H f INDIANOLA A N Puckott ia visiting rolotives in 5baicbury thia week Mr fin 1 Mrs Mnssio left for thoir koine in Frankfort Kiidbiib Monday morning after a few days visit with TelativeH John Strunk and wife wore McUook Visitors Saturday evening Mr nnd Mtb Roy Mann and Miss 3ayrcio attended Hie funeral of Mrs Utalph Deane in Cambridge Monday Mrs McWilliams visited laet week with her daughter Mrs Sum Minniear t Danbury i Earl Willford who has been a helpor tea the Mick barber shop has gotm to Arapahoe to practice hid profusion Mr and Mis Geo Hurt wore Arapa 4wo visitors one day last week Mrs 11 L Duckworth visited in Bacttey a few days lust week A great many of the children in this vicinity aroallliclwd with the pinkeye Merl Powell is now the possessor of an automobile formerly owned by W A Dolaa The Epworth League held their naoatfily social Friday evening at the fltorao of Patrick McNiel I about thirty of tho young people being present Wta Fritsch gave a dance and supper Friday Tho dance was held in Shorts m V H Shorts have moved into their new homo purchased from F B ilardesty Fred Minnick now occupies the bouse vacated by W II Short DANBURY i There was a party given at the borne of Mr Otto Puelz Saturday night in honor of Robert Puelzs and Willie Milon birthday Several participated and all report a fine time The play in the opera house entitled Aunt Dinahs Pledge Saturday even ing was fairly well attended They report tho play as fairly well rendered Clarence Younf waited over Satur day and Sunday with bis sister Mrs Rea Oman Several pupils from hero attended the Sunday School convention at Lebanon Friday Mrs N Graham who has been seri ously ill is reported as being better Mrs Dave Boyer who has been visit ing her parents at Beverly Neb for the past two weeks arrived home Fri day R E Poguo who is travelling in the interests of the Omaha Insurance Co transacted business in town Saturday Wm Ball photographer made his usual trip between trains Saturday Several from Marion attended the opera house wiulo tte supper was Mariou Uonje TaQnt pay givoQ hefe jq iscrvca in tiennersone restaurant jjauy XfttliT and Arch Cnrmichnel received tjirines for being the bust dancers The Cosgro hotel has changed hands Mr Currans of Cambridge being the purchaser and took possession of same Tuesday Mr and Mrs Copgro will continue to make Indianola their home N Puckett Ella Wolfe and Mr and Mrs Massie visisted relatives in the latter pnrt of tho week Mr and Mrs Roy Kennedy are visit ing relatives in Grand Island Jf B Rozelle of Hastings who has been here several days on business re queued home Tuesday evening Mrs Tom Haley accompaniod by her taopbew and niece went to McCook and visited with relatives the latter part of the week J S Quick visited in Council Bluffs Jlowa last week Rev Burress assisted with the meet ings in McCook last week Miss Sadie Alcorn of Pennsylvania arrived in town last Friday morning for a few month visit with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs L B Corbin the opera house Saturday night Clyde Metcalf and mother of Oberlin Kas oame over in their auto and trans acted business Saturday Mrs C W Dewey of McCook who has been visiting her parents Mr aud Mrs J B Dolph returned home Sun day Miss Murray went to Indianola Fri day evening to visit with home folks and was taken sick and could not come buck to resume her teaching until the last of the week Fox Hethcote of Indianola was a social visitor Saturday Jim Robinson and Roy Thomas were McCook business visitors Saturday Lee Delong has purchased an interest in the Meat Market The firm name being Yates Dslong Will Yates was a Hendley visitor Saturday Henry Hellesen and family moved in to the Robert Cathcurt residence Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to tho page for sale at The Tribune office GERVER Tho boys met at Mr Austins Tues day evening and organized a ball comp nny for the coming season Delbert Sigwing who baa been at tending tho Grand Island business col lege returned home recently We sincerely sympathize with the family of Charles Weirick in the loss of thoir daughter Mabel Albert Styer who has been quite sick is getting better Measles are plentiful and seemingly easy to catch A good turn out and a good time at C B Nelsons dance Friday night John Randal bad a dance at his place Saturday night But you shouldnt have gone without a bid Sunday - school was organized at Banksvillo school house the 18rh Everybody invited to attend at ten oclock every Sunday Barley sowing is drawing to a close Wo believe in giving credit whore credit is due Therefore we hereby commend the editor of The Tribune on changing the date of the issue to Thurs