M m i m Just OneHalf - 1 the money you blow in foolishly if invested in a bank account would soon put you on easy street You owe yourself the protection a Savings Ac count will afford you If you are spending all you earn it is unfair to yourself and those who may bo dependent on you You have noticed the manner in which small amounts expended count up in a month a part of such expenditures saved will allow you to have an account at this bank Start with a dollar have money in the bank The First National Bank of Mccook t mmmi By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Samuel T Avery who has been act ing chancellor since the resignation of Dr Andrews has been chosen by the board of university regents as chan cellor Petitions have been circulated among McCook voters this week re questing the placing on the ballot at the November election of Jacob Fawcett and Edward Duffy two well known lawyers as candidates for supreme judges Signatures were freely and numerously given Keabnet is lining up with Holdrege and other Nebraska towns in taking action through its commercial club against the advertising fakirs who are constantly annoying and robbing the towns of the state in some form or by some scheme or other Like Holdrege their effort is to give some protection to the home Drinting offices as well as they do to the other businesses of the city The Tribune hopes that the gradu ating class of 1910 will accord the local printing offices the courtesy and justice of at least a look in on the commence ment invitations We can think of no adequate excuse or reason for sending out of this city for such job printing As business men the local printing offices by taxes paid help to maintain the public school Common fairness leaving gratitude out of the account would accord them first place in this consideration FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC For Sale My residence and house hold goods cheap Good lawn and shade trees Call at 209 E 3rd st 28 3 R O Light For Sale Nhw refrigerator never used cheap Call at 209 E 3rd st 28 3 K O Light For Sale Blue squaw corn for seed Mrs S E Christian phone ash 3GS2 For Sale Strong plants that will grow See or phone R McDonald at Worlan farm phone cedar 1551 21 2 For Sale House und two lots 900 Easy terms Earl Barger For Sale A 9-horse-power gasoline engine Alcuook Uement Stone Co phone red 196 For Sale Several fresh milch cows Inquire of Mrs Anna Coyle McCook Nebraska or phone black 306 Wanted Situation by experienced lady cook in restaurant or small hotel Write box No 5 Iodianola Nebraska Wanted Boarders by day or week Railroad men preferred 701 B st E For Rent Furnished rooms with bath and light 309 2nd st W Phone red 255-28-2 For Rent Furnished rooms J I Lee phone 43 Mrs Fob Rent A 5 room cottage Mrs J I Lee phone 43 For Rent Good house 9023rd st E Phone cedar 983 Mrs W Hickling Cures Cslds Prevents Pneumonia HOVEMENfS OF THE PEOPLE t r J T- - M rntarni4n wain tpwn Monday Mrs Wm Jkkfeuiks returned Turs day night from visiting in Palisade Mrs N B Bush of Oberlin -Kansas is here viBiting her parents arid sister Mit s Lathrop is here from Iowa tho guest of her sister MrsCR Livingston Mihs Ada Hammond of Hastings is visiting McCook friends and relatives this week Ralph Bosworth is down from Den ver to participate in the commencement week affairs Mrs S P DwvEnnnd son are down from Denver for commencement and to visit relatives H W Kryes and S R Smith of In dianola had business in the couuty capital Monday Dr J A Gunn of Benson a suburb of Omaha vieited his children here a couple of days midweek Mrs H M Finity went to Logan Kansas Thursday morning on a visit to her mother and brother Miss Nellie Andrews is over from Lebanon for the commencement exer cises guest of the Schmidt sisters Mrs E J Kates came up from Lin coln Suturday night on a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs T B Campbell Ben B Smiley one of the substant ial farmers from the Beaver had busi ness in the county capital Wednesday Miss Josephine Phelan returned from Denver first of the week and re sumed her desk in the office Monday Mr and Mrs Emerson Hanson and Martha Suess departed Wednesday evening on No 10 for Illinois to be ab sent two weeks on a visit Mrs A E Bailey and two daughter of Palisade were guests of her motbet Mrs William Long close of last ano early part of present week Sohell Kimmell arrived home last Friday evening from Effiugham Illi nois where he has been attending school during the past year Earl Barqer went down to Holdrege Wednesday to meet Hart Schaffner Marxs traveling representative ano make needed purchases in that line W R Hale late of Okerson Hale has retired from the firm and left