r L r K The Light Simple Dairy Tubular Separator Bowl Shell Tell You Quick Just ask your wife which of these two cream separator bowls shod rather wash Shell toll you quick the one on the loft It looks light and simple and thats exactly what it is It is used exclusively in Sharpies Dairy Tubular Cream Separators All other roparatora have heavy hard to wash complicated bucket bjwls The one on the right is just a sample Think of washing it twice a day Imagine the chance rust and hard knocks have at such a complicated affair Milk skimmed with a Sharpies Dairy Tubular Cream Separator is skimniod right its the cleanest skimming quickest skimming light est running longest lived cream sep arator built Bring your wife to see it inside and outsido and learn how it may doublo your butter money The helpful dairy book Business Dairying yours for the asking Time Card McCook Neb MAIN IiINE EaST DErAET No 6 Central Time 1027 p si 2 500 A m 1 lilt A- M Ottu r Ua 1G 4 00 A M MAIN LINE WEST DErAET No 1 Mountain Time 950 a m 3 1142 pm 5 Arrives 83ri p M 13 1025 AM 15 1217 am IMPERIAL IINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 05 P M No 175 departs 710 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Paspnear Agent Omahn NohrnskH RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS General Supt Byram was over the division on No 14 Tuesday Fritz Ebert is back in the blacksmith shop after a vacation of a few months General Supt Byram was in the city Tuesday between trains No 14 and No 1G Gus Budig of the air and electrical department was in Omaha close of last for a day or two Wire Chief C P Heber has com menced the construction of a cozy bung alow on North Main avenue William Hunter has resigned his posi tion in the blacksmithshop and with his family has gonn to Canada Eogineer Charles Starr departed Monday for Lockridge Iowa on a Tisit expecting to be absent about three weeks Fireman Charles Stone of the Hold rege switch engine was severely injured last week by being struck on shoulder and back by a coal chute which fell from its fastenings An Italian laborer was brought over from McDonald Kansas Saturday and placed in the Southwestern Nebraska hospital for surgical attendance He sustained a fractured leg a few days since and was sent here on account of the superior accommodations of the hospital for such cases The hospital conveyance was at the depot to receive the injured man from No 13 and at tracted quite unusual attention from the populace which thronged the depot platform k M l iUJ ml Vm if S3 A Common Disk Filled Bucket Bowl phone 3i McCook Hardware Co White House Grocery STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM FRESH VEGETABLES Phone 30 Tooth Talk Truthfully Told Scores of people innumerable neglect what are confessed to be a vital necessity to health happiness and long life viz their teeth Poor teeth as well as a lack of teeth cannot masti cate food properly hence poor health which frequently results from this cause Your immediate action makes provisions for both teeth and health One assurance that my operations cause continuous satisfac tion patients enjoy to recall and tell their neighbors about the easy time in the dentist chair at my office It will please me to meet you at once DR HERBERT J PRATT DENTIST Office over McConnelPs Drug Store 212 Alain Ave 1 Burlington Relief Work The twentieth annual report of the relief department of the Burlinston shows that since its establishment the company has paid out of its own cof fers S1248S37 in aid of its maintenance In addition to this contribution the company has always given the depart ment the frio uso of stationery the free time of many of its employes including the legal and medical de partments which if charged for would greatly swell the total contribution The average membership of the de partment during the year was 29 918 the original membership having been 5027 At the close of the year the de partment had a large cash balance and paid out more than a half milliou of dollars during the year for benefits More than 500000 of tho departments money is invested in Burlington bonds which pay three and one half per cent interest More Telephone Lines Burlington lineman are putting up a copper telephone circuit between Wy more and Red Cloud for the use of dispatchers A freight car in the ditch at Strat ton Sunday morning delayed No 2 over three hours Conductor Neal Beeler has bought the J D Young residence on north 1st street east and is now occupying the property Agent Tom Morton of Otis departed Wednesday for Atlanta Ga a delegate to the grand lodge of the O of R T which convenes there next week Ex tra Agent McClintock has the station in charge Conductor Worth Humphrey left on Wednesday for Columbus Ohio where he represents the local lodge of the B of R T at the session of the grand lodge to be held there next week He will visit briefly in Iowa en route Conductor C M Kent and family will leave tomorrow for Truro Nova Scotia for a months visit with the home folks C M is a delegate to the meeting of the grand lodge of Order of Railway Conductors which convenes in Boston riext week and will join the family in Canada at the close of the