The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 04, 1909, Image 7

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The rain last week was disastrous to
young chickens as it Hooded the level
ground One neighbor lost 80 others
in less numbers
Miss Hatcher and her friend had an
unpleasant experience when going to
McCook they got beyond their depth
in the overfiowed bottom
Farmers have been kept busy repair
ing fences and replanting corn that
were washed out by the heavy rain
44 inches fell here
House cleaning is about over but
dust is as bad as ever
Lewis Elmer and family were callers
at Owens Longneckers the middle of
the week
Ben King and family visited at Lewis
Longneckers the first of the week
Mr and Mrs Vance and little boy
were Saturday and Sunday visitors at
Mrs Sawyers
Dora Sawyer helped Mrs Lewis
Longnecker clean house last week
M r Hoagland and family were at his
brother Sams on Sunday
Mr Adams of Bethany Nebraska
was in this community last week solicit
in funds for the endowment of Jotner
Mr and Mrs C L Rubottom return
ed Saturday night from their visit at
Mrs D B Doyle Jr and children
and Miss Lillian went to May wood
Mrs J K Gordon and children have
moved out to the farm to spend the
Gussie Gordon had the misfortune to
get his hand caught in the wheel of the
cream separator Saturday
F G Lytle commenced work on his
new bouse Monday George Younger is
the carpenter
Hiring teachers seems to be
the order of the day in this vicinity
We had a number of nice showers
A W Campbell attended Memorial
services in McCook Monday
Mrs F G Lytle and children return
ed Saturday from their visit at Alma
Frank had a house already for them
when tbey arrived a number of the
women had helped him to arrange the
furniture so all Mrs Lytle had to do
was to step in and go to work
The automobile livery in south
western Nebraska that always
nets there and hack Trips day
or niht anywhere Prices reas
Phone 166 -
i Can be found at 104 WCWOK neu
fief Info BusinessiorYourseK
will mak you money The BUCK is the only
two piece seii Dinumg seiriutt
in g water proof frost proof sani
tary drv air block made Takes
less material and is madequicker
than any other block Write to
day and let us tell you all about it
nd how jon can tntko from Ji5ooto
5io 00 evorr day that you work Eichi
ftrrrlfbt in ech county Gel In firtt
Interlock Block
Machine Co
24th and Paul St
CURES disease with Pure Blood
Here we are a
An old acquaintance back
Just as happy just as snappy
just as gingery just as enticing
D C Boyer of Danbury was in town
Saturday and took out a new top buggy
to drive on route No 2 out of Danbury
which started June 1st for which he
is carrier
The ball game between our home
team and Bethel Kas Friday was a
victory for the home team
Mis Ethel Redfern closed a success
ful 8 months school Friday with a big
dinner and a programme in the grove
which was well attended in spite of the
hiyh wind
P H Kilzer real estate man of Leba
non was in town between trains b
We had several fine showers of dust
the past week but were blessed with
several light showers of rain Monday
and Tuesday amounting to about of
an inch
Our ball team went to Danbury Sat
urday afternoon to play the Danbury
team The score at the eleventh inning
was a tie which shows pretty good for
our boys
Ktweral from Danbury attended the
exercises and the ball game here Tues
Several from here attended the ball
game in Danbury Saturday afternoon
H A Bull a former resident of Fair
view was in town Friday shaking
hands with old friends
Mrs Sena Hartzell Wallace nation
al lecturer and organizer of the W C T
U- was in town from Saturday until
S H Stilgebouer and family visited
at the Weyeneth home west of town
R S Sanders left first of last week
for Bussy Iowa to visit friends and
relatives for a few weeks
A J Greer was a Kansas City St
Joe and Lincoln business visitor last
A M Shorey was in the sick list the
past two weeks but is slowly improv
Stella Weyeneth arrived here Mon
day from York Neb to spend the va
vation with her folks west of town
The W C T U met at the Nilsson
home Monday A very interesting
meeting was had and several topics dis
Rov Tinker of Cedar Bluffs Kansas
preached for us Sunday
Miss Ethel Lant left Monday for
Idaho to visit her sister with the possi
bility of making her home there Her
brother from Arcadia Neb will
accompany her
Ralph Sigwing is staying with his
uncle Will for awhile
Frank Hahn had another dance Sat
urday night
Don Thompson is hilarious since that
