The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 04, 1909, Image 4

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tho tnonoy you blow in
fooliHhly if invested in a
bunk account would soon
put you on -easy streot
You owo yourself tho
protection a Savings Ac
count will afford you
If you aro spending all
you earn it is unfair to
yourself and thoso who
may bo dopondenton you
You have noticed tho
manner in which small
amounts oxponded count
up in a month a part of
such expenditures saved
will allow you to have an
account at this bank
Start with a dollar
have money in tho bank
Bank of Mccook
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
It imiouably was never intended that
some editors should go to heaven on
flnvery beds of ease And sure If I
must fight to win the prize here goes
When a fellows hand has been on the
plow for nearly a third of century it
uo time for him to look bRck now
ins the growth of crops back on the
Gamijlino and immorality are said to
have increased in Cuba since the Ameri
cans surrendered control and the coun
rys finances are also in poor condition
The Cuban republic appears to have a
serious time of it learning to walk evpry
time Uncle Sam resigns his job at the
leading strings Omaha Bee
It is easy to see that MrDoliiver is not
going to be popular with Aldrich Cannon
Co What right has he to tell tale
out of school or in school either Does
not he know that tho duty of every mem
ber of the group is to obey orders of the
master of the group Whatright has he
to think or to learn the facts or to tell
tho truth The first duty of a Eepubli
ican Senator is to know that when Mr
Aldrich snys a thing issoit is sowhether
it is or not What aro we coming tovve
should like to know when Republican
Senators have the audacity to question
the propriety of any schpdules made by
tho interests that bear the seal and sup
erscription of His Serene Superiority
Senator Aldrich of Rhode Island In
dianapolis News
A Betrayed Party
New York World dem
The democratic national- platform last
year contained these sentences
We welcome the belated promise of
tariff reform now affected by the repub
lican party but the people cannot
safely trust the execution of this import
ant work to a part which is so deeply
obligated to the highly protpcted inter
ests We favor immediate revision of
the tariff by the reduction of import
duties Articles entering into competition
with trust controlled products should be
placed upon the free list We demand
the immediate repeal of the tariff on pulp
print paperlumbertimber and logs
In the house of representatives a
month ago forty democrats voted against
free lumber In the senate this week
seventeen democrats did the same Thus
a specific demand of the democratic plat
form was defeated by democratic votes
Democratic votes also defeated free
hides and free iron For the first time
in fifty years democrats this spring have
had an opportunity with the aid of prog
ressive republicans to give effect to their
pretense of principle This shameful
record shows how basely they have ac
quitted themselves
Should Have Called Him
Senator Gallinger a day or so ago rose
in the senate and stated that somebody
had told him the country was losing 10
millions a day from delay in revising the
tariff Why somedody didnt say 11 mill
ion or 9 million or 100 million he might
have been asked but wasnt Business
according to the stock market and the
trade reviews and bank clearings has
been gaining right along as a matter of
fact The other day independent steel
mills nt Pittsburg increased wages But
if somebody should tellSenatorGallinger
that delay in passing the bill was hold-
O W Ruownk was homo a few days
enrly in the week
Miss Vikoinia Bowlby departed Sat
urday evening for her home in Crete
Misses Maude and Mabel Heorn
bekoek departed Monday for Glen
wood Iowa on a visit
Miss Ruby Howell of Lincoln is a
LgufHtof her brpther E S Howell fore
man nf the blacksmithshop
5 Mu andMiih J G Schohhl Mar-
jone aiifl Marion Sisson spent Sunda
With the Copolanda in Minden
Q C Hkokmans family will leave
shortly for Dixon Illinois where he is
enungpd in the life insurar ce business
Mus II N Rofehush and two
daughters are over in Iowa for a month
or so vistirig in the old home at Chero
kee and other points
Akthur Austin bookkeeper in tho
Hunk of Beiikelm in oamo down from
the west last week and entered the
hospital for treatment
Miss Emma Burrows of Fond du Lac
Wisconsin a niece of Mis Herman
Pade is a nw arrival in our city to
