The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 30, 1909, Image 2

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HIS s ig
A pore grape cream of
tartar powder Its fame
is world wide No alum
no phospliatic acid
There Is never a qises
tion as to the absolute
purity and healthful
ness ox tne looa it raises
onducteCcby the McCoofc W C T
The Rose Dickie Debate in Milwaukee
by Koikit Gordon
At a brewers convention held recent
ly in Louisville our mayor David S
Rose challenged the national
tion party to send its best representa
tie to meet liim in public debate His
offer was accepted and Dr Samuel
Dickie president of Albion College
- A
case lor frouuition Arrangements
i ere made for a series of three debates
and this is a report of the tirst one
vhieh was held in Milwaukee Mar 26
The Hippodrome has a seating capa
city ol 4000 pfople it was packed to
ho doors aud hundreds were turned
away Tne whole city seemed aroused
istid in vain high priceH were eflered for
tickets From far and wide came re
vests for admission which had to le
jfjfused The tickets were distributed
tnrough the Chamber of Commerce and
Jha Merchants and Manufacturers as
s ciatioii and the audience was com-
possd largely of representative citizens
It was a magnificent assembly and the
speakers were given the moat respectful
xttention during the three solid houis
uf earnest discussion
The question as stated was Resolv
ed that prohibition as applied to the
manufacture and sale of intoxicating
ieverages is right Dr Dickie had the
3ast half hour for rebuttal With the
Srst sentence This is not an orator
contest nor on the other hand is it
a ladies pw k tea to his closing word
Dr Dickie iuld the whole assembly in
Lis hand His arguments for prohibi
tion were based upon the character of
the liquor businessthe opinions of great
men the decision of our highest courts
the moral andeci nomic loss caused by
the liquor trallic His words were
scimitars that cut to the quick His
ribly true The ground was swept from
under the mayors feet by proof that
the liquor trafli is not reliable when it
is defending itself Ho quoted from the
Milwaukee Sentinel a report snt by the
Eose Marching Club during their recent
trip South It was dated Birmingham
eb So and purported to be an account
ol fearful violations of the prohibitory
Jaws witnessed by the imyor and his
iriends As a matter of fact the cub
did not arrive in Birmingham untl Feb
25 The article described a visit of the
zlub to the state legislature in session
Ihere But the legislature meets in
Montgomery and had adjourned a month
3sore the Milwaukee party went South
Fhe beer that made Milwaukee famous
Km3tiixie3 makes Milwaukeeans befud
ilsd The applause was tremendous
Dr Dickie did a daring thing when
5a presence of the brewers and their
tests of friends he made the charge
mat the liquor trnBis not only breeds
criminals but is itself a huge organized
csiminal In proof he produced letters
irom almost all the Milwaukee brewers
staling their willingness to sell beer to
aicn who intended to run blind pigs
iu violation of state laws Coming right
on the heels of the brewers loud boast
ing about thoir respect for law and
their burning desire to see all laws en
forced the effect was dramatic and
eve whelming
continued next wkeic
The library notes this week will give
a reprint of an nrticle written by the
librarian of Grand Rapids Micb W hat
is true of opportunities in Grand Rapids
is true in McCook in degree quite in
nrnnnrtiiin tr fhn C170 nf fh frwna
Albion Mich was chosen to state the L - -
opportunty is vours Can you
ford to let it pass
Do you think there is no opportunity
for you to continue to 1 arn from hooks
simply because you have left school
Such a thought is a great mistake 0
portunities to learn come- to every one
They even break into jail for some of
the fellows in Jackson prison with oniy
half a chance and with a record to live
down are using bjoKs to lit themselves
successfully to do good work after thei
get out
Have you ever thought of continuina
your education white you are at work
There is a Grand Rapids educational in
stitution that enables you to do this very
thing whatever business trade or call
ing you may follow In this education
institution by the way nearly 15000
persons are enrolled Fiflt eu thousand
persons you will say is a large number
for it is more th n three times the num
ber of students in the University of
Michigan This institution is the
Grand Rapids public librnry with its
thirty six branches and stations its
exception of a few minutes from his 90C00 books aui parr p thti its m re
than 500 current periodicals in its read
ing rooms its free lectures aud its edu
cational exhibitions which are constant
ly being held all for your information