the city last Friday night on a visit to St Joe relatives He expects to locate in St Louis Congressman G W Norris arrived on No 1 last Saturday from Wash ington to visit briefly with the family while the senate is having its inning over the tariff Mr and Mrs Frank Dobson and Mrs E O Scott went down to Hold rege Sunday on a short visit going on to Lincoln Tuesday morning for a short sojourn also with relatives Frank Real returned Saturday from his visit over in Iowa and from at tendance upon the Knights of Colum bus stats convention in Omaha last week He returned via Kansas City Program lor Memorial Day Monday morning May 31st the deco rating committee of the post Comrades George Dillon Joseph Sullivan and Francis Swartz together with a com mittee of four each from the Ladies of the G A R and WRC will assemble at the Morris hall at 930 oclock to proceed to the cemeteries of the city to decorate the graves of the departed soldiers etc All persons are earnestly requested to bring their flowers for decoration of the graves to Morris hall not later than 9 oclock in the morning At 130 the old soldiers sailors marines solaiers of the Spanish-American war ladies of the W R C and G A R and ex confederate soldiers will meet at Morris hall to march in a body to the Baptist church where the exer cises of the day will be given commenc ing at 200 oclock Song America Audience Invocation Rev Edker Burton Reading of Orders Adjutant Steinmetz Report from Decorating Committees Music High School Boys Glee Club Reading of Lincolns Gettysburg Ad dress Mrs W S Morlan Address of the Day Rev E R Earle Music High School Girls Glee Club Address to Unknown Dead Mrs Matie Welles Benediction Rev G B Hawkes Comrades John Underhill and William Burns of the general arrange ments committee earnestly desire the co operation of all in the proper observ ance of the day By Order of Committee The ritualistic service of the G A R will be held at the monument in River view cemetery at 1030 in the morning The Ladies of the G A R and W R C will also hold their ritualistic services in the cemetery in the morning The procession will form on Main avenue in front of Morris hall at ten oclock and march to the cemetery es corted by the First Separate company of Nebraska national guards and drum corps All business places are requested to be decorated and closed from 10 a m to 4 pm Mens Balbrlggan Union Suits 75c and also at 125 and 21 50 The Thomp son D G Co The utmost value lijirssw ANCIENT BELL They Were Often Quadrangular and Made of Thin Iron Plates There are several old bells In Scot land Ireland and Wales The oldest are often quadrangular being made of thin Iron plates which have been ham mered and riveted together At the monastery of St Galllu Switzerland the four sided bell aTtbe Irish mission ary St Gall who lived In the seventh century Is still preserved hut more ancient still Is the bell of St Patrick In Belfast which Is ornamented with gold and gems and silver filigree work The curfew bell Is that about which most has been written and said It has been thought that It was only used in England but It was quite common on the continent In the middle ages The ringing of bells by rope Is still very popular In England especially In the country where almost every mn let however small has Its church with its peal of bells which are often re markably well rung The first real peal of bells In England was sent by Pope Callxfus III to Kings college Cambridge and was for 300 years the largest peal In England About the beginning of the year 1500 sets of eight bells were hung in a few of the large churches In the middle of the seventeenth cen tury a man named White wrote a fa mous work on bells In which he Intro duced the system of numbering them 1 2 3 4 etc on slips of paper in dif- ferent orders according to thechanges Intended to be rung It is calculated that to ring all the changes upon twenty-four bells at two strokes a second would take 117 billion years One of the most famous bells In the world is the Grst great bell of Moscow which now stands In the middle of a square In that city and Is used as a chapel This bell was cast in 1733 but was in the earth for over a hundred years beinir raised in 183G by the Em peror Nicholas It Is nearly twenty feet high has a circumference of sixty feet Is two feet thick and weighs al most 200 tons The second Moscow bell which is the largest bell in the world that is actually in use weighs 12S tons There are several bells ex tant which weigh ten tons and over of which Big Ben the largest bell in Eng land weighing between thirteen and fourteen tons Is one Big Ben Is un fortuuately cracked London Globe HISTORY ON A TUSK Picture Made by a Cave Man