s J Business Office Station ery is Our Specialty Particularly Fine Line of Writing Papers in Boxes McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pens and Holders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Letter Files E A M King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets every first and third Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Clarence B Ghat H P W B WniTTAKEB Sec KNIGHTS TEJ1PLAB Bt John Commandery No 16 K T meets on the second Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall David Magneb E C Hexry C Cdlbebtson Bee EASTERN STAB Enreka Chapter No S6 O E S meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Mas Saeah E Kay W M W E Hart Sec MODEBN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments at White House Grocery Julius Kunert Consul J M Smith Clerk ROYAL NEIGHBORS Noble Camp No 862 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p til in Morris hall Mrs Uaroline Kunert Oracle Mrs Augusta Anton Eec w o TV Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8 oclock in Diamonds hall Chas F Maekwad C C W C Moyer Clerk WORKMEN McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p m in Monte Cristo hall MauriceGriffinRcc MS JenningsMY JMNENTZFinancier RoYZiNTForeman DEGREE OF HONOR McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every second and forth Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Monte Cristo hall Mrs Della McClain C of H Mrs Carrie Schlagel Kec LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets every second and fourth Sunday of each month nt 230 in Morris hall Walter Stokes C E W D Burnett F A E LOCOMOTIVE FIEEMEN AND ENGINEMEN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Husted Sec RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 04 Main Avenue S E Callen C Con M O McClure Sec RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of B T meets first and third Sundays at 230 p m and second and fourth Fridays at 7 30 p m each month in Morris hall C W Corey M B J Moore Sec BAILWAT CABMEN Young America Lodge No 456 B H C of A meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Morris hall at 730 p m Rat O Light C C N Y Franklin Bee Sec b BOILBBHAKEBS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridays of each month urOdd Fellows hall Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands Invoice Files McCook Views in Colors are a Leader with Us THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook Lodge No 133 A F A M meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at 800 p in in Masonic hall Chakles Jj Fahnestock W M Lon Cone Sec B S M Occcnoxee Council No 16 R S M meets on the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m n Masonic hall Ralph A Hagberg T I M Sylvester Cobdeal Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 800 p in in Morris hall Theo Diebald Pres Feed Wasox Fin Sec Floyd Uebby Cor Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets everj Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall II V Conoveb C C D N Cobb K R S ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodgo No 137 1 0 0 F meets overj Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall H G Hughes N G W A Middleton Sec eagles McCook Aerie No 1511 F O E meets the second and fonrth Fridajs of each month at S 00 pm in Diumonds hall Social meetings on the first and third Fridajs R S Light W Pres G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdajs of each month at800 p in in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourtli Thurj dajs of each month atS p in in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hivo No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thnrday evenings of each month in Morris hull Mrs W B Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts R K g A R J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m Morris hall Wsr Long Commander Jacob STEiNMETzAdjt RELIEF CORPS McCook Corps No 9S V R C meots every second and fourth Saturday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec l of g a b McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p m in Morris hail Mary Walker Pres Ellen LeHew Sec P E O Chapter X P E O meets the second and fonrth Saturdays of each mont j at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs J A Wilcox Pres MRS J u acnOBEL uor Sec Try This For Catarrh Free tests are now being supplied by mail to all Catarrh sufferers There is no expense no obligation whatever Dr Shoop is combining Oil of Eucalyptus Thymol Menthol Oil of Wintergreen etc and is incorporating these ingredients into a pure snow white cream like Imported