and enjoyment
The schools teach us to read and write
and a lot of the things we know But
we dont stop learning to know things
when we leave school for the gaining of
knowledge is a continuous perform
ance It lasts as long as we live aud
statements were transparently and there is no end of interesting and useful
to Know about our
tuings citj our
state our nation about science and
about art and most of all in its immedi
ate importance about the very work we
are doing every day and by which we
earn our living To know thofo things
makes life more interesting fuller and
richer in every way and it makes us
more valuable both to oui selves and to
our friends and neighbors Being more
valuable we can earn more monev
And this is just what thousands cf
young men and women are djing in the
public libraries all over the world
learning more about the world and the
work thy are doing in it from the books
and magazines and papers in the library
They are doing it right here in Grand
Rapids Why not you
Continue your education through the
library As a public institution it is
maintained for this very purpo e free
for iour use Why not give several
hours a week to the connected reading
of books and papers that are worth
while This will be the right start for
you It will give you a better chance at
the whole of life Samuel H Eanck in
Librarian Grand Rapids Mich
Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Congh Syrnp Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment oi
3LUEe3ELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Congh Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood
General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm -Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothinf
Uablcts for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets
Sold hy A McAIILLEN ftlcCook Neb
tzz7tr35rrTzgz K - - -
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerkd ofiice
since last report
James Coagro et ux to John J
trunk wd to lot 3 blk 19
Indianola 150 00
Irvin K Kiiig sing to John I
Stringfellow wd to se qr 27
430 5200 CO
Ira Sheets et ux to E E Smith
wd to lota 5G D Esther Park 4C00 00
James Cosgro et ux to Ruhana
J Current wd to 13 14 pt 15
in Indianc la 8000 00
Sumutl Curient ot ux to James
and Laura Cogro wd to 12
3 in 19 west 12 ft 8 9 10 11
12 in 32 Luriianoln 8 9 10
in 1 Weiborus add to lu
diauoln 8C00 00
Orlando Curtis to Evelyn U
Curti wd to 12 in 11 West
McUook 1 00
Leuna G Grimoro et cons to
Eugenia 11 Day wd to J4 int
9 in 25 2ud MoOook 1250 00
Rosa Uelle Dodge et cons to
Charles E Smith qcd tone
qr u h f se qr 21 3 30
Charles E Smith et al to Her
man Bob ling qcd to same as
622 99
1 00
John K Btirae reereo to Her-
man Bob ling rd to same as
above 8100 00
Henry B Wales ta Sylvester A
A ndrew wd e hi 34 4 30 7000 CO
F G Kockafellor to Oliver Mat
sou wd to n w qr 27 2 30 1 00
Christena Foster to C E Grien
inger wd to lot 8 blk 8 Wil
low Grove
CO 00
Exposition At Denver
Extensive and elaborate preparations
have been under way since last fall for
holding the second annual Colorado
Interstate fair and exposition which
will take place on the permanent
grounds of this institution at Overland
Park Denver the coming September
12 to 18 inclusive Mr G C Fuller
the secretary of the exposition advises
there will be liberal prizes offered for
exhibits of the product of every indust
ry for the purpose of encouraging their
growth development and improvement
ana mat tne lair oi tnis year promises
to equal if not eclipse the most success
ful of similar expositions held through
out the midc 1 and eastern states The
premium list will be ready for distribu
tion the latter part of May and copies
of same may be had by addressing Mr
Fuller at Denver
Expositions of this character when
ever held reach and benefit every avenue
of industrial life and are institutions to
be fostered and encouraged That they j nv Us
are accomplishing a grest deal of good
in an educational way as well as inter
esting investors in western propositions
and attracting immigration will be ap
preciated by a visit to any of them a
registry kept at one of the exhibits nt
the Denver fair last year showing visit
ors from every state in the Union
except six and from nearly every foreign
Seattle Exposition Literature
The great expositions of the past
have depended to a largo extent for
publicity on the printed matter of the
various railroads interested and while
the Alaska Yukon Pacific exposition to
be held at Seattle has been unusually
energetic in the publicity campaign car
ried on by itself the printed matter
which is being issued by the railroad
companies and will be placed in the
hands of the prospective traveler will
do as much if not more to advertise the
exposition than anything else