boy arrived This makes two helpers
for Don and none for his wife Some
man dont seem to realize that their
wives need help
R F I NO 1
John Nahr of Sedgwick Colorado is
down on a visit
County Assessor and Mrs T A Ends-
ley were guests of Mr and Mrs W P
Broomfield Sunday
Fred and Tillie Boll of School Creek
are visiting in the Ash Creek neighbor
hood this week
Mrs Carl Schutz is visiting down in
Fillmore county
Picture framing The Ideal Store
necir f 11 i
I AlU mU q4o j
Jf Package J r U 11
f fL
Gooree Fillet of Atwood was down
Tuesday on professional business
Heth and Madeline McDonald enme
home Friday from Beaver City where
they have been going to school this
Clifford Naden was over from Mc
Cook Saturday for a short visit with
relatives and friends
There were about forty eight young
men and women over from Oberlin Sat
urday to see the ball game between
Oberiiu aud Daubury and to witness
the play entitled The Toast Master
given by the seniors of Oberlin hiah
Clyde Metcalf was over from Oberlin
Saturday on a business trip
Sunday was Deeoratbu day and
Monday they gave the servi es here in
the church
The ball yame Saturday between
Oberlin and Danbury was very interest-
ing and would have been more eou the
wind and dirt had not blown so but
the game was eleven scores each up to
eleventh inning when there was an
awful dirt storm coming and they called
the game off
Ben Smiley and Jas Dolph dug out
sis coyotes the other day
Mrs Ben Smiley Omen and Lucy
left for a visit with lieudershots at
Cheyenne Wyoming
The play from Beaver City entitled
The Girls Secret given by the
seniors of Beaver City was given Tues
day night
Bertha Doud is reported as being on
the sick list this week and Clarence
Young is taking her place in the News
We have had one of the finest rains
for years this week It has rained
slowly for two or three days
Our new route No 2 started Tues
day morning for the firdt time
Allen E Boyer is putting up a nice
windmill bv his residence
A Lincoln Kirk gave one of his enter
tainments Tuesday evening to a small
Memorial day was observed here by
music and speeches
Mrs Calhoun of Cambridge is visit
ing her parents Mrand MrsW II Allen
this week
The First nine went down to Arapa
hoe Monday ana played ball the score
beine 13 to 1 in favor ol Arapahoe
Miss Fox left Monday for Lincoln
where she will attend school during
the summer
Fred Mann left Mondayfor Shickley
where he will work for awhile
The Rough Riders and the Scrubs
played a very exciting game of base ball
Monday the score being 8 to 7 in favor
of the Scrubs
Nora and Ethel Silvernail left Mon
day morning for Lincoln where they
will attend school this summer
The play put on by local talent
Thursday entitled Female Mnsonry
dreT quite a crowd out although the
weather was very disagreeable
Mrs Chas Pawson of Bartley spent
Mondav with her brother J C Puckett
To avoid serious results take Foleys
Kidney Remedy at the first sign of kid
ney or bladder disorder such as back
ache urinary irregularities exhaustion
and you will soon be well Commence
taking Foleys Kidney Remedy today
Otto Webber and wife returned from
eastern paat of the state Thursday
Mrs I W Stevens of Fnirtnont ib
here visiting her daughter Mrs Percy
Frank Purvis little daughter is here
staying with Mrs S W Clark while
Mrs Purvis in in Hastings taking medi
cal treatment
Evert Bechtol who has been working
in Mr Corbins barber shop went to
McCook last wenk where ho iseugHged
in a ouruer anup
The graduating oArcises at the opera
house Thursday evening last week
were the most interesting over had here
Nine ladies and three gentlemen of the
Bartley high school received their di
ioniHS Rev C W Meyers of Hast
ings marie the finest address wo have
henrd in Bartioy His subject was
The man that can and bo made good
from beginning to end roceiving ap
plause ot the largo audience Nearly
100 extra chairs were brought in and
they with all the opera chairs were full
many standing and some went away
for want of room
Friday evening was one long to be
remembered bv Mr Ira Sheets aud
family and a large number of the citi
zens of Bartley A farewell reception
was hold at the Methodist church A
program of music and short addresrfl
by several citizens and response by
Mr Sheets Many eyes were filled with
tears i f regret that Mr Sheets nnd
family had decided to move to Beaver
OUy where an nnrcflraent of his tim
berbusiness cu 1 him The program
was closed with refreshments
Rev Burhl Gilpin of Edison visit d
here last week with his brother-in-law
