The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 14, 1909, Image 7

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Mr and Mrs Eustou nro hero from
Old Wntor Kansas visiting their
daucrhtor Mrs J R Sipe
Ed King and Gnldia Hoover wore
united in mnrrinRe Wednesday evening
Rev J E Ilageman officiating This a
very worthy young couple and wo all
wish them prosperity and happiness
Bartloy and McCook basketball girls
played hero last Saturday Score 11
to 13 in favor of MoCooltonm
The storm Wednesday night last
week blow out the front of tho Barrows
livery barn
E E Smith had his ico houso covered
with tin last week
Dr J E Hathorn made a business
trip to McCook Thursday
Tho U S marshal was in town last
week serving subpoenas on parties to
appear at Lincoln this week in federal
Jack King and wife bavo moved onto
the Elmer Turpin farm
Tho team of A F MoCord with the
rural mail wagon broke loose and ran
around tho town last Friday upset tho
wagon and did some damage
Pitching quoits is the order of the
day now
There was a pleasant party at the
home of Mr and Mrs S W Clark in
louor of Mr and Mrs Ivan Clark who
are arranging to move to Counol Bluffs
Mrs Gregory mother of Mrs Min
nick and Mrs Lofton Duckworth died
here Sunday evening after a lingering
illness The funeral was preached in
the Methodist church by Rev Hageman
Monday and the body laid to rest in the
Bartley cemetery
Mr and Mj9 II J Arbogast were
McCook visitors Sunday evening
F A Hodgkins and A II McElroy
are delegates this week to the A O U
W grand lodge nt Lincoln
A Li Cochran made a short visit in
McCook this week
Mrs J L Sargent visited with Mrs
Webber this week
The Duckworths and Mrs Patterson
wore down Monday to attend the funeral
of Mrs Gregory
Girls who visit Bartley and make a
display of themselves by using slang
smoking cigarettes and making high
kicks are not respected by our people
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
L D Gockly and wife left first of
Intst week for a visit with a daughter at
llaigler Neb and a son north of Laird
Ray Rodabougb and wife and Frank
Bryson visited at tho Bryson home in
Gervor precinct Sunday
Rev G B lliwkes of McCook had
charge of the services Sunday after
A Reed was a county capital busi
ness visitor one day last week
County Attorney Sidney Dodge came
over from McCook last midweek for a
few days visit with relatives and friends
Emmett Erwin of Danbury is helping
Big Ruby build a house on the Rogers
farm a few miles south of town
Will DoMay visited in Danbury Sun
Maud Eno of Danbury visited in town
between trains one day last week
A deal took place recently whereby
A J Greer became owner of what is
known as the Duckworth timber claim
north of town he having purchased it
of R S Sanders Consideration 55200
Mrs Barkley of Minden Nebraska
visited wich Mrs Darnell last week
A light 6howor of rain foil in these
parts Saturday which laid the dust
J for awhile and refreshed vegetation a
Martin Nilssou and J II Wicks wore
county capital business visitors the
first of last week
Elmer Godfrey stopped off a few days
to visit friends last week and the first of
this week on his way from Texas to his
homestead up tho line in Kansas
J E Dodge put up a Armotor wind
mill for S A Stilgebouer Inst week
R F I NO 1
Cal Throne is visiting at W N
Rogers this week
Phil Breighton is a new patron of
route No 1
Mrs J S Knobbs has been very low
with pneumonia but is improving at
this printing
Many weak nervous women have
been restored to health by Foleys Kid
ney Remedy as it stimulates the kindeys
so that they will eliminate the waste
matter from the blood Impurities de
press the nerves causing nervous ex
haustion and other ailments Com
mence today and you will soon be well
Pleasant to take
A McMillen Druggist
Plonty of wind and dust Monday
and Tuesday for instance
Lil tie Ruth McNeil is very sick with
Albert Norman wont down to Edison
Sunday to visit friends
Miss Lillian Fox entertained a few
friends at dinner Sunday
Mr and Mrs J W Wixen of Rich
ardson county arrived in town Wednes
day evening for a visit with H W
Keyes and family
David Devony camo down from Mc
Cook last Thursday and removed the
bodies of his wife and child to the Mc
Cook cemetery They were buried here
fifteen years ago
Our dust storms come with great reg
ularity and tho thrifty housewife mea
itates that this is a time to try the souls
of women calmly sbo views the gather
ing dust storm nursing her wrath to
keep it warm
Bob Mc Williams was a Danbury vis
itor Sunday
Miss Fullerton has severed her con
nection with tho Tecl Millinery Co
and will return to her homo in Pawnee
City last of the week
Mr and Mrs Chessmore Mr and
Mrs Merle Powell and Agent Boldman
and wife picnicked on the Willow Sun
The M isses Stella and Gladys McCool
and Gertie Teel drove out to the ranch
Sunday and spent the day
Henry Crabtrcu Sr has assumed the
