The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 14, 1909, Image 2

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SIk m iflPVH
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Conductedaby the McCook W C T U
No decision Wan given but in this city
where the papers are so largely in
fluenced by the brewers these two
editorial statements speak for them
selves The Free Press said The
antagonists of the prohibition movement
will have to adopt a vastly different line
of argument if they wish to make head
way against the facts and figures of its
advocates An opinion signed by an
editorial writer in the Journal said
The Michigan man beyond any ques
tion whatever carried off the honors
Later the Journal had a cartoon
picturing a w imin in a rage
against her husbaud She was
shrilling What Home again sober
This will drive nie insane Below theie
was a column account of the plea of
Mrs So and So for divorce It was
written in technical legal phraseology
and stated that the first two eara of
married life had been blissful because
her husband in a manly way had
regularly come home drunk and abused
his family but since the prohibition
laws had gone into effect he had sadly
changed his ways Now he refuses to
get drunk or stay out with his fiipnds
and he does not even get drunk at home
This naturally began to wear on the
petitioners nerves and it is having a
baneful effect upon her mind She
trusts a humane court will grant her
merciful release Below small print
said This is the first day of April
The brewers have had a number of
speakers of national repute hero to
defend their interests but every one
Las succeeded in giving an impetus to
the teniperai ce cause The debate was
no exception it was many believe the
ni03t telling blow ever struck for tem
perance in this city They simplj have
not talking points While th work in
the dark by the corruption of politics
and the subsidizing of newspapers by
the boycott and the intimidation of
public men they put up powerful op
position but just as soon as they step
out into the open and attempt a verbal
defense of their business they throw
away their case The American saloon
cannot stand the light
We are earnestly wishing that these
discussions may go on It is heartening
to hear the brewers ring the bell for a
prohibition meeting Nothing that I
know of could have brought together so
great a company of our representative
business men to hear a temperance ad
dress as did the debate We wish Chi
cago would let u have the second one
here With the Rev Dr Rose to
read the scriptures and Dr Dickie to
expound them it would not take many
meetings to start a sweeping temperance
revival even in Milwaukee
Some parents think this subject so
trifling as to be unworthy of notice or
correction but there is nothing too small
to merit attention that has to do with
warping character and this it unques
tionably does A few are so far from
tho right point of view as to desire their
boys lessons in experience to date from
their marble playing days in hope they
may gain shrewdness or wisdom from
ft But alas So many of us are heed
leas of consequences or trust to infinite
goodness that our boy shall take no
harm from the amusement The full
grown gambler is a far cry from the
email lad in knee pants cheerfuly wear
ijgoutthe knees of his stockiogs for
the patient overburdened mother to
mofld but we need to make the applica
tion personal
A pure wholesome
reliable Grape Cream of
Tartar Baking Powder
The cream of tartar used in Dr Prices Baking
Powder is in the exact form and composition in
which it occurs in the Inscions healthful grape
Improves the flavor
and adds to the
f titaess of flie food
JSTo Alum iniMi No lime
TfjBIBjf a vKy Mfl IBfMff B BUS
f Priced ii
The chil rnn sing V n
V 5 i that aumebodv Villi Uut we nfrr to
mine said Mrs GrMdgriud God for
bid Then let us see to the careful in
struction of our lads in the right and
wrong of this matter I think every
mother will admit that the wee laddie
iu his best miods cm be mado to see
clearly the difference between mine
and thine and it must be among the
first lessons we teach him It ought to
be pretty well fixed in his mind before
the marble playing age and he will at
once see the justice in not placing for
keeps How many of us have realized
that our little ones were indeed fresh
from the hand of God when ho has
rither startled us by his grasp of the
justice of some situation where our own
i teas may have been somewhat biased
and we real ze this to our shame Then
woe o us if we fail to build sure found
ation on this at that age for the man
hood that shall be assaulted on every
side and like the house builded on the
sand the fall thereof may leave our
htinrts most desolate
Not only may g imbiers be the result
of carelessness or neglect of our boj
habits in play We are most of us
aware of the grned of gain that need- no
fostering to develop into a so c died
c tptain of industry who with his train
ed hosts rides rough shoe over his weak
er brethren and makes the bread they
earn bitter by his pitiless disregard of
their rights These kind of gamblers
who deal in the necessities of peoplr
corner wheat or monopolize iron coal
oil timber or any great necessity or i
