The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 02, 1909, Image 8

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A pure wholesome
reliable Grape Cream of
Tartar Baking Powder
The cream of tartar used in Dr Prices Baking
Powder is in the exact iorm and composition in
which it occurs in the Inscions healthful grape
Improves flte flavor
and adds to flte health-
f illness of the food
JWo A turn fcv fl lme
tasMgiTKBrr m SAJvataatMtati
Is b os p hale
w Dr
i -
tT rsr3
Everything in drugs McConnell
A McMHIon prescription druggist
McConneHg Balaam cures coughs
Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286
Fresh fruit always in season at Hubers
Mrs J JacHSOD nurpe Phone red 251
McMillens Ooid Tablets will break
up and cure your cold
Of course you know Huber keeps the
Wedding Breakfast Coffee r
First class shoe hospital in connection
with Viersen Osborn shoe parlor
Easter cards candies egg dyes and
L W McConnell Druggist
Sleepless nights from coughing can be
conquered by using McMillens Cough
For breaktast we have buckwheat
Advo pancake flours and maple
syrup and mapleine to go with them
McConuell for drugs
McConnell fills prescriptions
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Best shoe values Viersen Oaborn
Viersen Osborn are leaders in shoes
Plant sweet peas now Buv the seeds
from H P Waite Uo 3192
We can satisfy vour artistic taste
wall papers McDonnell druggist
Think or Widen Usborn when you
need shoes Twill save you money
Curlee the greatest 82 50 and 85 00
pants values Rozell Barger
Try our crackers in tin boxes You will
never use any other HUBER
Field garden and flower seeds at
II P Waite Cos
Boys school pants Prices all the
way from 25c to 8150 Rozell Barker
Dr R H Gatewood dentist office
over McMillens drug store phone 163
Best Ever gang and sulky plows
Gsodenough gang and sulky plows
Nebraska Clipper walking plows
Cricket rod breaking plows
have now on hand a clean new
stock of the Moline Plow Cos
farm machinery Every ma
chine is of the latest pattern of
this most popular line which
Economy disc harrows
Pipe frame spike tooth harrows
Western Belle listers
Tri Bell listers
Success listed corn cultivators
Lay By listed corn cultivators
Butch Uncle riding cultivators
No Name walking cultivators
Mandt wagons
Mandt farm trucks
Wisconsin steel wheel trucks
We have sold many kinds of
farm machines but none have
givemas uniform satisfaction as
the Moline line We believe
them to be the best made
PHONE 21 v w 115 MAIN AVE
rTfl - iU lilrtirrnf iftiirfti Tf -----
That the People May Know
This is not an advertisement but
simply a few facts regarding tbo coming
First The Republican ticket is try
ing to make this flection a wet cr
dry fight when really there is no
such question at issue All the Citizens
ticket requires of the saloons is That
they conform to the law such ns selling
liquor to minors habitual drunkards
and keeping the proper hours The law
nays they shall dotheae things ood the
Cuizens ticket believes the law should
be enforced
VhCOND The Republican nominees
say if remember that word if the Mc
Cook Water Works Company persists in
violating the ordinances of the City of
McCook and shall not supply water at
rates that are just and reasonable to the
consumer the cityshould atoce enter
upon the installation of a municipal
plant When facts are the McCook
Water Works Company has refused to
obey the ordinances of the City of Mc
Cook and have a suit pending iu the
Supreme Court at this moment costing
the city plenty -of good money that
should bo spent in improving and beau
tifyiug our city The Citizens platform
snys the city should work with all possi
ble speed to instal a municipal plant
sufficient to supply all our people with
water for domes tic use and fire protec
tion because the people said so by their
votes Just spring
The ureenX plant has about 62 000
feet of main laid over this town 37000
feet of which fs 3 inch cast iron Mr
Darrow the water works special engi
neer swore in court that there was no
fire protection procuied through a 3
inch main Thus you will see that over
one half of our fair city is at the mercies
of fire
The Question is
Snail the McCook Water Works Co
consisting of about nine individuals be
orotected in making a bad deal and
leave more thanoue half of our citizen
to the mercies of the fire On the re
verse the Uitiz ns ticket f ays protect
the people Vote the Citizens ticket
and prevent the raid Signed
W B Whxttakkr
G E Thompson
F L Schwab
H W Conover
M L Search
C H Mekker
C H Boylk
as to Taxes