rolo of assessor owing to his sons in
ability by sickness to serve
Merle Powell is kept quite busy these
days delivering passengers in his auto
Mr and Mrs Irving Andrews and El
mer Thompson and wife were McCook
visitors Friday
George Woiknit of eastern a
is visiting his cousin Guy Pugh Mr
W is enroute to Steamboat Springs
Colorado where he expects to engage in
the jewelry business
Mrs Gregory mother of Mrs R L
Duckworth of this place died at her
home in Bartley Sunday night Her
funeral occurred on Monday
Mr and Mrs Lewis Cann and son
Clifford and wife were the guests of
Editor Byfield on Sunday last
Sadie Alcorn Nancy Stephens Susie
Colling and May Hotze dined at the
McCool ranch Sunday
Mrs Mclntyro of McCook visited rel
atives here Sunday
Banker Reynolds and Charles Junker
accompanied by two lady friends wont
to tho Willow on a fishing tour Sun
Soren Simonson of Danbury was a
business caller in town first of tho
Mrs Leonard Hethcoto died at her
home Monday morning af tor an illness
of ono week Her death was caused by
pneumonia She was a lady greatly be
loved and respected by all
Ildnry Lehn shipped three cars of
cattle and ono of hogs to St Joo Satur
day evening John Dutcher ono car
each of cattle and hogs to tho sanio
Gilbert Thompson who has beon up
in tho sandhills for uncouple of months
has returned and will move his family
there in a few days
Clark McClung and family loft for
Thomas Oklahoma Saturday night
where they will engage in tho business
of farming
James Cosgro is confined to his bed
by sickness
Arthur Crabtree was ablo to bo down
town this week after being a shutin for
several months
Frank Ilardesty came home last of
tho week for a short visit with his
John McClung ard Georgo Malleck
returned home Saturday from Friend
whither they had gone looking up a
Otto Webber and wife came up from
Bartley on 5 Saturday evening to visit
On Saturday evening last the Owl
club was entertained by the Jussell
brothers at their home west of town
and the light fantastic toe was tripped
until the wee sma hours in the morn
Captain Kennedy and his invincibles
went down to Holbrook Saturday and
played ball They suffered defeat to
the tune of 5 to seven
Harry Strunk of Pawnee City is here
on a visit to his brother John and
William Hillers of McCook was the
guest of the Strunkjbrothers Sunday
Photographer Strockey was out Sun
day getting views for his studio
Thpy are still taking orders at Rozell
Bargers for tho famous M Born
tailor made clothing You know the fit
and style of their garments to be un
i j nnr fTrnnTirPT iiiimiiiw rnrr1Mnr1 j t jjgt tii i i nTrmiTnTy tPpeCTWTTwrnMraaf ir B M
Buying soda crackers that are
not Uneda Biscuit is buying by
guess work and trusting to luck To Ml
f be sure of good luck and good w
baking buy no soda crackers but m
Advice tho Roofer Got1 From Hs Boss
In Apprentice Days
The man was working on the side of
a steeply sloping roof All of a sudden
his foot slipped and with n groan he
began to slide down slowly toward the
edge l v
As he slid he clutched with tense
fingers at the tin but It was smooth
It offered him no hold and his spoed
gradually but surely Increased
As In a sitting posture like a tobog
ganer the man continued his deadly
slide he began to pray In a loud an
guished voice
Memory as If In answer to his pray
er flashed across his brain the words
Spread out
The man Instantly lay flat on his
back spreading arms and legs to their
widest angle making himself as much
as possible like a starfish And his
speed at once decreased The addi
tional friction surface acted like a
brake A few feet from the edge of
the roof he came to anchor
ETelp he then shouted
But the slight movement of shouting
acted like a push and he slipped down
a few Inches more
Help And again he slid a little
Rut this time help came A rope was
thrown and the man climbed back to
He wiped the dews of terror from
his brow
My boss in my apprentice days he
said told me if I ever started sliding
down a roof slope to spread out and It
would stop me I didnt believe him
but by jingo he was right
The man smiled and sighed musing
on his long dead boss Then he crawl
ed back to his dangerous work on the
steep slope of the roof Philadelphia
Secret of tho Tools Used by the Incas
and the Aztecs
What was tho combination of met
als from which the Egyptians Aztecs
and the Incas of Peru manufactured
their tools and arms Though each of
these nations reached a high state of
civilization none of them ever discov
ered iron in spite of the fact that the
soil of all three countries was largely
impregnated with it But they substi
tuted for It a combination of metals
that had the temper of steel and the
secret of the combination is lost to
numboldt tried to discover the lost
art by analyzing a chisel found in an
ancient Inca silver mine but all he
could make of it was that it appeared
to be a combination of a small portion