Millions of Years Ago Long ago so long that even a scien tist would hardly dare venture a guess as to the date a man clad with only a wild beasts skin about his loins was sitting at the mouth of a cave in one of the rocky highlands In what Is now southern France He was scratching with a sharp flint on the fragments of an ivory tusk perhaps picturing for some youthful admirers adventures through which he had passed or ani mals he had slain That ivory chip was stored away as a treasure to be lost and forgotten after the cave mans death One day a man named Lartet digging in the cavern floor found it On it was scratched a very fair rep resentation of the hairy elephant probably at once the oldest picture and the oldest human record in ex istence We know the cave man was a faith ful workman for the melting Ice fields of Siberia have yielded a perfect speci men of this extinct mammal and the paleolithic picture Is a true copy Not only has this ancient sculptor given us a sample of the earliest art but he has left us more valuable than all a his torical record of his time for this rude picture is simply a page from the cave mans history which translated into twentieth century English says Men thinking men were contempo raneous with the hairy elephant No record that any of humankind have ever left is half so ancient as this The oldest Egyptian papyrus is a thing of yesterday compared to this paleolithic sculpture While the cave man was living in Europe the valley of the Nile was yet only a wild waste Egypt was not yet Egypt and civiliza tion as we know it had scarcely made a beginning Lippiucotts Shy on the Son But I do not know the candidate said an old Yorkshire farmer who waa appealed to for his vote But you know his father Yes I know him and hes a grand man Then you will surely vote for his son wont you But the old farmer was still doubt ful Im no so sure about that he re plied its no every coo that has a cauff like hersel Liverpool Mercury Queer but Expressive A Danish girl who has recently come to this country to take a course in trained nursing was complaining to a friend the other morning of having overslept herself And no reason why such a thing should befall me for I had what do you call it in English I know a sleep watch all set Wash ington Star A Quiet Spot In the Suburbs Gayboy has given up liorses and drink and all his bad habits and has settled down in a quiet little place In the suburbs Where The cemetery Illustrated Bits Kind Hearted And did you enjoy your Afrlcan trip major How did you like the savages Oh they were extremely kind heart ed They wanted to keep me there for fllnnor London Opinion THE -CHAMELEON This Curious Animnl Is Like Two Half Creaturos Joined The chameleon is not allied closely to any other animal It stands as a genus by Itself The nervous centers iu one lateral half operate independ ently of ilinse in the other This seems outnijeoiis ntl it is but it is 1 true The chameleon has two hit era I centers of perception of sensation and of motion The iv exists ailso a third center that common one In which abide the power of concentration b means of wljich thetwo sides of the creature miy Ik forced to work in harmony with each oilier But this center of concentration does not al ways dominate the situation Not withstanding the strictly symmetrical Structure of the animals two halves the eyes move quite Independently and they convey distinct and separate impressions to their respective centers of perception As of the eyes so of the other members each reports to and Is controlled by Its own center The result is that when the faculty of concentration becomes disturbed everything is juiiillled Let thechame leon be much agitated and its move ments grow erratic They are those of two creatures fastened together or rather of two half creatures joined Each half exhibits Its intention of go Ing its separate way The result is a pitiable confusion of movement There Is no concordance of action A curi ous example of the chameleons help Iessness when unduly excited is found In the fact that it cannot swim The shock of being plunged into water up sets the poise of its faculty for concen tration Forthwith each side strikes out wildly for itsi If to Its own undo ing The chameleon Is the ony four legged vertebrate that cannot swim When the creature h calm every im pulse to motion is referred to the com mon center of concentration and the entire organism acts In fitting accord with the commands issued by that fac ulty Thus while totally different Im pressions from the two eyes are trans mitted from their centers to the com mon one that concentrating power de cides as to which scene Is the more important and then directs the eye otherwise