The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 07, 1909, Image 2

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    and still remain sane All the while
we were thinking of the ancient bit of
reasoning by which it can be conclusive
ly proven that your cat has three tails
Before the loud applause evoked by the
mayors eloquent peroration had dipd
away most of the hearers had reached
the conclusion that the challenger had
met his defeat Before Dr Dickie had
gone half way through his speech of
rebuttal all doubt was swept away and
the audience almost to a man was
ready to acknowledge that Rose had
been beaten to a frazzle
the argument
into the
enemys camp
The Rev Dr Rose said Dickie in
answering the biblical argumentwould
make a line minister provided he had
the right sort of religious oxperience
aDd could find a church wishing a min
ister who knew little about either relig
ion or politics It was stated that all
the churches and all the people who
spend their time in studying and teach-
I GiamjJuliJug PWCfer I
1 is the most efficient asd
I perfect of leadening agents S
i No alum lime or ammonia 1
j ing the scriptureB are with scarcely an
TCMDLD A TNTPC PftT TTM1M S exception against the siilnon Folioe
Conductedaby the McCook W C T U I
When the defender of the saloons
arose to apeek of course he received nn
ovation tie was in the bouso of his
friends Five timps this city has olect
od him chief executive His was the
popular side of the question The brew
ors are in good standing in Milwaukee
The mayor is a clevor lawyer and he is
usually a free and forceful speaker but
that night he certainly was not at ease
Dr Dickies speech had gotten on his
nerves words stuck in bis throat four
times be tried to say Protestantism
and then bad to be prompted His
honors recent plea for a division of the
public school money with the parochial
schools helper us to understand bis
evident lack of acquaintance with that
particular polysyllable
Mr Rose consumed thirty five min
utes in reading lengthy passages from
the scriptures to prove that prohibition
is repugnant to every teaching of the
Bible As argument it was wearisome
nnd worthless The mayors friends
looked disappointed and seemed to be
wondering when he would reach the
subject They did get up a cheer when
he said that the Prohibitionists were
not satisfied with the ten command
ments as the Lord had given them nnd
so tbey had attempted improvement by
writingan eleventh By endless stat
istics he heroically endeavored to estab
lish his claim that prohibition causes
crime higher death ratey insanity
domestic infelicity pauperism injury
to business and destroys personal liber
ty He had the statistics vclumes full
of them But an audience of any intelli
gence might be inundated in such figures
statistics do not prove anything they
ive Milwaukee a good showing because
men are not arrested for drunkenness
here if it can be nvoided The high
number of arrests in dry territory is
often due to the fact that men return
drunk after visiting wet towns across
the line Statistics about deaths from
alcoholism are equally useless The
last thing a physician is willing to write
on the death certificate is alcoholism
He calls it heart failure or something
else The action of the great insurance
companies is sufficient answer to that
argument And insanity Dr Dickie
offered S100 to any onb who would find
one man made crazy by the closing of
the saloons In answer to the assertion
that prohibition is responsible for in
creased divorce rate uo statistics were
offered The speaker simply said that
he had enough common sense to know
that it is not true Of the limited num
ber of divorces of which he had personal
knowledge six were due directly to
drunkenness and he doubted whether
the whole audience could produce a
single case caused by sobriety The
economic argument was given most at
tention It was made clear that the
saldon is never a wealth producer but
always a waster Dr Dickies pleasant
parody o the mayors
and the
peroration was a reductio ad absurdum
with a thud
concluded next week
Rev I w Letter
Rev I W Williamson Huntington
VV Va write This is to certify that
I used Foleys Kidney Remedy for ner
vous exhaustion and kidney trouble and
am free to say that it will do all that
you claim for it Foleys KindeyRom
edy has restored hoalth and strength to
thousands of weak run down people
Contains no harmful drugs and is pleas
ant to take A McMillen Druggist
If there is any vitality in the hair roots
Rexall 93 Hair Tonic will positively
grow new hair and cure baldness We
want you to try this preparation at our risk
Well return the money you paid us if you
are not entirely satisfied Two sizes 50c
and 1 00
L U The Rexall Store
This is to certify that all druggists
are authorized to refund your money if
Foleys Honey and Tar fails to cure your
cough or cold It stops the cough
heals the lungs and prevents pneumonia
and consumption Contains no opiates