Petrolatum This Creation Dr Snoops Catarrh Remedy gives immediate and lasting relief to catarrh of the nose and throat That all may first test it free these trial boxes are being mailed without charge simply to encourage these tests and thus fully demonstrate beyond doubt the value of this combination If Catarrh has extended down to the stomach or bowels then Dr Shoops Restorative must also be used internally if a complete cure is to be expected Otherwise the Dr Shoops Catarrh Remedy -will alone be entirely sufficient Write DrShoop Racine Wis for sampfe and book Sold by Druggists everywhere Which hook thaU X lead yon No 1 On Dyspepsia I No 4 For Women No 2 On the Heart 1 No 5 For Men No 8 On the Kidneys No 6 On Bhenmatizn A Mc MILLEN Aunt Marthas Memorial Day F you nlnt never had no Aunt Martha In your family ma says Unit uu have missed one of the best things that ever happened in this world She 13 mas oldest old maid sister Well now you neednt turn up your nose She aint one of them sour lean cranky weazened vinegary dispositioncd spit curl spit tire oilcloth fading critters not by a long shot Shes short stout white and carries a smile that warms and lights a hull room just us when father lays a tire in the tireplace Some folks say that the reason she uf ti t married is because she aint nev er had no chance Ma says taint so For tive years Uncle Silas hired man Henry Peters kept company with her ma sayj and come to see her evcrx Wednesday and Saturday night right fi5jpSpL ILL GO IN YOUR PLACE through corn plantin hayin harvest in and thrashin no matter how busy 1 have heard ma tell the story about Henry Peters a good many times Henry lived alone in a little house on Uncle Silas farm which jines ours that Is Henry roomed there Dncles house was pretty small for the growin family so the hired man slept there So did extra help durin hayiu har vester and thrashin It is a little two room affair Aunt Martha lives there all alone now ex cept when she is stayin with some of the relatives hclpin care for tne sick iayin out the dead or something like that And it keeps her pretty busy because both pa and ma have a grist of brothers and sisters livin in these parts Well durin the war ma says pa was drafted It didnt seem as if he could be spared Ma had been sick all winter and bad run up an awful doctors bill The crops had been mighty poor the season before almost a failure I here wasnt enough sold from the farm to keep us going and pay the interest on the mortgage There was no money to pay for a substitute and things did look blue Through the orchard one mornin scythe on shoulder come Henry Pe ters who had learned of the trouble Pa was out by the pigpen when Hen ry walked up to him placed his hand on pas shoulder and said Uncle Hi ram he always called pa that the say Ill go in your place I am a single man without any ties No one cares for me and there is none do pendin on me as there is on you Pa bursts into tears and says Hei ry I have no money to pay you Drat the money says nenry hangin up his scythe in the apple by the pump nenry went to the county seat and Misted and went to war Ma say there was a tearful partin betweei Aunt Martha and Henry she guessed because Marthas eyes was mos swelled shut next day but her smile was still there Good news was heard from Henry He was brave and got to be second lieutenant till at some big battle th name of which I forget he was among the missin this notbin more from Henry Peters clean heartbroken From that day to has been heard Aunt Martha was ma -says but she went about her work carin for tje sick and layiu out the dead as usual Aunt Martha organized a society ma says to send lint bandages canned fruits and jellies to the sick and wounded in the hospitals and worked on that all the time she could spare from family matters Henry Peters scythe hangs out in the apple tree right where he left it when be went to war Pa said none or us boys should tech it and we never have The blade is terrible rusty spiied I guess but nobody has ever dared take it down Aunt Martha never goes to Memo rial day down at the Forks and I often wondered why All the rest of us do rain or shine I didnt think 1 could go this year because I was just over the mumps and it was a coolish day with a raw wind Just over the hill from our house at its foot runs the road to the West Branch cemetery and while it is out of sight of the house you can hear the band as it marches by but you cant see any thing It is quite a ways round by the road but cross lots it aint far Ma left her blanket shawl and my pea jacket Iyin on the sofa in the sit tin room intendin to take them along