The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 30, 1909, Image 5

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T t
Ho 1
You Can Start Your Corn Right
11 K il
kit i 8
John Deere Two Row Lister Cultivator
Every farmer that has used one says they are the best
They have two levers and either two or four shovels on each
gang Let us have your order while stock is complete These
are MONEY MAKERS just like
The Sharpies Tubular Cream Separator
Of course you know by now that
most any cream separator will pay
you and save work too But do you
know that Sharpies Dairy Tubular
Cream Separators are different from
all others Its a fact Bring in your
wife and let us show you both of you
One difference is in the bowls
Tubular bowls are simpler
easier to clean more durable
Notice the simple Dairy
Tubular bowl shown in the
upper picture Easily cleaned
in one to three minutes Com
pare it with the hard work of
scrubbing and picking out such
f The 106G is receiving repairs to her
Vlot driving brasses etc
Jabez isarraclough and bride went up
j Wauneta today to visit her family
Charles LaDgson the new machine
hop foreman assumed charge of hiu
tsition Monday
An addition to Akron round house of
Lve stalls has been ordered This in
cases its capacity 100 percent
There is a possibility that the rail
atl may move its tracks and depot
arer to the town of Bloomington
HDave Knowles is a night dispatcher
liincoln entering the position last
3ek This is the second transfer from
ie local office to Lincoln in the past
Fw weeks
JustEeceived Eucs all sizes
and qualities Welton Velvets
first quality Body Brussels
I Tapestry Brussels etc Qtc
Mt m
a woman killer as the bowl in the lower picture All sep
arators except Dairy Tubularshave some sort of hard to clean
bowl Next time youre in let us show you the Tubular
and start you making more money
phone 3 i McCook Hardware Co
Tooth Talk Truthfully Told
Scores of people innumerable neglect what are confessed to
be a vital necessity to health happiness and long life viz
their teeth Poor teeth as well as a lack of teeth cannot masti
cate food properly hence poor health which frequently results
from this cause Your immediate action makes provisions for
both teeth and health
One assurance that my operations cause continuous satisfac
tion patients enjoy to recall and tell their neighbors about the
easy time in the dentist chair at my office It will please me to
meet you at once
Office oer McConnelPs Drug Store 2I2V4 Main Ave
McCook Neb
Mountain Time
Fj tj luemrai iimei jui p
E 1
500 A M
715 a M
942 P M
4 00 a M
950 A M
11 42 p M
1025 A
1217 A
o 176 arrives Mountain Time 5Ki P M
R iltl UUJU IS IJir -
f Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
lisoats free on through trains Tickets sold
find baggage checked to any point in the United
rur iniunuuuuu nmetanies maps ami nes
ts call on or write D F Hostutrer Acent
FjIcCook Nebraska or L AV Wakele General
assenffer Agent Omaha Nebraska
Mrs UCShriner joined her husband
in Curtis last week
Dispatcher H D Stewart entertained
his father early in the week
The Misses Gallebon of McCook were
visiting friends in Akron this week
Akron Pioneer Press
Agent Booth of Curtis is in Colorado
on a thirty day vacation while Lafe
Carstensen is looking after the agency
John Hunt who has beenlaid off for
the past few weeks by a severe ear ail
ment i9 improving and able to be about
Mr Thorbur says the Curtis Courier
is the new man at that depottaking the
place of Mr Murray who has gone to
The company has ordered that all
the dago bunk houses scattered along
the tracks between Denver and Lincoln
shall be given a coat of paint This
will help them a little but Oh my
Akron Pioneer Press
Dispatcher J F Forbes and Master
Wallace returned last Thursday night
from their visit to St Thomas Canada
and attendance upon and participation
in the celebration of the wedding anni
versary of Mr Forbes parents
Geo Scott who is now acting as
temporary agent here will take the
Burlington agency at Brush as soon as
he can be relieved W T Currie who
has been agent at Brush for the past
several years died of paralysis last
week at Lincoln Akron Pioneer Press
Mrs Jacob Cross who lives south of
the B M tracks came near being run