The genuine is in a yellow package
A McMillen
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thh
Tribune office
The real test lk
Jir Is in the baking
Other Raking Powders may make broad claims k
but when jt comes to the production of real W6
Kgv7 delicious biscuit cakes and pastry S
iwnl rct I
11 BACf POWDER pgllp
lp proves its real worth This is because of otmakbytketku5
yg its much greater leavening power and the - j iSTff TBTRffBI
g strict purity of its ingredients I SjbU Ml
v It costs only a trifle more than the cheap T 3iS
vSj and big can brands and much less than the
gjk Trust Baking Powders iPf
oraj f Received Highest Award h iW2Kblilyf Si
fi Worlds Pure Food Exposition RQAwnll
Chicago 1907 r PDf
Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets
Contain no Sawdnst Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once SKIDOO Condition
Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Loose Powder
Spavin Cnre Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stiffener Tablets
Sold by A McMlLLEN McCook Neb
si ssii
rmn rrTi
50000 Nebraska Boys to Raise Better
The toacbors in every school district
in the state are resquested to urge each
boy over twolvo years of ago in the dis
trict to learn moro about our great state
and national cereal by planting at least
one ear of the very boit seed corn that
be can secure in a plot of ground
where it will not be pollenized by scrub
corn to study carefully the principles
of corn culture and to carry out the
best instruction he can get in preparing
the ground planting tue seed and culti
vating the corn Thoso who can are
urged to plant one acre thus giving
them a chance to experiment on a large
scale Boja in school districts outside
the corn belt are invited to join in pota
to culture using not less than one peck
of good potatoes for planting a small
plot or plant one aero as in the corn
Nebraska has 6858 school districts
5000 of these are in the corn belt An
average of ton bos in each district
meaus 50000 boys to raise com and
nearly 20000 boys to raise potatoes in
the potato belt
The girls are not to be forgotten
They are requested to become active in
the arts of cooking and sewing Provi
sion is being made for work in these
Bulletins of information will bo pro
vided for those who send names and ad
dresses to the county superintendent
Our motto is Make all work educa
tional make all work enjoyable make
all wortt profitable by the combined
action of brain and baud in doing better
work than ever before aud in developing
skill in the performance of duties which
are concerned in the maintenance of the
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last report
County Treasurer to J R Sipe
td to 3 4 5 G in 35 Bartley
Hiram Walton et ux to Harry
M Wyrick qcd to 9 in 4 3 26
A D Barrows et ux to Harry M
Wyjick qcd to 8 9 pt 7 s hf
sw qr 4 3 2G
1 oo
1 00
Eliztbeth Uuldridge et al to
William Sullivan wd to 11
pt 10 in 27 McCook 5000 00
John V Jolly et ux to Otto C
Redtfeldt wd to f int 12 13
in 1 Lebanon
Conrad Bostrom et ux to John
Walter wd to pt nw qr nw qr
32 3 29
800 00
600 00
Lincoln Land Co to Jacob
Frank wd to 5 in 11 1th Mc
Cook 200 00
Florena I Walters et cons to
Mary E Crofford wd to se qr
7 n hf neqrl8 4 30
Clarence E Hotze unmd to Ada
M Hotz wd to Yz mt Pt so
qrsw qr7 3 27
6000 00
900 00
Lincoln Land Co to Clarence
E Hotze wd to pt se qr sw
qr 7-3-27 1100 00
Wm Johnson et ux to CFGund
wd to sw qr 23 2 30 3000 00
Calculated to Instruct
The modern chautauqua is the most
carefully selected course of entertain
ments music and lectures that is pos
sible for expert managers to assemble
together The programs are calculated
to instruct and uplift and divert the
mind from the routine of ordinary
things in every day life The chautau
qua in McCook stauds for higher ideals
in the town and community Every
one who wishes to see the best of things
for the upbuilding of our young people
will endorse the chautauqua
National Corn Exposition
The National Corn Exposition will be
held at Omaha December 6 18 1909
Every Nebraska boy who grows some
good corn will be given a chance to enter
ten ears of the same at the National
Corn Exposition This will not prevent
participating in the county and state
contests A strong premium list is
being provided for both national and
state contests All those interested are
requested to correspond with their re
spective county superintendents who
will be provided with information rela
tive to the work
Many weak nervous women have
been restored to health by Foleys Kid
ney Remedy as it stimulates the kindeys
so that they will eliminate the waste
matter from the blood Impurities de
press the nerves causing nervous ex
haustion and other ailments Com
mence today and you will soon be well
Pleasant to take
A McMillen Druggist
If Your Tastes Are
too fine for letter press printing if they
demand engraving and steel die em
bossing come and get our figures on