dustry are as well the logical outcome of
our marble player In the training cf
miy own lads I have indeavored to in
still the thought of the rights of othera
and the bible idea of letting him take
our cloak also with varjing degrees of
success up to a certain time After the
lure of thw world and the rush for the
mighty dollar gets hold of them it
saems as if ones teaching is in a mea
sure forgotten But even jet let that
same counsel continue of preferring the
welfare of others to their own and
along with the voice of conscience
mothers voice will also chime with the
still small voice and who can say they
will not prevail when temptations assail
I can never see why a mother of sons
or daughters either should ever array
herself on the side of the saloons or
any debauchery for she of all people
can not afford to be on any but the right
side of moral questions and then if any
of her own shall meet with shipwrack
on temptations seas it cannot then be
said to her you are to blame Her
heart will be sore enough without this
There are so many and onticing ways
to entrap the unwary all along the way
and some of them I am sure are placed
there by people who are not intention
ally guilty of any thought of the harm
they will do Slot machines in their
various guises and various vendings of
things calculated to part tho small boy
and his penny or nickles candy boxer
with chance for free boxes grab bags
also alluring to the small child and con
tributing to disappointment or success
with a desire to try either one over
again with the hope that springs eternal
in the human breast The raffle and
buying of numbers with chance of
winning some article of value many
time3 over the risk appeals to those
older and keeps them in the path and
now developes into the get something
for nothing or get rich quick and by
and by some poor souls feet are in
quicksand and he goes behind prison
bars Mrs Jos Allen McCook
What a pity it is that all the hrist
im denominations of our city do not
co operate together in the cause of tem-
pernnce Any true christian will nd
mit that the saloon is one of the great-
est enemies of the church and yet we
unci many wno nave sworn 10 runner
the interests of His kingdom selling
themselves to the enemy betraying
their Lord and Saviour as did Judas
for a few pieces of silver Every one
admires and honors the man or woman
who stands unflinchingly for the right
I but who is there that does not despise a
j coward and traitor
I Those who failed to hear the lectures
1 of Mrs Wallace missed a rare treat
She is an able and entertaining speaker
well qualified for the great work she
has undertaken She easily held the
nttention of the large audience Sunday
evening The people showed their ap
preciation by their generous offerings to
the cause of temperance We trust
that tho truths she presented to us may
not fail of their purpose
Press Su nt of W C T U
We are sorry lo loa Jrom among us
our capable and much loved president
Mrs M J Stevens who departed for
her home in Pierre S D on Wednes
day morning of this wpek
Tho W C T U will meet at the
home of Mrs J C Moore Friday May
21st at 300 p m Subject The Sun
day school Mrs W U Dungan
leader Lunch will be served Price
ten cents Come and enjy a pleasant
an profitable time with u
Was Born February 1st 1850 and Died
April 24 h 1909
Hon Austin James Rittenhouse was
born in Harrison county Onio on a
farm where he lived until about twenty
eais old when he moved to Cadiz
Ohio and began the study of law He
afterwards moved to Seymour Iowa
ask will that enemy to his fellowmen be where ho was admitted to practice
tvuu umrritu iu uuuibu J urunii Jib uilb
place and afterwards moved to Union
ville where the oldest child Oliver R
Ritteuhouse was born Tho family
then moved to Aurota Nebraska where
George B F Austin nnd May M were
born This was in the early days of
Nebraska Io 18S6 they moved to Mc
Cook Nebraska and in 18S9 they
moved to Whatcom Washington then
back to McCook in 1892 where Robert
R was born thence to Oklahoma in
1S97 With the exception of May M
all children survive him and were pres
ent at the last rites
Deceased practiced law always since
being admitted to the bar aud had been
admitted to practice in six states and
federal courts Ho had three brothers
ail of whom are law era and who started
life on the farm A P Rittenhouse
the oldest brother and the only mem
ber of the family now living is prac
ticing luw at Los Angeles California
Deceased has been sick for the past
18 months with sorois of the liver
from which he died Death came at
night quietly and without pain or agony
to the sick one at Hot Springs Ark
where he had been taken with the hope
that tho change mght prove bfneficial
His wife with him all through the
sickness watching over him day and
Funeral sirvices were held at the
Christian church Monday morning
April 26 interment being made at Oak
Park cemetery The service was large
ly attended by the Chandler friends of
the deceased members of the local bar
and order of Odd Fellows of which he
was a loved and honored member
Judge Rittenhouse had attained the
highest pinnacle of success at the prac
tice of his chosen profession Dunne
his residence in Chandler his opinions
and advico wore held iu highest esteem
