatly In a heap with a
label bearing his name and regimental
number on the top of the heap ne
has only to put It on and take his
place among the comrades with whom
he did his military service some years
This destination was arranged upon
many years back and the exact time
schedule for marching and railway
journeys was compiled long since
Pearsons Weekly
An Interesting People Who Are a Puz
zle Among Nations
The Basque provinces lie in the
north of Spain and although for cen
turies students have tried to trace the
real origin of the people and find a key
to their language they have failed to
do so
All other known tongues spoken by
the sons of men have been shown to
possess a common origin traceable to
the Arabic and Semitic But the
Basque language has entirely resisted
the philologist In some aspects the
vernacular shows traces of a Chinese
admixture In others it is clear that
North Ameri an Indian terms are 11a
tive to it It also shows traces of
barbaric languages spoken on the east
coast of Africa
The people themselves bear physl
olocical traits found In those who
speak the said tongues The native
name of Basqueland is Eskuara and
their motto is Irurachat or Three
In One Nor Is their political struc
ture anything like that of any known
political body though they belong of
course to Spain Each Basque prov
ince is governed by a parliament com
posed of representatives selected
partly by election partly by lot
among the householders of each coun
try parish or town Their laws are es
sentially peculiar to themselves and
are conceived on 110 known code either
of ancient or mediaeval times They
are a puzzle among nations and num
ber half a million all told New York
Paper Which Is Waterproof
In Japan there is a paper made which
is impervious to water being made of
bamboo tibers and eucalyptus mixed
with the fibers of the gamin and some
other shrubs The libers are first torn
apart made dry cleaned and scraped
boiled in a weak lye and thoroughly
washed in water after which they are
beaten and then mixed with certain
roots made into a viscous state A
solution containing rosin caoutchouc
and camphor is also added A sort ol
pulp is thus formed and then made
into sheets which are run through a
calendering macume dented to various
temperatures The result is that a
paper is produced which is exceedingly
tonglj light and which may be washed
The Japanese use it for leather imita
tions and India rubber Pathfinder
Northern Australia
Australias huge northern territory
has a tropical almost an equatorial
climate and the heat is very enervat
ing to Europeans Its capital Pal
merston contains more Chinese than
Caucasians The former are the nil
ing race and the employers the white
are the servile and the employed
Large herds of buffaloes roam about
the silent plains of this enormous ter
ritory which would be a sportsmans
paradise but for the wild natives who
are exceptionally fierce and trencher
ous and have killed a number of the
hunters who came to hunt the buffa
His Marathon Record
Colonel asked the beautiful girl
did yon ever ride a horse ninety miles
in three days
No replied the veteran of two
wars but I once ran twenty miles in
about thirty minutes which I think
was going some considering the fact
that the underbrush was thick and 1
was in so much of a hurry that I for
got to throw away a knapsack that
weighed nearly fifty pounds Chicago
Record Herald
Counts Up
My dear he said In a mildly re
proachful tone I have no doubt at all
that you are a good bargain hunter
and that you always get really excel
lent bargains but you get too many of
them Chicago Post
No Reason
She I think you might stop smoking
when you heard me say I dont like It
He Thats no reason I heard you
say you didnt like to be kissed Bos
ton Transcript
LW WM Wi W I P V V h VVF t V H 1 1
Col W W Crittenden
McCook Tfebraika
Farm solos n specinlty DhIuh mny bo
inn do nt tho Citizens Hunk
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McCon noils drug
Btore McCook Nebraska
KvviiiVrflriWiiifii v iflt ff Wff
Real Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
Ofiico over Marshs Meat Markot
iTiVWfc k iitifitql Yiiii 1 iVUiAtiftiftiftiti
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phone 13
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location Jnst acro IrCfflr
itnutin P Wiluli tnililimr iVUUl
9 Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an 3o er Trimmings
Estimates Furnished F ee Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
1 ttik Aikik 4fcfcfcfcr
we have
ifcrijj 2x x2 at
Barnett Lumber Co
l Phone5
A r
J 4