MS -a If fi M l -v u ti INDIANOLA Cal Rollins wan at homo last Sunday Mrs W D MiicUechnio is numbered with the ill H J Summs is under professional euro this week Mrs Conrad Beck was culled to Crete Tuesday night by death of her mother ProspectK for InUiunola going dry aro pretty good C I ITall wad in town last Friday on telephone business Grant Lakin came down from county seat and visited here Sunday Robert Stewart left Tuesday night for eastern part of stati to farm Patty Andersons baby is improving from its recent sickness Harry LolJaron of Cambridge spent Sunday with Indianola friends Miss Lcona White arrived home Sat urday morning from Colorado where she has been visiting for a couple months Mrs Bailey of Arapahoe is in town this week visiting MrsFred Chessmore Dan Clouso and bride returned frjm Danbury Saturday Babe Burt has been improving his proparty in town by building an addi tion of two rooms whh h is now in the hands of the paperhangers Alice Townley and Mildred Abbott visited m MeuooK tue lauer pari 01 nisi weok returning homo Sunday night ac- Mrs Ira Pennington r ic v companied by i Miss Crandall went out to nor claim in Western Nebraska Friday night The Leaguers en masse went out to the Dan Schoenthal home Monday eve ning and held a social Everyone had a good timo and the home coming was at a lata hour Mrs John Balding is hereabouts on legal business GRANT Two good rains last week Harry Olmsted is here from Haigler visiting at A M Benjamins B W Benjamin is recovering slowly from an illness of some length August Wesch has planted some po titoes Miss Mary Schreiber has returned to Oberlin Kansas after a visit relatives and friends in this neighborhood If you have headache and urinary troubles 37ou should take Foleys Kid ney Kemedy to strengthen and build up the kidneys so they will ace proppriy as a sorioUH kiduoy trouble may develop A McMillen Druggist trg7mgirfjfJygwcgg GERVER Lineman Miller doctored phones part of last week Don Thompson recently received aomo blooded poultry from the ouBt We got some hail with our rain light ning enow thunder last week Tuesday Goorge Sigwing was happily surprised by a few frionda last week on the oc casion of his 49th birthday What will Uncle Snm be up to next For years be has beon in the seed busi ness and now he has embarked in the printing trade And this in competi tion with his own people For surely the seedman ntd printer are just as much of tho people as any of us It cartainly should bo the object and duty of a government to foster and enhance the business and welfare of its subjects And we ours has to a great ex tent But nevertheless in tho above instances it has undoubtedly failed We appreciate Uncle Sinns help and advice but an old man like him should refrain trim participation in any busi ness that would interfere with tho live lihood of any of the citizens of his laud MARION The Pow public sale on the 24th inst was well attended and thingn brought good prices F G Stilgebouer and wife of Bnrtley were in town a few days last mid week Hiram Parker aud Judd Remington from north east of Danbury were in town Saturday The concert Saturday evening was not well attended on account of tho bud weuther Mrs VV A DeMay and Mrs Fox of Danbury were in town between trains Saturday T F Gockley from Fairview helped with the floor in the McFadden store a few days last S B Gockley and family arrived here last midweefe for a visit with his parents He took the train from here later for West Plains Mo to look up a location Frank Bryson visited the homo folks in Gerver precinct Sunday Will DeMay was on the sick list last week Ed Ruby having charge of the lumber yard meanwhile Several parties from Danbury attended tho concert here Saturday night L D Gockley and wife visited their son at Fairview Sunday Stella Weyeneth came in from Bea i tricn Sunday for a weeks visit with home folks at Fairview ClifF Plumb is doing tho cooking act in tho short oider houyo for Albert Kemp Mr Rodgers of Orleans was in town Monday and Tuesday in the interests of tho Modern Brotherhood of America lodge organized here two weeks ago Sidney Dodge returned to McCook Monday after a ten days isit with friends and relatives Several of the children in town are exposed to the meanloH Nota Stilge bouer having them and tho Darnell children are ju9t over them S W Stilgeboufir of Danbury was in tow u between trains Monday RED WKLOW Mr Soxson is still buffering with his lame limb Lucy Miller will keep Iiousb for her brother Charles who has rented tho place lately occupied by Mr Finch Dora Sawyer has stopped going to school and little Blossom Longueckir will drive alone Mrs Thrift and young son and daugh ter of Decatur Illinois who spent the winter in California stopped off for nearly a weeks visit with Mrs Owens Longnecker Mrs Thrift was not much in love with California She and the children were quite sick with grippe after getting hero Mr Smith loft on Tuesday morning for Colorado where