The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 21, 1909, Image 7

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Doctor Minnick went to McCook
Vedne9day evening on business
E SByflold had a casoline I fink in
stalled at bis place of business recently
Mrs Sammy Minmoar was a visitor
at her parents this week
Jim Sims autoed over from Danbury
la9t of the week on a business tour
Mrs P B Ilardesty and daughter
Edna left on No 10 Sunday morning
for the eastern part of the state where
thoy will visit fori awhile after which
they expect to locate at Grand Island
Mr Doc Minniear and daughter
wore recent guests in theMoVVilliams
Dr and Mrs Minnick drove over to
the Beaver Friday and visited with
the Intters parontB Mr and Mrs Wal
ker Andrews
Edward Tletbcote left for his home in
Holyoko Colorado Saturday morning
Ho was accompanied by his father
and brother who will visit with him for
Mrs Northrup came down from Mc
Cook Wednesday morning to be pre
eont at the funeral of Mrs D Hethcoce
who was an old time friend of hers
Mr and Mrs Williamson and daught
er left for their homo in Audubon
vlpwa Thursday night on 14
Quite a number went down to Bartley
despite the wind and dust Sunday eve
ning to hear the baccalaureate sermon
preached by Rev A D Burress of this
W S Dolan and wife John McClung
and wife Mrs Mary Balding John
Maisel Chet Strokey Bob McWilliams
Marion Dow Bennie Smith Orin Cram
er Anna Maisel Bessie Hess Emma
Howard Miss Fullorton and Neal Quick
were McCook visitors between trains
Saturday evening
Harry Labaron camo up from Cam
bridge on No 5 Sunday evening to
visit a friend
II J Sams left for Denver Colorado
Sunday night where he will look after
his land interests
Mike Morosic gave his regular fort
nightly dance at his place Saturday
night attended by the usual numbor
from town
Gladys McCool and Bessie Toogood
were McCook visitors Eriday evening
I M Smith of McCook visited with
his brother W II between trains last
Lon Miller was married at Stock ville
last Wednesday to a lady from Indiana
who came on for that purpose
There was a big charivari for Lon
Miller and his wife About thirty
gathered from all around and hHd a
hilarous time
Mrs Owens Longnecker has gone to
Indianola to attend the district conven
They will have a dinner and supper at
the hall during tho convention at In
dianola and judging from the toothsome
preparations tho ladies in this commun
ity are making to donate for that pur
pose the entertainment for the inner
man will be equal to that prepared for
the spiritual at the convention
Lucy Miller and Lida Rozelle are
staying at Owens Longneckers taking
cure of little William while Mrs Long
necker attends tho convention
A letter from John F Black an
nounces his arrival at Goodwin Okla
boma whero he seems to have settled
near Vxa9 Panhandle His being there
was a surprise to his friends This
leaves ouly two of the onginal settlors
William 13 Held and John Longnecker
Mr and Mrs Smith and Mr and Mrs
William Randel called to see Mrs Long
necker who is able to be around part of
the time She is still much troubled
with nervous prostration
Mrs D B Dojle Jr entertained her
cousin Miss Woodul of Missouri latter
part of last week
Mrs F G Little and children return
ed for a short visit with the folks hero
before going to Alma to visit her sister
for a time
T M Campbell took his little son to
McCook Saturday and had Dr Fahne
stock cut a cyst from tlmlid of his eye
lie is getting along nicely
F G Lytle is planning to rebuild
right away
Quite a hailstorm visited this vicinity
one night last week Fortunately there
was no wind with it
Hoarseness bronchitis and other
throat troubles are quickly cured by
Foleys Honey and Tar as it soothes and
heals the inflamed throat and bronchial
tubes and the most obstinate cough dis
appears Insist upon having the genu
ine Foleys Honey and Tar
A McMillen Druggist
for children safe sure Ito opiates
Mrs O E Schnell of Waunota and
Mies Cora Ritter on thoir wuy to Iowa
visited witi Rev and Mrs Hagemun
last week -
David Beaman has gone to Omaha
to visit relatives
Burtloy high school boys played bas
ket ball with Cambridge high school
lust week
Mrs Shuck of Cambridge visited her
sons and families Alec and Arnold
Wheeler this week
Burl Gilpin minister of the Christian
church of Aropuhoe visited his brother-in-law
C M Bubbitt Monday
Rev Durress of Indianola preached
the baccalaureate sermon for the high
school graduates lust Sunday evening
Mrs Wallace W T C U lecturer
gave an interesting address at tho M E
church last Sunday morning aud
spoke again on Monday evening to a
pleased audience
Mrs G W Rtchie and daughter Ida
returned from Oregon this week They
are well pleased with that state and will