to use if we got cold and in the ex citement of gettln started forgot em I Georgie she says to me ma always calls me Georgie when she wants me to do anything cant yon run home bard ahead next the orator of the day and the preachers of the town In car riages then the llower wagon with the little girls dressed In red white and blue next the Grand Army post Wo mans Relief corps followed by citi zens in carriages and on foot I hustled along home and when git tin near the house I thought I would steal In and see- what Aunt Martha was doin and mebbe I would Und out why she dont ever go to Memorial day The doors was all open I slipped into the slttln room and found the things ns ma said Then I went Into the buttery by the window and lis toned and watched I heard Aunt Martha comln down stairs Instead of bein dressed I white a8 usual she had on a drss a black as night and wore Aunt Pa tiences bonnet and veil that she go1 when Uncle Wall was killed on tin log slide up Kittle creek The band was marchin along thi road to the graveyard I could hai the dirge and Aunt Martha walkei with slow step keepln time to the sao music around the house out to the pump where hung the scythe thai Henry Peters hitched up there before he went to war There Aunt Martha stopped She had a book In her hand and I heard her read somethin fron It It is somebodys oration cant re member the exact words but it I something like this We cannot con centrate we cannot dessi ate this hoi lowed ground Its a noble piece 1 have heard it read on many a Memo rial day by some lawyer at the Fork durin the exercise It winds up A government from the people with tin people to the people shall not perish from off this ere earth After this I heard Aunt Martha say In We will now percede to decorate the graves of our fallen heroes And she stepped up and hung a wreath ol everlastin towers on that old scythe snath Then she dropped on h r knees bowed her head clasped her hands as if she was makin a prayer to Ood 1 could look no longer and took mj sneak I felt mean to think I spied on her but now I knew why Aunt Mar tha never went to Memorial day I went back to the cemetery and ma was glad to nt her wrap After dra in all around through the graveyard and lookin at the decorations we went to the ball game and saw the Catlin Hollow Daisy Cutters mow down th Stony Fork Oiants by a score of 34 to 2G We got awful cold goin home bin when we all piled out there was a big fire In the elevated oven kitchen stove the table was spread with a white cloth and a dandy supper ready thanks to Aunt Martha eggs boilel just three and one half minutes in the shell and sure the waters boilin says she potatoes cut up line cooked in ham grease and then cream poured over them which she knows so well how to fix fresh apple sauce warm biscuit honey spiced peaches and a one egg cake as light as a feather Aunt Martha in her white dress warmin us all with her smile bus tlin about helpin us kids off wit our things and givin us several help ins of our favorite dishes After supper 1 teased ma to walk out to the pasture with me and see some new lambs that had come while we were gone to Memorial day an then while walkin back 1 told her what I saw about Aunt Martha She just broke down and cried and said she had never knew such love and de- mm If iPk 1 km iWi v km pt pp k a wzeatu c tEiAsriNO nowrus votion She made me rnmNi nut t tell and inner hte mu dy liu you But ou wont give nit- away will you l nave iicei itiri wuat ma sat I For the liie f mc I i ui t see w h Aunt Marthas divs ti 11 Autt i wiiderV weeds aid giii nui to the pinup ad 1 1 1 1 1 i s a i eth everlastin lowers u Iieir euTs nisty old sithe tln ht- hung tlnre for forty jcars ta - auvthiug it ti with love aid devotion Can you A Glory cf Gr rt General Fred Grant s fnvcrite slur of his lather U one that very a illustrates that gret vomers tai ult of sizing up a situation in a rev words We had an old coachman he sys who was not the brightest man in th World but what lie dil not know about E hoi oc was not worth knowing Motli er used to call on him to do all sort- of things that were not in his line anJ old John of course was always making mistakes to annoy her Once she sent him to the bank to do some business and he did it wrong She told father about it and said 1 guess youll have to let John go A Relic of John Brown a very dilapidated IN the midst of the ace old casting boxes an condltloc In accumulation of ad scrap lum ber In the yard of the Kmery companys copper smithy on Railroad row Springfield Mass now given ovt r to the tender care of rats and pigeons with an occasional I ramp drifting in