The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 23, 1909, Image 1

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Two of Them
H P Sutton is just in
receipt of two carloads of
pianos of the leading
makes in everystyle and
finish and of all prices
He is piepared to please
the most fastidious and
artistic tastes and also
the most teasonable and
modest pocketbooks
The Display Is Unequaled
Onioa sets at H P Waite Cos
For Seed Corn
go to the
Updike Grain Co
-4 1
The Way of All Flesh
Last Saturday Mrs Charles M
Smith passed the way of all flebh at her
home on 5th street east after a brief
illness being but in the years of budd
ing young womanhood
Deceased is a daughter of Mr and
Mra llonuan Trehal of East McCook
and was united in marriage to Fireman
Charles M Smith less than two year
The funeral occurred on Sunday after
noon at four oclock services being held
at the home and later iu the Methodist
church both services calling forth a
large expression from sympathetic
friends and neighbors and ft ral tributes
of beauty and lenderest sentiment
Rev I B Carman the pastor officiat
ed being assisted by Mr Waltz the
singer evangelist Burial iu Longview
eemafcery followed
Tins death is one of great pathos and
alt huttrts go out to the bereaved young
hushaod and the parent in their sorrow
Emma Trehal was born in this city
Feliramry 23tivl888 At ae of fif
teen she became a member of the Meth
odist church of this city remaining a
faithful member until the end July
11th 1900 she was united in marriage
with Charles M Smith of this city
Death claimed her April 16th 1909
A committee from the local Degree of
Honor lodge gowned in white served
as pallbearers
Herman Kuehl of Oxford a brother
of Mrs Herman Trehal was present at
the funeral
The wealth of lovely flowers and the
large outpouring of the people indicated
an unusual interest and sympathy of
this community in the death of this
young wife a daughter of our own city
and much beloved and admired by all
who knew her
The bereaved husband will leave very
shortly for Cleveland Ohio to spend
some time among his people
You cannot help admiring the wall
paper colorings and designs this year
they are superb Colors are in more
delicate shades than they were last year
and while fully as rich they have a rest
ful effect that cannot be obtained with
glaring colors We want you to see our
new spring stock while it is complete
It is a most interesting line of wall pap
ers and the values are exceptional
L W McConnell Druggist
Real Estate Bargains
We havo for sale subject to lease for
this year the nw qr section 2 town 2
range 30 about 172 acres about 60 acres
ia cultivation and under irrigation 5
miles from McCook Price 5000 Al
so 15 acre tract in se cor sw qr section
21-3-29 half mile from corporation line
at eS00 These lands belong to the
Bibcock estate and must be sold
Boylk Eldred
KGKEY TO LOAN on farms See Roz
ell Barger at clothing store
Field garden and flower seeds at
H P Waite Cos
j mi m in i it
A F A H Meeting
Special rceetinB of McCook Lodge
So 135 A F A M Tuesday April
27 at 730 p m Work in E A degree
py Order of the W M
j Lox Coke Secretary
Ernest F Wright the Former Is Now
in the Penitentiary at Lincoln
law sometimes made under similar cir
Last week Wednesday he uttered and
passed several forged ciiecKs on the
First National Bank of this city signed
with the nume of C M Bailey travel
ing engineer Saturday ho was captur
ed at Oxford by Sheriff Peterson and
Deputy Sheriff Odborn arriving in this
city on No 1 Saturday afternoon ho
appeared before Justico of the Peace
LelJew for preliminary examination
Pleading guilty ho was bound over to
district court with a bond placed at
1000 for his appearance Judge Orr
being in the city he called a special
term of district court in which Wright
at once appeared and pleaded guilty to
the information of County Actormy
Dodge charging him as above indicat
ed Judge Orr passed sentence upon
him at the sitting of court and on the
following evening Sheriff Peterson ac
companied the prisoner to Lincoln to
enter upon his sentence of live years in
the stato prison at bard labor
Thus closed the incident
The complaining witness in the case
was M L Rishel whose check amount
ed to 199 5 Besides this one five other
checks were passed amounting toS75 CO
These five counts are still held over the
young man for future use if necessary
The sum of S12 on the person of
Wright was levied upon by Sheriff
Peterson the money being used to pay
costs so the couuty was at the smallest
possible expense in the case
Acquired Gordons Pin
Tuesday some strangers went in o
Woodworths drug store ostensibly to
make a purchase Gordon tlartman
was alone in the store at the time In