session They are accompanied bv a cousin of Mrs Kent from Aspen Colo j Women In Austria Tho Austrian law puts little trust In women us they are not eieu eligiblo as witnesses to a will being excluded In company with Imbeciles the blind deaf and dumb and criminals Spanish Peppers It is a good plan to have n can of Bpnnish peppers alwuys in the house They can be easily and attractively used in an emergency Sandwiches ipay be made of them or they may be used to garnish leftover meats etc Cut the meat into cubes cover with bits of pepper and breadcrumbs and brown Antt duHing Sermon At i church near Ledbury England an annual sermon is still prcucheJ against the vice of dueling This Is done in accordance with the will and tesiameut of a damsel whose rival I lovers died fighting for her hand Home Lovers First Choice Swiss maidens have wide and deep courtship license but iu many of the cantons they are allowed but a narrow choice of bridegrooms It being a rig orously enforced if unwritten law that they must marry a youth of their own neighborhood In many villages every marriageable youth belongs to a soci ety whose sole object is to prevent any and every youth from outside from coming a courting the maidens of the societys village Strong Tea The Abyssinians make a tea from the leaves of a certain plant whkh has such stimulating qualities that to chew a single leaf will produce all the effects of a strong cup of tea The Butterfly The butterfly like the bat invariably goes to sleep head downward its eyes looking straight down the stem of the grass on which it rests It folds its wings to the utmost and thus wraps Its body from the cold Too High to Run It is impossible to run at an altitude of 17000 feet above the sea Lambeth Palace Lambeth palace London has been the home of tho primates of Canter bury for over siven centuries This palace can show specimens of almost every style of architecture which has prevailed since 1190 The Mustache In Ssrvia To Servians greatest form of in dignity is to have the mustache shaved off Mexican Funerals The Mexicans nave a queer way of burying the dead The corpse is tightly wrapped in century plant mat ting and placed in a coffin hired for about a shilling One or two natives as the case may be place the coylin on their heads and go at a trot to the grave where the body is interred and tho coffin is then returned Living In Tombs Thousands of Egyptians live in old tombs eating sleeping wooing loving laughing dancing singing doing all their deeds of daily life and house hold work among the mummies and sarcophagi Mars Byproducts There is enough hydrogen gas in a man says the Medical Index Lancet to carry him up to the clouds He con tains enougli fat to make seventy live caudles and a large cake of soap and enough phosphorus to make 80G4 boxes of matches His remaining con stituents will yield if utilized six cruets of salt a bowl of sugar and ten gallons of water A Curious Fish A curious fish found off the Mauri tius and Japan is the mailed tish about six inches in length which lures its prey within reach of its jaws by means of a luminous disk on each side of the lower jnw Tortoise Shell What is called tortoise shell is not the bony covering or shield of the tur tle Lilt only the scales which cover it These are thirteen in number eight of them flat and Ave a little curved A large turtle affords about eight pounds of them the plates varying from a quarter of an inch to an inch in thickness Air In Caves Certain caves have been reported as maintaining a uniform temperature summer and winter of 54 degrees F They may be said to breathe tv ke a year inhalina durins the winter and exhaling during the summer District of Columbia The District of Columbia compri an area uf id21o square miles V government consists of two civiil commissioners appointed by the pi dent ari confirmed by I he senate a one army engineer oliicer detailed the secretary of war the three stitufins the board of commission for throe years CS In Place of riavers Flowers are never used for decora Ing in Tuscany but at Christinas a Easter all the walls of tho cathedmls are decked with wonderful damask of almost priceless value The Word Kid Kid is merely a jocose substitution for lamb used for a young child and is very old Charles Reade and Dickens used kid In this sense and Virgils phrase Its capellae has been freely translated Go It my kiddies tihwij Mm nun n ruihitiiri ws r m SPOITIJMILS Plans of London Shops and Banks For Foiling Thieves A CODE OF SECRET SIGNALS The Moment a Suspect Is Discovered In an Establishment the Warning Is Quickly Given to the Employees Who Are Instantly on the Alert Do you know If Brown has returned that parcel of stones yet The scene may be t lie shop of a fash ionable west end jeweler Costly gems glint in velvet lined cases One frock coated shopman turns casually to another with tho perfectly natural question quoted above To those customers who may be in the establishment the remark means nothing hut to the man who Is ad dressed it spells volumes Brown Is a secret code word and It means that the elegantly clad woman to whom tho speaker Is displaying a tray of sparkling stones is suspected by him of