One of the latest exposition booklets
to be issued is that of the Burlington
route which is just eff the press It is
a handsome folder of forty pages print
ed in three colors profusely illustrated
It contains a large plat showing the
grounds and buildings iu detail a
sreet map of Seattle which in addi
tion to the usual features shows the
location of the exposition and the street I
car lines thereto and a very fine colored
map of the Puget Sound region which
will be particularly useful to those de
siring to make any of the many attrac
tive side trips on this most beautiful of
all the landlocked salt water seas of the
The folder contains a concise write-
regard to the rates and routes thereto
It also contains a largo amount of in
formation in regard to Pacific Coast
tours in general for the summer season
of 1909 and shows how the grand tour
of the Coast including the exposition
and California can best and most in
terestingly b9 made
Copies of this very useful publication
may be had on application to any of
the companys agents
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Jakob Degele 23 and Mrs Mary
Schlagel 33 both of McCook
Jabez R Barraclough 23 and Lavera
Trowbridge 21 both of McCook
We often wonder how any person can
CmusiivN Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E
at 7 p m All are welcome
R M Ainsworth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a ra and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Eaule Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J KiawiN O M 1
Methodist Sunday school atlOam
Sermous by pastor at 11 and 8 Glass
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
M B Carman Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 11 00 a m Even
ing service at 800 13 Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extendod to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pa3tor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in the par
sonage every Sunday morning at 1000
All Germans cordinlly invited
Rev Wm Brukggeman
607 5th st East
Congregational Suuday school at
10a m Preaching at 11 a m and S p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening al eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
services G B Uawkes Pastor
Christian Scienck 219 Main Avo
nae Services Sunday at 11 a m rnd
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
rper all the time Science literature on
ilo Subject for next Sunday
Probation after Death
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rkv GustavIIknkelmann
505 3rd street West
Delay Has Been Dangerous In McCook
Do the right thing at the right time
Act quickly in time of danger
Backache is liidney danger
Doans Kidney Pills act quickly
Cure all distressing dangerous kid-
Plenty evidence to prove this
Mrs B Hurley of 2il E 2th St
Kearney Neb says Last winter I
ciught a heavy cold which settled on
my kidneys and made me miserable
I was rarely frte from a dull aching in
the small of my back and the kidney
secretion passed so frequently as to
annoy me greatly I drank large
quantities as I always felt thirsty and
a doctor whom I consulted told me 1
was in the grap of diabetes He treat
ed me for the trouble but I became no
bettor and was suffering intensely whe u
Doaus Kidney Pills cams to my atten
tion I used this remedy and the first
box brought me such relief that I con
tinued with it until completely cured
I sincerely hope tht my statement will
be the means of benefiting other persons
afflicted as I was
Plenty moro proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at a drug store and
ask what customers report
For salo by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
p03tofllce April 16th 1909
Craven Mr H AI ClevensjerIW Fl
Dinnell Mrs Minnie Peterson MrsJohn
Itoxers Clias Yo t Mr Peter
Uncalled for April 30 190D
Durffwin Miss M Uaily J J
Foster O M Haininc MissJOrie
Howell Mr Harry Lochran The Misses
up of the exposition and particulars in shuitz jIrs M iry
Smith Miss Hazel2
Toinas Mr Clajtonl EWalker Mr Ambrose
Whittakcr MissLillie
Rricker Mr Cecil2 Fahrcubrnck Dnve
Gardner Mr O Cfi
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
J F Cokdeal Acting P M
Mr P G Fritts Oneonta N Y
writes My little girl was greatly bene
fited by taking Foleys Orino Laxative
and I think it is the best remepy for
constipation and liver trouble Foleys
Orino Laxative is best for women and
children as it is mild pleasant and
effective and is a splendid spring medi
cine as it cleanses the system and clears
the complexion A McMillen
If Your Tastes Are
too fine for lbtter press printing if they
be persuaded into taking anything but demand engraving
and steel die
Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs colds bossing come and get our figures on
