The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 09, 1909, Image 1

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Real Corn Fed Article
We have purchased a fine bunch of
corn fed steers cows and heifers and
offer our trade some of the finest meats
ever put on the block in this city
Come and test us
Boilermakers Ball
The members of McCook lodge No 407
Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Iron
Ship Builders announce their third
annual ball for Monday evening April
12th Menard hall The tickets are 81
ladies free
MONEY TO LOAN on farms See Roz
ell fc Barger at clothing store
Good shoes good values good store
to trade at Viersen Osborn
Onion sets at H P Waite fcCos
Are you going to the rink tonight
A F A M Meeting
Special meetiug of McCook LckJro
No 135 A F A M Tuesday April
13 at 730 p m Work in F C degree
By Order of tbe WVM
liON Cone Secretary
A rare new line in all
sizes qualities and
prices now on dis
play in this depart
ment Come and be
shown the splendid
Fade Furniture
Carpet Co
Special Services Will Be Held In Practi
cally All of the City Churches
Easter Sunday will be observed by
practically nil the churches of the city
in special or appropriate exercises ser
mons music and decoration
There will be a Love Supper at the
morning bervice with a sermou by Rev
G L Henkelmann There will also be
the usual night service
Last Sunday morning was confirma
tion The chuich was crowded to the
utmost There were 15 in the class
confirmed Tbe church was nicely dec
orated Communion was also celebrated
Every night this week prayer meetings
have been held in the homes of the
members of the church Oa Good Fri
day two services were held in tbe
morning and at nighty both in the
Monday of next week Rev Ilenkel
mannwill preach and confirm a class of
five at Truer Kansas
Rev HenUilmann recently received a
flattering offer from a Colorado church
at a liberal salary but says McCook
is good enough for me
The morning service will be the usual
E iuter service with appropriate sermon
and special music of the season
Tho evening service will be given over
to the Sunday School which will give
a program appropriate to the day of
song recitation etc in which the little
folks will have tbe preeminent part
An anthem also by the choir
Special services every day this week
with three on Good Friday On Easter
Sunday there will be a sermon and
communion at 11 a m Evening prajer
and sermon at 730 p m Special East
er music Tbe Easter offering will go
toward the church building fund
Have Let the Final Contracts
The committee has been in several
sessions this week and finally closed
several of the finishing contracts for the
new temple opera house building Mr
Borgolte who enclosed the building is
awarded the contract to complete the
eame The Electrical Wiring Co of
Kansas City will do the wiring F D
Burgess will do the heating and plumb
This provides for everything but the
Eeating and scenery of the opera house
which will be taken care of by the com
mittee when the necessity for such ac
tion arrives
Burled In McCook Sunday
The remains of Mrs Frank Amann
formorly of our city but of late years
living on a farm north of Bloominglon
this state arrived here last Saturday
night on No 3 nnd were buried in
Riverview cemetery Sunday afternoon
from the Methodist church at two
oclock Rev M B Carman conducting
the services
The departed had been in poor health
for years Iirights disease was the
cause of death
A committee from tho local A O U
W lodge served as pall hearers and the
Degree of Honor added a handsome
11 iral cross tribute
BhATUicE Carroll Amann was born
November 5th 1875 Whs united in
marriage with Frank Amann November
lGth 1000 Pased to her reward April
1st 1909 Sho joined the Methodist
church of this city at the age of 17 years
and was a member of the local church
at her death which was a triumphant
and hopeful one She was buried be
side a litcle child which passed away
while the family lived here a few years
The sorrowing husband nnd his broth
er accompanied the body here for inter
ment The bereaved husband has ten
derest sympathy in this his great sorrow
To my old neighbors and friends and
especially to the A O U W of McCook
1 am most grateful for the assistance
and sympathy so willingly accorded me
in the death and burial of my dear wife