over by the eastbound freight train
which passes through here at noon last
Friday Mrs Cross who is quite deaf
did not notice the train until it was al
most upon her and that she escaped
injury is due to the prompt action of
the trainmen in stopping Although
the woman escaped serious injury not
so the train One engine and several
freight cars were practically put out of
commission by the sudden stop and
the crew did several hours hard work
before being able to proceed Arapahoe
To Be Effective May 1
Chicago May 1 1909 EUVotive
this dale the practice of suspending
employes in the train and engine de
partment because of infraction of tlio
ruhs or for other cause will be discon
A complete and accurate srrvice his
tory of nil employes effected by this
order will bo Ue t in thb office of each
division superintendent of the employ
ment department
No entry will be made a part of the
record of any man until the caso has
been fully investigated and the em
ploye effected will if desired be given
personal hearing in that connection
Whenever n record entry is madp the
man effected will bo given in writing an
exact copy of such entry
Any employe found guilty of dis
loyalty to the company of insubordin
ation or drunkenness will bo dis
missed from the service and will not
be re employed An employe whoso
service record cloarly indicates that
he is not a safe or lit man to retain in
the service will be dismissed
Promotions in the future as in tl e
past depend upon the service recird
of the man involved and upon his fit
tie for increased responsibilities
When these are equal as between two
men the one older in the service will
be given thb preference
An employe upon his request in writ
ing will at any time be given a copy of
his service record
Officers directly in charge of men
affected by this order are especially
requested to report for entry all com
mendable actions on the part of such
employes aswell as those actions which
may justify criticism or reprimand
The purpose of this order is to assure
constant and permanent employment to
those employes whoso service record
indicate their fitness for the positions
held or for increased responsibilities
Daniel Willard
Second Vice President
G S Scott was down from Akron
Saturday Sunday
Engines 1121 and 1911 are over the
droppits this week
C E Emerson had company business
in Marion Monday
Condr Evan and family visited in
Hastings last Sunday
Guy Tomlinson is helping on the
platform at the freight house
J E Moss of the blacksmith shop
force is off duty and on the sick list
Engine 322 went out of the shop
first of the week after an overhauling
Mrs I N Biggs is in Denver with
her daughter for treatment for the little
Conductor G A Brooks was up from
the Oberlin line Tuesday Paulson had
his car
Condr Geo Martin has been off this
week visiting in Hastings Wilcott
has the car
A Sterling division engine 1106 went
into the shop for an overhauling first
of the week
J B Wade was down from Denver
early in the week returning west Wed
nesday morning
Engineer I L Eodstrom has been
laid up for a few days with a swift
touch of neuralgia
Conductor Morris has been off a trip
or two this week and Conductor Joe
Hegcnberger had his run
Brakeman Jack Higgins of the Wray
local crew returned to work Wednes
day after a short furlough
Engine 1G11 is in for repairs and the
1980 was out Tuesday in the yards for
the preliminary limbering up
Engineer and Mrs Mart L Scott of
Brush were guestsi of her mother Mrs
Rose Mokko first of the week
Supt and Mrs W M Weidenhamer
arrived home from Chicago and Gales
burg last Saturday evening on No 5
Engineer Gates engine is in from the
Republican line for an
overhauling after making better than
80000 miles
Condr Frank Rank has Hegenbergers
run on 2 and 3 while the latter is
shielding his eyes from the glare of the
lights on 1 and 6
Engine 1911 was sent to the Havelock
shops Tuesday for general overhauling
She has made over 90000 miles since
coming out the highest ever made by
an engine on this division
George Arendt working in the B M
yards in this city was arrested in Su
perior Sunday charged with stealing
835 from the Burlington Hotel He was
brought to this city by Marshal Kinsel
and is now in jail and a states warrant