of tin with copper No present known
way of combining these two metals
will give the hardness of steel so
there must have been something else
in the chisel which Humboldt missed
And these ancient races were able to
prepare pure copper so that it equaled
the temper of the finest steel produced
at the present day by the most scien
tific process With their bronze and
copper instruments they were able to
quarry and shape the hardest stone
such as granite and porphyry and
even cut emeralds The ancient peo
ples must have independently discov
ered the art of tempering copper and
yet it is a secret that baffles modern
scientists of the whole civilized world
New York Times
Lemon Omelet
Tut the yolks of four eggs into a
bowl with a tablespoonful of sugar
Beat until light and add the grated
rind of a lemon Whip the whites of
ilie c ccrs to a stiff froth and mix light
ly viith the yolks Then stir in a
fourth of a teaspoonful of baking pow
der Pour in the omelet pan in which
a tablespoonful of butter has been
melted and bake in a moderate oven
for ten minutes When done cut the
omelet in half put on a hot platter
with the following lemon jelly between
the layers and serve as quickly as pos
Lemon Jelly Take one half cupful
of sugar a tablespoonful of butter the
juice and rind of one lemon and two
well Leaten eggs Beat together and
stir over the tire until thick Deline
A Weed That Steals Oysters
A seaweed has invaded tiie oyster
beds of France and carried off 400000
oysters It has carried them off bodily
as a thief would do The minute seeds
of this weed float up the English chan
nel in the current of the gulf stream
they settle on oysters in the Breton
beds of Morbihan Quiberon and Belle
Isle and they grow to the size of a
ducks egg They are full of water
but at maturity the water evaporates
and air takes its place The egg shaped
seaweed is then a balloon and like a
balloon it lifts its oyster from the bot
tom and bears it out to sea
Walking In New York
Men walk more rapidly in the streets
of New York city than in any other
city in the world The average speed
during the business hours according
to the most careful calculations possi
ble is four and one tenth miles an
hour After sunet the pace drops
nearly one mile an hour New York
A Quick Shift
Choleric Old Gentleman Miss if
that fool boy of mine marries you
Young Woman raising her lovely eyes
to his Well Mr Scadley Choleric
Old Gentleman Er well dash him I
cant blame the boy Chicago Tribune
What Every Woman Knows
That the photographer can take a
fine picture of most anybody else
Cleveland News
There is precious Instruction to be
tot by finding we are wrong Carlyle
What would you take
Suppose you were required to live for
a certain length of time on only one
article of food Which would yoa
There is one food that stands without
a rival for such a test Quaker Oats is
that one It furnishes more strength
with least wear and tear on the digestive
organs than any other food Youll feel
well and strong at the end of the time
Try it Dont stop eating other things
but eat more Quaker Oats and youll
notice the gain in strength
Youll find Quaker Oats put up in
two size packages the regular size and
the large family size for those who are
not convenient to the store
All grocers sell these
Eat Quaker Oats daily for breakfast
it strengthens you for the days work
Hoarseness bronchitis and other
throat troubles are quickly cured by
Foleys Honey and Tar as it soothes and
heals the intl imed throat and bronchial
tubes and tho most obstinate cough dis
appears Insist upon having the genu
ine Foleys Honey and Tar
A McMillen Druggist
Dr J O tsruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb 1
c Office over ElecrlcTIicatre on Main Ave 4
IWJ 11 111 lLttfifllfltfrttftlg
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
DENTIST Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 ami 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Br J A Colfer
Room - Postoffice Building
R H Gatewood
Office over McMillens drug store
f Phone 163 McCook Nebraska
jiitUrtUluLdiH lUtjUUU U iVUU it titi UUlrtJI
McCook Nebraska
t2Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water WorkB Office in Postoiiice building
C H Boyle
C EEldeed
Attorneys at I aw
Look Distance Ione 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor -
Poetoffico Bnildinn MCLOOk Neb
iUidclletoii Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 132 McCook Nebraska
The automobile livery in south-
western Nebraska that aluus V
KOti there and hack Trips day
or night anywhere Prices reas
Phone 166
Can be found at 104 McCook Neb 1
SWfA -d
CURES disease with Pure Blood
for children safe sure No opiates
I Jtu - f i4 ii r
Will stand during the season
of 1909 at my farm at Perry
Terms 1000 for live colt
100 cash down
Every care taken but will not
be responsible for accidents
G W Watkins