The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 28, 1909, Image 5

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Yes After All
Its Up to Vs
PItOGHESS which spells PROS
PERITY Is but another way of spell
In ADVERTISING In making things
known from man to man from wo
man to woman lies the secret of SUC
CESS for which individuals and com
munities seek
The day of waiting for BUSINESS
to step in at the door and SUCCESS
to blow In at the window is past
We must go out and corral BUSI
And the one way to do It Is spelt so
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 6 Central Time 1045 p m
2 500 a m
12 arr 615 pm 715 am
U 942 p si
10 615 p m
No 1 Mountain Time 115 p m
3 1142 p h
5 arr 8 40 pm 9150 A M
13 905 A m
15 1217 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p M
No 175departB 710 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
8oat9 free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
Btates or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostottar Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Pnfsinier Agent Omaha NnbrnsWn
Hugh Kelly is helping the night host
110 cars of stock went forward from
Red Cloud Suuday
Repairs were made on the driving
brasses of TftoO this weekT
The Burlington has installed its tele
phone system in the Red Cloud depot
Agent Booth of Curtis has been trans
ferred to Bridgeport and Lafe Carsten
een is installed in that depot
W S Perry supt of buildings and
bridges west of the river was at this
division headquarters Saturday
C II Stennett and family went down
to Holdrege Sunday morning on a
visit The family remained and he re
turned on delayed No 5 arriving here
about 330 Monday morning
Conductor T E McCarl has been
transferred to Orleans under the new
time card arrangements and Conductor
Fay to Denver four conductors runi
ing on main line out of there instead of
three as formerly
Conductor Frank Kendlen leaves to
day for Denver to attend the great pas
senger conductors excursion given by
the management of the Moffat line
There will be a special train and all
passenger conductors east of Denver ate
guests A banquet at Arrow on top of
the continental divide is a feature
The Moffat management is assuring the
boys a good time
No 0 Sunday night was delayed
about sis hours in arriving here The
heavy rain washed out the track just
west of Red Willow station and it was
necessary for the train to return to In
dianola and remain until the flood re
ceded and the track could be repaired
for traffic All trains both east and
west were delayed by this washout and
by another between Cambridge and
Bartlev at a culvert
The Railroad Age tfazette reports
t mt the Burlington railroad is in the
market for forty locomotives At one
time not much more than one year
ago the company had nearly that many
idle locomotives at Havelnck The
fact the company is in the market for
engines now is taken to mean that offi
cers of the road see a big business re
vival ahead Even at this time all the
locomotives owned by the road are not
in use several at this place being in the
white lead
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Office 212H Main av over McConnells
Drug Store McCook Neb
Telephones Office 160
Residence Black 131
New cylinders for the 1371 have ar
Engine 280 is about readyto gosout of
the backshop
Then Diebold and helpers tightened
up the tires on the 721 Wednesday
Boiler No 1 of the steam and heat
ing plant received new flues this week
A now set of rear ponies was placed
on the 2705 this week using the drop
The final repairs on the hoisting ma
chinery at the cal chute awaits the
arrival of some castings
E S Howell spent Sunday in Boul
der Colorado visiting an uncle just
returned from a California visit
Mr and Mrs Frank Nichols are ar
ranging to spend nixty days on the Pa
cific coast and expect to leave for that
section about June ldt The Alaskan
exposition will be one of the special
points of interest
The Burlington had thiee minor
washouts jeaterday between Holbrotk
and McCook on the McCook division
Railroad weather reports indicated
heavy raius all over the west end of the
Htate where rain was most needed
Five inch rains were reported yesterday
afternoon at Asbton and Bray ton sta