They raise their talk about taxes in
creasing in case the new city plant is
built The bonds have been voted and
executed and registered Now if the
old water company gets hold of them
for us old plaut instead of the city
getting a new ample up to date plain
lor the bonds there will be cause for
kicking as the old plant has reached its
limit ot usableness and the next otep the
city would have to take would Oe -more
bonds for rebuilding the old plant
Which will you have the old plaut for
the bonds or a new plant Its up to
N w as to the taxes It is true that
the law provides tor the levying of taxes
to protect bonds when they are voted
That is true and that is too only fact
that the water company wants you to
think about The amount required to
s i pHy the iuterest on our bunds is 5100
1 j and thats what they want to rivet your
1 1 attention upon They want ro keep in
i i the hu birr liiiS flm 519 l0 fir oiah ro
I nftints frmn thn ninninis nf th nlnnr
Dont you see where the S5100 will
come from It will come from the 12
09686 Dont foreet that Shoot it
J j back at them
K But as to the bonds It is true the
tax will be levied and it might be that
during the year of building the works
Jand before they begin running the S5 100
might be collected How much will
that cause ou to paj Well if you are
an average taxpayer such as pays an the
I average valuation of 8125 for household
j goods and piano the 85100 would cause
I you to pay exactly 19 cents more for the
contents of your home That wont hurt
I much But dont you think the 12
096 S6 will take caie of the interest But
if it wont and you have to be taxed for
an old or a new plant anyway wouldnt
you rather be taxed for the new ample
and modern city plant than for the old
worn out plant Note the Citizens
ticket and make certain of the new
plant Signed
Citizen Committee
Now Is the Time
The present price of water pipe is
53200 per ton laid down in McCook as
against 84800 figured by Mr Darrow in
h s appraisal of the old plant rendered
January 31 190S Now is the time to
build the plant while the price of pipe
and material is low Vote the Citizens
ticket and make certain the building of
the plant Signed
Citizens Committee
To Organize Militia Company
Manager A R Scott of the McCook
Electric Co informs us that he has re
ceived authority from the adjutant gen
eral of Nebraska to organize a company
of state militia company in McCook
All persons interested and The Tri
bune hopes this will embrace a numer
ous class will make a point of seeing
Mr Scott about organizing this comp
Knickerbocker Suits 175
in brown mixed and grey mixed suit
ings in sizes i to 8 years trimmed with judge
braid and handsome buttons finished
with bow tie and patent leather belt
only SI 75 Dont miss them The
Thompson D G Co The utmost ser
Off in Fine Style
The new electric company plant got
off last Saturday night in fine style
Mrs A R Scott started the big turbine
with Miss Bradbury as fireman May
its light never grow dim We congrat
This Springs Style
Separate pants galore the greens
browns grays all the staples ofthis
springs styles The Good Clothes
Merchants Rozell Barger
- jy
The New City Water Plant
City Engineer Meeker has complied
with the request of the city council and
submitted plans and specifications for
the new city water plant They provide i
for a system of ten wells as compared
with six wells in the old plant for a
pump bouse equipped with the latest
pumping machinery for an elevatod
tank on the hill northwest of A C
Eberts large bouse and orchard in the
northwest part of the city for a 16 inch
mam uptown to Dennison street for a
12 inch main from there to the tank for
a 10 inch main along Dennison street
for a 10 inch main across the town on II
street along north side of paik for an
8 inch main ou Main avenue or 6 inch
maius on all the other north and south
streets of the city for a 6 inch muiu to
Vst McCook for a 6 inch main east in
S utu McCook to the city limits for 4
incb lateral mams in West and South
McCooks for 600 service connections to
connect consumers to t le new plant
without individual expense ail for the
S8500Ll00 bond voted by the city Does
mat look good toou Wouldnt you
rather have that new ample up to uate
plant ii Hurtling abundance of pressure
as well as actual fire protection than
to have the city pay the S830U0 00 over
for the old woin out and out grown
olaut of the water company with it
seven miles of little 3 inch pipe strung
all over our oit The old plant cuuuot
be extended to outljing districto uutil
the inside lines are dug up and replaced
