m 1 S JS5TT JC I fe 4e most etficieat adi I pen Sect of Ieavenag agents f MADE FROM PURE CREAM OF TAMXAE i I No alum lime r ammonia 8 Even tiling drugs McGonurll A MeMillen prcfcri prion druggist AlcConnolls Balsam cures coughs Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286 5resh Unit always in season at Hubers irsJ JacKson nurf e Phont red 251 flluM Mens Cola Tablets will break ap nud cure jnur cold Of course you know Huber keeps teh Tedding Breakfast Coffee Au thing in hair goods at Miss An Persons New slock uow in Sleepless nijjhts from coughing can be wnquered by using McMillens Cough yuro Pure bred Barred Rock eggs 75 cents per setting Mrs D C Shaw phone uedar 3122 2U 4 syrup and mapleine to go with them HUBER Something new and doing nil the iime at the Good Clothes- Emporium ROZKLL CaRGER We havo an t xtra line line of house hold paints varnishes stains enamels 3oor paints etc s easy to buy as Ihey are to use L VV McCokxell Druggist papers the newest aud prices most rea sonable and youll choose from McCon 3ells stock aaawfCMgjiia Curlee Mie greatest 52 HO and 4i00 pants values Rozell linrger Field garden and ftowec seeds at If P Waited Cos Wednesday and Saturday and purses HDBER Complete line a hair goods at Miss Andersons Newr stock just received Stylish line of spring caps now in Rozell Barger best clothes merchants Dr R H Gatewuod toiiiist office over McMillan drtig sore phone 163 You will avoid Chapped and roueh hands and f ice by using1 McMillens Cream Lotion Everything new aud stylish in the wall paper line Call aud see it I W McCavKtttc Druggist Neckties stock ties ia plain and in Por breakfast we have buckwheat fancy colors new line jusfc received at stonandAdvo pancake flours and maple j the leading clothing and gouts furnish- ings store Rozell fc Bargvr of course That new line of portieres and rugs at the Pade Furniture aad Carpel Cos store cannot be equalled in this section New shipment of spring hats this week of sate Something to please all tastes Quick Meal Ranges with poii hed tos with reservoir or water backs These are splendid ranges in fact the best moderate priced range raade at the McJcok Hardware Co one Faint costs Icicle aid it attle work to apply it L W flfcCoxxKLL Druggist af Bnasuanascaxtsat t H P WAIT have now on hand a clean new stock of the Moline Plow Cos farm machinery Ever ma chine is of the latest pattern of this most popular line which embraces O Best Ever gang and sulky plows til GoGdenGugh gang and sulky plows 1 Nebraska Clipper walking plows m Cricket rod breaking plows Economy disc harrows Pipe frame spike tooth harrows Western Belle listers Tri Bell listers Success listed corn cultivators Lay By listed corn cultivators Dutch Uncle riding cultivators No Name walking cultivators Mandt wagons Mandt farm trucks Wisconsin steel wheel trucks We have sold jnany kinds of farm machines but none have givemas uniform satisfaction as the Moline line We believe them to be the best made iHPWAITEC o PHONE 21 w w 115 MAIN AVE JAjLmiAa jXsfLLLt iVirttfVitttf tVM fltfTrV 1 SwArWi i THE MCOOK WATERWORKS The Plant DescribedOutgrown and Inadequate in Every Vay Tho great and ar famed McCook wat erworks consist of then following stoma to wit 3 Deano steam pumps made 27 years afco G wells dug at various times from 1883 on 2200 feet of 12 inch main pipe to 1st street used 27 ar i 8 812 feet of 5 inch street pipu used 27 years 13200 foet of 4 inch street pipe used 27 yenrs V7285 feet of 3 inch street pipe used 27 j ears I standpipe used 16 year Mr Darrow the eivil engineer in the employ of the H 1M R R Co was united as en expert witness ly the water company in its case against the city In answer to the questions of the citys at tormys he te iified that 3 inch water pipe h worthless for fire j rotection What that nieaiib to McCook is seen in the following facts- The big 3 story Palmer hotel has no We have fresh lettuce and celery every watpr mti Wltin 2 blocks of it larger than 3 iiehe The whole of West McCook is rut thereon the end of a 3 inch pipe thai goes 3 000 feet before it reaches the his house in West McCook The big brick school house in tho east a d