The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 02, 1909, Image 7

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wtwwvwHyyyy w wviwf ww
What Do You Know
about that Easter Suit
a Stein Bloch suit he bought
from us a week ago He
paid 1500 less for it than
his summer custom made
sack cost him and he says
it fits him with 5000 more
He just came in to try on
because one of our ads
caught hig attention
I Does your suit fit like this
5 -
ft -
UmtuaTAmOitoa sVltvn I W III
O KMOWIM MOW 21 III U 11 lit I I
iaf III
Best Clothes Merchants
iiiiiitMyjLUli ilUtl itiAitilvttvUJaitJkWVtil iiiiititi iijSAJ4tijutAJ j
Several from Hartley went to Cam
bridge to attend the funeral of Mrs
Gilpin of Edison wife of Burl Gilpin
member of ihe Christian Church there
Mrs Gilpin was a sister of CMBabbitt
of Bartley The funeral was held in
the M E church which was crowded
vs to its full canacitv Funeral sermon
was preached by Minister Harding of
Belville Kansas
PartieB from McOook visited with
Mrs Beeson Sunday
Rov JTRobsrts of University Place
Nebraska lectured in the M E church
Saturday evening and preached Sun
day morning and evening to a large
audience at each session
Dr Ilughey will lecture here Friday
evening April 2nd at the M E church
fl Lila Fidler is recovering nicely from
the operation at Omaha last week
John Lang is back from Oklahoma
and says he is glad to get back to where
he can get a good drink of water He
likes Nebraska best of all
Will Lyman is painting the new roof
he recently put on his residence
Several parties Tuesday pm cleared
off the cemetery of dead grass and
rubbish A re survey of the lots will be
made soon
We are pleased to report the child of
Mr and Mrs Bastor Rowe is recovering
from cerebro spinal meningitis
Miss Ethel Beeson is at College View
Sanitarium preparing to be a nurse
Jess Beeson went to Lincoln Sunday
night on business
The Donohoe Bill has no friends in
Bartley and all hope if passed it will be
vetoed by the governor
Frank TJatiedt delivered a car load of
fine hogs Tuesday of this week
Percy Catlett received the appoint
ment as carrier on R F D No 2 out of
Bartley and will make his first trip
If Your Tastes Are
too fine for letter press printing if they
demand engraving and steel die em
bossing come and get our figures on
such work Dont send away or give
your order to some traveling shark
that is dont do it before you have seen
our samples of such work at gotten
our figures
Leffal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
Albert P Eittenhous e Eliza Q Kittenhoue
Flora B Mansfield Samuel liaxter Mansfield
Georgia h Martin H Hajden Martin Hairy
Stern and Blanche Sternl Defendants
You are hereby notified that Olive E Eitten
house plaintiff has filed her petition against
jou in the District Court of Ecd Willow county
Nebraska the object and prnjer of which are
to confirm the title of the plniutifF and the de
fendants Albert P Eittenhouso and Flora B
Mansfield cash in an undivided ore sixth in
terest in Lot Number Eleen 11 in Block
Number Nine 9 in the Original town of Mc
Cook Ecd Willow county Nebraska and the
title of the defendant Barrv Stern in an
diviied one half interest in said lot and alo
to confirm the title of the plaintiff and the de
fendants Albert P Hittenhouse and Flora B
Mansfield each fn au undivided one third in
terest in the Northeast Quarter of Section Seven
teen 17 in Township ten HU North of Bange
Thirty seven 37 in Perkins county Nebraska
and for decree for the partition of all of said
real etate in accordance with the interests of
the parties and for the sale of said reat estate
in the event the same cannot be equitably di
vided and the dnision of the proceeds of said
sale between the parties fouud bj the court to
be entitled thereto and that all the other de
fendants ma be barred of any interest therein
ou are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday the 25th day of April lJOJ
Dated this lth day of March 1SI09
Olive B RnTENiioisn Plaintiff
By Boyle Eldred her attorneys
By virtue of an order of sale to me directed
by the clerk of the district court of Bed Willow
county State of Nebraska on a judgment
rendered in said court in the cause wherein
Charles E Smith is plniutiff and Nellie Smith
Ann Smith John D Smith Lizzie Smith Boa
Belle Dodge Arthur S Dodge Frank Beal
John H Beal Julia F Beal and Helen Mar
guerite Beal arc defendants on the 17th clay of
March 1909 for the partition and sale of the
following described real estate to wit The
noitheast quarter and the north half of the
southeast quarter of section numbered 21 in
township numbered 3 north of range numbered
30 west of the Cth P M in Bed Willow comty
State of Nebraska I will offer for sale to the
highest bidder for cah on the 20th dny of
April 1909 at the past front door of the court