with ample sizej mains The old plant
never was adequate even for McCook 27
years ago wheu it was built Now witn
a growing city of 5 00 people here
which will contaiu 10000 people within
another 10 years it is to ton
sider the matter of buying the old plant
let that is the plan and the hope yes
atd the expectation of the water com
pany if they can elect the Republican
ticket The Republican onn 1 hiatus rx
press confidence in the water company
We ripclare the confidence is misplaced
and we take no share in it We pxpect
to build the new water works this pres
ent year if we are elected iext Tuesday
Signed Citizens Committee
Normal Glee
Cluo Friday-
The father of Mr Loiald Plumb the
director of the University Male Quar
tette is seriously ill said to bo by the
attending phsicitiiis near deaths door
This fact has mad it necessary for the
quartette to cancel all of its dates this
J L McBnen director of the Uni
versity Extension in substituting the
Peru State Normal Gleo Club for the
aggregation says But 1 am glad as
1 told you over the telephone this morn
ing that we have secured the Peru
State Normal Glfe Club of ten members
under the directorship of Prof Homor
House who wa a star attraction in the
old Adelphian Quartette as far back as
1892 This organization will be the
pqual of our quartete in every respect
I believe for your meeting they will be
in better condition than the quartette
would have been since Prof Hou o has
bpen training them all year They will
jive ynn high class glee club music
with sufficient variation in novelty per
formance and dramatic reading to de
light your association
The Peru State Normal Glee Club
consists of rwpnty pight member- regu
larly hut Prof House will bring the
eight soloists only with readpr
A substitution of platform tnlent is
always an undesirable thing but the
patrons of the tpaohers association may
rpot acured that the Peru aggregation
will be in pvery reppct th eq inl of the
other There are about 75 tiukptq left
Phnp to L W McConnell and A
McMillpn for tickets or cnmi eirlv
The entertainment begins at SC0 p m
Bringing- Good Results
The Carman Waltz meetings held in
the Methodist church each night are
bringing forth good results ten conver
sions are reported for the first three
nights of this week Trenton has sent
word that a large delegation will come
down to attend tonights Thursday
service The large choir led by Mr
Waltz is singing the Gospel songs with
i spirit hat swings things The church
is taking hold in good earnest and the
outlook is very favorable for a gracious
revh al You ought to hear the children
sing in their afternoon meetings nearly
200 strong in their choruses of Bright
er Davs Are Coming and Ring Ring
Services will continue Friday and Sat
urday nights and all next week
A big mens meeting is to be held on
Sunday afternoon at three oclock ad
dressed bv citv pastors subject Civic
Righteousness All men over 16 years
No Fame Stands Higher
Than Hart Schaffner it Marx no name
stands higher or fairer in the good
clothes world Rozell Barger are
their local prophets Inspect their stjl
ish spring suits in green just received
Dinner and Supper
The ladies of the Catholic church will
serve and supper Easter Monday the
place to be announced next week The
public patronage is solicited
COUNTY court
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Karl A Johnson 25 and Jennie May
Johnson il8 both of Wilson ville Mar
ried March 25th by county judge
Henrv B Mulford 25 and Nellie M
Resseqiiie 19 both of Holbrook
ted in marriage March 27 by the cc
J P Notlev 64 of McCook and Mrs
Elizabeth C Wisner CIS of Omaha
Frank A VanMeter 27 and Maymie
E Gillette i24iboth of Cambridge Uni
ted in marriage by county judgeMar27
Charles A Hickman32rof Bartley and
Marie Harsch 26 of Indianola Married
by county judae March 27th
Wenzel Patzelt 41 and MrsGertrude
L Burson 31 both of Stevens United
in marriage Mar 20th by county judge
Jacob Grosscobb 20 and Lucy Walk
er 20 both of McCook
Fred C Morris 21 and Mrs Cora
Baxter Resester 20 both of Holbrook
ITnirfid in marriage bv the county judge blossom
on March 31 I try them
Just One Week Left before Easter
and we cannot urge you too
strongly to give early attehtion to
Our Superior Stock of Millinery
Every Conceivable Shape
Every New Idea
Every Popular Color
In Flower Plumes and Ribbons
you will find in our high class stock at most marked money
saving prices We show
Largest Assortments
Authoritative Styles
Dependable Qualities
Best Values
which are making this the most successful Millinery Season
