m The Newspapers Business An irate citizen says that hereafter ho wantB the editora to mind their own buaineaB My dear Christian triond did you ever reflect in your contempla tive moments when the moon ia beaming when the whippoorwil einga in the tree when the hired man snores in the loft the jollovv dog sleeps on tlio lea and the mofquito gets in his work did you ever reflect in such times upon the idea that a paper containing only accounts of the editors own privnto business would be apt to prove monotonous to the general public They might stand it for a while but in the end it would bo a thorn in the side and a weariness to the flesh and all that sort of thing No brother the truo editors business is to make everybodys business his busines Thats business So theres no use in making a chronic kicker of yourself for any one NortonKasNews Always On Hand In looking over the reports from twenty secretaries of independent chau tauquHH it is noted that fifteen com plain that one to four attractions failed to arrive in time if they arrived at all for their dates on the program This condition is not the fault of the local manapprapnt nor is the talent to blame The difficulty lies in trying to maUo dates with long and often impossible jumps between In the Redpath System the uncer tainty about ihe a -rival of the speaker of the evening is entirely eliminated The jumps are short and unless acci dents occur the talent is always on hand McCook Junior Normal Write to your friends and toll them that the McCook Junior Normal will open June 7th and close July 30th All subjects for firstsecond and third grade Bubjpcts will be given and professional subjects when there is sufficient demand for same The McCook Junior Normal has been one of the largest and best all the time in the past Let everyone talk normal from now on It is now only four weeks till June 7th For Bpecial information write Chas W Taylor principal or Claudia B Hatcher registrar Engraving and Embossing1 Your wants can be supplied at The Tribune in the line of engraving and embossing such as calling cards invi tations and announcements monogram correspondence paper etc Handsome samples of all on display Prices rea sonable Prompt service If interested come and inspect Final Eighth Grade Examinations The firial eighth grade county exami nations for Red Willow county will be held on May 13th and Hth in McCook lndianola Bartley Danbury and Laba non Claudia Hatcher County Superintendent If you have headache and urinary troubles ycu should take Foleys Kid ney Kemedy to strengthen and build up the kidneys ho they will ace properly aB a serious kidney trouble may develop A McMillen Druggist Typewriter ribbons papers sale at The Tribune office etc for RED WILLOW Another little boy came to live with Mr and Mrs Waddell Mother and child doing well Mrs Barrett spent several days visit ing old friends before leaving for a years sojourn in Idaho A tin shower was given Mrs Cunning ham the last day of school at Jacob Handels A Union Sunday school was organ ized at the cnurch by Mr Webber of McCook At the home of Jacob Handel on May 5th Alfred Randel and Mrs Cunning ham were married L B Cox the min ister of the Christian church in lndian ola officiating The young couple were the recipients of muny valuable and use ful presents BOX ELDER Mr and Mrs Thurston Doyle and Mr and Mrs Geo Harrison spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs D B Doyle We would be very glad to exchange our share of dirt for some moisture Mrs F G Lytle and children are with her sister Mrs Ben Lytle since the fire NOTICE No more hunting fishing picnicking or boat riding on the old Loomis place Parties doing so will be taken for tres passers and treated as such This MEANS YOU S L WRAY Gef Info Businessfor Yourself BUCK CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE Will make yon money The BUCK is the only two piece self binding self-locking water proof frost proof sani tary dry air block made Takes less material and is made quicker than any other block Write to day and let us tell you all about it andhovryoncan make from 1500 to 20 00 every day that yon work Excta siveritbt in each county Get In lint Interlock Block Machine Co City Office 24th and Paul St 0HAHA NEB jimiiaHttttiyti ANCIENT BELLS They Wero Often Quadrangular and Made of Thin Iron Plates There are several old bells in Scot land Ireland and Wales The oldest are often quadrangular being mnde of thin Iron plates which have been ham mered and riveted together At the monastery of St Gall lu Switzerland the four sided bell of the Irlshmisskm ary St Gall who lived In the seventh century Is still preserved but more ancient still Is the bell of St Patrick In Belfast which Is ornamented with gold and gems and sliver filigree work The curfew bell Is that about which most has been written and said It has been thought that it was only used In England but It was quite common on the continent in the middle ages The ringing of bells by rope Is still very popular in England especially in the country where almost every ham let however small has its church with Its peal of bells which are often re markably well rung The first real peal of bells In England was sent by Pope Calixtus 111 to Kings college Cambridge and was for 300 years the largest peal in England About the beginning of the year 1500 sets of eight bells were hung in a few of the large churches In the middle of the seventeenth cen tury a man named White wrote a fa mous work on bells in which he Intro duced the system of numbering them 1 2 3 4 etc on slips of paper in