The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 30, 1909, Image 7

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r 7
1 1
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Tho young people gavo ft reception to
Mrs OrenBch nnd children Tuesday
evening nt tho latters residence
Dancing was tho order of the evening
Mr nnd Mrs E S Byfield wore Dan
bury callers Saturday
Quito a number of Indianola SportR
attended tho ball game at Pumkkin
Ridge Sunday afternoon
Tho Jubiieo Singers gavo an entertain
ment here Monday evening which was
tho last number of tho lecture course
Pattio Anderson nd WH ro enter
taining relatives this week from Or
leans Nob
Tho infant son of J C Puekott and
wife is quite ill with tho whooping
Harvey Lord and Mitchell Young of
Danbury were Indianola visitors Sun
The people of this vicinity were treat
ed to a delightful dust storm Monday
evening which made getting around
very disagreeable for awhile
Mrs John McClung is on the sick
Joseph Binoker of Elwood stopped off
between trains Tuesday evening on his
way to Cambridge
Mrs Ira Pennington of McCook visit
ed a few days this weok with homefolks
Ed and Ben Smith came over from
Danbury where they have been at
work Friday
Miss Bernadino Haley of McCook was
the guest of Mr and Mrs Tom Haley
Saturday and Sunday
Floyd Welborn and family of Denver
came in on their special car Sunday
morning and visited a few days with
the folks
Tho infant son of Mr and Mrs Frank
Ellsworth died of whooping cough Fri
day night and was buried Sunday af
ternoon from the home Rev Burress
A N Puckett returned home Tues
day morning from frankfort Kansas
where he has been visiting relatives for
the past week
Miss Alice Thomas returned home
from Franklin Tuesday morning where
she had been sent as a Sunday school
Mrs Fred Chessmore accompanied
by her son and daughter went to Mas
cot Sunday morning and spent the
day with friends
Edward Lee is visiting this week with
Relatives on the farm
nt nn uii inia
vutt ffr liyrfrrvViF
The Mis6es Bessie Toogood Edna
Thompson and Helen Holiday walked
to Bartloy Sunday afternoon returning
home on No 5
F W DelTor is in town this week
the guest of J S Phillips and family
Harry Lebnroh and Jul Rollins came
up from Cambridge Sundaj and spent
the day with friends
Mre Tim Haley arrived home Satur
day morning from Republican City
where she bus been visiting the past
Tom Arnold wife nnd children from
the westean part of the state viaited tirst
of tho week with his parents
Sam McClain of McCook was in town
on business one day lust week
W A Dolan and I M Beardslee of
Indianola were business visitors in town
Ilenrj Goodonberger of Danbury was
ou our streets Saturday afternoon
A Mr Stone of Beaver City was an
over Sunday visitor with his cousin
Harry S Keith north of town
Several from town attended the last
day of school at Fairview Friday and
all report a good time
Miss May Bartholomew of Lebanon
was an over Sunday visitor with her
brother and family
Deputy Assessor Gockley of Fairview
was in town Friday and Saturday do
ing the assessing
A J Greer and family visited at the
parental Yeater home Sunday
J II Ball from northwest of Danbury
was in town Monday and took out two
double rowed listers
Charles Angell was a McCook busi
ness visitor Monday
County Assessor T A Endsley and
Ed Phillippi of McCook were in town a
fov minutes Friday in the latters
E Galnsha and family and L D
Gockley and wife attended the Odd Fel
low banquet and speech in Danbury
Charles Emerson of McCook was in
town on campany business Letween
trains Monday
County Supt Miss Hatcher was an
over night visitor in town Monday
William Miller and wife and Grand
pa Remington from north of Danbury
visited at tho Eifert home Sunday
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Vig OJmstead was taken sick Sun
We are glad to hear of tho recovery
of Albert Styer
Somo one evidently wanted to boo a
fire burn Tuesday so set the prairie on
fire supposedly to warm up tho
If whip and ring stealing continues
as in the past some one who is under
suspicion will find himself in trouble
Several of our citizens attended the
meeting and Sunday school at Fairview
in Kansas Sunday
The Banksville Sunday school has
chanced the hour from 10 a m to 3 p
m with preaching services following
every Sunday
Mr and Mrs Charles Weirick buried
their second daughter Monday We
truly believe if any one is entitled to
sympathy it is these pnrents as this
with tho one buried a week ago was
their all Mrs Weirick waB better at