in the history of our business Call and make your selections
Our showing will please you
Fancy Waists Tailored Waists Net Waists
Dress Skirts Jacket Suits White and Colored
Dresses Silk and Satin Gowns
you will find in a large variety of styles in our READY-TO-
fojfi iixo c hi ia
WEAR DEPARTMENT at prices much
cheaper than you can make them
Picture framing The Ideal Store
See Stayner for2nd hand typewriters
Buy your egg dyes of McConnell
Keen Kutter garden tocls at McCook
Hardware Co
Field garden and flower seeds at II
P Waite Cos
Benefit Rebeltah lodge Capt Rach
et at Menards April 15
Anythiner in hair goods at Miss An
dersons New stock now in
Plant sweet peas now
from H P Waite Co
Easter Gloves
in Kid and Silk we now have in
every color and every size
FLAXON the new sheer fabric for
Dresses and Waists is among the great
variety shown in our Dress Goods and
White Goods stock Dont fail to see
our line
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
Buv the seeds
A Haifa seed from 87 f0 to 1000 per
bushel Hardware Co
Field garden and flower seeds at
II P Waite Cos
Easter candies novelties perfumes
L W McConnell Druggist
It pleases us to please you Give us
a call Woodworth Co Druggists
We have fresh lettuce and celery every
Wednesday and Saturday HUBER
Roller skating healthy exercise en
dorsed by leading physicians everywhere
Complete line of hair goods at Miss
Andersons New stock just received
Dr R II Gatewood dentist office
over McMillens drug store phone 163
We have the finest line of Olives and
Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid Mur
dock line HUBER
You will avoid chapppd and rough
hands and face by using McMillens
Cream Lotion
Always something new in wall papers
here See our line before buying Mc
Connell druggist
We have a full line of California Canned
Goods in both the Advo and J M brands
Nothing1 superior HUBER
We are now agents for the Famous Car
hartt Overalls and Jackets also for their
Gloves and Caps HUBER
Quality like blood tells Quality ex
plains the well earned popularity of the
bamous Loomis High Patent Fours
Sold bv McCook Four and Feed Store
Lincolns Absolutely Pure Mixed
Paints are the only home product and
made especially for this climate Fully
A McMillen Druggist
Come here first when you want wall
paper Such a complete stock as ours
will make it unnecessary to go else
L W McConnell Druggist
Speaking of new and delicate per
fumes here are three dandies queen
bess silver lake and wild plum
Call at Woodworths and
Base ball goods
Cos Druggists
222 Main Ave
Phone 56
McCook Neb
Onion set at II P Waite Cos
These wet snows are the proper caper
for the farmer
Something doing on
Monday night Wow
at Wood worth
Rotton Row
Benefit Rebekah lodge Capt Rach
et at Menards April 15
Get iu line for
those wall paper rem
ounts at Woodworth it Cos
Feed of all kinds bated hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Its time to take McConnells Sarsa
parilla Blood Purifier Price 31
WellerettJ the best cigar Sets will
buy Woodworth Co Druggists
Human hair switches coronet puffs
sanitary hair rolls at Miss Andersons
Three acts of good clean comedy
Capt Raehet at Menards April 15
Drink Hires Root Beer direct from
the keg at Woodworth Cos Drug
Every housewife could spend a profit
able hour daily in the rink Healthful
Standard sewing machines none
better few equals McCook Hardware
Suit cases large assortment just ro
ceived at Rozell Barger s Bst Clothes
Patronize home industry by smoking
Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and
the Sa nke 5 cent cigar
Smoke your meat with tho genuine
Wrights Condensed Smolce For sale
at Woodworth Cos Druggists
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
Monarch Silver Bell and
White Satin spll success in good
oread and cake baking Buy the best
McCook Flour and Feed Store
We have in stock a large line of new
designs and colorings in wall paper at
right prices
A McMillen Druggist
Guard your complexion this month
McConnells Fragrant Lotion will pre
vent any roughening or chapping Its
a dainty preparation 25 cents
That new linf of portieres and rugs at
the Pade Furniture and Can et os
store cannot be equalled in this section
of state Something to please all tastes
and purses
The Pastime theatre is making im
provements and changes to still better
its entertainment facilities and increase
its growing popularity under the new
management of J H Snyder
Ladies dont forget about Liquid
Veneer A little on a cloth and applied
to your furniture makes it look like
new 25 and 50 cents
Woodworth Co Druggists