dif ferent orders according to the changes intended to be rung It Is calculated that to ring nil the changes upon twenty-four bells at two strokes a second would take 117 billion years One of the most famous bells In the world is the first great bell of Moscow which now stands in the middle of a square in that city and is used as a chapel This bell was cast in 1733 but was In the earth for over a hundred years belli raised In 183G by the Em peror Nicholas It is nearly twenty feet high has a circumference of sixty feet is two feet thick and weighs al most 200 tons The second Moscow bell which is the largest bell in the world that is actually in use weighs 128 tons There are several bells ex tant which weigh ten tons and over of which Big Ben the largest bell in Eng land weighing between thirteen and fourteen tons is one Big Ben is un fortunately cracked London Globe HISTORY ON A TUSK Picture Made by a Cave Man Millions of Years Ago Long ago so long that even a scien tist would hardly dare venture a guess as to the date a man clad with only a wild beasts skin about his loins was sitting at the mouth of a cave In one of the rocky highlands in what Is now southern France He was scratching with a sharp flint on the fragments of an ivory tusk perhaps picturing for some jrouthful admirers adventures through which he had passed or ani mals he had slain That ivory chip was stored away as a treasure to be lost and forgotten after the cave mans death One day a man named Lartet digging in the cavern floor found it On it was scratched a very fair rep resentation of the hairy elephant probably at once the oldest picture and the oldest human record in ex istence We know the cave man was a faith ful workman for the melting ice fields of Siberia have yielded a perfect speci men of this extinct mammal and the paleolithic picture is a true copy Not only has this ancient sculptor given us a sample of the earliest art but he has left us more valuable than all a his torical record of his time for this rude picture is simply a page from the cave mans history which translated Into twentieth century English says Men thinking men were contempo raneous with the hairy elephant No record that any of humankind have ever left is half so ancient as this The oldest Egyptian papyrus is a thing of yesterday compared to this paleolithic sculpture While the cave man was living in Europe the valley of the Nile was yet only a wild waste Egypt was not yet Egypt and civiliza tion as we know it had scarcely made a beginning Lippincctts Shy on the Son But I do not know the candidate said an old Yorkshire farmer who waa appealed to for his vote But you know his father Yes I know Mm and hes a grand man Then you will surely vote for his son wont you But the old farmer was still doubt ful Im no so sure about that he re plied its no every coo that has a cauff like hersel Liverpool Mercury Queer but Expressive A Danish girl who has recently come to this country to take a course in trained nursing was complaining to a friend the other morning of having overslept herself And no reason why such a thing should befall me for I had what do you call it in English I know a skep watch all set Wash ington Star A Quiet Spot In the Suburbs Gayhoy has given up horses and drink and all his bad habits and has settled down in a quiet little place in the suburbs Where The cemetery Illustrated Bits Kind Hearted And did you enjoy your African trip major How did you like the savages Oh they were extremely kind heart ed They wanted to keep me there for dinner London Opinion rtrr TALKS ON ADVERTISING I -In Which We i Get Acquainted By Henry Herbert Huff COPYRIGHT 1909 BY AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Hello Mr Business Man And how is trade Improving Im glad to hear it Oh well have things moving nicely pretty soon Everybodys optimistic down our way Got nearly an hour yet in town want to catch that 429 out of here If youre not busy sit down a few minutes and lets talk things over Mail order houses bothering any Vs Yes theyre cutting quite a hole in our trade Thought that dull spell would fix them but it didnt hero in our town jSTever believed they were getting so much business till I was shown the pile of goods from them that arrived on this mornings freight Some of our best people buying there too Really I cannot un derstand why any one should send away and wait several weeks for goods he can buy just as cheaply right here in town Got any soap clubs here Yes there are several and it does beat all how those premi ums take Looks as though one was getting something for noth ing but he pays for all Of it I can sell the whole assortment for half their list price and premiums Buy them separate and get what you want Each of these clubs takes from 100 to 300 worth of business from our town every year And then theres Near City only twelve miles away and the fare is 60 cents Many of our people go there to buy clothing mil linery and the like Often they pay more than in their home town We merchants had been charging up the bulk of our lost trade to the mail order houses but found upon investigation that a large -part is going to -Near City instead With our trade leaking out in every conceivable Avay it seems up to us to take whats left Do you have any trouble with leftover goods Yes we lose a lot that war In summer business goes on a vacation Most days of the week are pretty slow too except Sat urday and thats hustle hustle hustle all day long I wish we might shift some of this days business to the others Mr Business Man Ive a solution to all of your