and lung trouble Do not be fooled in- such work Dont send away or give
to accepting own make or other sub- your order to some traveling shark
stitutes The genuine contains no that is dont do it before you have seen
harmful drugs and is in a yellow pack
age A McMillen Druggist
our samples of such work zr gotten
our figures
So they arrested illjrglesworth fo
x The Rhyming Lovors
The Arrow Rock Statesman says a
lovelorn- swain wrote th following
rhyme to his ladylove
If 1 had a lnowed youd
A winted to went
Id a rure come and took you
You Let your last cent
The girl replied as follows
If Id a thunk thats
What youd a dld
You bet Id a wrotc you
To take me old kid
Atlanta Constitution
A Family Secret
Mrs Shamleigh has an awful dread
of burglars
Shes afraid theyll break into the
houseand find the silver is all plated
Cleveland Plain Eeuler
I saw her at a minstrel show
More than passing fair was she
I vondered if her mind and ways
Half as beautiful could be
But alas her beauty neer aain
Can from me a stance invoke
For she laushs Ions and audibly
At an ancient minstrel joke
Chicago News
Couldnt Afford It
You have a touch of gont said the
Hold en replied the patient dont
say that Just call it rheumatism
My salary Is not on a gout basis
New York Times
Trials cf Spring
Tis now Ihe youngster aslcs his pop
To buy him rollor skates and top
A kite some marbles bat and ball
To break the windows in the hall
And while his daughter starts to whoop
It up by bossing for a hoop
His better half will make a touch
For Easter linory and such
J OConnell In New York Telegram
The Birds Turn
The early bird catches the worm
Even the worm will turn One good
turn deserves another I ask you
now in all seriousness my hearers if
it Is not now up to the bird Lippiu
cotts Magazine
Very Exciting
Well do I know it
ake up the
Life of a joet
Washington Herald
Wouldnt Have It Long
Ilarfccr They say that founders
wife has money
Parker Weil that isnt Rounders
fault They have been married only
a week Detroit News Tribune
As It Appears
A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the best of men
So from these lines it would appeir
That those who at all nonsense sneer
And curl the lip no matter when
Are plainly not the bet of men
St Louis Republic
With Fspns Money
You see the young man is very
Yes indeed
lie belongs to cloven
clubs and visits each one every day
Cleveland Plain Dealer
A Willing Piartyr
She couldnt walk she couldnt talk
She couldnt breathe or smile
She looked a fright she was bedisht
All in the latest style
A Eonst
Yes I once proposed to a sirl in
Aid did she reject you
Xo she was ko grateful she wanted
to pay the driver Detroit Fro
Pfioaern Tendencies
With boneless meats and seedless sweets
Wed be a happy nation
If as times change we could arrange
For speechless legislation
Washington Star
Everything Out
Bilson Thats a queer druggist on
the corner lie is always cut of every
Barker Yes he is even out of sorts
St Louis Republic
End Scat rloc
The rain drove folks to cover
Descending in a sheet
And the end seat hog moved over
Into the middle seat
Washington Herald
Dismal Gray
lies a brilliant man but extremelv
In other words he has a good deal
of dark gray matter Kansas City
Those Dzys
Poor girl She wore her oldest clothes
In def rence to the day
Only to see the clouds depart
And meet him Thats the way
Xew York Telegram
Teacher What is a Laplander
Young Miss An awkward man In a
crowded street car Circle Magazine
Rhyme of Doting Parents
Little William Henry Saxe
Killed his grandpa with an ax
Mamma sighed and mamma smiled
Willies such an nctlve child
Louisville Herald-
- j juMmutrmm HWHWWW ilHilWWTffllfyPfll
Ota -
arson V observes the man with tun
nervous larynx Im surprised at
that What earthly reason could lw
have had for firing his owu house
4T IT fnlidio flirt niflTI
with the thwarted side whiskers He fo
had just come iuto his fortune and for
the lirst time in his life was sleeping
in pajamas The temptation to Invent
an excuse for dashing madly Into the
street and displaying the pajamas tc
his neighbors was too much for him
Chicago Tribune
Col W W Crittenden
McCook Nebraska
Farm sales a specialty Dates may bo
inado at the Citizens Dank
kl J4kii lAl
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnella drug
store McCook Nebraska
ii wifurYttvmfftfvWfPfl YW1 fFFPTftVyWWJ
Real Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across IrCrtrlr I
street in P Walsh building llVOUK J
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe 3rass
Goods Pumps an SoilerTrimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Builaincr
11 n V
GzszmgmY 4 -
j iO -VV lt 2ram rtZVVlJ r
j S
i Barnett Lumber Co
PhonelS C
i r
Oflieo over Marshs Meat Market j
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phone 13