cidentally one of the two men remarked
that Gordon had a pin just like his
Comparison followed Some other pat
rons came in at this juncture and leav
ing his pin in the han js of the strangers
Gordon went to wait on the others
While ho was thus engaged the
strangers left the store taking Gordons
pui along with them As soon as Mr
Woodworch returned to the store Gor
don started out to find the straugers
and his pin lie succeeded in locating
the straugers buc the pin could not be
found although considerable other
jewelry was found on them Theso
same fellows attempted to sell Mr
Ruby some jewelry the day before at a
ridiculous price It might have been
profitable for the police to have taken
those fellows in on suspicion They
were evidently crooks
Livingstons Big Adv
Attention is directed to the big Reo
adv of C R Livingston in this issue
eighth page That the Reo is a popular
machine is attested by the fact that of
the carload received last Friday most
of them are already gone and another
car is expected in a few days Besides
this Mr Livington has a car order for
Overlands to be filled at the earliest
convenience of tho company making
that machine
Mrs Jones Passes On
Mrs Jones mother of J W
of our
city and J F of Trenton died at Yer
don last Saturday and was subse
quently buried at that place J F has
returned to his home and J W will re
turn here close of this week being de
layed by some business matters this
On May 1st Middleton Ruby will
move their plumbing shop into building
3rd door east of DeGroff store on B st
east and will carry a complete line of
plumbing and steam heating materials
Estimates furnished free See them for
sewer and plumbing work They always
endeavor to please
Notice Odd Fellows
McCook lodge No 137 will celebrate
the anniversary of the order Monday
evening April 26th All members are
requested to come and bring their
wives and a friend if you wish All so
journing brothers are requested to be
present Rebekahs especially invited
Its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy the famous Bertrand high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
Eggs For Sale
Pure bred S C B Leghorn eggs at
50c per setting or 2 50 per 100 Ad I
dress Don Thompson or Josh Rowland
McCook Neb 16 5
For Sale
A bath tub and tank and other house
hold articles Call at house
A Barnett
Endeavor Girls Entertain
The Endeavor girls of the Congrega
tional church entertained the boys of
the society in the church last Friday
The enso of Ernest F Wright the evening I he particulars were unique
young English forger is another illus- j and entertaining punctuated with capi
tration of the quick application of the tali zed fun Matching pictures was re
sorted to iu selecting partiers for the
spread of the bvening A hat trimming
contest was another unit of amusement
Oliver Jtffnes was award the prizn for
the most modish Parisian creation
while Merle Fish failed scored at the
Awl 0s Are Enjertalned
Miss Bewie Puterson was hostess at a
very pleising entertainment of tbeAwl
Os club Thursday evening of last
week The company nssembled they
woe ushered into the Monte Cristo hall
which had been decorated with artistic
effect for the occasion
Dancing contributed to tho entertain
ment of the evening and while in pro
gross Miss Bessie was given a surprise
by the entrance of nbout a score of
young gentlemen invited without the
other end of the proposition The ban- knowledge of the hostess
quet of the occasion was truly wonder
fully made consisting of twelve courses
ten twelftbBof the same being made up
of novelty effects and two twelfths of
tho genuine article The frivolity of
the evening was further augmented
with auctioneering off the hats trimmed
by the skill of men
Log Rolling Dates July 2 3
The log rolling dates for this year will
be July 2 and 3 The committee and
officers are already preparing tho Vdope
for the meet which will be held con
temporaneously with the great Jul
racesjust before the nocturnal drought
We have disinfectants which act in
accordance with the most advanced
ideas on germ destruction Their use
about your home means protection from
L W McConnell Druggist
Hardware Cos
Farm Loans
N J Johi son over McConnells store
19 1 MatineeSaturday Afternoon j H
Hf 1 This is a special for children teaching them how to make 1 M
Bm I dolls and will be most interesting Dont miss it especial- 1 H
HH I ly tho children I 9H
SH 1 Violin and piano duets by the Schlagel Sisters on Saturday Hfl
H 1 afternoon and evening H
B I ADMISSION 10c Evenings from 730 to 1100 H
lM I Children under 12 yrs 5c Matinee from 200 to 600 m
Tungsten Lamps
Make tho best artificial light and the
most economical light in existence to
day Place them under a Holophane
shade in a perpendicular position and