house in McCook in said county at one oclock
in the afternoon the above described real
Dated this 19th day of March 1909
3 193ts John B Bieke Beferee
S O Grav first name to plaintiffs unknown
and G E Bobiusnn first name to plaintiffs un
known defendants will take notice that on the
thirteenth day of March 1909 J S LcHew
Justice of the Peace of Bed Willow comity
Nebraska issued an Order of Attachment for
the sumof Twenty five and 9V100 Dollars in an
action pending before him wherein Edwin G
Caiue and Barnett Lumber Company partners
doing business under the firm name and style
of E G Caiue Co are plaintiffs and S O
Gray first namo to plaintiffs unknown and G
E Bobinson fir t name to plaintiffs unknown
are defendants that the property of the defend
ants consisting of an undivided one half inter
est in seventy acres of growing wheat on the
Southeast Quarter of Secion Thirteen Town
ship Two North Bange Twenty eight in Bed
Willow county Nebraska has been attached
under said Order said cau e was continued to
the fourth day of May 1909 at eleven oclock
Attorneys for Plaintiffs
For Sale Cheap
If taken at once and for cash Lot 8
block 8 Willow Grove add to Mc
Cook Address
Mrs C Foster Waterloo Iowa
19 3 No 420 Franklin street
The Noboy Stylish Kind
Rozell Barger have just received a
new shipment of shirts and neckties all
nobby and stylish at the right prices
A nice assortment to select from
Fou City Clerk
Continued from Fourth Pago
For Member ok Board of Education
C ILRoylk attorcy nnd abstracter ollice
Postojlice bmldii b residence MM 2nd street K
Has lhedhere ever since boforo tho city bctcau
to be Now 011 the chool board and during
erection of new hiuti school building A clean
record lias sived the school district hundreds
of dollars by local advice nnd labor and with
out charge An attorney is needed on the board
He elect lioyle
Sixth We declare it to be the duly of the city treasurer to
deposit all funds of the city and school district coming into his
hands in the bank which will give proper security therefor and will
pa the highest rate of interest on daily or monthly balances and
declare that he should furnish to the press of the city for publica
tion at least quarterly statements showing the financial condition of
the city and school district and that the secretary of the board of
education should furnish to the press of the city for publication
reports of the meetings of the board of education
Seventh We commend the members of the present city
council for the efficient services rendered the city and especially
commend them for their earnest efforts in conjunction with private
citizens to close the houses devoted to prostitution and the illegal
sale of liquors and the arrest of the proprietors and inmates thereof
We call upon all law abiding citizens irrespective of party affil
iations to join with us in an effort to elect a maAor who will be true
to his solemn oath of office and his official obligations by enforcing
the laws and city ordinances and the election of officers who will be
in accord with such mayor and true to the trusts reposed in them
to the end that law and order may prevail within our fair city
SH iff vr Hk
1 5s2Pi l
The accompanying cuts only illustrate two of the many
styles of ladies oxfords we are now showing In a few days
our line of ladies oxfords will be the most complete ever
shown in McCook as new styles are arriving daily All the
latest colors black brown tan champagne ox blood blue
and green All the latest leathers patents kids suedes
calfskins and undressed kids
Each number taken separately or the line as a whole are
absolutely the best values ever shown for the prices asked
Shoe repairing a specialty
Viersen V A
OsbOFfl ilrlllli
Shoe ParSor m
112 WestB Street
A Telegram That Talked
At one time when Geomie Drew
Barrymore was playing in San Fran
cisco a fabulous sum was offered her
by a local theater for her services for
a few weeks The offer was exceed
ingly tempting but her contract with
Charles Frohman stood in the way
However on the nothing-venture-nothing-won
theory she telegraphed a de
tailed statement of the offer she had
received to Frohman in New York ex
plained how anxious she was to ac
cept it and wound up with the plea
Will you release me In due course
of time she received the following tele
gram in answer
Mrs Georgia Drew Barrymore Palace
Hotel San Francisco
Albeit disappointed Mrs Barrymore
at once sent this characteristic reply
Charles Frohman New York City
They Do Their Share
Milton complained of his wife that
she did not talk to him enough Three
hundred years have wrought a change
When Matthew Arnold visited this
country a woman with more zeal than
discretion asked him
Mr Arnold will youjell me what
Is the most novel Impression you have
received in the United States