latt report
The hoys ball practice gamo wasnt
very well represented Saturday
We understand there will be a danco
at Frank Uahns Saturday night
The stork visited Mrs Frank Blake
at her mothers Mrs Sawyer and left a
nico boy
Mrs Holton Longnecker came and
stayed a week nt the farm
The whooping cough is abating Al
though htcle Blossom Longnecker was
among the first exposed and has been
constantly with it she is the only one
of the school children who didnt take
it Little Blossom aged seven has
been driving to school alone and is so
small she hardly shows in the buggy
For a day or two she has gone on horse
Mr and Mrs Frank Blake are staying
at Mrs Sawyers this summer He is
nelping the boys with thoir farm work
Mrs Longnecker is better but still
unable to sit up She has recovered
from grippe and threatened pneumonia
but is still troubled with nervous pros
Will Meyers and family were visitors
at Louis Lougneckers first of the week
Cards are out for the wedding of
Alfred Randel and Mrs Cunningham
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Th
Tribune office
Norman Baker and wife of Indianola
visited in Bartley Sunday
Floyd McClintockof Cambridge made
a business call here Monday
Ja9 Sipe and C M Babbitt mndo a
business trip to Indianola last week
The opera house is receiving a new
roof this week
Mrs Gregory is a very sick womai
Her daughter Mr L R Duckworth
of Indianola has been hero for several
days caring for her But little hope of
her recovery is entertained
Ernest Dodd and 27 others of Indian
olawerein attendance at tho high school
contest last Friday evening
G W Jones Dr Arbouast John
Ford and Sheriff Peterson made a trip
to Gothenberg last week looking for the
man who swindled Mr Jones with
fraudulent checks They did not find
their man
Ilolbrook and Bartley played base ball
hero Friday Score Ilolbrook 8 Bart
ley 3
Indianola and Bartley played basket
ball here Friday afternoon Score
Bartley 28 Indianola 11
F G Stilgebouer and family visited
Mr Stilgebouers parents on tho Beaver
Sunday last where a family re union
was greatly enjoyed
S W Stilgebouer and wife of Marion
visited in Bartloy Thursday and Friday
of last woek
John McClung of Indianola attended
the ball game in Bartley Friday and
made sport for the boys
The judges at the contest Friday
night were Judge Moore Rev Burgess
nnd Editor Byfield of Indianola They
awarded the medal to Miss Ruby Robi
son which met with the approval of
nearly everyone present Lottie Axtell
was awarded special mention as second
place Tho entertainment was well and
favorably spoken of by the largo assem
bly in the opera bouse
Elmer Turpin was down from Havana
last week on business
Mrs Chas Schafer came up from
Edison Saturday with her son Clifford
who has been dangerously sick for some
The recitations by Mrs Reed of
Detroit last Friday evening at the opera
house were a special feature of the
Senator Gammill wis down from
Frontier county this week shaking
hands with friends
Liiuiiwiiiy1 i vjiuhi A 11
tlajvara 1- t9 jmmrreimimnMrgmMjatrf - - - fl g J
It was the goodness of the crackers
that made the fame of the nam
It wasnt the name that made the fame of
only in
Proof Packages i
The business men have planted troes
along in front of their business places
which improves the look considerably
Oscar Thomas is building a now houso
on tho lot which ho puronasud of his
father-in-1 iw Edward Ervin
Editor B field and Mori Powell of
Indianola were transacting business in
town Saturday H
Samuel Logaii wholjajs heriri visiting
his brothers Jim and Dan7of this place
loft for his homo at Hebron Nebraska
Monday evenii g
J L Sims and W A DeMay were
Atwood business visitors Saturday
Rue Thomas had an accident Sunday
which might have proved fatal JJHe was
going down Main street when his horses
became unmnnagoablo and started to
run They got away from him in front
of the News office and run for the dopot
getting astride a wire fence dnd tore
down posts for 150 yards They ran in
to a telephone polo and wero caught
The professor of Ilolbrook was in
town Saturday ou business
A large and well pleased crowd wit
nessed the -Lost Coon company at tho
opera house Thursday evening The
play was well rendered
C W Rogers and family and Mrs
Rea Oman spent Sunday at the M M
Young home
The OJd Fellows of this place cele
brated their anniversary in tho hull
Monday A large crowd was present
and all report a fine time
Foster Stilgebouer and wife were over
Sunday visitors with relatives
R F b NO 1
School in district No 31 Miss Geneva