he has gone to help his son Paul get started with his spring work He took seeds of different kinds some provisions and a quantity of loving remembrances from home folks Mr Stauffer called on friends last week He is quite enthusiastic over the future of that country where so many Red Willow folks have gone Mr Elmer is building a concrete block milk house for Mrs Hatcher When Mrs Ruggles was stricken with paralysis they telegraphed for Laura in Iowa and Pearl in California both of whem reached homo in a few days and are still helping around their moth ers bedside DANBURY This section was visited by a good soaking rain Tuesday night The ground now is in fair condition and prospect for this season could not be better Charles Six of Atwood Kas shipped a car of fine horses from here Tuesday days last Mrs Bates who has been ailing for tho past two or three years died Thurs day Funeral services were held at the church Sundaj Tho embalmer from Beaver City was in town last Friday on professional busi ness Mr nnd Mrs Tom Henderson of Rex ford Kas arrived Friday boing called hero by the death of Mrs Bates Pierre MocFpo of Obprlin was n town on business last Thursdny LoveU Mooro and Lloyd Wan eh of Lebanoa were business visitors Satur day Clarence Young visited with his sistrr Mrs R R Orman from Saturday inti1 Sunday Word was received here Saturday morning stating tho death of Joo John son of Denver formerly of this place John E iston and wife of McCook were called here Saturday on account of the death of Mrs Bates Mr and Mrs C S Messner were visiting in Marion from Saturday until Sunday Mr and Mrs C W Dow of Indianola were visiting here Saturday at the J E Noe home Guy French of Herndon visited his sister Mrs Roy Thomas from buturoay until Monday Mr W R Burbridgo of Franklin Neb is visiting at the W J Stilge bouer home Alva Andrus departed Tuesday morning for his home at Marsland this state Mr Harry Butler had a sale last Tuesday and expects to move to Essex Iowa in a few days A T Gatewood made his usual trip last Wednesday and Thursday Will and Ben Moss departed Tuesday evening for a sightseeing in Portland Oregon Geo Godown was an Indianola busi ness visitor last Saturday Mr and Mrs J H Wicks of Marion were social visitors Friday last The magic lantern show given at tho M E church by L Cann was fairly well attended and enjoyed by all Mr and Mrs D C Clouse of Indian ola visited withjfriends andjrelatives from Thursday until Sunday Milford Pewhad n salejjJWednesday He intends to move to Idaho in a few If J m Sold only in MMW SMSW I HI Moisture f roof MMW iffflW Tackles MW S MIW m mMMJMW JmiWW IMo woman vjy Ml J4 ever once fcougkt W JSWSMm aad tken willingly If mW Wgit any m Wf - w kind of soda crackers wfir In w sca can loe fe il ill jr0tx v a o -a I 1 f h j JNationai Uiscuit unless it is I haII IaL w Pi rll pa wl Vf SilKt iliSK PtVyfiAS ru Wi5si55v J5SiM 6X3Si SUBM ItlJ V i Yi Eta M mm lj 3 mrm ZJm iHk ml fW S ti M mJ WM mZM I v I i 11 tl MMM H PS g Il f I M in S Km ffi m m m m M m mi mmmm i m mi m vf m Sjtfk fawwoeaaa 3 gr ssp ts izi zzsn fffA i ts - fvn B IV 1 I Mg HI i IS I I MATrnMAi rktiiit mMPAMY i 4- I 5 S - m fifU S - ru u z p frj trsf zsfcxsv Zifc 7vr7ir v m Z Lw Z r k j TlDTOjpli Snicker Was In a Jovial Mood and Hungry as Well BUT HE SPOILED HIS MEAL By the Time He Managed to Order His Breakfast the Glow of Genkf Good Humor He Tried to Shed Around Him Had Turned to Gloom Jlr Snicker Is well known In his home town as the most facetious man In seventeen counties His method of expressing what Ideas he has is en tirely along lines of pure jocosity hut now and then his wit falls upon uuap preciative ears On a recent visit to New York Mr Snicker arrived rather early1 in tho morning and the pangs of hunger would brook so little delay that he went immediately upon his Arrival to a prominent hotel in the vicinity of the station for his break fast Good morning nenri ho chortled In his usual salubrious rannncr to the waiter as the latter hung his hat on a hook over his table Has the butcher come yet Ze what sir asked the waiter with a puzzled look on his face for he was not used to Snickers The butcher said Snicker with a merry wink In his left eye You know the chap who brings the food I thought perhaps Wait one moment sir said the waiter his perplexity growing deofer I will bring ze head waiter sir Oh never mind Snicker began but the waiter had departed to return In about three minutes with the head waiter What hi it sir asked the latter with a groat show of civil interest Oh nothing returned Snicker rather sheepishly I just asked Henri here if the butcher had arrived yet fearing that possibly The butcher sir repeated the head waiter like his subordinate very much mystified Yes said Snicker with a faint smile which he hoped the head waiter would find contagious I was onljr jok Wait till I find ze superintendent said the head waiter courteously I have no doubt we can accommodate monsieur if we can