is fueated Inetween 2 streets thai have nothing but 3 inch pipe along tneir entire length Tho entire residence section lying east and of iLl Cathobc church does not contain a water pipe latger tbau 3 inches Such water pipe ought never to have been laid even fr a village like McCook was 27 ears ajo To regard it as ade quate for Che present ciiy of 50iG people is to forget even thing bearing on biiity Such a plant cannot be expnnded for the increasing u eds of the city The little 3 inch squirt pipes are right in the heart of the town and must bo dug up and replaced before KXtensions to outly iug districts can be made Iu its communication to the city coun cil submitted in writing on ih 3rd day of May 1907 the water company says- At least 3 per cent should bo allowed for depreciation eail If that rate of depreciation be figured on the plant Choose wall pa pert where stock is bome or our buggy una vrrgou paint Irom tue oin it was installed to ine 3nst eoniolere desiifus most beautiful will make a new vemcie ouc 01 our old pre ent tune tn ie lemains out iv per a - 1 cunt of its original value Censidering the total inadiquacy of tue plant to the protection and needs of the city that per cent probably i xeeds its vuluo to the city j Yet the rompanj s hope ti vhis day is to hoodwink cajjle intimidate or tease the city into taking over the old mi fit plant with its outworn and outurown machinery and all for the sum of s75 000 00 Vote the Citizens ticket and prevent the raid Signed Citizkvs Committee MINOR ITEP1S OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Wood worth for uncos McConnell fills proscriptions Picture framing Tho Ideal Store jMcConnells Balsam cures coughs Best shoe value Vier en O born See Stayner tor 2nd hand typewriters Vit rsen 0 born nie leaders in shoes Cameras and supplies at Wood worth Co s You can depend upon them Viersen itOsborn G P Sinitb lac street weat flour ami feed of all kinds Plant sweet peas now Uuy the seeds from H P Waito A Co 3192 Think of Vif rsen it Usborn when jou need shoes Twill save you money Try our crackers in tin tuxes You vail never use any other HUBER Kodaks and kcb k supplies L W McConnell Druggist Field garden and flwer seeds at II P Waite Cos Boys school pants Prices all the way from 2oc tol50 Ilczell Barger Dr R II Gatewnud dentist office over MuMillens drus store phone 163 beo Rozell A Barger the best clothes merchants about that new spring cap Home of the Famous Loomid High Patent Flour is at Smiths flour and feed store We have the finest line of Olives and Olive Oil in PIcCook The full Reid Mur dock line HUBER i 1 1 We are now agents for the Famous Car j hartt Overalls and Jackets also for their Gloves and Caps HUBER Patronize home industry by smoking Commercial Club 10 cent cigar aud the Snrike 5 cent cigar We have a full line of California Canned Goods in both the Advo and J M brands Nothing superior HUBER Spring Time Is Camera Time Be good to yourself and get the cam era you have -wanted so long We have it- -- - L W McConnell Druggist 3 Tim r W i 7A m mmMmm BIG L0T at ony 3 75 mmmmmmmm There win be suk w MmfiimmMMm 375 any of which would eil There wi he TAILOR u i vVvrvflsv frR i vwmmw mm h - - Ilnvzm Thursday Morning 930 oclock HIGH SCHOOL Ai DITORIUM Violin Solo Mrs i O Valine Elements of Educational rrorre Siipt Percy Adam Oxford t Mi- Briedim Republican City The Rational Method of Teaching Readinir Illustrated by la 5 Mi T Catherine Price McCook Ticu ioi Mios 5IcCelan Cambridge industrial ork for the Coun ry Schools Co Supc C L Wliite Cidbertson Maade Porter Dundy Co Dinioi uicu ion sllIjfvMouUoinery Goperfo Vocal Solo Mis EUie Campbell Address The Adole cent Boy Dr Charles Fordjce ThursJay Aftemcin 203 oclock HIGH S HUOL AUDtrOUIlM Instrumental oolo Mrj W 15 Mills Relation of the Country School to the High School Supt Mary Steuteville Stratton Di ctiiii Prin D W Ca e Imperial Weakness in Arithmetic Miss Edith Woodbitrn Alma Discussion M5s Esfelia Goodwin Beiikfhnuii Industrial Traininar iu the Public Schools Suit C1ies V Taylor McCook Discussion Mi3s Axtell Cambridge Organization of the Nervous System as Re lated to the DevelopmcKt