i - Irade In Your Inferior Separators 15000 American users of ioor or worn out separators traded them in last year on account of new De Laval Cream Separators and there arc doubtless many more owners i such machines who will be glad to know that while such ma chinos have no actual value the DE LAVAL Company continues to make liberal trade allowances for them because of the opportunity suh ex changes afford for the most practical illustration possible of the ditferenc between good an poor separators and i utting a stop to the sale ol othrs like them in tile same neigh borhood Nobody is injured through th 3 re sale of these old n achines as they arc simply broken up and scrapped for their old metal value Then there are many thousands of DE LAVAL users who should Unow i 300 00 450 00 S2 55 600 00 250 CO 1 CO 1 00 it - tini ixvj may exchange out-of-date machines of from 10 to 25 years ago for the much improved closer sk m ning easier running and larger capacity machines of today For Sale or Trade at Harmons Second Hand Store B St and 2nd St W Telephone 215 White House Grocery Phone 30 Moore Son A NEW FIRM at an Old Stand We wish to make known to the people of McCook and vicinity that we have purchased theDC Marsh Meat Market All we wish to add at this time is that we shall make it our earnest and utmost effort to maintain the present high character of the market for the best of everything in season at the very low est cash price We wish the continuance of your I atronage and shall endeavor to merit your con fidence and trade RODGERS MODRELL at Marshs Old Stand Real Estate hinnsjs The following real estate filings have Seen made in the county clerks office aince last report Charles W Rodgers et ux to Orvillo B Woods wd to lots 67 n hf lot 8 bit 7 1700 00 J S LeIIew referee to Milton H Hammond rd to se qr 11 2 30 5000 00 Nathaniel McGiffin to V L Rockwellngree to se qr9 3 2G 6000 00 Howard M Finity et ux to Ella Lee wd to lot 1 blk 21 1st McCook Jlarion Powell et ux to Ami C Teel wd to lots 10 11 12 blk 59 Indianoln 1300 00 570 00 Shades F Lehn et ux to Chas W Graves wd to lot S blk 29 McCook 500 00 Paulina Dobson et cous to Frank T Walker wd to se qr 1 2 23 Prentiss E Reeder to M Lawrit son wd to Jot 10 s hf lot 11 blk G 2ad add McCook Albert Weeks et ux to Winford E Weeks wd to ne qr 31 1 SO 1G00 00 Charles H King et ux to City of Indianoln wd to pt se qr svvqr7327 Lincoln Land Co to George W Predmore wd to e 70 ft of lots A andB in 8th McCook Lincoln Land Co to Walter Jlickling wd lot 9 blk 15 2nd McCook JSlvin P Bodwefl et ux to Wil liam Scbmid wd to lots 1 2 blk 2 Bodwelladd Alvin P Bodwell et ux to Tohn R Jolly wd to lot 4 blk 2 Bodwell add Jklvin P Bodwell et ux to Louisa Bodwellwd to lots 12 blk 1 Bodwelladd l CO Alvin P Bodwell et ux to Ora C Bodwell wd to lot 2 blk 2 j Bodwelladd 127 00 William Schmid et ux to Alvin I P Bodwell qcd lots 1 2 blk 1 Bodwelladd 100 John R Jolly et ux to Alvin P BodA eli qcd to lot 4 blk 1 Bodwelladd l 00 Clyde P Bodwell et ux to Alvin P Bodwell qcd to lota 3 4 blk 2 Bodwell add 1 00 v liodwell et cons to Alvin P Bodwell qcd to lots 1 2 blk 2 Bodwell add 100 Alvin L Bodwell et ux to Cljde L Bodwell qcd to lots 3 4 blkl Bodwelladd 1 00 We often wonder hov any person can be persuaded into taking anything but Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs colds and lung trouble Do not be fooled in to accepting own make or other sub stitutes The genuine contains no harmful drugs and is in a jellow pack age A McMillen Druggist grant tw t t v i i - miss xjizziu uauguerty closed a very successful term of school in district 51 last Wednesday She made a kind and helpful teacher and was liked by all Harry Marshall expects to move to the sand hills soon During the spring every one would be benefited by taking Foleys Kidney Remedy It furnishes a needed tonic to the kidneys after the extra strain of winter and it purifies the blood by stimulating the kidneys and causing them to eliminate the impurities from it Foleys Kidney Remedy imparts new life and vieor Pleasant to take A McMillen Druggist C M Headrick M D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Sanitarium Department of the Hastings City Hospial will visit McCook Nebraska Tuesday April 6th 1909 at the Palmer Hjtol Free consultation and examination given at these visits For the more serious cases it is better NOTICE No more hunting fishing picnicking or boat riding on the old Loomis place Parties doing so will be taken for tres passers and treated as such This meas you S L WRAY CITY ELECTION NOTICE The aiiDual election of the City of Mc Cook will be held on Tuesday Apkil 6th 1909 at which time the polla vill be open be tween the hours of 9 oclock n m and 