problems I can tell you what will hold your trade at home what will move your slow sellers and remainders what will make business for you in the dull seasons what will sell ihe new and better goods Its no com plicated mystery or trick of magic just plain ADVERTISING I know youll say youve tried it without success or that a com petitor failed to make it pay or something else but it resolves- itself into this if you advertise RIGHT it will PAY you if you do so in the WRONG way it will FAIL Advertising is no childs play its a science A person of average ab y can write good copy And now I must be going but 111 be back next week and every week for several months and I intend to have a little chat with you each time I shall first show you how advertising will SOLVE vour problems and then Im going to tell vou how to advertise SUCCESSFULLY DANBURY Wilkie Lumb who has been visiting his grandfather Eichard Lumb of this place returned to his home in Chicago Wednesday J L Newmann was a Lebanon busi ness visitor Monday Floyd Resler and John VanCleave of Wilsonville were social visitors between trains Wednesday last Dan Cashen and crew have been do iug fine grading on our streets and pub lic roads near town Harold Stone and Charles Yarnell visited Mrs Ella MacFee of Oberlin from Saturday until Monday B B Smiley shipped two cars of IJKiWi ifH HTiWWBTISa Mri If E Waugh of Lebanon was in town on business Friday last Oscar Thomas now house is progress ing rapidly There are only two more weeks of school Ifc is reported that a bridge near At wood Kansas was burned down Wed nesday the train being delayed for a day or two Word from lndianola announces the death of Mrs Leonard Hethcote form erly of this place Miss Sybil French of Herndon Kas is visiting with her sister Mrs Roy Thomas Bob McWillinms and mother of sheep Saturday night He accompanied lndianola visited Sunday at the C the shipment Marion Dow of lndianola was a social visitor Friday coming over in his auto The final 8th grade county examina tions will be held here Thursday and Friday of this week We witnessed one of the worst dirt storms this season Wednesday night the air was full of dirt most all of the night The graduating class are now sending out their commencement announce ments for Friday evening May 21 Powell home W Mrs M M Young Mrs S R Mess ner and Mrs C W Rogers visited at the W A Minniear home Sunday The Nebraska State Fair Stake Races close on May J 5th and consist of a 235 221 and 215 Trot and a 230 222 and 214 Pace each for a purse of S1000 and three-year-old Trot and three year old Pace each for purse of 8500 Entry fee 3 per cent 1 per cent to accompany nomination Send your entry to W R Mellor Secretary Lincoln 8W6QsQ QSyQS1kS V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THE CITIZENS DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE BANK OF MeCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 20000 V FRANKLIN lQQSSv lS9SVSS A C EBERT TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEAL TH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITP Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment 01 BLUEJELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm -Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothin Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets Sold by A AlcMILLEN McCook Neb yp0 I I N X OVER 4000 PRIZES To be given away by the LINCOLN DAILY STAR in its Second Annual Contest comprising A 1500 TOURING CAR fully equipped A TOUR OF EUROPE for two leaving Lincoln or Omaha and returning to the same points All travelling and incidental expenses paid TWO HIGH GRADE PIANOS Trip for two to the ALASKAN YUKON EXPOSI TION All expenses paid including admission to grounds and all amusements Ten other trips and other prizes For further particulars address The LINCOLN DAILY STAR Contest Department LINCOLN NEB a - 2 GLOTHCRAFT CLOTHES are the only clothes in America sold at 1000 to 2500 that are guaranteed pure all wool a fact of great importance to the man or young man who wishes to dress well f - V without paying high prices CLOTHES made of pure all wool fabrics hold their shape best and wear longest In CLOTHCRAFT CLOTHES for men and young men the high standard of the all wool fabric is maintained in every other feature of the garments in style fit linings and work manship C L DeQroff Co E3ag38gB8fa iMmraafrteriW wl M M 1 s i v 3ri J J 1 1H SBi allay ffimSK GUARANTEED ALL WOOLXV m A TRIP OF A LIFE TIME The grand tour of the Pacific Coast is a journey of a life time a tour of Europe is also a trip of a life time but the difference is that the Coast trip is directly within your reach at a far less cost than any other extensive journey can possibly be made May 6th to 13th only 5000 to California and back and commencing May 20th through the summer 5000 to Seattle and back for 1500 more you can include California One makes a tour of from 5000 to 6000 miles through a wonderland replete with modern interest linked with a romantic past Write me for Alaska Exposition leaflets California Person ally Conducted Excursions To the Great Northwest Yellow stone Park Let me help you plan your tour H D F IIostettek Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W Wakeley G P A Omaha ONE ONE ONE That is the No of ONE of the best Lurhber and Coal Concerns in a No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant find it call phone No ONE when you will be informed that you can get No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment in fact No ONE first last and all the time Bullard Lumber Co 7 1 fc d ra A