of tho Mind Dr Chas Fonlyce Lincoln Music Seventh Grade McCook Business Se sion Ttiursdny Evca2mr S00 oclock METHODIST EIISC OPAIj rHLTCH Music M II b Boys Glee Club Lectuie Foajism Dr Loveland Omaha Music M H S Boys Glee Olub Friday Morning o30 oclock HIGH MKUOL AoniTonirst Piano Solo Miss Deborah Heckman The Orderly Growl n of a High Scliool Itr Problems and Processes bupt b L Jobion Cambridge The Evolution of the Hith School Youth Maturity aud Old Apd Supt J F Holiday Indianola tv SupT J K Tilon Arapahoe Disctissou SuJ c u Anderson CulberUon Vocal bolo Mis Ruth Wiehe General Discussion A Balanced Ration in the Hih School Supt J F Johnson Alma bnpt Downing Orleans Discussion U i Huouk Fraukiin Kornuil Training in the Hih School Inspector F S Perdue Lincoln 0 v5l jy Fridav Atte noon 200 oclock HIGH SI IIiOI VrOITOBILM Vocal Solo Miss Lcnora Dougan Empirical Supervision vs Rational Super vision Miss Ada II Wood Culbertson Discussion Supt VL Strickland Bloominton The Truant and Discipline Supt W T Davis Beaver City i Discussion Supt GV Fletcher V il ouvillc UH3i Nellio E Dick auneta I m Violin Solo Mr Geo J Heckman Lecture Tench ins a a Profession Dr Turner President Hastings College Friday Oveninjr 800 oclock jiTPoni3T hpiscopal cHunrii Musicale University Male Cuartette Lincoln jjiiiif awrii rrrfir a fB During Our Southwest Ne braska Teachers Association next Wednesday Thursday and Friday and con tinuing through Saturday we will have on sale Some Exceptional Bargains in Ladies Waists This is but one of the many net waists which go on sale during these four days at 3 75 each There will be white and ecru net lined with Jap silk beautifully trimmed with valencienne laces French knots satin folds ties etc all new waists with long sleeves in ONE ach aists at 275 aud satin waists at cost you from 500 to 700 ED WAISTS at 100 to 250 each pure linen waists at 2 75 to 7 5 eac eautitul lingerie waists at 2 CO to 600 each and special lots of WASH WAISTS handsomely trimmed at 50c 75c and 100 A Regular Waist Carnival Dont Miss It Our Summer Dress Goods Stock is now complete with all the new weaves and colors OUR SPRING SILKS AND SATINS comprise every new shade in Foulards Messalines and Taffetas n Our Ready to Wear Department you can mid anything you need in JACKET SUITS LINEN SUITS WHITE DRESS ES SILK OR SATIN GOWNS SILK COATS SEPARATE JACKETS SKIRTS WAISTS PETTICOATS etc etc at prices which will make you wonder how these classy garments could be made at such a low cost jjf jyT We Appreciate Your Trade Come Often 33 Exclusive Dry Goods Aiiliinery and Ladies Furnishings Pr firam cf S V7 Hibraska Techers Association WednesJaj Eveninjf 800 oclock MKTUOD1ST VA16 OPAL SIumc H P GirK Glee Club Lecture The Golden Hour- of Youth Dr Ferdycc Lincoln Music M H S Girl- Glee Club Reception to Vi iii Teacbers McCook City Teachers r cirxmraa Main Ave Phone 56 AlcCooV Neb l -- irTTTTn v iiaEu5iesiua m w w w m mm si m si r n ta h wi a iv m BARGAIN LIST is m At McCook Hardware Cos S XOS lt TO One New Deere T TT Lift T Tf jW High Foot Lift 14- - fl inch Gaii Plow good as nevy 4DliOli g fra One John Deere Model B Three Lever 14 16 Disc vit pm IIP One Lightning 4 ton Pitless Scale new - ftzi bargain price 50l0 i One Grand Detour Sulky Plow worth E 30 bargain price Phone 31 1 These are all GREAT BARGAINS and will not last long at these prices - Come earl v riiiiyh kill IcCook i MiJj tt j r 2900 Hardware Co 4 i fS IKtt 7ni in good condition has wood boxings and r igl all other latest improvements J hiA iiiij y One Famous Lightning Sweep Grinder vort35 00 j fi k i 1 u ii - cilia uuc iicia uccii uscu uiiL l unit -v -v iL5f st n bargain price 2Q0G jHE 4 Mi jjl One Columbia 16 16 Disc with tongue truck a little f weacner ueaten out new oargam igj price 53 50 gl On- Uorir Qllllri t 1I1 j rr WA condition bargain price jJ3J Kj Ono o tlnreo ii Engine in good condition 4 J OO rin T C 1 - a3b5W fine condition worth 30 more 4ycOl j One S foot Wind Motor Steel Back Geared Windmill in good condition with a 24 foot wood tower in fair condition Will put it up for you for 7 more ZSi 2200 m 51 Ml 5 i i kE 1 SiS -- s U M i i 6 i V ti