us an extra guest stands the identical warehouse used by John Brown ami his sons John junior and Jason be tween the years 1S17 and ISul John Brown had lived In Massachu setts before He studied to be a min ister in the fatally of Hev Moses Hal lock of Plaluiield just before he reach ed his majority In the winter of 1SU At that time lie was described as rather tall sedate dignified and he was sent back to his fathers tanyarJ in less than i year because of inflam mation of the eyes In the warehouse John Brown work ed daily with his men some white aud some colored sorting classing and transshipping wool There 1S S Fred erick Douglass called upon him and was surprised to find him in such a small wooden house on a back street In that same year Brown elated at his successful sales plunged to the extent of going to Furope to interview English buyers It is related that he was phenomenally astute In grading wool by the sense of touch A half dozen Englishmen met the Yankee farmer and having heard of his keen ness in this particular resolved to put it to the test He was led into a dark room in which three small sample packets were lying Brown instantly detected which was Saxony winch was from Ohio but at the third he hesitated a moment Turning to the jokers he said If -you have any sau sage machines In England that will work up dogs hair put this in It The laugh was on his companions for they had indeed used the shearings from a poodle to fool him Brown greatly endeared hiscf to the blacks In his Springfield ware house lie formed a lodge of Spring field trouble with the whites Forty fonr members joined Beverly C Downing heading the list He would have them come to the downstairs low ceilinge office an hour before work began In the morning and they were there far into the night after work was over The late Thomas Thomas long a res taurateur in Springfield was engage J at the very first of Browns career in OTvO SSk I ntZsi Emg8M im im fc - - I S1Z3L O t 3 22ilS2fc tes Jo v zi JOHN BROWNS WAHEHOUbE that city as a porter He said tt wuen ue asKcu i irown now early i i the mcrnig he should c i to work the reply was We usually be 1 1 work at 7 but ccre earlier for 1 want to talk with on lie de iei thst Brown was wont to t ilk by tw hour with white or black sympst It made little dirTeren e iuj the business theeuth - ways ready to call a halt v i porrunitr to exploit hs view McCook Junior Normal VVrito to your friends and tell thnn that tbo McCook Junior Norma vnli open Jono 7th and closo July SOtb All Hobjoota for firstsecond and third gradi luojecta will be given and proferaionn ubjecta when there is eutHciimt fontanel ir same Tbo McCook Junior NorniHl u betm no of the largest and best nil the u in tho past Let overyono talk nornml from now on It is now only lour rn vkn nil Juno 7th For special information writo W Taylor principal or Ulaudin IS Hatcher registrar Rev I w Williamsons Lcltcr Raw I W Williamson Huntington W Va writes This id to ceitiy ihnl I used Foleys Kidney Remedy for iidi voub exhaustion and kidney trouble ami am free to aay that it will do all lhafc you claim for it Foleys Kindey Rem edy has restored health and ttliMigih lt thousands of weakr run down Contains no harmful drugs and ia -ant to tako A McMillen Diugpsl Engraving and Emoosslnjr Your wants can be supplied nt Tiix TnmuNK in tho lino of eitgravirg mwi embossing such aa calling card iuv tationB and announcements monogram correspondence paper etc lnudumu samples of all on display Prices tru sonable Prompt service If inttrcatoti como nnd inspect A CARD This is to certify that all dru gisls are authorized to refund your mom y if Foleys Honey and Tar fails to cum jour cough or cold It btops tho iuuh heals tho lungs and prevents pneumonia and consumption Contains no upinu s Tho genuino is in a yellow package A MuMiUt a If Your Tastes Arc too fine for letter press printing il Ihey demand engraving and bteel dn mi bossing come nnd get our iigures on such work Dont send away or givo your order to some traveling shntlr that is dont do it before vmi have wen Gileadites primarily aimed to our Bamples of such work z t gotten protect me negroes irom gntuertnjr 3 Jfif Q ed itself lie pieferred to di most of the talking and appreciattd a gool L tener In the colatd correspondence t Brown there are two later items hav ing a distinct bearing upn this woo wcrlrin Springfied er i Ors the copy of Frowns letter to hi soi John a given ii Dr G W Prowns book ap pear thee words apropos to the fa thers elation at making a business connection with Colonel Perkins Jm 11 1S M This I think will be no mean alliance for the poor bankrupt