Mr Start Corn Right with t -v r 5Ai Jhjf4iv4 trz a John -Deere Two Row Miarr nrii7in r i umim j 3Lct US shovr tills gear to you COME JiARLY and make your selections while stock is complete PIione31 iTiiirv CL IliM IIP11 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS AlcConnell filld prescriptions - Typrj writer libbons for sale at The J mucvk oflit H uy your cummenciinent gifts of Mc- jnijpii Drujiiij t Wfio r liundrj The Star Jou bet PnoriH 1J0 Feed of all kinds baled hiy etc at McCook Flour nd Feed Store We liave fresh lettuce and celery every Wtdncsiay and Saturday HUBER Htiva1 school Prices all thp M n ficmSjc fo51n0 R z lKt Barker Tivnnro inl cabbage plant 50 cents per imdred McCook Greenhouse Co- Ihirif 91 Take your laco ci riin to the Star Ham lry m have lh m dice like Lew 1 10 One Minute andMotor Washers save the womens work and clothes At iic Cock Hardware Co s We have the finest line of Olives and Olive Oil in McCook The full Peid Sock line HUBER Is your hiwn covered wiih dandelions If s o u Kill O ir Knox em On sale at Wood woith Cos Druggists Classier ads than those of the K5ft Clothinir Co of ibis city are notj jrinted in Nebraska Ubwspapers daily or weekly Our Soda Fountnii is now open andj we are plea to oiler you all the latest aud most delicious fancy cold beverages Woodworth Co Druggists The botany class of the high school held a class picnic on the Willow creek Inst Saturdayt with a social time of the first magnitude and provisions to throw to the iish ea er Wo want to inovo as small amount of - s aWiwTirrgTiwrfFtlTrrr rTii 3 8fiy3Q6SfTW l1 3 l i5QbgEaww astern a 1 It Pays to Get the BEST The Same Rule Applies to BUGGIES Used 01 Vcll3 hlji grade vehicles It is correct con struction The single reach on Veils Wrought Iron Vehicles will be found to stand the test better than double reaches I stones holes hi the road crors walks etc the single reach I takes the vibration relieves the strain on the fifth wheel and I axles lessens shock Lo wheels prolonging the life of the bug gy V yvi will fiid single reach gears on Express Wagons ry Oclivary Wagons U S UJIV Mail Wagons because experieacehas shown that they are the strongest I Quality is Ucmemirr Long After Price is Forgotteil ook Hardware Co irii 1 vrnrTTirr McMillen Prescription Druggist McConnells Balsam cures coughs i iivfM when - I I wit I STAND I Lt 5 TWIST a r B safety inflVRKL w i n X I T V S 3WI6FZfflEj7f iij i fJ3 SSi M VT Z 1 -- s T 1 itjaiTa tva i j mji h vr r J J I i vtrr5Milii e I il Ltl W I i K S7V rTff i A d Ofcourse you know Huner keeps the Wedding Breakfast Coffee McVlillpn druggist sells Wall Paper rtiiji j Oils ani Varnishes Suit caejs and trunks large assort ment at Roziil Bargers Rozell Barger are the local dealers in Hurt Schaffner Marx goods See Sam Arnold for bottom pasture GjoJ fresh well water Phono red 249 K pp your money at home The Star Lttnidry spend theirs here Phone 140 Remember the graduates with a nice L picture L W McCoNNELr Druggist In hosiery and ties Rozell Barger carry the real things in the fancy and stylish We have a full line of California Canned Goods in both the Advo and J M brands Nothing superior HUBER Think of moving a queensware stock Too risky Will soil at almost any price before moving time Lodwick For breakfast we have buckwheat Ral ston and Advo pancake flours and maple syrup and mapleine to go with them HUBER UmbrellaB at Rozell Bargers at from S1C0 up Just as reasonable and fine as you want but all the best for the money The missionary society of the Congre gational church will meet on Thursday May 27th at 230 oclock with Mrs V J Gathercole Epworth League Sunday evening at 630 Subject Mountain Top Experi ences A short program will be given it being anniversary day Estelle Faus zooda from the store into the new store- Even the business man who doesnt xs possible Now is the time to get that advertise is quite willing to live in a yece of furniture that you have been town or eity where others advertise and granting at a very low price J make possible his success without Ludwick pense of that sort - ii f i it r - i mi iginiw SIRES AND SONS Sporting Notes German Gleanings Germany has a law prohibiting habitation of any house until wtMmM ill liri ilWTi General Wcyler Spains former min ister of war It is been offered- the Cap tnill HlHTJtlcy of Catalonia Adlai ll iivciiscii will retire from 1 1 v liitti v and otI mining to Hsli tin Lasulle Extension- university Prince von IltloIiu German nlor to Purls has been decorated with Mu giaud cordon of the Legion I i IloiiT Irkc Wright retired from the ret ritirrbtp f war has returned to Memphis Tenn and resumed the priii tire cf i uv Kra I Mills of South LImlngton Ms onrract for carrying the pail jiervven that town and Steep Itl wll expire luly 1 has driven over that route twice a day for more than IhMteen years which means 1 about HiSU0 miles traveled rij Poid Cameron of Pennsylvania j i the ohlet living ex member of th tbinet at least so far as priority of j - iroes After him come Goff 1 Pol r t T Lincoln and William E C v iVvv and Teller There are now nhr u thirty living ex cabinet 11M S V yor Tom Johnsons personal plans r the future include admission to the bar lie is fifty four yars of age and a bit