see the effect compared to other lights
Comparison to the old lamps
20 C P 25 watts 16 C P 56 watts
32 40 32 105
48 C 0
80 100
Note that the 32 C P Tungsten con
sumes 16 watts per hour less than a com
mon 16 C P
The 80 C P consumes 5 watts per
hour less than the 32 C P common
For the home a 20 C P Tungsten
runs le4s than half that of the 16 C P
Call the McCook Electric Companys
office and we will tell you about them or
we can arrange your lighting so you get
more light for less money than you ever
got before Phone 127
McCook Elkctric Company
full line at McCook Hardware Cos
Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
Leave orders at B Hofers for extra
copies of Omaha Bee with McCook
writeup out in a week
Militia Company Organized
McCook has finally gotten her fight
ing clothes on and organized a militia
company At this printing about 55
persons have enlisted and this number
will be increased materially
At a meeting of the company held on
night AR Scott was made
captain Judson Kay 1st lieutenant
Roy Weidenhamer 2nd lieutenant
The quality of enlistments is unusu
ally fine and with the officers named
all of more or less experiencea splendid
company is to be expected a credit to
McCook and the state
B P S Stands For
the best paint soldand this is the name
on every can of our paint If you are
going to paint or varnish let us figure
with vou McCook Hardware Co
No Hunting Allowed
No hunting allowed on my farm or on
the Walsh land leased by me under
penalty of the law E F Flitcraft
Majestic Ranges Take Less Fuel
and will last a lifetime That is why
they are the cheapest At the McCook
Hardware Cos
There will be a rural free delivery car
rier examination at the McCook post
office next Saturday to provide for a
reserve list for the local rural routes
Updike Grain Co for seed corn
A little later Miss Bessie and Mr
John F Cordeal led the grand march
with the Monte Cristo cafe as the term
inal A dainty two course luncheon
was served
In the hall from a booth done in
chrysathemuni Mrs W R Starr pre
sided at the bunch bowl with her usual
graciousness The color scheme was in
pink and whito
This affair was one of the most enjoy
able in which the Awl Os have
participated in many moons
A Few Bargains in Implements
oft One Rock Island sulky plow 20
One New Deere high lift gang 30 One
steel wheel truck 22 One disc drill
60 One set heavy work harness Call
and see We can save you money
McCook Hardware Co
A New John D in McCook
Carl Marsh has purchased the retail
Seed Corn Raised by Corn oil business from W B McClain who
raisers around McCook that will grow will farm coming year The McClains
and mature in this country if anything retain the wholesale end of the busi
will several varieties at the McCook ness
i Buy Your Field Flower
and garden seeds at McCook Hardware
Frank Ratllff Passes On
After a final illness of about two
weeks Frank P Ratliff passed away
about seven oolock on last Friday
morning at his residence on 5th street
Coming to this county about twenty
yenrs since for many years he occupied
a farm in Valley Grange precinct a few
miles southeast of this city which be
came his home a year or two ago For
for some time be has been engaged in
the livery business with associates on B
street east being so interested at the
time of his death
Funeral services were conducted at
the home Sunday afternoon at 130
oclock conducted by Rev G B
Hawkes of tho Congregational church
a quartette of the church choir singing
A numerous company of friends and
neighbors from country and city attend
ed the services and a number of floral
tributes added the tender touch of sym
pathy and friendship Interment fol
lowed in Longview cemetery of our city
ills surviving wife has the deep and
tender sympathy of many friends in her
Frank P Ratliff was born in Des
Moines county Iowa March 1 1853
Coming to Nebraska in 1880 he lived
one year in Frontier county In 1887 he
and wife occupied a farm a few miles
southeast of this city where they re
mained until becoming residents of Mc
Cook a year or two since He was one
of a family of nine children six of them
surviving him He moved toKirksville
Mo in 1879 where he was united in
marriage with Miss Nancy E James on
November 28 1881 Together they came
to Nebraska in 1886
card of thanks
Mrs Ratliff desires to express her
thanks for the sympathy and help of
friends during tho fcickness and nicer the
death of her beloved husband
Berry Reeder Marriage
Last Saturday evening at seven
oclock Miss Mildred F Berry and Mr
Prentis E Reeder were united in mar
riage the ceremony being performed by
Rev R M Ainsworthot the Christian
church at the Berry residence in tho
presence of tho immediate members of
ttie family and a few friendji A wed