tions on the lines north of Aurora
Late last evening a two inch rain was
reported from Mindon Lincoln Jour
The bates and the Talent
The dates for the McCook chautau
qua are Aug 20 27 inclusive
Among the attractions booked for
our city are the following
Helen May Butlers Concert Band
KirKsmith Sisters Orchestra
Shungopavi and Company
Hesperian Male Quartette
Alexanders Jubilee Singers
Dr Mac Queen Ernest Harold
Hon George W Thompson Lou
Wm Rainey Bennett Marion Ballou
Hon Carl D Thompson Moving
Geo R StuartFather Daly
Hon J Adam Bede Opie Read
Womans Club Meeting
The laBt meeting of the year of the
Culbertson Womans Club was held
Saturday afternoon at the pleasant
home of Mrs W Z Taylor Mrs J H
Corrick was the leader of the afternoon
and introduced Mrs Mattie Welles of
McCook who gave an interesting talk
on her trip to and the work of the Gen
eral Federation which was held at
Boston last year Mrs Welles is a very
easy pleasant speaker gifted with fine
descriptive powers and held the inter
est of the members from the beginning
to the close of the lecture
Musical selections were furnished bj
Miss Madeline Plpines and MTss Julia
Solomon During the social hour th
members enjoyed looking at a number
of views Mrs Welles had of interesting
historic point3 near Boston Culbert
son Banner
The City Council
Regular session Monday evf ning All
present Minutes read and approved
Walk ordered built on east side of the
oity park
Report of police judge was referred to
city attorney
ClerK was ordered to procure tags for
licensed dogs
Clerk was instructed to advertise for
bids for laying of crossings and side
walks and curbing
Mayor was authorized to dispose of
all old gas pipe in citys possession
Bills allowed
McCook Republican 8450 NJCamp
bell 820 George Leland 50c White
Line Transfer 82335 Mrs C M Bailey
Baby Hurt By Train No 1
The two-year-old baby girl of Mr and
Mrs C L Long of West McCook was
injured by- train No 1 Tuesday after
noon The little one sustained severe
concussion of the brain but no fracture
It is thought that the little one was
playing orwalking along the track and
that she was thrown violently forward
upon her face by the suction of the
train She was on the firemans side
of the track and as he was busy the
presence of the little one on the right-of-way
was not observed The family
lives on the south side of the track
Little one is recovering nicely
Many weak nervous women have
been restored to health by Foleys Kid
ney Remedy as it stimulates the kindeys
so that they will eliminate the waste
matter from the blood Impurities de
press the nerves causing nervous ex
haustion and other ailments Com
mence today and you will soon be well
Pleasant to take
A McMillen Druggist
If you desire a clear complexion take
Foleys Orino Laxative for constipation
and liver trouble as it will stimulate
these organs and thoroughly cleanse
your system which is what everyone
needs in the spring in order to feel well
A McMfllen Druggist
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
CURES disease with Pure Blood
A Hards Successful Raid on Granary
In Ceyloh
Some soldiers stationed at an out
post in Geylonv says a Colombo paper
to protect a granary containing a Irrge
quantity of rice were sent off a few
miles to quiet some unruly villagers
only two of the party remaining be
hind No sooner had the soldiers de
parted than a herd of wild elephants
which had long been wandering about
the neighborhood appeared in f rout -of
the granary Its walls were of solid
brickwork very thick and the only
opening Into the building was in the
center of the roof which was reached
by a ladder On the approach of the
elephants the two men clambered up
Into a lofty banyan tree to escape in
Jury Screened by the thick foliage
though uifceen by the elephants they
easily saw all that went on below
The sagacious animals began opera
tions at the corners of the building
Two powerful elephants after putting
forth every effort but in vain to make
an impression on the building were
forced to retire exhausted A third
came forward and applying his tusks
as levers he at length succeeded in
dislodging a single brick An opening
once made others of the herd ad
vanced and soon an entrance was ob