C M Babbit
Evangelist Adams of Bethany Neb
was in our village last week and ad
dressed the people at the Christian
church in the interest of an endow
ment for Coiner college
Harry Brown has installed an electric
piano in his restaurant which attracts
large crowds each evening
Ella Webber has purchased a new
piano It is a splendid piano aud a
splendid girl that owns it
R Y Axtell and family went over to
the Beaver valley Sunday to attend
the birthday anniversary of their eldest
daughter Mr Ruby Hindman
Rev Hngman at the Methodist
church delivered an interesting mem
orial sermon at 11 a m and went with
many in the afternoon to the cemetery
where flowers were strewn upon graves
of fallen heroes Only a few of the
men who wore the blue are yet alive to
attend these occasions
S W Stilgebouer and wife were over
from the Beaer Sunday to visit the
parents They returned Monday tak
ing with them a good span of mares to
use on the farm
Theo Faubian and Frank Doak went
to Arapahoe this week with the In
dianolaboys to play ball They lost
the game by a nice majority
Mr and Mrs G W Jones returned
from Omaha Saturday evening where
Mr Jones had benn for several weeks
taking medical treatment
Everyone would be benefited by tak
ing Foleys Orino Lixative for constipa
tion stomach and liver trouble as it
sweptens the stomach and breath aently
stimulates the livor and regulates the
bowels and is much superior to pills
and ordinary lax itives Why not try
Foleys Orino Laxative today
A McMillan Druggist
Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous
for McCook People to Neglect
The preat dauger of kidney troubles
is that they get a firm hold before the
sufferer recognizes them Health is
gradually undermined Backache
headache nervousness lameness sore
ness ItimbaKO urinary troubles dropsy
diabetes and Brights disease follow
in merciless succession Dont neglect
your kidneys Cure the kidnevs with
the certain and safe remedy Doans
Kidney Pills
Mrs M J Wyatt Minden Nebr
says For eight years I suffrred from
acute attacks of backache brought on
bv a disorder of my kidneys My con
dition was such at times that i was
hardly able to stoop and to go up and
d wn stairs was an action attended with
much misery If I exerted myself a
back would become
dull aching across my
come so acute that I would be forced
to lie down and rest The secretions
from mv kidneys were also too frequent
in action and annoyed me a great deal
I became tired and languid was restless
at nights and arose in the morning all
worn out A few months ago I began
taking Doans Kiduey Pills and fouud
such prompt and gratifying results that
I continued their use until completely
Plenty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at a drug store and
ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Men Mado to Look Like Boasts
Chinese Methods
To transfer a man Into a beast would
nt tlrst seem to be impossible It Is ac
complished however by the Chinese
to whom nothing seems to be un
known The skin Is removed In small
rmrtieles from the entire surface of the
body and to the bleeding parts hits of
the hide of living animals bears and
dogs are usually applied The opera
tion requires years for its full accom
plishment After the person has had
his skin completely changed and be
comes a man bear or a man dog he Is
made mute to complete the Illusion
nnd also deprive him of the means of
Informing the public he is Intended to
amuse of his long torture A Chlneso
journal the Hupao prints n descrip
tion of one of these human animals
exhibited In the Kiangsl Ills entire
body was covered with dog skin He
stood erect although sometimes tue
feet are so mutilated that the beast Is
forced to walk on all fours could not
utter articulate sounds rise and sit
down in short make the gestures of a
human being A mandarin who heard
of this monstrosity had him brought to
his palace where his hairy skin and
bestial appearance caused quite as
much terror as surprise Upon being
nsked if he was a man the creature
replied with an affirmative nod lie
also signified in the same manner that
he would write A pencil was given
him but he could not use It his hands
were so deformed Ashes were then
placed on the ground in front of him
when the man dog leaning over trae
oi in Himn fivo fliiinictcrs indicating
his name and district Investigation
Fhowed that he had been stolen im
prisoned for years nnd subjected to
long tortures Ills master was appre
hended and condemned to death
London Spare Moments