by his brother attorneys and his demise
is a heavy loss to this community
During his practice he had attained one
of the finest and most valueable law
libraries in this section and this herit
age together with the years of training
ho leaves to his sons George B and
Austin who are now associated in tho
practice of law in Chandler
To the broken hearted wife and sons
and daughter is extended the sincere
sympathy of all Chandler and Lincoln
county From the Chandler Publicist
April 30 19C9
Rev I w Williamsons Letter
Rev I W Williamson Huntington
W Va write This is to certify that
I used Foleys Kidney Remedy for ner
vous exhaustion and kidney trouble and
am free to say that it will do all that
you claim for it Foleys Kindey Rem
edy has restored heallh and strength to
thousands of weak run down people
Contains no harmful drugs and is pleas
ant to take A McMillen Druggist
This is to certify that all druggists
are authorized to refund your money if
Foleys Hooey and Tar fails to cure your
cough or cold It stops the cough
heals the lungs and prevents pneumonia
and consumption Contains no opiates
The genuine is in a yellow package
A McMillen
We are so positive Rexall Orderlies will
promptly relieve constipation that we offer
to furnish the medicine free of all cost if
the user is not satisfactorily benefitted
Surely wc could offer no better argument
i nfv are nnrtiriilnrlw n Mianr are iviton
ney particularly pieasam eaien
like candy and may be taken at any time
of day or night without inconvenience
Two sizes ioc and 25c
L W McConnell The Rexall Store
r y tfffTarrOU
oo x
Given for any substance In-
jurious to health found in food M
resulting from the use of M
I Cafaimet p
I Baking Pi
Powder ML
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m O E
at 7 p in All aro welcome
R M Ainsworth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Eable Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sundaj
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kiuwin O M 1
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
il B Carman Pastor
Bapttst Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
iag service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p tn
A moat cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Bubton Pastor
Congregational Sunday school a
10 a m Preaching it 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
services G B Hawkes Pastor
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature
on sale Subject for next Sunday
Mortals and Immortals
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a in and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prater
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
fiay evenings at 730 All Germans
aordially invited to these services
Rnv Gustav IIenkelmann
505 3rd street West
SlcCook People Have round That This Is
A cold a strain a suuden wrench
A little cause may hurt the kidneys
Spells of backache often follow
Or some irregularity of the urine
A cerCiiin remedy for such attacks
A medicine that answers erery call
Is Doans Kidney Pills a true specific
Mrs B F Marshall living in the
western part of Arapahoe Neb sns
While lifting some vears ago I strained
myself and after that began to have
trouble with my kidneys If I worked
a little harder than usual or caught the
slightest cold I was sure to suffer more
severely and at times would be forced
to remain in bed for a couple of das
My back was very sore and when I
straightened after stooping sharp pains
would dart through me I also had
frequent headaches and dizzy spells and
the kidney secretions annoyed me some
what by their irregular action Not un
til I used Doau o KidneyPills was I able
to get relief They went directly to the
root of my trouble and before long I was
in good health again
Plenty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at a drug store and
ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
If Your Tastes Are
too fine for letter press printing if they
demand engraving and steel die em
bossing come and get our figures on
such work Dont send away or give
your order to some traveling shark
that is dont do it before you have seen
our samples of such work a l gotten
our figures
If you want to feel well look well be
well take Foleys Kidney Remedy It
tones up the kidneys and bladder puri
fies the blood and restores health aud
strength Pleasant to take and contains
no harmful drugs Why not commence
today A McMillen Druggist
If you desire a clear completion take
Foleys Orino Laxative for constipation
and liver trouble as it will stimulate
these organs and thoroughly cleanse
your system which is what everyone
needs in the spring in order to feel well
A McMillen Druggist
Tribune Is All Printed In McCook
You will find local or county news of
interest on each of the oitrht oaces of
as to why you should try Rexall Orderlies
r week It jg all nted
at home No patent print Read all
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thh
Tribune office
Old but Unsolved Problem Is Thor
Animal Life on tho Planet
With n planet so old ns Mars nnd so
far along In the process of life ex
tinction the conditions of life would be
severe nnd only a highly Intellectual
nnd scientifically developed racecould