tained sufficiently large to admit thein
As the whole company could not be
accommodated at once they divided
into small groups of three or four
After satisfying themselves they re
tired and gave place to others until
the whole herd upward of twenty had
made a full meal By this time a shrill
sound was heard from one of the ele
phants and those still In the granary
rushed out and joined their compan
ions One of the first divisions after
leaving the building had acted as sen
tinel while the others were taking their
turn FJe had perceived the troops
returning from the village and gave
the signal for retreat when the whole
herd flourishing their trunks moved
rapidly into the jungle
The soldiers found the animals bad
devoured the greater part of the rice
A ball from a Qeldpiece was discharged
at them in their retreat but they only
wagged their tails as if in mockery
and were soon hidden in the recessen
of their native forests
At One Time They Were Designated
Merely by Numbers
Formerly the days of the week were
numbered one two three four five
and six beginning with the Sabbath
Even now the custom still prevail
among certain modern Greeks the
Siavs and the Finns Many old fash
ioned and orthodox Quakers particu
larly in the north of England still hold
to this custom which was the common
one in the days of the apostles and
down to the fourth century as well as
usual among the Jews and the Arabs
The orthodox Quakers use the nuraer
ical system In preference to the ordi
nary on the ground that the gods and
goddesses from whom the names were
taken were not of the highest respecta
bility in point of morals
The week was originally only a con
venient quarter of the lunar month
benee it began on Monday or moon
day The Italians still call tfondav
the first and Sunday the seventh day
of the week Tuesday is derived from
the Norse Tiw who corresponded to
Mars the god of war a most disreputa
ble person in the eyes of Quakers
Thursday was Tliors day Thor being
a god warrior who was morally no bet
ter than he ought to be Wednesday
again was Wodens day Woden being
the god of battle rage The Romans
called this day Mercurys Friday was
supposed to be the luckiest day of the
week for women It was called after
the Norse Frija the goddess of love
and is the best day for weddings For
the pagan Romans it was also the day
of Venus though the Christian Roman
called it the day of ill luck because
Christ had been crucified on that day
Saturday was called after Saturn and
Sunday was known to the Christian
as resurrection or sun day
The week of seven days was import
ed from Alexandria into Greece and
into Italy about the time of Christ
The Greeks had previously divided
their month into sets of ten days the
Romans into sets of eight days three
and a half sets being equal to one
month New York World
An Authors Initials
Initials are sometimes the resort of
the writer who is anxious to conceal
his identity and a glance through any
one of the 700 vplumes that comprise
the catalogue of the British museum
reading room will discover some
strange instances A theological book
entitled Inquiry Into the Meaning of
Demoniaclcs In the New Testament
Is attributed to T P A P O A B I
C O S Its real author was a certain
Arthur Sykes and the Initials revea
his position as the precentor and
prebendary of Alton Borealis in the
church at Salisbury London Chron
That organist Belle jilted for the
ggrd milionaire played a spiteful tricL
at her vediing
What dhi he do
Instead of playing them up the aisk
with the wedding march he struck up
Old Hundred Boston Transcript
Prospects Brilliant
I see you got married yesterday
Chloe Are your prospects brilliant
Yaass Man husbands friends
brought me fo mo washins Gircle
This world is to the sharpest heaves
rn thf mosr worth- Hamilton
The Puzzle of the Tiny Firefly
and the Mighty Comet
ltls a Mystery to Science and tho Man
Who Is Able to Penetrate ThatMys
tery Will Be In a Position to Revo
lutionize This Planet of Ours
This is not an Aesop fable although
It has a moral
There are two tilings In whose pres
ence science stands wondering and
abashed the little glowworm or the
yet tinier firefly and the mighty comet
arching the sky with its glimmering
train Each of them holds the same