Fitch teacher closed on Tuesday of
this week
Ralph Warfield departed Monday on
No 13 for Oregon A gentleman by tho
name of Bur ess is occupying tho Joseph
Downs place just vacated by Warfield
whose interests he bought
J B Fiechtner is suffering with an
attack of rheumatism
Mrs W N Rogers and Mrs A O
Rogers visited Indianola friends last
Ernest Neuman and son Herman of
College View are here on a visit to rela
tives and friends and looking after their
real estate interests here
The marriage of Mrs Mary Schlagol
and JakobDcgele occurred on last Thurs
day afternoon at the home of J B
j Fiechtner in the presence of relatives
and a few friends Both are well and
favorably known in this neighborhood
and all wish them happiness and success
They will live on the old Dudek farm a
fiw miles southeast of the city A
charivari and serenade with the usual
treat followed the ceremony which was
performed by RevWmBrueggemann of
Lee Peterson is still up north
Charles Campbell baching
Peter Schneider is still working for
his sister in law Jennie Schneider
The weather is gradually warming
The Sunday school started April 25th
wita a large attendance
John PatT was quite sick a week ago
but is better now than he has been for
the past month
The dance at John Brauns was just
fine a big crowd and all had a good
time The daace was a celebration of
tho silver wedding anniversary of Mr
and Mrs Braun
Robert Moore is still very sick
Glen Somerville was married on the
20th of this month to one of the An
thony girls
F G Lytle went to Maywood latter
part of last week for a load of flour
Tie school in this district expects to
close next Saturday with a picnic
Mrs Earl Notley is visiting her par
ents this week before she moves to Kan
Mrs John Miller of McCook spent
Saturday and Sunday with her parents
Mr and Mrs I II Harrison
T M Campbell went to Spring Creek
last Friday after millet and cane seed
During the spring every one would be
benefited by taking Foleys Kidney
Remedy It furnishes a needed tonic
to the kidneys after the extra strain of
winter and it purifies the blood by
stimulating the kidneys and causing
them to eiiminate the impurities from
it Foleys Kidney Remedy imparts
new life and vigor Pleasant to take
A McMillen Dni2sit
Simple Remedy lor Ladrlppe
La grippe coughs are dangerous as
they frequently develop into pneumonia
FoloysHoney and Tar not only stops the
cough but heals and strengthens the
lungs so that no serious results need be
feared The genuine Foleys Honey
and Tar contains no harmful drugs and
is in a yellow package Refuse substi
tutes A McMillen Druggist McCook
Tribune Is All Printed In McCook
You will find local or county news of
interest on each of the eight pages of
this paper every week It is all printed
at home No patent print Read all
i m mm
Do this with your children
School children should be fed plenti
fully and frequently on Quaker Oats
It makes the best possible breakfast for
anyone who is to work with cither brain
or muscle Its easy to prove this in
your own family Increase the daily
consumption of Quaker Oats and youll
sec an almost immediate improvement in
the health and energy of those who
eat it
Regular size packages for city trade
large size family packages for those who
are not convenient to the store
Breakfast on Quaker Oats every day
rare in
the can-
Pure in the
Try it
Wrnfywiiy rsfrwn t v wwmwwii
Dr J 0 Bruce
Telephone 55 AlcCook Neb
t Office over ElecrlcTheatrc on Main Ave
lEUtui q uua iiv Adfctiguju
Office over McMillens drug store
Office over McAdams Store Phone 199
III Ifll l
DENTIST fhcnk ii2
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Rlk McCoofe
Dr J A Colter
Room Postokkicz Building
fc R H
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska i
McCook Nebraska
Sfe ARentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Offico in Postoiiice building
C H Boyle C E Eldesd
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Pone 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor
PoEtoffice Building MCLOOk Neb
Micklleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phono 182 McCook Nebraska
mcvjCK riL
The automobile livery in South
western Xubra ka tha ahvaxs
sets there and nack Trip- any
or nicht anywhere Prices reas
0 Can be found at 104 AlCLOOK Neb
CURES disease with Pure Blood
for chitdreni scfa sure No opiates
Willj stand during the season
of 1909 at my farm at Perry
Terms 1000 for live colt
100 cash down
Ever care taken but will not
be responsible for accidents
G W Watkins