ding supper folio ved the ceremony
which was simple but impresaive The
event was to havo occurred in June
but Mr Reeders removal from our city
and forming business connections with
a law firm in Kanas City hurried the
happy event and was tho source of the
evident surprise to many friends and
acquaintances iu the city They de
parted for their new home in the city on
theKaw the same evening on No 14
aiid will at once go to housekeeping
there ilr Reeder becomes a member
of an established law firm in that city
AH their McCook friends will join in
wishing them much happiness and suc
The bride is the only dauehter of
Air and Airs H II Berry Was born
in this city where she has grown into
charming young womanhood with many
admirers The groom has practiced
law here for several years and was for
one term as county attorne
The enauing charivari was a stirring
feature which the groom will not soon
forget The young couple were finally
autoed to the train duly advertised to
the passengers and sent on their way
rejoicing with micy a good wish
Spells Success
On tho bais of selling the best meat
obtainable at the lowest cash price and
extending to each and all the same un
varying prompt and courteous service
and attention we are meeting every
reasonable meat expectation
Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges
water heaters and laundry stoves and
hot plate at McCook Hardware Cos
Call and see them and get a cook book
free You will find it economical to use
gas on a Detroit Jewel
Were Well Patronized
The of the Catholic church
were well patronized at their dinner and
supper in Ganschow Saturday last
I And bv the same token the public
fared sumptuously and well
Eggs for Sale
Pure Barred Plvmouth Rock eges
choice stock 3 sets each 200 per 100
Phone ash 1351 or black 255
Mrs J W Rurtleso Route 3
See the New John Deere
lister corn cultivators at McCook Hard
ware Cos A carload of these splendid
tools just received
For Rent
The Babcock 15 acre tract near town
Also a 4 room dwelling 705 3rd street
West Boyle Eldred
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
MAYBE you aro one of those
11 who say Oh I cant save
money Whats tho use of
trying You can save money
Its merely a matter of a little
arithmetic You know what it
will cost you to live noxt month
add to that a certain amount for
luxuries then live to that sched
ule and bank the difference Givo
it a trial for three months thon
you will have tho habit and it
will be easy
Start a bank account with
P Walsh President
C F Leiin V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Ludwlck To Move
J E Ludwick has closed a contract
for the lease of the Alorlan store room
lately occupied by J H Grannis
Repairs and
improvements are now
under way which when completed
will render this one of the best and
most up-to-date store rooms in tho city
or in this pnrt of Nebraska
A new modern plate glass front will
be put in a steel ceiling will replace the
one damaged by fire the whole interior
Cwill be repainted and repapered
The basement ha3 been given a ce
ment floor and prism glass will be put
iuto the sidewalk in order to afford more
light in the basement
Altogether the room is 136 feet deep
and will givo Air Ludwick an excep
tionally fine furniture store Toom
We have the kind of paints you want
as far as the quality is concerned and
we have kinds you may want and be un
able to find elsewhere Our stock is
unusually complete It includes all
ordinary items and many unusual ones
It ways to come here when anything in
paints is wanted because we are able to
do you good either on quality or price
and often on both
Use the Sherwin -Williams Paints for
sale by L W AIcConnkll Druggist
Nine to One Tells Story
The Arapahoe high school base baT
club fell easy victims to the prowess of
the AlcCook high school club on the
local grounds last Saturday The score
nine to one tells the story
Alfalfa Seed 8 to
81000 per bushel This is a favorable
spring for sowing and you should not
postpone getting some more of this
splendid crop started AlcCook Hard
ware Co
A High Wheel on a
lawn mower makes it run easier The
Eclipse and Keen Kutter lawn mowers
have high wheels See them at McCook
Hardware Cos
One Minute and Motor Washers
save the clothes and womens work At
McCook Hardware Cos
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Fresh garden lawn and field
seeds for saIe aIso flour and feed
Updike Grain Co for seed corn
Real Estate Taxes become
delinquent May 1st next
Interest added on and after
that date 10 per cent-16-3
C NADEN Co Treas
If you need your cellar
cemented now is the
time to have the work
done We are making a
special price for the next
thirty days
McCook Cement Stone Co
H N Rosebush Manager
Phone red 196