such work Dont send away or give
your order to some traveling shark
that is dont do it before you have seen
our samples of such work art gotten
our figures
The managers of the Nebraska State
Fair are offering prizes for the best
acre of corn grown by a boy under
eighteen years of age Names to be
sent in to W R Mellor Secretary Lin
coln before May 20th who will advise
you of conditions
-- i p --
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E
at 7 p m All are welcome
R M Ainsworth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m nnd 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to those services
E R Earlk Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
i a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
3chool 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kiuwin O M 1
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 aud 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
M B Carman Pastor
Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 11 00 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
L0 a m Preaching nt 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Juuior O E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
services G B EIawkks Pastor
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
uue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature
on sale Subject for nxt Sunday
Adam and Fallen Man
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
aenior u M ac 4uu p m jrrajui
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
There Is a Heap of Solace in Being
Able to Depend Upon a Well
Earned Reputation
For months McCook readers have
seen the constant expression of praise
for Donns Kidney Pills and read about
the good work they have done in this
locality Not another remedy ever pro
duced such convincing proof of merit
Samuel Gurrett Main St Minden
Neb says My wife suffered from
kidney trouble for a number of years
despite all her efforts for relief Dull
pains in the small of her back would at
times seize her and make it almost im
possible for her to move When she
stooped she would become very dizzy
and spots would appear before her eyes
She was restless at nght and during
the day would feel tired and worn out
Last fall Doans Kidney Pills were
brought to my attention and I procured
a box for my wife advising ber to use
them She did so and was restored to
Plenty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at a drug store and
ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
The State Corn Contest and Convention
The next state contest and convention
of the Nebraska boys and girls- clubs
will be held at Lincoln the week be
ginning January 17 1910 A one weeks
course in agriculture and in domestic
science will be offered at that time for
boys and girls S6nt as delegates from
their respective counties Substantial
premiums will be offered for corn se
lected from that grown by bovs who
raise good corn this summer and for
girls in cooking and sewing Every boy
and girl who becomes interested will be
invited to participate in county contests
where such are organized in counties
where no such contest is Leld oppor
tunity will be given to send the results
of work direct to the state contest
Arojou cultivating an acre of corn
and are you under eighteen years of
age If so enter the Boys Corn Con
test in which are given 150 for the
most corn grown on one acre during
the year 1909 Send your name as a
contestant to W R Mellor Lincoln
before May 20th
If you want to feel well look well be
well take Foleys Kidney Remedy It
tones up the kidneys aud bladder puri
fies the blood and restores health and
strength Pleasant to take and contains
no harmful drugs Why not commence
today A McMillen Druggist
If you desire a clear completion take
Foleys Orino Laxative for constipation
and liver trouble as it will stimulate
these organs and thoroughly cleanse
your system which ia what everyone
needs in the spring in order to feel well
A McMillen Druggist
Tribune Is All Printed in McCook
You will find local or county news of
interest on each of the eight pages of
thiB paper every week It is all printed
at home No patent print Read all
How the Insects Work When
Could Not Compara In Splendor
With Some Modern Capitals
Rome even In the times of Its great
est splendor was poor in comparison
with the modern world Even in the
second century after Christ when it
stood as metropolis at the head of an
immense empire Rome was smaller
less wealthy less imposing than a
great metropolis of Europe or of Amer
ica Some sumptuous public edifices
beautiful private houses that Is all
the splendor of the metropolis of the
Moreover the palaces of the Caesara
on the Palatine are a grandiose ruin
that stirs the artist and makes the
philosopher think but If one sets him
self to measure them to conjecture
from the remains the proportions of
the entire edifices he does not conjure
up buildings that rival large modern
construction The palace of Tiberius