make an extended visit
Frank Amann came up from Bloom
ington last Thurdny night remaining
here over Decoration day and return
ing on No 14 that night
Rkv M tt Carmam went down to
Orleans Monday night to assist in re
vival meetings this week Mr Waltz
is singing for the meetings
Mrs Augusta Anton has been spend
ing the week in Oxford attending the
Degree of Honor convention for the
Fifth district and visiting relatives
Mr and Mrs Alex F Drebfrt ar
rived trom the east Tuesday night and
are completing arrangements to occupy
the Ballew cottage on Main avenue
Mr and Mrs B M Frees were in
the city closing days of last week en
route to Chicago from spending a length
of time in California for their health
A Edgar Hawkins foreman on the
temple theatre building resumed his
position first of this week after an ill
ness of several days of a painful nature
Prof C F White and family left
Sunday evening for McOook where he
has a position as an instructor in the
Summer Normal Trenton Republican
Will C Israel of the Benkelman
Chronicle was in the city Monday in
search of responsible oratorical ability
for the Fourth of July celebration in
that burg
Ast C vshier Thorgrimson of the
First National Bank is enjoying a vaoa
tion in Seattle and the Northwest visit
ing his parents and other members of
the family
Mrs Harry Kingsbury of Peoria
Illinois is visiting in the city this
week coming up from Red Cloud Mon
day having been guest of Mrs M S
Parkes of that place
Mrs Frank S VAHnE arrived in the
city Sunday night on 3 and is assisting
in shaping up their new business at this
place They will be warmly welcome to
our business and social circles
Miss Blanche Stephenson who has
been teaching at McCook arrived
home Friday and has accepted the as
sistant principalship of the Natoner
high school for the coming year Lin
coln Journal
Frank S Vahue arrived in the city
last Saturday and the work of invoicing
the Bee Hive store was commenced on
Monday preliminary to the transfer of
the stock and store from Mr Colson to
Mr Vahue the newproprietor
Mrs J L Young of Cleveland Ohio
was the guest of Mrs S B Rankin
from Saturday evening last until Mon
day evening She was accompanying
home for burial the remains of her
daughter who went to Denver in De
cember for her health
Mrs J D Young Harriet and Miss
Susanna Ward departed Monday morn
ing for their home in Phillipsburg
Penn where Mrs Young and Harriet
will spend a month or so at home be
fore joining Mr Young in Alamosa and
Miss Ward will remain during the sum
mer vacation
B A Bold a well to do stockman of
Steele N D has betn a guest of his
sister Mrs J W Chase part of the
week He is on his way home from
spending several weeks in California
with which state he is much enamored
He was in Orleans this state in 1879
when that was temporarily the terminus
of the Burlington road
Mr and Mrs U J Warren of Fort
Morgan Colorado spent Friday in the
city guest of her mother Mrs S A
Rowell journeying on to Davenport
this state on a visit to his parents A
little latter Mrs Warren and Miss Ruth
will go to California where they will
be latter joined by Mr Warren and to
gether they will visit Seattle and the
Northwest before returning home
Mrs May Douglass departed Mon
day morning for Broken Bow Nebr
to spend a week with her sister Mrs H
T Bruce going from there to Okla
homa Okla to spend the summer with
her sister Mrs Belle Hedlund who
formerly was a teacher in the city
schools here Mrs Douglass will re-
farms he wouli believe it Toppka Cap- jeume her position in the teacher corps
ifal I here in the fall phe informs the writer
r i
Another Memorial Day
Another Memorial Day has passed in
to history Tho graves of the departed
soldiers have been garlanded with
flowers and V o patriotism of the living
has been renewed
According to general orders Monday
was observed in this city as the day
In the morning committees from J K
Barnes post tho W R C and tho
Ladies of the G A R repaired to tho
several cemeteries of the city and deco
rated them with flowers The proces
sion was headed by a drum corps and
the uniformed members of the First
Separate company of the N N G
under command of f aptain A R Scott
The names of the graves of those
decorated aro as follows
David Keithley
Marion li Drown
Chester Ward
US Cooley
Charles Fox
J H McCabo
John D Gerver
Peter Groves
Moses Bnttersliull
William M Irwin
Elias II Conrad
Charles Walker
Henry Walker
A P Welles
John WilliHtns
Daniel Clemmons
Smith Gordon
Chnrl s Turner
Thomas A Scott
J H Farnsworth
V X Johnson