Frank Amann
District Sunday School Conventions
District Sunday school conventions
for Red Willow county will be held as
follows in April
Indianola district at Indianola on the
17th inst This embraces the schools
of tho Christian Methodist Congrega
tional United Evangelical churches
in Indianola Christian and Methodist
churches in Bartjey Dry Crtek Meth
odist Pea Ridge Union and North Star
Danbury district at Lebanon on the
lGch inst This embraces schools of the
Methodist and Presbyterian churches of
Lebanon Congregational Methodist
and Christian 6t Danbury the Union
of Marion and Methodist of Tyrone
McCook district on the 18th inst
Embracing Methodist Congregational
Baptist and Christian of McCook
Methodist of South McCook and Mis
sion of East McCook Perry Pickens
Prospect Park Coleman and Box Elder
Delegates will be entertained Mrs
Root district worker of Beaver Cicy
will attend each of the meetings
Tungsten Lamps
Matte tho best artificial light and the
most economical light in existence to
day Place them under a Holiphane
shade in a perpendicular position and
see the effect compared to other lights
Comparison to the old lamps
20 C P 25 watts 16 C P 56 watts
32 40 32 105
48 60
80 100
Note that the 32 C P Tungsten con
sumes 16 watts per hour less than a com
mon 16 C P
The SO C P consumes 5 watts per
hour less than the 32 C P common
For the home a 20 C P Tungsten
runs less than half that of the 16 C P
Call the McCook Electric Companys
office and we will tell you about them or
we can arrange your lighting so you get
more light for less money than you ever
got before Phone 127
McCook Electric Company
Married at Palmer Hotel
Saturday night April 3rd in Palmer
hotel parlors after tho arrival of train
No 6 Frank E Parkington and Sara
Abbott Lyon both of Denver were uni
ted in marriage Rev M B Carman
officiating in the use of the ring cere
mony Frank L Smith and Miss Clara
S Miller accompanied the bride and
groom An elaborate supper was after
wards served in the dining room of the
Palmer by Mrs Kendlen The groom
is an oldtime friend of Frank Kendlen
A Splendid Snowfall
A snowfall of six or eight inchesMon
day night brought courage and glad
ness to many hearts all over this part of
Nebraska Surelv this places the agri
cultural prospect in fine condition
Base Ball Goods
Full line at McCook Hardware Cos
Following are the delegates of Mc
Cook lodge to the grand lodge meeting
A O U W Lincoln May 11th C B
Gray W A Middleton John Hunt
I W C Stephens William Wootton and
Maurice Griffin
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tribune office
Field garden and flower seeds at
HP Waite Co s
The meeting of tho Southwest Ne
braska Teachers association fn our city
last week has passed into the warp and
woof of our citys history and furnisheB
a chapter of which wo are justly proud
Our citizens responded generously to all
demands upon thpm of every sort to
make it u success and the teachers of
tho district attendod in numbers and
with interest and concern to make it
successful in every feature and worth
while ns to every session
Tbe opening session was held on Wed
nesday evening with Dr Charles For
dyce of the Nebraska university on the
platform in his lecture The Golden
Iloura of Youth The doctor doos not
pose as a Demosthenes but if you will
allow the expression be is there with
tue merchandise Cultured exper
ienced thoughtful and logicnl a school
man in tho highest best and most prac
tical sense of the word his lecture was
wHI recoiwd and left helpful and sug
gestive impressions upon the taachers
ana others not of the guild present
Tho entertainment feature of tbe
evening was the singing by the girls of
the McCook High School Glee club
who acquitted themselves very credit
Thursdays session was replete with
interest Supt C L Littel of Hitch
cock county presented a strong paper on
Industrial Work for the County
School in the morning The Adole
sceut Boy by Dr Fordyce being the
other leader for the morning hour
Mrs E O Vahue violinist and Miss
Elsie Campbell vocal soloist provided
enjoyable entertainment at this session
One of the strong and excellent papers
of the sessions was that of Miss Cather
ine Price of the city schools on The
Rational Teaching of Reading illus
trated by class
In the afternoon Miss Mary Steute