secret how to make light without
heat The man who gets that secret
will revolutionize the planet
The late president of the Royal As
tronomical Society of Great Britain
referred to the value of the comets
secret In his retiring address lie
thought that we do not sulliciently ap
preciate the wondrous spectacle of a
comets tail It shows us hundreds of
billions of cubic miles of space simul
taneously glowing with luminosity
whose origin Is a mystery
It Is a gigantic experiment In a
branch of physics of which we as yet
know very little The comet Is Ini
mersed In what we may well regard
as a vacuum at least it is a far more
perfect vacuum than we can produce
Yet the persistent glow of the comets
tail shows that there is no real vacuum
there but a vast quantity of extreme
ly attenuated matter which no doubt
is the cause of the luminosity
We ought Professor Newall thinks
to awake to the importance of t Ills
hint Who knows he says wheth
er If we could discover a method of
disrupting gases and vapors in ultra
vacuous spaces artificially maintained
on earth we should not have a meth
od of artificial illumination as econom
ical as that of the glowworm and as
brilliant as Is needed for our nocturnal
This thing may really be within our
reach although at the present time
we cannot even suggest to ourselves
exactly how it is to be attained But
the tendency of recent Investigation Is
In that direction As Sir John Iler
schel said of another discovery which
was just at the door We can feel it
trembling along the farreaching line
of our analysis
There are not a few men who are
regarded by their harder headed scien
tific brethren as dreamers who pic
ture to themselves a fast coming time
when we shall not only obtain light at
as cheap a rate as the firefly has it
but when we shall have tapped the ex
haustless stores of energy that sleep
all around us in nature
We are like one in a dream sus
pended In the midst of a vast work
shop crowded with multitudinous ma
chines all whirling and fluttering in
a storm of energies but which he can
neither control nor understand Ii
we could see these things they might
terrify us as the dreamer is terrified
by the whirring belts and spinning
wheels of his vision seeming to grasp
at his life
If the scientific Investigator need
to establish a raison detre in the eye
of the public which cannot follow
either his processes or his results he
has only to point to the fact that the
greatest practical discoveries of mod
ern times have come out of the labora
tories from things as incomprehensibl
to the unitiated as so much magic It
Is a well known fact that the growing
might of Germany springs from hei
devotion to pure research
Refeiring again to the pregnant hint
of the comet Professor Newall is
clearly right in saying Here is a
theme that should stir up the most
commercial mind in the support of as
tronomy Garrett P Serviss in New
York American
On tho Cars of New York
The surface care of New York carrj
on each line as different a nntionalit
as if each belonged to a different coun
try On the Eighth avenue line then
are mostly colored people on the Sixth
avenue they are largely Americans if
there are any Americans in New York
on the Broadway cars there are styl
ishly diessed New Yorkers on tin
Third avenue Irish and Jewish people
predominate on the Second aveuut
Jewish Italian Hungarian Swedish
and German while on the surface car
that run along Avenue A you see
everj foreign nationality under the
sun all bareheaded New York Press
Vain Regrets
That man Biffin lacks courage and
Yes confound him
Why do you say that
Because he was courting my wife
long before I met her If he had had
a little more courage and energy Bu
whats the use of talking about i
now Cleveland Plain Dealer
What Rules the World
When Napoleon caused the names of
his dead soldiers to be inscribed on the
face of Pompeys pillar some one crit
Icised the act as a mere bit of iraagi
nation That is true replied Na
poleon but imagination rules the
world Atlantic
A young cadet was complaining of
the tight fit of his uniform
Why father he declared the col
lar presses my Adams apple so hard
I can taste cider Harpers Weekly
Your little chHd Is your ODly true
democrat Stowa
Shirt Waist Specials