only find out what it is that he wants I will send for him Snicker again started In to explain the mere facetious bearing of his in quiry but the head waiter too had sped away in search of a superior offi cer who might be expected to be equal to this new and unexpected emer gency Several omnibus boys and Snickers waiter as well were dispatched to the kitchen and elsewhere to find him but apparently without success Five ten fifteen minutes elapsed and Snicker began to feel that it did not really pay to be as funny as he could under all circumstances Finally however the head waiter returned and courteously explained that the superintendent had not yet arrived at his post of duty but that he had telephoned up to tho office for the manager of the hotel who he assured him would be down in a very few mo ments lie is rather busy at this time of the morning sir he vouchsafed but he said he would be down right away Well Im sorry said Snicker rue fully Youd better head him oil if you can You see when I asked if the butcher had come j et it was only meant as a joke An Here is tne manager inter rupted the head waiter as a tall ini prossive gentleman with a majestic front loomed up in the dining room door and made his way across to Snickers table This is the gentle man Mr Tingleton the head waiter added when the manager had reached Snickers side Good morning sir said the man ager breezily I hope there is no trouble sir I am sorry to have kept you waiting but this is the busy end of the day with me getting things started along and our dining room su perintendent I regret to say is off duty this morning What can we do lor you sir I I want a hard boiled ocq and some Lyonnaise potatoes said Snick er John Kendrick Bangs in Lippin cctts Magazine Cats Disguised cs Snakes Do yon know why a cat hisses when in rage or danger said a na ture student Well sir she hisses as flying criminal puts on blue gocgles and a false beard Ties instinctively With that hiss she to disguise herself as a snak2 Did you ever notice the markings on a cats tail They are transverse iikc a snakes markings The primi tive cat in the vdld state lived in rath er tall gras When danger approach i d he hissed and at the same time put i p his tail and waved it sloviy The ncoirer heard that serpentine hiss Hi- saw the tail and only the tail which waved in an ominous tir1 manner- lie said snake in the co irifl Tt tMi T1 toiao aiiu HU11UIVU The cnt of todnv hisslnfr horriblv fc it wnvinir tn nnti fro Ills prpptprl tniK ---- - - - -- - - - j follows ancestral precedent It helps liim not nt nil norprHiplpss ho nltvnvs does it thinking it the right thing Is toot man sometimes like the cat in this I Respect A laugh costs too much If it Is bought at the expense of propriety Quintillian Engraving and Embossing Your wants can ho supplied at Tiik Tkuiunkid tho line of engraving and embossing such as calling cardt invi tations and announcements monogram correspondence papor etc Handaoma samploa of all on display Pricon rea sonable Prompt service If interested como and inspect Dr R H Gatewood dentist oflico over McMillens drug storo phono 1G3 People post middlo lifu usually have some kidnoy or bladder disorder that saps tho vitality which in naturally lower in old ago Foleys Kidney Rain ody corrects urinary troubhgstimulates the kidneys and restores strength and vigor It cures uric acid troubles by strengthening tho Uidncvu i o they will strain out tho uric acid that settles in tho muscles and joints cauHng rheuma tism A McMillan Druggint rgifiTytWiyrityrfilryrWirf t imfwpj Dr J O Bruce OSTEOPATH Telephone 55 McCook Neb T Office nwr plrrrlrThpnrinn Mnln A gltWjJjjAjA4M4Wrtrti4ltfa DR EARL 0 VAHDE DENTIST Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 1 I 101 HL P SUTTOK McCOOK v mm DENTIST phcnh ua Oflico Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook Dr J A Colfer DENTIST Room Postoffice Butldinct Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA Rpr rrrfn r rirvflTT rnryW jfiWJri fc - 3 or K n uatewood DENTIST Ollico over McMillens drugstore Phono 103 McCook Nebraska -3 gftltf iliijif rjLhft IV tf i tfitbMjtiillthjiJjhttfabiktfb 31 JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED AESTSACTSS McCook Nebraska C3AK0nt of Lincoln Land Co naii of McCook Wator Works OUice in Postollice building CHBovle C EEldbkd BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw LongDistanco Ione 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Postoffice HnildiDB MCLOOt Neb A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska Trrrpfrnryrfrvtvfi p jyj J S McBRAYER Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance r Ofiice over Marshs Meat Market JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA Middletoii Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska E F OSBORN ragman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL Office First Door South of DeGroffs Phone 13 BEGGS1 BLOOD PURIFIER- CURES disease with Pure Blood