ville of Stratton discussed The Rela
tion of the Country School to the High
School Miss Edith Woodburn pointed
out Weakness in Arithmetic Teach
ing Supt C W Taylor ably set forth
the question of Industrial Training in
the Public Schools and Dr Fordyce
drew specially wrapt attention in his
presentation of The Organization of
the Nervous Syntem as Related to the
Development of the Mind
An instrumental solo by Mrs W B
Mills and songs by the Seventh grade
pupils of the McCook schools were part
of the morning session
Thursday evenings session filled the
large auditorium of the high school and
Dr Frank Loveland captivated them all
in his famous lecture on Fogyism
The doctor is an earnest logical and
dramatic fellow of fine presence robust
voice and thought His lecture de
serves a place among the best ever de
livered in our city
Delivers the Goods
That C R Livingston the automo
bile man delivers the goods may be
more fully realized when it is known
that he has sold and delivered this sea
son twenty of the Reo cars and one
Overland He now has in stock six
car of that reliable make having re
ceived a carload on Friday last while
another carload is scheduled to arrive
in a few days
At least two requirements are essen
tial to make automobiles go some like
Livy does The dealer must handle
a reliable machine one that will get
there any time all the time like the
Reo and secondly the dealer must
know the business and the machine
Livy qualifies in both
He has the goods He will show you
if you give him the opportunity His
machines have stood the test of time
and meet every requirement They are
reliable and reasonable and right
Watch the next weeks paper for the
Reos world record not stop run
Ameng recent purchasers are
Dr Mackechnie Indianola
E II Weeks Cambridge
W A Downey Cambridge
J A Finnegan Bartley
F Cramer Bartley
S Kellogg Bertrand
C R Woods Wauneta
Are flaking Leases
Messrs L W McConnell F M Kim
mell and C B Gray the committee
on rents for the Masonic Temple Craft
Association have already received
several applications for rooms and offices
in the new temple opera house block
and the board expects to make condi
tional ieasessoon
Rev Carman Delivered Sermon
The sermon of the funeral of Elmer
E Rowell at end of last
week was delivered by Rev Carman of
our city It Is described as having been
one of eloquent sympathy and power
The McCook High School Boys Glee
club made their way into public approv
al at this session by their several selec
The premier social event of the meet
ing was the reception by the McCook
teachers to the visiting teachers Thurs-
day evening in the lower halls of the
ffnew hidi school buildincr Light re
freshments were served Music made
glnd the tuneful soul Social pleasure
was at its highest exponent
Friday morning was taken up with
discussions of high school topics by
Supt S L Johnson of Cambridge
fTh Orderly Growth of n High School
Its Problems and Processes by Supt
J F Holiday of Indianola The Evo
Iutiou of the High School Youth
Maturity and Old Age by Supt J F
Johnson of Alma A Balanced Ration
in tbe High School with further gen
eral discussion by Supt E M Hussong
of Franklin While Inspector F S
Purdue deputy state superintendent
spoke on Normal Training in the High
A piano solo by Miss Deborah Heck-
jnan and a vocal solo bv Miss itutn
Wiehe added to the afternoon program
its item of entertainment
Dr Turner of the Hastings college
had much of the afternoon session at
his disposal his lecture subject being
Teaching as a Profession The doc
torss solid and substantial manner of
handling such topics is quite well known
to readers of this paper He is one of
the rational and practical men in the
profession and views the subject from
that view point
Supt W T Davis of the Beaver City
schools handled the topic The Truant
and Discipline with considerable vigor
and effectiveness
A committee of superintendents and
principals was appointed to decide up
on having a declamatory contest at the
next meeting of tho association
The following officers were chosen
Supt C W Taylor of McCook presi
dent County Supt C L Littel of Cul
berson vice president Miss Edith
Woodburn of Alma secretary Supt E
M Hussong of Franklin treasurer
Supt W T Davis of Beaver City and
P P Bentley members of executive