will be sworn out by MrCrans charging
him with the theft He is 17 or 18 years
of age Eed Cloud Commercial-Advertiser
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
People past middle life usually have
some kidney or bladder disorder that
saps the vitality which is naturally
lower in old age Foleys Kidney
edy corrects urinary troublesstimulates
the kidneys and restores strength and
vigor It cures uric acid troubles by
strengthening the kidneys so they will
strain out the uric acid that settles in
the muscles and joints causing rheuma
tism A McMillen Druggist
Fort Salk Blue squaw corn for seed
Mrs S E Christian phono ash 3082
Foil Sale House and two lots 8000
Eay terms Earl Barger
Fob Sale Purebred Barred Rock
eirgs at 73 cents per sitting Mrs D O
Shaw phone cedar 3122 2G 4
Fob Salk A 9-horse-power gasoline
engine McCook Cement Stone Co
phone red I9G
IIousk and lot fob salk Inquire of
Henry Gale 23 3
Fob Sale Household goods for sale
at No 711 2nd street east
Mbs John D Young
Fob Rent A 5 room cottage Call
phono red 278 Peter Miesen
Fob Rent Three furnished rooms
for housekeeping Also a two room and
live room cottage Mrs J I Lee
fhone 43
GntL Wanted Inquire at tho Com
mercial hotel
Boabderb Wanted Home cooking
Mrs R M Erwin 20G 5th street east
Lo t 5y carat diamond ring in small
chamois skin sack Finder leave at
Tribune office aud receive liberal re
Uuriitius washed Cull at 407 C street
The custom of saying God bless
you after sneezing must be at least
as old as the fifteenth century as a
reference to it appears in the lirst edi
tion of Caxtous Golden Legend
After describing a certain malady
which broke out among the early
Christians the result apparently of
their intemperate habits Cnxton pro
ceeds In this manere somtyrae they
deyed so that when any persone was
herd snesyng anone that were by said
to hym God helpe you or Cryste
helpe and yet endureth the eustoine
A curious superstition with regard to
sneezing still lingers in the villages of
Devonshire It has found expression
in the following couplet
Sneeze on Sunday morning fasting
Youll enjoy your own true love to ever
In the highlands of Scotland it is
believed that a newborn child is under
the thrall of the fairies until it sneezes
C vily His Share
George said the maiden aunt re
provingly shaking her linger very sol
emnly at her small nephew there
were two mince pies on the larder
shelf this morning and now they have
disappeared I didnt think it was in
Tisnt all in me blubbered the wee
boy One of em is in Gwennie
X r
iiiwuB fiyaijji i ewumi
I Mens Underwear
We offer you a splendid assortment of
underwear including the always preferred
We have them in all sizes and can fit
you perfectly
have had the call for a long time because
of their perfect fit and elasticity They do
not sag or stretch out of shape but remain
a thoroughly comfortable garment until
worn out Youll find them right in every
If you have never worn a union suit the
will surely convert you
C L DeGroff S Co
fffrtrtaitiit iiAaui kt iuuluuu
I Wear Like a Pigs Nose
Detroit Special
Reversible Overalls
New Home for Old and Disabled R R Men
The Finck Overalls besides representing absolutely the
best article obtainable in overall construction appeal to rail
road men with special force and interest During this season
the 4000 Union Railroad Brotherhood orders in America
with their 266000 members propose to build a new home for
old and disabled railroad men at Highland Park Illinois
The Finck company is assisting in the proposition by con
tributing to this fund FIVE CENTS FOR EVERY FINCK
Ever7 railroad man who buys a pair of Overalls or a
Jacket should save the tickets on the garments placing his
name on the back and when they attend the next regular
meeting or their local lodge deliver the tickets to the secre
tary who will forward them to the Vice President Mr George
Goding 6133 Drexel avenue Chicago Illinois or direct to
the Home at Highland Park The Treasurer will immediate
ly notify the Finck company of the number of tickets re
ceived and the Finck company in return will forward five
cents for each ticket the proceeds intended for the new
building fund The agents in McCook for the Finck Over
alls and Jackets are