day In so doing the patrons of route three get their paparFriday where hereto fore they waited until Monday unless perchance they wont to town on Satur day Lou Olmstead siys that baby is the beat ever BARTLEY In a game of base ball last Friday the Holbrook high school won with a score of 9 to 7 Our boys promise to change the score when Holbrook visits Bartley Mr and Mrs Roy Walkington are now nicely domiciled in the Ball proper ty We welcome them to our vilhage Roy is now manager of the Perry Bee Co lumber yard iti plao of Mr Sheets who went to Beaver City Mike Weimkirch has purchased a new automobile and now belongs to the rapid movement club George Jones and H J Arbogast started to make a flying trip to Jack Kings Monday and had bad luck with their auto They returned by team and brought the auto down next day Ira Sheets went to Beaver City Mon day to take charge of the line of lum ber yards at Beaver City Hendley and Wilsonville The Beaver Valley people will find Sheets OK Thomas Saul of Grafton Neb visit ed in Bartley last week Because theyre the Nations Choice Because Baking Perfection approved by the whole Nation made H TLT I 9 3 PS fl a liie iNationai Doaa jracKer Sold only in 91oisture Troof Tackages Several teams went to Edison Tues day to move the household goods of Mrs Miller to Bartley Leo Simpson i8ited in Cambridge Tuesday Mr and Mrs Frank Purvis were last week caused to mourn the death of their youngest child which died Friday last and was buried in the Bartley cemetery Sunday Their many Bartley friends deeply sympathize with them in their bereavement Moso King and wife wero McCook visitors one day last week James Carnahan was chief clerk in their ab sence Mr and Mrs R R Hodgkins are re joicing over the eveut of a little boy that came to their home last week Tickets for the high school declama tory contest are on Bale at the drug store E E Smith has purchased tho fine residence of Ira Sheets and will become a resident of our villiage before many moons go by Word comes that Cecil E Matthews has bought the printing office at River ton and will locate there permanently Cecil likes newspaper work aud we hope he will be very succebsful His family are now with him and their household goods will be shipped in a few days Fred Jackson aud Will Prenier are building a school house in district 45 The Old Soddy that haa housed the school children for many years will be torn down and thus another early land mark will be gone H L Brown made a ilying trip east thid week He reports small grain look ing well Miss Enlow of Cambridge who has been visiting several days with her sis ter Mrs 11 J Arbogast returned home Tuesday REu WILLOW Planting potatoes is under way now Mr Smith returned from Colorado quite sick lie reports favorably of the prospects of the young people who have gone to grow up with the country Mrs Longnecker is still quite sick with a complication of grippe and nervous collapse She has recovered from the effects of grippe but is still under the doctors care for nervousness aud excessive weakness The Longnecker brothers took some freight to Mr Barbers for Mr Stautfer to haul and a cow to be driven with their herd to the homesteaders in Colorado NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY SCQS9SD Mr rf 11AJI IA I MARION John Hughes of Lincoln was in town last midwoek Irene Ruby and Ernest Dodge wore Lebanon sightseers Friday Mrs E J Bull was a county capital busiuess visitor last week Ernest Carter of Cedar Bluffs took Martin Nilsson and wife to McCook on business Friday afternoon Reuben E Bacon of this nlann nni Miss Thalia Short of Wilsonville wero married in Danbury last week We wish you a long and happy life Elmer Rumors say that we are about to have a drug store in town by a man from Lincoln Tho homo talent gave tboir play en titled Aunt Dinahs Pledge in Dan bury Saturday night Arthur Kozell and wife were county capital shoppers Saturday Harvey Creasman and family enter tained his brother and family from northeast of Box Elder tho latter end of last week Several from here attended the play in Danbury Saturday night George Hess from near Danbury was through these parts Saturday J W Pepper had the misfortune to lose a horse one night last week by being run through a barb wire fence and cutting its throat it bled to death in a short time Milton Greer is at F M Yeaters northwest of town helping him with the farm work L D Gocklev was under thn rlnotnra caro a few days last weok with a light attack of rheumatism Powell Nilsson shipped out 4 cars of sheep Tuesday night Mr Powell of Lincoln came in Tuesday noon to ac company the shipment After a few months absence in east ern Nebraska and visitine