The afternoon program of music was
given by MissLnora Dougau a vocal
solo and Mr George J Heckman a
violin solo both excellent numbers
The closing evening was made espe
cially attractive by the appearance of
the Peru Normal Glee club They sub
stituted the University Male Quartet
and it is the quite general impression
that they did the stunt with entire sat
isfaction receiving most hearty and
liberal approval during the rendition of
their excellent program
continued on page two
The Meetings Continue
The revival meetings continue at the
Methodist church with conversions each
day Up to Thursday 101 have bowed at
the altar and confessed Christ as Sav
ior Many of the converts are young
men The revival will continue this
week and next with special services on
Easter morning Wednesday was Flow
er Day Mrs S A McCarl for Ladies
Aid Society and Mrs E M Cox for the
Epworth League with their helpers
visited over fifty homes of the sick the
shut in and aged and left at each a beau
tiful boquet of carnations The pastor
with Mr Waltz is visiting many of
these homes and by song and prayer is
leaving cheer and comfort The church
feels very grateful for the success thus
far achieved and is expecting greater
results in the coming days There will
be no services Saturday The public
is invited to attend these meetings
Happily Only Slight Injury
Floyd Hegenberger was slightly inj
ured in the right leg last Thursday by
accidental discharge of a revolver in the
O Person -Hale barber shop The injury
was but a flesh wound and has not long
interfered with his activities and busi
Farmers Save Honey
by purchasing implements from our bar
gain list published in last weeks Trib
une We still have some of these bar
gains left and they will go at these very
low prices if taken soon
McCook Hardware Co
Dinner and Supper
The ladies of the Catholic church
will serve a dinner and supper Satur
day April 17th in the hall over Fisher
Perkins shoe store The patronage
of the public is earnestly solicited
This Springs Style
Separate pants galore the greens
browns grays all the staples of this
springs styles Tbe Good Clothes
Merchants Rozell Barger
w In If ft I
Death of Patrick Coyle
Last Saturday evening about seven
oclock April 3rd Patrick Coyle passed
out of this lifo at his farm homo up in
Coleman precinct after an illness of
some length together with tho infirmi
ties of old age he was 80 years of ago
of last St Patricks Day
TlnnOHSJAf WflU linrn in Tnconinmmn
Ireland March 17 1829 At the age of
14 years he camo to Ameri a Boston
being tho landing place Afterwards
he became an early settlor in Illinois
1854 and where at Morris he wasunitod
in maniago with Miss Ann Redmond a
cousin of tho famous Irish statesman
John P Redmond In 1856 we find the
deceased a resident of Nebraska City
whore ho was engaged in freighting to
Denver In 1887 the family came to
Red Willow county and settled in Cole
man precinct where he lived until his
death Sixteen children were born to
this couple eight daughters and eight
sons of whom six survive together with
the widow
Tho remains were brought to the home
of Mrs Maurice Griffin in our city and
on Wednesday morning at ten oclock
Father Haggqrty conducted a requiem
high mass iji St Patricks Catholic
church and at one oclock Calvary
cemetery received the mortal remains
within its quiet domain
James F Coyle of St Louis a broth
or and the only remaining member of
the family was present at the burial
The neighbors and friends both in
country and in city have been most
kind and helpful and sympathetic and
we wish to note in this way our recog
nition and gratitude
Mrs Ann Coyle and Family
who appreciates the beautiful and artis
tic will thoroughly enjoy seeing our dis
play of the new shades designs and
color combinations in wall papers this
nnpinrr XTaAt Vefrr hnnn inn Vinsl -
0JIS14 Arsvc UUMIO nuo VTO 1KIU 3Uj
great a variety We invite a call and
L W McConnell Druggist
Are Very Grateful
We are most grateful to all especially
to the K of P and M W of A for
floral tributes assistance and the uni
versal touch of tender sympathy in con
nection with the death and burial of
dear one Elmer E Rowell
Mrs Mary Rowkll and Family
Mrs S A Rowell and Family
Notice Personal Taxes
Personal taxes for 1908 were deliquent
Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that