Certainly madam he replied with
perfect English suavity The women
do all the talking Youths Compan
The custom of saying God bless
you after sneezing must be at least
as old as the fifteenth century as a
reference to it appears in the first edi
tion of Caxtons Golden Legend
After describing a certain malady
which broke out among the early
Christians the result apparently of
their intemperate habits Caxton pro
ceeds In this manere somtyme they
deyed so that when any persone was
herd snesyng anone that were by said
to hym God helpe you or Cryste
helpe and yet endureth the custome
A curious superstition with regard to
sneezing still lingers in the villages of
Devonshire It has found expression
in the following couplet
Sneeze on Sunday momincr fasting
Youll enjoy your own true love to ever
In the highlands of Scotland it is
believed that a newborn child is under
the thrall of the fairies until it sneezes
A Spool of Thread
But for Napoleon said the spool
I like the Arc de Trioinphe would
never have existed In Napoleons
time thread was made only of silk and
of wool Napoleou to ruin the English
silk thread trade destroyed the worlds
silk stock which lay at Hamburg In
this crisis the Paisley spinners turned
to cotton After tremendous labor
they at last made cotton thread Cot
ton thread is the worlds chief thread
today Cincinnati Enquirer
Cuuducudaby tae McCook W C T U
lam not Mrs Nation I havo no
h itcbot I am not crazy
These words en mo from the lips of a
Lewis woman hh nho met her husband
face to face in a hotel barroom the other
evening sayu the Luwis Pilot They
were directed to the bartender and tho
loungers as thu former handed tho
womans husband a glass of whisky
She continued That man has not
done a days work this winter and I
am worn out trying to support him and
the rest of tho family I want to know
if something cannot be done to keephim
from destroying his own hfo and starv
ing his fatntl
The woman was thin and pale Her
lips -quivered as she spoke Her frail
bjdy could hardly stand the strain of
tne unfamilitr environment As she
finished the little girl by her side burst
into tear tho bartender took back the
whisky thu abashed husband stood
withbowed head on by one the loung
ers left the rooms Presently the bar
tender jjazing at the poor woman sol
emnly vowed that the man should not
drink at his bar again
It was a pathetic Rcene it ws tlK
last resort of a desperate woman Ac
nbo left the hotel with her husband and
I littlo girl thoro wan a lesson too painful
for any pen to picture
We can Unci many cases Himilariir tb
above hero in McCook where the wivoc
aro trying to okn out a living for uom
selves nnd families over llu waahtab
while the father is apending hit rtimc
and money in tho saloon or poidffcnU
Shame to those who could banisk
places from our city and will not -bar
are doing their best to keep them here
for no other reason than that of tlHur
own personal kreed of gain uot arirt
for the ruined homes unhappy wivoc
nnd mothers and worse still tho ruin
bodies and souls of the drunkardo thoy
make for no drunkard can eutr the
kingdom of heaven
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in laCo6c
today Friday are paying the follow
ing prices
Corn 5
Wheat m
Oats jj5
Rye 70
Barley Y Ju
Hogs - 3 50
Butter good J 2
Eggs 1c
Typewriter ribbonB for salt ac Tac
Tbibunk oflice
i IkVrwwrW tW
Some people cant see straight but they do not have to
see they can feel that we have as good lumber as money can
buy and you hit the mark every time you let us figure jour
lumber bill If we do not sell the bill there is no harm done
You can rest assured that you have bought our lumber right
if you buy on a basis of our figures We do not get sore and
chew the rag with anyone because we do not Fell jou jour
lumber We want to figure your bill every time you want a
stick whether we sell it or not Drop in We have books
with cuts of modern houses from 100 up and take a pleasure
in helpingjto arrange your home
Stansberry Lumber Company
- 8BBJ
HpHERE are two ways to be sure
of getting pure- all wool clothes
One way is to pay high prices
a tuv viiivL io w vuy
guaranteed all woo line in
ica at 1000 to 2500
All wool is as important in
the quality of good clothes as solid
gold is in jewelry
GLOTKE3 insdc cf pure all wool fabrics hold
their shape best and wear longest In CLOTH
CRAFT CLOTHES for men and young men the
hih standard of the cll wool fabric is main
tained ia every other feature of the gar
ments in style fit linings and
C L DeGroff Co
Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Nans Pain Linimeaias
BLUEe3ELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever nnd Catarrh Blest
General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soote
Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets
Sold by A McMILLEN McCook Neb