7 oclock p m Central Standard time for the purpose of electing Oue Mayor One City Clerk One Cit Treasurer One City Engineer One Councilman 1st ward One Councilman 2ud ward COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COUKT Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report William Knight32 Emma Fiechter 24 both of Lebanon Neb Richard L Holcomb2J Laura M Smkh20j both of Indianoln Nebraska Married March ISth by the county judge Frank E Parkington4G Sara Abbott Lyon40 both of Denver Colo Al ert S Inaolri23 Anna H Wetter 24 both of Imperial N b Married Maich 18th by the county jndge Daniel P ClousefSO Jessie F Heth cote22j both of Indianola Neb - ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postonlce March 26 1909 LKTTEUS Baker Miss Edith Baurer Itaudlf Hampell Mr B Laiulon Miss Nellie Plafe John Phillips Mrs Nellie Stewart Mr James Bible Mr Squire lusher Mr J K Keller E E McCoiielle Miss Gcrtrucfo Borers Nellie Bell Thomas Win CARDS Boid Miaa Francis Keebe Miss Lillie When calling for these please say tbey were advertised J F Cokdkal Acting P M NoticePersonal Taxes Personal taxes for 190S were deliqueu Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that date should be paid by not later than Febr 1st next as on and after that date they are subject to collection by distress warrant C Naden Co Treas McCook Neb Jan 20th 199 The New Nazareth Unions You know tbe Nazireth Waists The unions are an extension adding the pants or drawers right on and giving the boys and girls the most comfortable and rational underclothing made We 11 have these in a feiv days The T ompson D G Co Actual cash values Out of Danburj June 1st R F D No 2 out of Dan bury will be given additional service The route is 29 miles long and serves 80 families Indianola Route No 3- Roy Smith has been appointed carrier on ruml route No 3 out of Indianola with Norman W Baker as substitute BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood is r - TJ Mere Exciting Thtiu the- Play A countryman on one of his rare vis its to Loudon after completing his business visited the local theater and j patronized that part of the house j kuown as the gods obtaining a seat In the front row He had provided himself with refreshments before en tering in the form of a bag of cakes and n bottle of mineral water As the performance progressed he consumed these and becoming ab sorbed In a thrilling passage -was ab sently toying with the empty bottle on the ledge in front of him -when he ac cidentally allowed it to fall over Horror stricken ho instantly looked down and was just in time to see the bottle drop heavily on to the bald head of a man below who of noticing whence the attack came jumped to the conclusion that lite neighbor was the nggresror He seized the bottle and hit the other man smartly across the heid with it Our friend above had now seen enough and h istily but quickly quitted the place observing when he reached the exit two angry struggling men being ejected London Tit Bits The Indian Experimented A missionary in charge of a small church on the Indi in reservation at Onondaga hold evening services for his people at which subjects upon Avhieh One evening when the little building was well filled with braves and their squaws he described the solar system and told them that the earth revolved nhout the sun ana also turned over Early the next morning the priest was awakened by a knock lie opened the door to find a bier Indian wrapped in a blanket standing on the pon h I Why Obaga he exclaimed Is anything the matter Missionary lied grunted the In dian I lied What do you mean Missionary say world turn over ev ery nicrht Injun go home set up stick put apple en stik If world turn over apple fall off This morning apple on stick Missionary lied Huh And with this parting grunt he strode down the path unheeding the priests calls Lawyers on Stride In 17S9 John ficott earl of Clon uiell who was lord chief justice of Ireland madf rome insulting remarks from the bench to Mr Ilacket a mem ber of the bar who was conducting an argument before him A general meeting of th bar was called a se vere condemnation of his lordships conduct voted with only one dis sentient and an unprecedented resolu tion pasxed that until his lordship pub licly apologized no barrister would Two Members of the Board of ther take a briM appear in the kings tion District No 17 bench oy sicn any pleadings for the The polling place of the First ward court This strike experiment was will be at No 307 Main avenue J actually made The judges sat but The polliDg place of the Second ward no counsel appeared no cause was prepared the attorneys all vanished will be at the hose house n the city hah anfl theIr jordshil3 aa