Sioojto 125 waists special 68c
150 to 175 waists special 98c
200 waists special 119
250 waists special 148
Take advantage of these shirt
waist bargains
Wash Dress Goods
Have you seen the good things
in our wash dress goods line
Styles are right
Prices are right
Look at
C L DeGroff Co
District Court Proceedings
The May term of district court open
ed on Monday morning and adjourned
on Wednesday at noon The docket
was not large and the number of im
portant cases was small The docket
was pretty well cleared The only
noteworthy criminal case was that of
HenrvJohntson who received IS months
in states prison for his burglary of the
McDivitt suite
Lettie A Brown vs Plans I Peterson
and John H Grannis Motion sustain
ed to strike amended petition leave to
file instanter defendant thirty days to
Lavonia Finch vs Chester A Rodgers
Diminution of record ordered
Clarence B Gray vs C B Q Rail
way Co Settled
llanna Johnson vs George B McLen
nan Settled
State of Nebraska vs Luther Bush
Case nolled
State of Nebraska vs Henry John
ston Defendant pleaded guilty sen
fenced to eighteen months in the state
penitentiary at hard labor
Harry Morris Bailey vs C B fc Q
Railway Co Fifteen days to reply
Lavonia Finch vs Albert R Weeks
Thirty daj s for amended petition thirty
days to plead
Clarence A Hotze vs John B Rozoll
Plaintiff fifteen days to serve and sub
mit briefs and defendant fifteen days
thereafter to file and serve briefs Court
to en terj judgment as of May 26 1909
Walter E Corwin vs Milton Clark
Erroneously on docket
Edith N Deeder vs Arthur J Deec
er Default of defendant taken
A Edward Reeves vs Anna Reeves
Decree of divorce to plaintilL who is to
pay costs
Mabel M Clark vs Leon A Clark
Decree of divorce to plaintiff wr o is
given custody of female child while de
fendant has custody of male child
Lula Snyder vs Jay A Snyder Not
at issue
Mary L James vs Herbert E James
Plaintiff granted divorce judgment for
500 for alimony for plaintiff
David A Goodenberger vs Mary A
Fox et al John F Cordeal appointed
guardian of Millie Jones decree of par
tition J E Kelley appointed referee
Steele Weedles Co vs David Dia
mond and wife Leave given to reply
instanter without prejudice to trial
Edward Smith vs Edward Thompson
et al Sale confirmed and d ed orit -ed
Charles Ginther v- Francis CO iblo
and Katherine E G ruble IXxirv en
tered quieting title
James W McCIung vs Sarah A
Brown et al Title quieted in pLuntr
Eliza G Ginther s AL Jack
son et al Title quieted in plaintiff
Charles Bailey vs Harvey P Biley
Deed ordered
The Western Land Co vs Margaret
II Heade et al tax foreclosure i jto
neously on docl et
John Morris vs McCook Water rks
Co injunction Fifty day- to nd
ant to plead to amended petion
Ella W Ford et al vs Geo W Lis
ton and Charles H Listen et al arti
tion II W Kees appointed gu r im
ad litem Dan Richman tpjxint i nf
La villa J Burt less vd Lovina Kn
dall insane and Lavilla J Burtt as
guardian of Lovina Kendall forecit ire-
Final order of revivor made
State Bank of Lebanon vs F - ia
Boos and Joseph Boo mortgng f n
closure Due plaintiff 18026 will m
terest at 10 percent from this date
State of Nebraska et rel arles
Kunkee vs Henry N Colling muida
mus Motion for new trial
Olive R Rittenhou e vs AIm - R
Rittenhouse et al partition K
Eldred appointed referee rejxxl f
eree confirmed and property on t d
The Powell Automobile Co vs Frank
Kendlen and Charles E Plckluc
on account
In the matter of the application of
Alice M Adams administratrix 4 ILr
estate of Ida L Kaime deceased for
liiense to sell real esta
Daisy M Robinson s Ole E llcbir
son Order for temporary alimony of
20 per month and 2o uit moiw chil
dren not to be removed from the- juris
diction of this court
Later The divorce case of Ella N
Mickens vs Albert Mickons wasdispos
ed of Wednesday evening plain iff be
ing granted her petition
Enjoy the Summer
with one of our lawn swings cr ham
mocks Verj reasonable in price
McCook Hardware Co
If Your Tastes Are
too fine for letter press printiag if they
demand engraving and steel die em
bossing come and get our figures oo
such work Dont send away or give
your order to some traveling shark
that is dont do it before you have seen
our samples of such work z gotten
our figures