make it their pormeuent home as soon
as they can dispose of property
Mrs J S Miller is very sick with
Indianola and Bartley ki nines play
ed ball at this place Saturday Score
25 to 26 in favor of Bartley
It is reported Frauk is using a
sure thing on fish bait whiei he bought
at the drugstore He gave it a fair trial
one day last week but could not get a
nibble Finally a compunion examined
the secret lustrum and found it to be
just common turpentine
The MisseB Ada and Pearl Olmstead
were here last Wednesday while Pearl
was taking tho 8th grade examination
On May 1st Middleton Ruby will
move their plumbing shop into building
3rd door east of DeGroff store on B st
east and will carry a complete line of
plumbing and steam heating materials
Estimates furnished free See them for
sewer and plumbing work They always
endeavor to please
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thk
Tribunf office
Poto Lebn had tho misfortune last
Wednesday1 to have a runaway which
demolished his wagon and scattered his
well drilling tools
Sybil French who has been visiting
her sister Mrs Roy Thomas returned
to her homo at Herndon Kas Satur
Several from here attended tho fight
ing match at Marion Saturday
Rev Miller preached a fine bacca
laureate sermon to tho graduating class
Sunday evening The church wbb filled
to overflowing The graduates were
well pleased with his sermon This
being his second baccalaureate sermon
he ever preached the first one was
preached at Lebanon the same day
A miniature cyclone paused south of
here Tuesday night It did consider
able damage along its pathway It was
accompanied by hail which did con
siderable damage
Tho oil roan from McCook was in
town Saturday
Mr and Mrs Archie Foley are the
proud parents of a baby boy
Tho measles and whooping cough
seem to be the order of the day as
several around here have either of them
Clyde Metcalf and mother of Oberlin
were in town in their auto Sunday
The intermediate room will have a
picnic Wednesday instead of tho last
day of school
Miss Murray visited with homefolks
at Indianola overSuuday
Several from here attended the Leba
non Beaver City ball game at Lebanon
R F D NO 1
Mike Fritz and wife are rejoicing over
the birth of a boy baby May 13th
weight 8 pounds
W E Bower came down from Denver
last Sunday morning on a visit to his
children and on business matters
Miss Jessie Dudek of Waunetais visit
ing at the home of her uncle Frank
If you desire a clear complexion take
Foleys Orino Laxative for constipation
and liver trouble as it will stimulate
these organs and thoroughly cleanse
your system which is what everyone
needs in the spring in order to feel well
A McMillen Druggist
Cures Golds Prevents Pneumonia
I Jf rw V v fp
yjjf Sold only in iiFmK yMiv VffI
y Moisture Proof IF t J Ml
The National prestige of Uneecla Bisouat is
baked in The moment yon take a biscuit
from the package5 as soon as you taste it the
reason becomes apparent why so many hun
dred millions of packages of U need a Biscuit
have been bought by the American people
pgfi Pr
How Sherman
Pot the Lid On
CRING the siege of Atlanta
some of the Confederate bat
teries opposing Sherman on
the west front of the city
were sheltered from nttnek by
mountain which could not readily be
scaled by Federal artillery After long
delay and tedious labor the light Held
pleces of the Eleventh Indiana battery
were hauled to the crest of the moun
tain where the men of the Second
Massachusetts had cut a roadway and
constructed earth and log pits to shield j
tne guns A day was fixed tne earliest
possible to open fire upon the lines
below Sherman General George II
Thomas the tltock of Chlckamauga
Fighting Joe Hooker and General J
M Brannan Thomas chief of artil
lery were on the ground to witness
the effect of the fire which was ex
pected to open the way for a success-
A ie xaS v
we will not open fire today
fill attack upon Confederate positions
which bullied the advance of Thomas
The time was August and the heavy
stilling atmosphere inclined the men of
both armies to suspend activity The
stillness of death reigned everywhere
except around the jsolated battery on
the mountain top There the gunners
moved with the grim energy of sol
diers facing a crisis Guns were
trained upon the most conspicuous and
vulnerable targets Sherman and his
lieutenants stood apart scanning with
fieldglasses the camps where the shots
were to strike
At last the signal was given Bat
terymen went forward to pull the lan
yards and send the shots home when
attention was diverted by the soft
pealing tones of a bell trembling on
the heavy air across the valley Loud
er and stiil louder the measured
chimes sounded over the city over the
camps up to the mountain crest Sher