being a thief and that her every action must he watched Quite recently In connection with a terrible outrage in the west end of London in which an unfortunate mon ey changer was done to death in hi office by a desperate robber the fact was disclosed that in the case of a sudden attack it had been arranged that one of the assistants should em ploy the distress signal of hurling a brass paperweight through the win dow of the office Although most people are quite un aware of the fact practically every banker money changer and jeweler In the fashionable quarter of the me tropolis has some prearranged code by which one employee may warn his fellows that a dubious character has entered the establishment In one well known bank this is the system adopted Should a cashiers suspicions be aroused by the actions or speech of a man upon the other side of the counter he will step across In a perfectly innocent way to a cer tain desk which stands quite apart from the others The custodian at the doorway sees the action knows its significance and is instantly on the alert In the case of another bank the cashier whose suspicions are aroused need not even move away from his desk to warn the watcher The scheme employed is this Along the guarding rail of the couuter are a se ries of plates bearing the word Prayer or Receiver according to the duties of the cashier in each par ticular section These by design are all placed slightly askew Should one of the of ficials behind the desks suspect the good faith of an individual to whom he is attending all he has to do in or der to place the patrol In uniform upon the qui vive is to reach up a leisurely hand aud turn one of these plates so that it is in a perfectly straight line with the rail from which it projects The ingenuity of this idea lies in the fact that while the action is perfectly natural it is so unmistakable that oven when the bank is full of people it can not fail to be observed by the man who is upon the lookout Quite the most elaborate system of which details are obtainable is that in stalled by a firm of electrical engineers for one prominent west end jeweler The manager who is on duty sits at a glass screened desk in the roar of the shop in such a position that while scarcely being seen himself and cer tainly without making any movement he has an absolutely unimpeded view of every counter and show case Near him on a small board shielded from view is a row of tiny rod electric light bulbs One corresponds to the position of each of the suave assist ants who attends to the wants of the jewel buying public Sunk in the floor near the foot of each assistant is a button and his duty is done when should he think a customer he is serv ing may not be on the square he places his foot on this convenient but ton The little plow lamp lights up at the other end of the wire and the managers attention is promptly fo cused in the direction irdi Should his keen scrutiny reveal an actual theft from the articles displayed on the counter or from some unpro tected tray he himself presses a but ton as the thief turns to leave the shop This serves to warn a smart at tendant who is on duty at the portals and the wrongdoer finds his or nei pathway barred without a word hav ing been uttered or Sgu of warning given London Answers Tho Oldest Universities The earliest date which any univer sity puts forth is that which Cam bridge nrakes that it was founded about G3 Its continuous history dates however from 1100 Paris was founded in 702 and renovated in 1200 Oxford dates back to an academy men tioned as ancient in S02 the schools were founded by King Alfred about E70 and King Henry III granted tho charter in 124S Bologna dates from 111G Salamanca was founded in 1230 Argonaut Too Much Hustle Muggins So Bjones is dead eh Say he was a hustler he never let the grass grow under his feet Bug gins No perhaps if he had it wouldnt be growing over his head now Phil adelphia Record A given force applied for a given time upon a given point Is bound to win Napoleon jiwM fr t I iaJ -v -- i Summer Dress Goods Our lines are complete We can please you in quality style and price 5c to 50c per yard Summer Underwear Of which we have a large and complete stock MSSS Also Suits Skirts Low Shoes and Hosiery vfc rf 1 iC For Spring and Summer Items You Should Buy Now ffi - C L DeGroff Co kKAiA rt MUuyjuktuiatUJuijtM u t i a Ten Thousand New Vrws Handson e new post card views of Mc 00k in colors have just arrived from fermany These show views of Mc 00k never before offered the public usinoss residential and church For e at this office Patronize home industry by smoking Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and the Sn oke 5 cent cigar KTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTTVTTTTTYYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTTTVVT iTHE - FAMOUS - V - princetonian - HAAAAAAJUlAAAAAAAAAAJlAAJ MMt t iillj iti ji McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCteer today Friday are paying the folios ing prices Corn 3 j Wheat 7 Oats Rye I Tl Barley Hogs s Butter good EgRS i2S0 and 500 Curlee Pants and Nufangf Trousers ROZELL BARGER THE LEADING CLOTHIERS H -v -it 4 it I r - i - tr -