Making It Pleasant For the Studious
An tourist traveling on foot
through one of our mountainous re
pious studying the people asked a
man whom he met to direct him to
a certain cabin at which he had been
advised to stay overnight Going
thar said the man Well Toms a
first rater take him just right but hes
mighty queer
What do you mean asked the
Well its like this and the man
looked at the stranger In a calm Im
personal way Hell be setting out
side most probably and hell see you
trll rl n 11 fnrifl lunk ilt
1 DU
must give you satisfaction
It must prove that it is the
equal in every way and
superior in some to all
other baking powders or
you must have your money
back You cannot set your
standard of quality too high
to suit us
Tniiit on Calumet and
dont let your grocer give
you a Substitute
Received Highest
Award Worlds
Pure Food
Chicago 07
you and you dont suit him he may uven By taking Chamber-
thp rter on vou
Ef he dont and
1 nn4 liir
xirtrii rum liiii xi v i 11 1 uu wm
it 1111 nkiaa 7 - t rr
just like he may throw you down and 1 abletS yOU Can improve
troinp on you But ef youre too care- both lhey cleanse and in
fill in vour talk on the other hand
10a liniilo to take vou for a spy and
t ic nri fnct ntwl liMtpn to
nations afterward improve the digestion
But its no use trying to get by
without stopping concluded the man
with evident relish of the prospect he
was opening up to the stranger Ef
you was to undertake that twould bo
all up with you for hed think you
was proud and biggetty
Ef you want to come out of the
mountain whole dont go past Toms
cabin without stopping whatever you
do Youths Compauion
The Unemployed
Lack of employment is not a new
question Says the Liverpool Mercury
of Kh 14 1S12 It is of tne highest
Importance that a
legislature should immediately inquire
Into the causes of the present want of j
employment among the laboring class j
es and whether means miuht not bo
found in a nation of which the reve
nue is immense by which a succession
of public works etc There were at
that time 1UO0O unemployed in Liver
pool The same writer after asking
Is war the only employment that the
state has to give the poor goes on to
show that the pyramids of Egypt and
tin elegant edifices of Greece were
built with the object of giving con
tinual employment to the laborer
Womens Work and Infant Mortality
In eisht Industrial towns where the
proportion of married women of child
bearing age at work in the factories
was 43 per cent the infant mortality
rate for ten years averaged 1S2 per
1000 In eight industrial towns of a 1
different type where the proportion of
married women at work was only 3
per cent the infant mortality was only
lo0 per 1000 The excessive rate in
the first group Is not due to bad wages
nor to bad conditions but to the ab
sence of the mother London Post j
A Financial Genius
Pa will you please tell me what a
financial genius is
A financial genius my child Is a
man who can spend money that he
has never had and which the people
wlio think they are getting it will
Record Herald
never see Chicago
His Music
Mrs Nmrrrer The noise you make at
night is very unpleasant music Mr
Nacger Do you call snoring music
Mrsf Nagger I should say so sheet
music arranged for the bugle Chica j
go Record Herald
Tallevrands Reoly
w noleon once said to Talleyrand I
wish I had the keys to hell for I could
then put you in there The reply was
It would be better sire that I should
have them for then I couia let you
He who knows little soon tells It
Get man Proverb
Your complexion as well
as your temper is rendered
miserable by a disordered
you get to talking Iains Stomach and Liver
anvthing he dont
vigorate the stomach and
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
TfTfrvrrriPTTiM i i11 J11 f
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb
Office over ElecricTheatreon Main Ave
I f ll liiii
IJtl AiteU
committee of the J l J VAHUE
Of ace over McAdams Store Phone 190
5 i s n
ft fs
Rooms 3 anil 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Dr J A Colfer
Room Post office Building
R H Gatewood
Office over McMillens drug store
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska
feJjUljJ ta iiilf tiJi
McCook Nebraska
jAeut of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Vater Works Office in Postoffic buildinx
7 H Boyle
Attorneys at I aw
LonK Distance IKone 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Ncb
Postoffice Bnildina
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 1S2 McCook Nebraska