engaged also to regard it The same principle applies in the con trol of all the members so long as the animal remains unexcited Any ob server may easily verify the existence of this dual nature In a superficial way by some experiments with a sleeping chameleon A touch on one side of the animal will wake that side up while the other side sleeps calmly on FLINT AND TINDER Making Fire In the Days Before We Had Matches A friend of mine of just my age used to laugh about his own boyhood and tell the story of his mother shaking him in bed and bidding him put on his boots when he dressed and his over coat and wade through the snow to the next neighbors to get a pan of hot coals with which to make the fire I suppose Joes mother had lost her flint We kept our Hint and what was called the steel in a round tin box such as would hold a quart of straw berries now and it was on the man telpiece in the kitchen It was half full of tinder Half the boys and girls of today do not know what tinder is or was Now whoever was in the kitchen in the morning and found that the last hot coal of the wood fire had gone out took down the tinder box and struck the steel with the Uint smartly and of ten until a red hot spark fell on the tinder then very carefully she blew with her breath on any flakes of the tinder which had lighted until she had quite a little cove of lighted tinder Then she took what we called a brim stone match and put that very care fully in the little hot hole If all things worked well the brimstone lighted and the wood of the match lighted and she lighted the candle which made a part of the tinder box Oh dear There were thousands of tinder boxes in little Boston the day I was born and a few years ago I tried to buy one as a curiosity and 1 could not find one in any of the junkshops In those days old women would stop at the door and ask you to buy some bundles of matches They had made thse themselves of pine wood foul Inches long which they had dipped in hot brimstone at both ends And those were the only matches that anybody ever heard of Womans Home Com panion Always Dreaded the 14th Most dismal of all men off the stage was Griuialdi the clown and hi father fathered him He had that curiou dread of a certain date which assails so many The elder Grimaldi hated the 14th of the month and when It was passed he regarded himself as safe until the next He was horn christened and married on the 14th of the mouth and being discontented with all three events we will hope his death on March 14 17SS satisfied him London Tatler Cutting Humor With cap and bells jangling he burst Into the kings presence Have you heard my last joke your majesty he cried I have was the reply as the royal ax descended on the neek of the court jester Life Realism The Author Well how did yon like my play The Critic Oh it was very nice The Author Didnt you think the church scene realistic The Critic Intensely so Why a great many of us actually went to sleep while it was on Cleveland Lender - New Perfection BlueFlame Oil Cook Store Will Save- Your Time and Money I ifvvvv I li i jar w Get One of These Splendid Stoves and do not spend your time and energy kindling wood and coal fires overheating yourself and home 2 Burner Stoves 800 3 Bumer Stoves 1100 These are ABSO LUTELY SAFE and guaranteed to not smoke or smell You are invited to attend our exhibit Saturday June 5th Biscuits andlCoffee Free phone 3 1 McCook Hardware Co The Insurance Safety Stoyes The INSURANCE is the only stove in which pro vision is made to prevent the escape of gasoline should the burner be accidentally blown out or left open It is Safe Simple Durable Economical Examine this stove before you buy and have all its points 3 explained to you See it in operation and we feel positive you will be satisfied that the INSURANCE is all we claimed for it and the only stove to use Where Safety is an Essential Requirement l POLK BROS AAiilAIAAiilAAAiiliii Mj 110 WEST B STREET McCOOK NEB i - J Ui m T iI n 1 i r hi m mm fi TROUBLE AHEAD R J There is always trouble for those who do not look Wt 1 around It pays to look around Quality makes lots 19 J of difference to the value of lumber We put quality B I first yet our experience will help you cheapen the H j house or barn you want to build so that ou can jR i afford to build let us help you 99 1 Call in and get our Bungalow Book with pictures H of homes so cosy that it is a pleasure to look it over 9 J Stansberry Lumber Co 3 t 1 THP TMRTINC LS0Value 1 IIIJC IRlDUllC for 100 i TYTTYTTTTTTvTTTTTTTT7TTTTTTTVVTVrrTTTTrTTVTVTvwwwv TTTTTTTTTYTT f 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 -4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 -4 4 -4 4 X i i 1 J M k f