old to become i knvyer but Mr Jchn n iJ forever young in vitality and Fj irit His recent financial reverse- have not dismayed him in the least Short Stories There are said to be 000 bosnis old masters still rcnuiinkig In the gal leries of Americas millionaire collect ors A man who owns one horse in Hol land pays a tax of S10 If he has moie than three each elra 0110 costs 20 a year Mexico now has a navy of oisht ves sels the largest of whch is only a little bigger than a United States rev enue cutter There Is a growing demand for American pearls Those taken from the western waters last season were valued at 500000 James Brown of Ashtabula O has carried a gold watch every day since Feb 2S 1S59 The watch was given to his father as a gift in 1S32 It has been cleaned but twice and keeps good time President Frank Naviu of the De troit Timers says he has the highest salaried team in the American league Carney the big Grst baseman of the Holy Cross team has promised to join the Philadelphia Americans at the close of the college season M According to French turf critics W K Vanderbilt has a three-year-old known as Negofol which is likely ro follow in the footsteps ot Northeast and win for his owner many great turf pries EL V Colver an English motor cyclist recently established a new worlds six hpur record by riding 270 miles 1170 yards within that time The best former record was 2GS miles 2S3 yards The Cookbook Do not put turnips on to cook in large pieces It only wastes fuel For boiling salmon the water must be boiling but for all other Gsh it should only be warm Chestnuts have considerable food value The boiled and mashed pulp may be used as one would use meat or vegetables even croquettes being made of ii Cookies can be shaped with the bot tom of a star tumbler Press the bottom of the glass into the unbaked cooky until the indentations are im printed upon the cake Flour the glass for the purpose the six months after construction The chief publishing centers of Ger many are Berlin Leipzig Stuttgart Munich in the order here named A leading German electrical com pany has in contemplation the erection of a new plant for the exclusive man ufacture of airships and aeroplanes Factory smoke chiefly from nous eoal is becoming so harmful to vegetation In Germany that the Saxon ministry of finance has offered a prize of 2400 for the best preventive Science Siftings 51 There is no structure in existence that would hold a pound of ludium When the shadow of the moon falls on the earth during an eclipse of the sun it usually covers a diameter of fifty miles In a test of the explosive power of various forms of dust when mixed with air it has been learned that the explosion of two ounces of flour in two cubic feet of air will raise two men standing on the testing machine sey eral feet z Tales of Cities Chicago shows a natural increase of 5000 children of school age every year Amsterdam is intersected by canals which divide theciry into about nine ty islands Communication with them is had by about 300 bridges New York city will soon have vlthin its borders the longest bridge In the world It will span Hell Gate 1 nel and will be three miles long generating- Herald druggist and stationer r wi rr a y i i ii ii HV ffibUiilimiWitliiiIMliliHiiHwn j 1 I Appropriate and Practical Presents with which to honor Members of the Graduating Class could be more acceptable are found in nearly every department of our up-to-date store What ceptable than a gift of any item in this complete list We are showing a large assortment of Fans Handkerchiefs Kid Gloves Silk Gloves Fancy Collars Ties Parasols Fancy Hose Shirt Waists Some Pitfalls of Advertising Missoula Mont The McCook Tribcxe is the only newspaper in Red Willow county which claims and has a count circulation is the only newspaper which claims and does fill the bill of a county newspaper giving news from all section of Red Willow county Its circulation is by many hundreds the largest in Red Willow county hence its advertising space is corre spondingly more valuable to the discriminating advertiser who adver tises for business Dishes half pric1 at Lud wicks McConnells Balsam cures coughs Cake plates 5c each at Ludwicks Picture framing The Ideal Store Mrs J Jacisson nurse Phone red 251 Fresh fruit always in season at Hubers Appropriate commencement gifts at McConnells at Ludwicks It wdl pay you to see McMillens Wall Paper before buying Try our crackers in tin boxes You will never use any other HUBER Belts and invisible suspenders at Ro zell Bargers the leading merchants Dont send your work out of town taUe it to the Star Laundry Phone 140 Gloves the ure sy sort aa well as the heavier and cheaper kinds Rozell Barkers If you want something good try our Velvet ice cream marie in Holdrege V odnorth Co Druggists Soft shirts with aud without collars in all the fancy stjles and colorings at Rozell Bargers We have a nice line of books suitable for graduating presents A McMillen The McCook highs will try conclus ions with the Cambridge highs Satur day on home grounds Try the Star Laundry once and you will always keep tiying There is noth ing like it Phone 140 The steel ceiling for the Morlan store room purchased from C F Dann is now being put on by Mr Dann