for example rose above a street only
two meters wide less than seven feet
an alley like those where today In
Italian cities live only the most miser
able inhabitants We have pictured
to ourselves the imperial banquets of
ancient Rome as functions of unheard
of splendor if Nero or Elagabalus
could came to life and see the dining
room of a great hotel In Paris or New
York resplendent with light with
crystal with silver he would admire
it as far more beautiful than the halls
in which he gave his imperial feasts
Think how poor were the ancients In
artificial light They had few wines
they knew neither tea nor coffee nor
cocoa neither tobacco nor the in
numerable liqueurs of which we make
use In face of our habits they were
always Spartan even when they wast
ed because they lacked the means to
squander Guglielmo Ferrero In Put
Are Collecting Honey
Upon the approach of a bee to any
flower it flies around the calyx almost
always before alighting upon the tlow
er itself This is a cursory examina
tion and with Its antennae out
stretched and quivering it Is evidently
scenting the honey contained within
Should this prove a fruitful flower
and of the flavor required the bee set
tles on the center of the stamen and
clutching it with its four front legs
steadies itself with Its longer out
stretched two hindermost ones and
withdraws the nectar by its proboscis
the wings of the bedy assuming a
vibratory motion the while
The bees proboscis is a most impor
tant iiistruuiLMit It is composed of
about forty cartilaginous rings each
of which is frinued with minute hairs
having also a small tuft of hair at its
extremity whore it is somewhat ser
rated Its movement is like the trunk j
of an elephant and is susceptible of
extension and contraction bending1
and twisting in all directions Thus
by rolling it about it searches out
filw rnstil iifl stiinpii nf IVcrv flow-
---- -- -- -
er and deposits its nectar upon the
tongue whence it passes into the gul
let at the base
The gullet or first stomach is the
honey bag Xo digestion takes place
here In shape it is like an oil flask
and when full contains about one
grain It is susceptible of contraction
and is so arranged as to enable the
insect to disgorge its contents into the
colls of the hive Philadelphia North
Menu of an African Hunting Party
In addition to the groceries and can
ned provisions carried in their outfits
the hunters in East Africa depend for
fresh provisions on their guns Water
buck zebra and elephant are said to
be tough eating and are mostly par
taken of by the native porters who
keep elephant meat till it is quite high
and gamy Eland tastes like the best
American beef orynx impala and all
gazelles are edible and tender but the
loi acios of the East African Protecto
rate are the klipspringor and the
dik gazelles riurtbecst is bard except
the prime cut along the backbone An
ordinary meal on safari consists of
marrow soup dikdik cutlets roast
guinea fowl curried venison and corn
flower pudding with jam washed
down with tea or coffee London Let
His Suocecs
John said a Glasgow minister to
his beadle one morninir I would seem
to have been more than usually suc
cessful in pleasing the congregation on
Sabbath To which of the three heads
of my sermon would you attribute my
Weel sir replied the beadle with
sonething like a leer in his eye to
tell ye the truth congregations noon
days concern themsels less about the 1
heids than the tails o sermons The
ane you preached on Sabbath was con
siderably shorter than the general rin
o yer discourses and therefore a body
was weel pleased wit
Hopelessly Out of Style
When we take charge of the gov
ernment says the wise old suffra
gette we will make some changes in
the naval bureau
I should hope so agrees the en
thusiastic young suffragette Why
bureaus are hopelessly out of style
We will have a combination wardrobe
and chiffonier Judge
A Sample
Hoax I can always tell a woman
who takes things- because they look
cheap Joax How Hoax Simply by
looking at her husband Philadelphia
Count art by gold and It fetters the
feet it once winged Ouida
var j yg
-MW inih
Col W W Crittenden
McCook Hebraika
Fnrm sales a specialty Dates mny bo -3
s made
i at too oiiizcns nauK
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnella drug
store McCook Nebraska
WHHHUWv V Fit mwMwwmfV ft
Real Estate Farm Loans 3
and Insurance
Oflico over Marshs Meat Market
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGroffs
Phone 13
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location jnat across IlnCrtrslr
street in PWalsh building L IwUUR
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe 3rass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
PHONE 1114 1420 24 LAYHMACE tlTHvm rnt n
ynr3y y tCT aaajaa3ggsaaafgj
Kris i fiM nil WJ vri 1 y JrS3
few m VT Wm 3 pi ft
E H3a m HHH m
izA tal ura S 24 ti cs Zsi ml
b DHSiAtt M B2U2
3 X
I V - xZ2
3rs 5
toiJiT j wjczssziV
1 X
Barnett Lumber Co
1 i