date should be paid by not later than
Febr 1st next as on and after that date
they are subject to collection by distress
warrant C Naden Co Treas
McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909
High School Wins
The McCook High School club went
against tbe dulbertson High School
team last Saturday winning a 13 to- 3
Next Saturday the locals will play
Arapahoe High ScbooLat Arapahoe
April 24th on the home groundsthore
will be a return game with Culbertson
I have a few hundred trees for
those who failed to order Come
to my place at the north end of
1st Street East and select your
trees I have all kinds
Phone red 338
Fresh and High Test
I have constantly on band a supply
of the standard Columbia Red Top Bat
teries selling at 30 cents As I am re
ceiving shipments every week from the
factory they are fresh and of highest
test C R Livingston
Main avenue McCook Neb
Easter Sunday April 11
A large stock and fine selection of Eas
ter Post Cards may be found at The
Tribune office
Thousands of City Views 25 different
views in colors and in black and white
Its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy the famous Bertrand high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
Eggs for Sale
Pure Barred Plymouth Rock eggs
choice stock 3 sets each S200 per 100
Phone ash 1351 or black 255
Mrs J W Burtless Route 3
For Rent
The Babcock 15 acre tract near town
Also a 4 room dwelling 705 3rd street
West- Boyle Eldred
Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
Farm Loans
Optional -payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
Tho successful workman
plans his work so that ho may
accomplish tho best results in a
given time It is tho man who
knows how to plan his work to
advantage and conscientiously
pushes thoso plans to completion
that is in constant demand Ho
is a successful workman Not
only does he plan tho work by
which ho earns a livelihood but
ho plans a method by which part
of his earnings may bo saved
Each week or month as pay day
arrives ho doiwsits a certain por
tion of his incomo in tho bank
thus constantly adding to a fund
which in time will mako him in
dependent That man has an
object in lifo and is gradually at
taining his goal You should
plan a system of saving and work
Bank with
Mccook national
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Louj
jhran P F
Slaughter of the Innocents
The following figures tell enough of
Tuesday s slaughter to be illuminating
For Mayor
1st W 2nd W
josepn u Stephens R 2G1
W B Whittaker C 115
For City Clerk
II W Conover R- C 300
For Treasurer
A C Ebert R 270
M L Search C 95
For Engineer
Norman J Campbell R 2GL
Charles II Meeker C 110
For Councilmen
HP Waite R 283
Geo E Thompson C 88
L W McConnell R
FredL Schwab C
For Members School Board
M Lawritson R 255
C W Barnes R C 307
C II Boyle C 176
2 13
In cases of serious illness when a pre
scription is to bo filled or important
drugs procured no consideration except
that of reliable service is ever thought
of This is why our prescription and
general drug business continues to grow
constantly You will find it worth
while to consider all drug store wants
important enough to supply them from
our fresh and well assorted stock Let
us fill your prescriptions
L W McConnell Druggist
Juniors Have Good Time
The Junior Endeavorers of the Con
gregational church enjoyed asocial hour
at the home of Congressman and G W
Norris Tuesday afternoon Games and
refreshments filled tbe measure of
No Name Stands Higher
Than Hart Schaffner Marx no name
stands higher or fairer in the good
clothes world Rozell Barger are
their local prophets Inspect their styl
ish spring suits in green just received
No Hunting Allowed
No hunting allowed on my farm or on
tho Walsh land leaspd by me under
penalty of the law E F Flitcrakt
W M Rozell makes farm loans See
him at Rozell Bargers clothing store
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Fresh garden lawn and field
seeds for saIeaIso flour and feed
You need not worry longer about your
corns if you use McMillens Sure Corn
For Seed
Barley Oats and White Spring
Wheat at
Updike Grain Co
If you need your cellar
cemented now is the
time to have the work
done We are making a
special price for the next
thirty days
McCook Cement Stone Co
H N Rosebush Manager
Phone red 196