Dishes at any price to suit you at Ludwicks We must sell them before we move Lodwick Preparations are making for a series of matinee races on the park track this afternoon No charge except 10 cents to the grand stand this money to be I used in improving the track It you want a good pickle in sweet sour or mixed we have them a quart jar full for 25 cents HUBER Spring is here We have full line of union and two piece underwear As sortment unequalled Rozell Barger Monarch Silver Bell and White Satin spell success in good bread and cake baking Buy the best Save half of your money now on dishes McCook Flour and Feed Store Quality like blood tells Quality ex plains the well earned popularity of the Famous Loomis High Patent Fours Sold by McCook Four and Feed Store More dishes havf been sold within the last four dajs in McCook than any whole six months period before Lud wick is going to move intocthe Morlan building and the queensware stock must I be sold before moving time Every J piece of qneensware sets and all except j Haviland is being sold atone half price liavuana at one lourtn ou A Queer Dish A great dish at Egyptian harem feasts is that of a lamb roasted whole After the manner of a nest of Chinese boxes f ach smaller than the other trr lamb is stuffed with a whole turkov the turkey with a thicken the chicken with a pigeon the pigeon with a quail and the quail with a becafio the smallest Liid known except a hum ming bird The lamb is roasted over a slow fire until it is almost ready to iall to pieces Try This Fasten a key to a string and suspend it by your thumb and finser and It will oscillate like a pendulum Let some one place his hand under the key and it will change to a circular motion Then let a third person place his hand upon your shoulder and the key becomes stationary London Ex press The man who would rather be rlht than be president generally has his preference gratified Philadelphia Rec ord for children safe sure No opiates Stick Pins Muslin Underwear Waist Sets Dutch Collar Pins Watch Fobs Fancy Hat Pins Brooches and many other useful articles which we will gladly show you when you come The Seasons Most Clever Style Ideas are shown in unsurpassed assortments in Millinery Department MAY TRADE in HATS has more than met our anticipations and our large stock is being fully appreciated by the trade who have learned by comparison that OUR PRICES are 25 per cent to 30 per cent LESS TPIAN ARE ASKED ELSEWilERE l Save your DOLLARS and DIVIES by Visiting Our Store Before You Buy C CLAPP Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings Illiyill in nm wMim mjimmgfjfKiig wAHfj Continuity in Advertising The results to be derived from continuous everyday adver ing cannot be overestimated That person or concern that de sires to have its business grow and expand goes into the news paper and stays there By that we do not mean to let the wording of an ad run without frequent change We mean space The advertising you did yesterday will help your advertising today and the advertising of today will help that of tomorrow The child that makes greatest progress at school doesnt at I tend Monday skip Tuesday back Wednesday and out Friday He is attending every school da in order to pass his finals In continuity there is strength Out of sight out of mind To discontinue an ad while you still have goods on your S shelves or vitality in your brains to produce something means a I one of two things either that you have made your fortune and McConnell for drugs 222 Main Ave Phone 56 McCook Neb auM VEiJii y Tranatsivj cj te Everything in drugs McConneH Soup plates 25 sot nt Ludwicks Mary Harrison nursePhono black 286 Go to the Star Laundry for god and clean work Phone 140 For Pure Mixed Paints at right prices go to McMillens Drug Store Save money on Wall Paper by select j ing from McMillens large stock j Panamas and sailors in straw hats j also the cheaper straws at Rozell Hart Ice cream soda and fancy cold drinks igain on tap at Woodworth Co a I Druggists 112 piece set of best English semi porcelain decorated patterns at 10 Liiri wiuks are ready to retire or that the business is retrograding and de- si We are now agents for the Famous Car- naru uverans ana jackets aiso ior ineir g Gloves and Caps HUBER Wall papr paints oils varnishe9 stums and minion iiuiahes at Wood uorth Co y Druggists Patronize home industry by smoking Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and the Sn oke 5 cent cigar A set of diaries at 1 75 at Ludwicks Decorated cups and saucers flowers aud cold at 40 cents set at Ludwicks There will be no j ranching services at the Congregational church next Sunday on account of the union services at the Methodist church Sunday school at 10 a in and a union meeting of the Junior and Senior Christian Endeavor at 3 p m McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook today Friday are paying the follow iuir prices Com S 73 Whtl 115 ls 65 fya 75 arlev 75 l0Iori G 40 gutter good 20 fcgTS 17 This Shetland Stallion Weight 3S0 Pounds 1 will ma te the season of 1909 at my residence 701 1st Street East Mc Cook Nebraska at S10 Mares sent to me will be kept and bred at 12 L S Viersen East Side City Park c f 6 A iV T J t T m 3 r Mi v t 9 I r iP A 11 J w HJ M L JJ f A