Lyman Miler
Josiah H Hoshoiitf
A W Schnofler
C L Neitleton
Willard Matthews
W H Henjninin
Edwin Farnsworth
Thomas J Pate
Andrew Phillips
Dr A J Thomas
William Huber Sr
Albert Hamilton son of a veteran
Leroy Holfo U S navy
R It Stewart confederate
In the afternoon in tho
church were held the formal
of the day the old soldiers
and the
ladies of tho auxiliaries marching from
their hall to the church in organiza
The exercises opened with the sing
ing of America by the audience
Rev Burton pronounced the invocation
prayer Adjutant Stoinmetz read the
orders of tho day Comrade Dillon
made the report of the decorating com
mittees announcing the decorating of
thirty five graves as above indicated
Mrs Matie Welles read tho famous
Gettysburg address of the martyred
The address of the day was delivered
by Comrade Rev E R Earle It was
full of the fire of patriotism and an in
spiration for the living as well as a
glowing tribute to the dead
The address to the unknown dead
was the eloquent delivery of Mrs Matie
This concluded the exercises which
were of
a touching and impressive
Fraternal Notice
Sunday June 13 being Memorial day
for the Ancient Order of United Work
man Degree of Honor Modern Wood
man ot America and Roal Neighbors of
America the members of these societies
tre requested to bring flowers to and
meet at Diamonds hall at 2 p m of
said day from where we will go in a
body to the cemeteries and decorate
the graves of deceased brethren
Services will be held at cemetery
By Order of Committees
Card of Thank
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to kind neighbors and friends
for flowers and kindness shown us
during the sad bereavement of our be
loved son and daughter brother and
M r and Mr F M Kennedy
and Family
Mr and Mbi J M Mette
and Family
Cards Are Out For Wedding
Invitations are outto the wedding of
Miss Josephine Mullen and Mr John
Murray both excellent and highly
esteemed young friends of our city
June 9th at ten in the morning in St
Patricks church are some of the par
ticulars of this happy event The Tri
bune anticipates with heartiest congratu
lations and well wishes
Move Into New Quarters
The real estate firm of Ackerman
Stephens has leased the building re
cently vacated by T J Smith on lower
Main avenue and on the first of thir
week occupied the same which they
are gradually fitting up for their pur
Notice I 0 0 F
All mem ers are requested to attend
the regular session next Monday night
as business of importance is to come
before the lodge Visiting I O O F
members are cordially invited to attend
W A Middleton Secretary
Married at M E Parsonage
Truman B McClellan of Stratton and
Miss Ada C Redford of Cambridge
were united in marriage Thursday af
ternoon Ia3t May 27th by Pastor Car
man of the Methodist church
C F Fay of Haigler in Trouble
The government is investigating some
of the land transactions of C F Fay
now of Haigler but formerly of
this place Sone ii regularities are
claimed in making entries
Childrens Lay Exercises
Childrens Day exercises will be held
at the Congregational church next Sun
day June 6th at 800 P M The Sun
day School will render the exercise en
titled Opened Door
Arrived Monday Korning
Those ten view post cards of McCook
They are peaches Come and see them
Ten cents a piece Three for a quarter
Handsomest of the kind ever brouebt
to this city
Wnmin In Austria I
The Austrian law puts little tmst In
women us they are not eten eligible
us witnesses to u will bolitg excluded
In company with Imbeciles the blind
deaf and dumb and criminals
Spanish Peppers
It Is a good pniii to have a can of
Epanlsh peppers always In the house
They can be easily and attractively
used in - ujj emergency Sandwiches
may be made of them or they may
he used to garnish leftover meats etc
Cut the meat Into cubes cover with
bits of pepper and breadcrumbs uuJ
Anti duHing Sermon
At n chimh near Ledbury England
an annual sermon is still
against the vice of dueling
done in accordance with the
This is
will and
tosament of a damsel whose rival
lovers died fighting for her hand
Home Lovers First Choice
Swiss maidens have wide and deep
courtship iK unse but In many of the
cantons they are allowed but a narrow
choice of bridegrooms It being a rig
orously enforced if unwritten law that
they must marry a youth of their own
neighborhoi d In many villages every
marriageable youth belongs to a soci
ety whose sole object Is to prevent
any ami every youth from outside from
coming a courtiug the maidens of the
societys village
Strong Tea