tue court all on west C street to themselves There was no By order of the Mayor and Council of tive and next day Lord Clonmell pub- the City of McCook Skal II W CONOVER City Clerk lished a very ample apology by adver tisement in the newspapers and made it appear as if written on the evening of the offense and therefore volun tary London Law Times His Sole Limitation Do you know what Id Iaik to he asked Rastus of the commercial trav eler who was stopping at the wayside hotel No said the commercial traveler What A millionaire No sah aid Itastus A lawyer Oh no sah not dat A dclor No ah What then asked the commercial traveler Id laik to be a preacher sah Kas tus said Well then why dont you asked the conimerciil traveler I cant sah replied Raslus be cause I aint got no frock coat New York Tress An Cicphart 3ridgc In ancient times in India a famous general used elephants to bridge a stream lie possessed a battalion of over 00 elephants and approaching a river where the stream was too rapid for his troops to cress he ordered the elephants in and had them placed side by side facing up and down the stream Then plank were brought and laid from the back of cue elephant to that cf another and over them the troops passed in safety the only trou ble experienced beiiur the showers of water which the elephants kept up by clicking up the refreshing liquid in their trunks and tossing it over their bodies Pretty Quick Officer You say the chauffeur sound ed his hern ju t as the machine struck i the man Witness w 5f3saS iimiLiJ ell For One Whole Day the Rocky Precipice Was Dry explosion could have been Many dressed and hastened outdoors urged i by a conviction that something appall- j ing had happened or was about to happen Rome thought the end of once in every twenty four hours I the world was at hand Others imag sir uuicer j i i i uu uihukcis spread on the 1 Was the victim killed instantly Wit nessSo instantly sir that he must have heard the echo of that horn in the next world His Objection The Bachelor Marriage is a game cliance The Married Man And you i have conscientious so ganiblintr The Bachelor Evil grows and strengthens by en durance Cicero mountain brooks running slowlv to the verge of the precipice The spec tators could hardly believe their eyes ouuiu remaricaoie teats were per formed on that day when Niagara ran dry Teople walked from the Canadian side of the river along the edge of the frightful precipice nearly as far as Goat island on the American side was again pouring its flood over the falls Xow for the explanation of this strange phenomenon It proved to be after all very simple Tho winter of 1S47 and 1S4S had been one of extreme severity Ice of such thk kness had never been known as formed on Lake Erie that season When the break up came toml the end of March a strong northeast wind was winch piled the great fields of ice in floes and then in banks as high as miniatlUP fnlnr r TV i uuiL n zu tne wind suddenly changed to the opposite direction and increased to a terrific gale which hurled back the piled up ice and drove it into the entrance of Xiag a river with such force that a huge and almost impene trable dam was formed For a whole day the source of the river was stop ped up and the stream was drained of its supply By the morninir of Hip 31st tho river was practically dry and J niua iur iwenry iour Hours tbe roar of Niagara falls was stilled Then in the early morning of April 1 the ice pack gave way under the tremendous pressure from above and the long re strained volume of water rushed uown anu reclaimed its change ulation possess no beds own Ex- Few Csds In Baqdad About GO per cent of Rapdaus pop- luese poor I nnnntA -- - i but I have against drawing a booby prize Philadelphia Becord uoors ot tneir houses in the winter anu on tne roots m the summer Owim I to the excessive heat of these re ions sieep is made impossible elsewhere j than on the roof or in the onen rr i J dens It is an interesting j iif to c 0f how the women at sunset emerge from ineir nouses to prepare the cverirsr scruples against moal on thc roof aml spread the bed Not exactly j din for the Inasmuch as ta All She Wanted The Debutante The man I marry must be rich handsome good gener ous intellectual The Man About Town My dear young lady you will have to have him made to order climate Is very dry thore i littl ti fear from exposure to the nighc air While a considerable number cf rhe roofs are surrounded by latticework to insure a certain amount of privacy by far the larger number are quite ex posed to the craze of curious and in quisitive neighbors Learning without politeness makes a disagreeable pedant and politeness without learning makes a superSeial frivolous puppy Chesterfield