and his family in a manner unex pected I most certainly hope we will have the wisdom given us to make the most of it In the letter quoted in Frank B San borns book under date of April 1 1S3S wliei he was rapidly neaiing hi self imposed martyrdom addressing dear wife and children every one Brown speaks of the liabilities I in curred while connected with Mr Per liins and further says Mot of you know well 1 gave up all I had to Per kins while with him It was somewhat startling to see re cently after almost sixty years have passed on the great billboard which now completely hides this dilapidated tumbledown wool storage warehouse from passers on the railroad the lurid advertisements of a traveling Uncle Toms Cabin company with fugitive slaves being chased by bloodhonnds when less than three feet from the base of the same boarding stands the He never does as he should anything same counting room which heard back I want him to do In 1849 fiery denunciations of just Well mother said my father if such scenes from the lips of old Ossa j John could do everything you want watomle Brown himself even then - nnri r n orc hnf t ini mm ro Qo and no n ricriir np wonifi nor niannint rne trniif tuurse Tfhirh ihi u4 4 Will I1UT3 1UUI A iaia rU LUU utuu ViauuiuB nueic - w miM the sofar I hated j was Just formln for our figure Many weak nervous women have been restored to health by Foleys Kid noy Remedy as it stimulates the kinthqs bo that they will elimimilo ihu wuio matter from the blood Impurities do press tho Lerves causing ieinu t ix baustion nnd other ailments Com mence today and you will soon vi well Pleasant to take A McMi Di uggist If OU have beadiuhe hinl uiusy troublou ycu bhould tike Fulijs Kin ney Kemedy to strengthen and hvuM up the kidneys so they vvitlaci jnpi i as a serious kidney trouble m deil j A McMillen Druggist Typewriter ribbons papers etc lor sale at Thk TRinuNKoflice NOTiChi No more hunting fishing picnichin or boat riding on the old Loomis ilat e Parties doing so will be taken lor and tnatttl as such Tins jikas you -1 1 2m S L WKAY Get Info BusinessforYcorsdf A BUCK CEMENT BLOCK HA6K1ME Will make ycu money The EUuK ihcrmiy sVfflv two piece seli bindmg self loci M M inewater tjroof ISB31 ill n iL Ol KL 13 a tary drv air block mndc Tnr3 less material and is madeqtiicler than any other block II ritr if daynttd let its tell yon all ax7Jt ir nnd how jon can make tiom 5i ftz Jiococverjdaythat yon woV IlTrlr f Ivf right in each county Oil tn fin Interlock Bfoc i av jj iJ23ls2w u cvi 5 IWachira Co rity rrr 24th and Pzul SU 0AHA HIS TO CRED T R- Tt c State of Ni lit n l n RccW illow s 1 i he ounty oiirt In Mat n r of tl e Estae of Michcet Uauli h i I i yavtd lie t r litfrif ail IVatc on are lifrd yntlol I hat I w ill it I J o iurt 1 k ni nt cl ijk in ui toowj on r e lh ihij f NovcnliT lit V rt 1 o b ck i M i t c iv m ti iin iti paiht Feta with a itw to tiiir aid alKita ce TI e time hrnicd for the prev ntaiini fcaiiis ainiist i aid Estale ir Mt Sin in from th litli day of May AJ 1S nd tt u tin 1 1 ii iid lr pajintiit of debts ar bum -aid liti ilaj of May ltt V id i ii y 1 a d at d tl e teat of said CotSKty ourt iiivuh dij i f i ri till fsx j -I ooi r County pofet 1 Idnd Ati rt rb 1 M tt NOTICE TO CREDITORS TJ p Ftnte f Ncl a J cdWillov caoaf In the t imj t oi n In the Matu r of tLe IVtate of Tatrici Coyle Dorra ed To tin- idtTi of -aid Isate Yon arc I r l o i d 1 1 at I wPI sit at 11 o omit tlM rr I imiii ii Jri ol in aid ov oi the 13tl aj of t u ler t at i cfic I SI to n t nic r n mi- allcairisaitt -aid i ta e nl a itw to tl r ir Jtdjttalxnil nd allov a - T n liii il fi r tlf a ion i t i - -mi s id f Male Is iris Mo th fnn I tl Vav J W i od tl e Jir C lor irint rif ill Is One im in m P id Lit di j if ay li it a i oi t ontity Ji dee otcA lin d tu r - i it NOTICE TO CREDITORS The of hr a Rt Willow const ys In ti mtj i it In t r Matr of tic F late of Ilarri t 33 1 i a- it In tl rtditor6 of -aid T ate itii r 1 en 1 y nr ij d Thrt I villit atic u ourt i ton in c k in baidCoutT I - il day of Nou iiilfc U- at Iviuo ri M to loan ue ad claims ktin i iid I stall- ith a w n to their adiuv uue The nit p limited for tLt iwtr otaiini of pfaiii t -aid J atp i tl e th day of Novfinb r A I Hw and I lit- ih o irited for iaMnenr f rirbts i3 One Year frti e th day of April ltt W itnes mj 1 and and th -cal of szul Cooy our 1 is 14th t f pri Itl f si ai J - rt oon y Judcc ort Hrwt ttrHriify to The procession j have to be Glr coachman him at last to the Harpers Ferry raid FAlli wnir AH the cemetery the Pa Ledger and to the gallows BosJon Globe J HJZa 909 tl xxrux and baZs 2 ai A J