endure and master them The engi
neering skill and constructive capacity
to control the annual Hoods from the
poles store the waters and build the
thousands of miles of huge canals
would require scientific knowledge be
yond that possessed by us at the pres
ent time and financial resources In ex
cess of those we have yet accumulat
ed The nation that finds the digging
of a little ditch at Panama so great a
task would be helpless In the face of J
such a problem as these thousands or
miles of Martian canals If indeed ca
nals they be Yet in view of the
greater life age of Mars such higher
intelligence would be natural Iu the
regular process of development as
suming that it has ever been the abode
of Intellectual life
Scientists are In the main In a re
ceptive stare on this subject They
are not ready to admit that the exist
ence of life on that planet has been
proved They do not deny It but call
for greater proof than a plausible the
ory Among others than scientists
there is in the main a disposition not
to accept the Martian human life
theory or the theory of life on any of
the thousands of spheres that wheel
and glisten in Illimitable space They
seem to think that such a theory con
flicts with religion and dwarfs man
and his importance In the scheme of
This seems to be a very narrow view
to take since it appears to set bounds
upon the Infinite power and creative
desires of the Almighty whose great
scheme of mortal and immortal life is
not necessarily confined to a single
planet or the few billions of human
beings who are born and die upon It
As to dwarfing the importance of man
a few billions nitre added to the bil
lions on earth would make little differ
ence Man is at best a small and in
significant creature but if all embrac
ing wisdom power and love takes so
licitous note of him it would be limit
ing those infinite qualties to say that
one planet must be his abiding place
Therefore the question of human in
telligence on Mars or any other planet
of the solar system or the other great
systems iu remote space should be
purely and simply a scientific one tc
be accepted as true only when proved
but not to be rejected through
ment or for any other reason whatever
except lack of proof St Louis Star
An Oriental Blessing
A well known representative fron
China who was a guest at a wedding I
in a capital city was approached after
the ceremony by the best man and
jocularly asked to go over to the
young couple and pronounce a parental
blessing The obliging dignitary com- j
plied with pleasure Placing his ha ids
on the blushing bride and shaking I
bridegroom lie said May every iew
Jnar bless you with a man child off
spring until they shall number twenty i
Gve in all May these twenty live man j
children offspring present you with
twenty five times twenty live grand
children and may these grandchil
But the little bride grew hysterical
about this time and the oriental bless
ing was ended amid the laughter of
the guests Ladies Home Journal
A Cowboy Spider
Faking aside said the nature stu
dent there is in New Zealand a cow
boy spider This creature throws n
coil of web like a lasso over its p eys
head then adds more and more coils
and when the prey is bound hand and
foot devours it
There is a Borneo spider that in
the spring days plays a liddle It is a
common thing for a lovesick spider to
dance before Ills girl but this Borneo
boy my drawing his arm across his
turn produces a sweet clear note
Whenever he sees a good looking
young lady spider he stops and gives
her a tune honing to win her by
Miners Freedom From Cance
Miners never have cancer In thirty-five
years practice in a mining town
I havent had a single cancerous pa
Aud to what doctor do you impute
this immunity T
Miners are singularly cleanly They
bathe every day They rarely smoke
They are a temperate and regular set
Above all
The physician smiled grimiv
Miners he said die young Can
cer is an old age disease And there
really is the reason of the miners
immunity Cincinnati En
Not the Same
Excuse me he said as he entered
the public library at Pegantic but do
you have any social registers here
No we haint said the librarian
with considerable hauteur This here
buildJp is bet up by steam and wn
haint got notliin but radiators and
we dont allow no settiu around with
your feet on to them neither The near
est thing we got to a social registry in
this town is the postoffice stove Lip-
A Reminder
Mamma What are you doing with
that string Lola Lola aged five
Tyin it on my finger mamma so if I
ferget anything Ill be sure to member
it Chicago News
That experience which does not
make us better makes ns worse
f Col W W Crittenden j
McCook Nebraska
TTnm cntna n iMRinltv Dates may bo -
made at tho Citizens Bauk -
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
store McCook Nebraska
iftiv Oft Wfti Hi iETV vfFyfrtiiWW
Real Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
ike Walsh
0d Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just across
street in P Walsh bnildin lCOOK g
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
Baraett Lumber Co
a v
r y fes
rfn -- urnvotta Moof TrirlrAt d
lllVU VJU1 luaiou J oo v imw
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phone 13
A u
V 1