The Abyssinians make a tea from
the leaves of a certain plant which
has such stimulating qualities that to
chew a single leaf will pi duce all the
effects of a strong cup of tea
The Butterfly
The butterfly like the bat Invariably
goes to sleep head downward Its eyes
looking straight down the stem of the
grass on which it rests It folds its
wings to the utmost and thus wraps
Its body from the cold
Too High to Run
It is impossible to run at an altitud
of 17000 feet above the sea
Lambeth Palace
Lambeth palace London bas been
the home of the primates of Canter
bury for over seven centuries This
palace can show specimens of almost
every style of architecture which ha
prevailed since 1190
The Mustache In Scrvia
To Servians tin- greatest form of in
dignity is to have the mustache shaved
Mexican Funerals
The Mexicans nave a queer way of
burying the dead The corpse is
tightly wrapped in century plant mat
ting and placed in a coffin hired Tor
about a shilling One or two natives
as the case may be place the corfin
on their heads and go ut a trot to he
grave where the body is interred and
the coffin is then returned
Living In Tombs
Thousands of Egyptians live in old
tombs eating sleeping wooiug loving
laughing dancing singing doing all
their deeds of daily life and house
hold work among the mummies and
Ksns Byproducts
There Is enough hydrogen gas in a
man says the Medical Index Lancet
to carry him up to the clouds lie con
tains enough fat to make seventy live
candles and a large cake of soap and
enough phosphorus to make S0U4
boxes of matches His remaining con
stituents wiil yield if utilized six
cruets of salt a bowl of sugar and
ten gallons of water
A Curious Fish
A curious Qsh found off the Mauri
tius and Japan is the mailed fish aboui
six inches in length which lures its
prey within rent h of its jaws by means
of a luminous disk on each side of the
Tortcice Shell
What is called tortoise shell is not
the bony covering or shield of the tur
tle Lut only the scales which cover it
These are thirteen in number eight
of them fiat and five a little curved
A large turtle affords about eight
pounds of them the plates varying
from a quarter of an inch to an inch
in thickness
Air In Caves
Certain caves have been reported as
maintaining a uniform temperature
summer and winter of 14 degrees F
They may be said to breathe twice a
year inhaling during the winter ami
exhaling during the summer
District of Columbia
The District of Columbia comprises
an area of G0li4j square miles The
government consists of two civilian
commissioners appointed by the
dent and confirmed by the senate and
one army engineer officer detailed by
the secretary of war the three con
Etituting the board of commissioners
for three years
In Place of Flowers
Flowers are never used for
lng in Tuscany but at Christmas and
Easter all the walls of the cathedrals
are decked with wonderful damask of
almost priceless value
The Word Kid
Kid is merely a jocose substitution
for Iamb used for a young child
and is very old Charles Reade and
Dickens used kid In this sense and
Virgils pbrnse Ite capellae has been
freely translated Go It my kiddies
pnl rVPW1MwiaiMMfBTahV
You Can Cook with Coal Oil
Perfection Cookers are Absolutely Safe
No Smoke nor Smell
4 f - -- tjj
aawmftJWB4f Q
We want Every Lady
to come to our Exhibit
Saturday June 5th
and see Mr Walker
demonstrate these
stoves He will show
how you can SAVE
MONEY besides
having the pleasure of
A young lady will as
sist in serving biscuits
to all present
BRING YOUR HUSBAND with you If you
have none come anyway and we will show you
phone si McCookHardware Co
There is always trouble for those who do not lock
around It pays to look around Quality makes lots
of difference to the value of lumber We put quality
first yet our experience will help you cheapen the
house or barn you want to build so that you can
afford to build let us help you
Call in and get our Bungalow Book with pictures
of homes so cosy that it is a pleasure to look it oer
Stansberry Lumber Co
150 Value
for 100
The Insurance Safety Stoves
the only stove in which pro
vision is made to prevent
the escape of gasoline should
the burner be accidentally
blown out or left open It is
Safe Simple
Durable Economical
- V II fltt fi 1 - T if 7f I
WfMV His y
a- isr
Examine this stove before you buy and have all its points
explained to you See it in operation and we feel positive
you will be satisfied that the INSURANCE is all we
claimed for it and the only stove to use
Where Safety is an Essential Requirement