i ined that they had grown suddenly deaf Still others thought that the hush preceding a terrific hurricane had fallen upon the air All were oppress- ed with a feeling of profound awe and dread It was soon discovered however that the cessation of the roar of the falls was the sole cause of this com mon panc As the dim light of early morning grew stronger the people were able to see the almost bare incu ot tne ians over wiiicli out a short time before thousands of tons of water had been pouring Only here and there small streams con stantly growing smaller now trickled down the face of the towering wall Above the falls instead of the rush ing foaming river only a naked i liel Studded with hind- mifl iltfmil junu rocks appeared The bed of the river was practically exposed from shore to shore except for small streams like Simple Remedy for LaGrlrpc La urippe coughs are danneroua as they frequently develop into pneumonia FuloysHoney and Tar not only stops the cough but heals nnd etiengthpnfl tho lunge so that no perious n suits need bo feared The genuine Foleys Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and is in a vellow naeknee Refuse THE WATER CEASED TO FLOW tutes AMcMillrn Druggist McCook This Curious Phenomenon Occurred on nc i o i cll In the Vicinity Return of tho Tor rent and the Cause of the Stoppage In the early spring of ISIS occurred a natural phenomenon so strange so sudden and so stupendous that the old er inhabitants of western New York still speak of it with awe and wonder This phenomenon was nothing else than the runninir dry 6f Niagara falls TIip srnrv is snlrinm recounted now fc Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at Thk Tkibunk office PWMnTWiffivnviiffW iiWPVV Col W W Crittenden GENERAL AUCTIONEERING J McCook Nebraska Farm sales a specialty Dites mny bo mnuu at tho I itizens lkjJiXUuiMUiJi but it was a nine days wonder for the LissArs9lb whole country when it appeared in rkTff i rnr a v I W the newspapers For the llrsi time In INJCViCJ rAILu t history me roar or tue granuest cata ract in America was hushed In tho early morning of March 31 1S 1S people living in the vicinity of the falls were awakened by a peculiar hush as startling in its suddenness The automobile lieryiu south western Nebraska thnt nlways Kets there and back Trips day or night anywhere Prices reas onable Phone 166 D G DIVINE ta come to the Sanitarium and be under J ii0 lectured were not strictly religious J and intensity as the most thunderous 0 Can be found at 104 McCook Neb 1 the care of the physicians and trained nurses Cases that require operation i a e under the care of skilled surgeons For those who are not seriously ill I provide a special means for treatment at their own home and take them at a low fee to be paid as they receive b notils Hope to see you at above date Ssssssv4r Mike Walsh DEALER IN j POULTRY EGGS I Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now location just acrois street in P Walsh bnildins - r flcCook F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe 3rass uoods Pumps an boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA Try Preventics At My Risk With Book on Colds and never even wet their feet Some Just to prove merit to show you how went exploring in the river bed above quickly Preventics can and will check colds the falls and discovered a number of or e Vnppe x W1 mai1 vou frcc on ancient gun rres lost probably by 38 Rt Xcuit5 wS sportsmen up the river in long gone Preventics are thoroughly harmless little days and still after the rotting away Candy Cold Cure tablets No Quinine no of their stocks slowly forced dowii 3xatve nothing sickening whatever stream by tho cur ent Caves and 5 early CoIdsr Grippe with Pre cjH rntis llo iTTtilS discovered the existence of which had safer than to let it run and be obliged to never been suspected before J ure it afterward Preventics will however AH that day March 31 184S Niagara reach a deePy seated cold But taken falls remained drv and people who re- I Afe sneee sfcse they break or mataoa p Ute jSSSblftjSiSi ing to see a change went to bed with- ventics Promptness however is witnessing it But in the early Prtant Promptness in the use of Pre morning of April 1 the familiar entcs may save hlf your usual sickness dcr of the great cataract was once tnSte0neSrfip cMd r more heard and every one knew thatWrife ffipladS L1 the mysteriously drained river bed samples and booklet Preventics are sold h A Mc MILLEN ITIllllfJiBTiTfiTril FBAMKffiEEfLEl ENGRAVER ako ELEC7QGYYPEB PCOir IIM l40 24 LWBFrr nvrt T UULU ilJJklMiliithil 1I A 1 t h 1 fin I r s S WE HAVE TSvf - i 7 ij t jtin - TO BURN Attt E K rw ci is SJ Barnett Lu mbcr o Phoney i f I i i i i T F i V j 1 n J B35L