man raised a warning linger to gun
ners who looked into the eyes of their
officers for explanation of this strange
gesture The officers equally non
plused looked to the generals and
Sherman spoke out calmly but in
tones for all to hear Gentlemen we
will not open fire today Then turn
ing to the chief of artillery he said in
the same quiet tones General Bran
nan you will open firetomorrow
Today was the Sabbath a day ac
cording to Shermans orders not to be
interrupted by the inferno of guns and
shells Harpers Weekly
Minus tho Picture
The bridge builder with Stonewall
Jacksons army was a rare character if
the following story be true
The Union soldiers retreating from
the valley of Virginia burned a bridge
over the Shenandoah Jackson who
wanted to pursue sent for his old
bridge builder
Sir he said you must keep iron
at work all day and all night and fin
isu that bridge by tomorrow morning
My engineer shall give you the plan
Old Miles saluted and withdrew
Early the next morning the general
sent for Miles again
Well sir said Jackson did the
engineer give you the plan for the
General said the old man slowly
the bridge is done 1 dont know
whether the picture is or not Uer
aid and Presbyter
Swearing In the Ccok
The darky contrabands who fre
quently strayed within the Union Hues
were often very acceptable as serv
ants particularly as cooks The non
commissioned officers frequently had a
heap of sport with these unsophisticat
ed negroes Occasionally there was
great formality In swearing in these
cooks The drums would be sounded
or the bugles blown and amid much
impressive pomp the darky would as
sume his new duties having sworn to
perform them properly to support the
constitution of all the loyal states
clean the plates without wiping them
on his coat sleeve solemnly swearing
to put milk in the coffee every morn
ing and other like deeds
The Unknown Dead
Now rrany a soldier slumbers
Hi resting place unknown
His hands were crossed his Hds were
The dust was oer him strewn
The drifting soil the moldering leaf
Along the sod were blown
His mound has melted Into earth
His memory lives alone
Uo let It live unfading
The memory of the dead
Long as the pale anemone
Springs where their tears were shed
Or raining in the summers wind
In flakes of burning red
The wild rose sprinkles with Its leaves
The turf where once they bled
Oliver Wendell Holmes
The first food of the day
Every man woman and child begins
the day with more or less vigor of mind
and strength of body according to the
first food supplied to the stomach The
best first dish of the day is a bowl of
Quaker Oats The stomach can assimi
late it more quickly and with less effort
than other foods There is little or no
waste and every ounce of food is con
verted into muscle vigor and brain
activity The strongest people in the
world are the regular eaters of Quaker
Oats You should eat it for breakfast
every day
If you are convenient to the store
youll probably buy the regular size
package For those who live in the
country the large size family package
is more satisfactory
If you want to feol well look well bo
well take Foleys Kidney Remedy It
tones up tho kidnojp mid bladder puri
fios tho bood and restores hoalth and
strength Pleasant lo take and contains
no harmful drugs Why not commence
today A McMillen Druggist
Wc want everybody with scalp or hair
ailments even though they are bald in
spots to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonic
We exact no promise or obligation Simply
use a large bottle Then if not satisfied
icll us and we will refund the money paid
us for it Two sizes 50cand 3100
L W McConnell The Rexall Storo
gvft Ilifiryf v ii v v vvn ii rtw
Ur J U Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb
Office over UlccricTlieatre on Alain Ave
lLf It tf M
Office over PIcAdams Store Phone 190
9 III V5
DENTIST puohb 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Wnlsb Blk McCook
Dr J A Colfer
Room Postokfice Building
h 3
fr K n uatewood
Office over McMillen s drugstore
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
C3Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Office in Poatoffice building
C H Boyle
C Eldhed
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance P one 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor
Poetoffice Building McLOOk Neb
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
t ltiVKK rALb
The automobile livery in
7 we tern Nebraska that always
Ket there and ack Trip day
v or nicht anywhere Price
Can be found at 104 AlcCook Neb
AtVfcrari vjj
Will stand during the season
of 1909 at my farm at Perry
Terms 1000 for live colt
100 cash down
Every care taken but will not
be responsible for accidents
Q W Watkins