relatives in in Oklahoma Floyd Lafferty arrived home Monday RURAL FREE LELIVERY No 1 Ralph Warfiold enjoyed a charivari Monday night But the joke was on the charivariers R D Rodgers was out in the Ash Creek neighborhood last week buying cattle C M Broomfield and family and Ernest Baker and family wero Sunday guests of W P Broomfield J H Warfield is entertaining guests relatives from Oregon who arrived on last Sunday Friends of Mrs I N McDougal will regret to learn that she is no better since her removal to New Mexico not being able to feed herself Charles Downs and wife will occupy the Schmidt place as soon as vacated by the owner Willard Walker has returned from his farm in Colorado well pleased with his real estate interests in that state He will drive one of Lees ice wagons this summer GRANT A fine snow Monday Chae We c we nt to McCook on busi ness Friday Miss Eva LTncer visited with her par ents over in Kansas last week There will be church in district 51 every Sunday at 3 oclock E B Nelson gave the young people a dance Friday evening A good time reported John Randal had a dance at his house Saturday night There was a party at II S Pades Monday night BLBattishill of Lincoln Neb sales man for M Rumely Threshing machine Co was over to see J II Wesch and brother He was sent out by Geore J Leitz who expects to run a steam thresher with Mr Wesch in partnership this season to buv BOX ELDER D B Doyle Jr has gone to May wood potatoes The farmers are all getting busy these diys Miss Dora Oyster and school are ar ranging a program for Arbor day W 1 Miller of Danbury is visiting in this vicinity this week COURT HOUSE NEWS county comrr Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report Prentis E Keeder 30 and Mildred F Berry 20 both of McCook Jakob Laes 22 and Katharina Wal ter lOt both of McCook Tribune Is All Printed in McCook You wili find local or county news of interest on each of the eight pages of this paper every week It is all printed at home No patent print Read all During the spring every one would be benefited by taking Foleys Kidney Remedy It furnishes a needed tonic to the kidneys after the extra strain of winter and it purifies the blood by stimulating the kidneys and causing chem to eliminate the impurities from it Foleys Kidney Remedy imparts new life and vigor Pleasant to take A McMillen Druggist The strength of a child It is surprising to find how few parents know the great strength giving qualities of good oatmeal Most of them think of it as a food for the sturdy Scotch or the brawny Englishman and overlook its value as a food for children Every now and then a mother will take to fecd ing her children on Quaker Oats and will be astonished at their improvement in strength and vigor Of course she tells her friends and they prove it for themselves but every mother in the country should sec that her children are strong and vigorous Plenty of Quaker Oats eaten often will do it Put up in two sizes the regular pack age and the large family size which ia more convenient for those who do not live in town Dont miss a day eat Quaker Oats every morning for breakfast NOTICE No more hunting fishing picnicking or boat riding on the old Loomis place Parties doing so will bo takon for tres passers and treated as such Thih MEANS YOU 4 4 2m S L WRAY nTPT f i nt wiTin ii i i oyyyj Dr J O Bruce OSTEOPATH Telephone 55 McCook JVeb Office over GlecrlcTheatreon Main Ave UM iliM ijJU 1 ijjiitAi l l iLiliMitkiluJj DR EARL 0 VAHUE DENTIST Office over McAdams Store Phone 1 90 OB in ji NN DENTIST ponb 112 Office Rooms 3 aud 5 Walsh BIk McCook Dr J A Golfer DENTIST Room Postohfick Building Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA Bgr rrviv v v viv i i v v v iv tiv rw R H Gatewood DENTIST Oflice over McMillens drug store Phone 163 McCook Nebraska -I hlxL lL 1 1 1 fL f I l t uutut lit iJitiithljLi Jljjf Jfl JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska taAKont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Poatoffice building CHBoyle C EEldbbd BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance Jloue 44 Rooms 1 ana 7 second floor Poetoffice Building- MCLOOk Neb MidcUeton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska NEVER FAILS I V Thi oiitomobilp livorj in Stmth r ucitern Jsebrn La tliat there and taek Trij rJay or nicht aiiywhiTi reas onable DG DIVINE Ptao6 be found at 104 iUCCOOK ISeb LCan BGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood for children safe sure No opiates ulitiiii F55ji NERO Will stand during- of 1909 the season at my farm at Perry station Terms Siooo for live colt 100 cash down Every care taken but will not be responsible for accidents G W Watkins