The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 26, 1909, Image 2

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Within the past two years during
winh time Tekamah has received no
schools havjl
license money Tekamah
t rJiyi
203 Main ave
Commencing Sat
March 27 at 2 p
Will Auburn vote to grant saloon
license Well hardly At least The
Granger cannot conclude that after one
yenr has passed and the results of no
license have been carefully weighed
that there will be a majority or any
where near a majority to favor license
Auburn Granger
u relay
e m
This Auction Sale will be continued every
day and evening until the entire stock is closed
This is no sham but a straight auction sale
Your opportunity to buy the latest niftiest and
most uptodate Clothing Furnishings and
Shoes at your own price
Remember the placeat the Big Red Sign
203 Main Avenue McCook Nebraska
5 Condneiily tlie McCoolr W
Facts From Dry Towns
Conditions oth commercial acd
moral far better without saloons
The Joliowing testimonials have been
gathered since February 20 1909 from
towDS in Nebraska which have in the
la9t low j ears outlawed the saloon
The testimony of these business men
would be accepted in auy court in the
The city of Aloion voted out tiie sa
loons Inst spring after two years of
license by a very gratifying niHJority
With our very good fortune in fine
crops goad prices and general prosper
ity vi have had a great satisfaction
in knowing that we havo turned it all
into tho channels of trade Everybody
has received an added benefit from the
fact that we did not have to support
two saloons We ail feel that with
County Option we can drive them out
completely as we have but one wet town
in the county Respectfully
D V Blatter
Cashier Albion National Bank
I ara satisfied that business of ail
kinds except the business of the police
court has been better than ever before
I havo talked with business men and
have not found one who has stated that
his trade has been less than last year
3nd certainly collections are better
In fnct butchers have gone to a cash
basis and assure me that trade is better
than Inst year Our town has tiDJoyed
a j ear with scarcely a drunk on our
streets and then only those who go to
other towns and return in that condi
tion We have lost some undesirable
citizens but their places have been
taken by others who appreciate our ad
vantages No empty houses iu town
More value in buildings than the pre
vious par We have been without sa
loons one year only Had them two
years before since the town way dry
We trust thnt the merchants of the
town will not allow ihe cash that right
fully belongs to legitimate trade to be
taken from them oy the snloorj again
soon The president of the Liquor
Dealers Association lives in our town
or we Avould have no difficulty in keep-
in such undesirable places out of our
town entirely Respoctfuily
A E Gartin Attorney at Law
been advanced from an eleven year to
a twelve ypar school salaries of teachers
havo been advanced permanent im
provements have been made and a fine
working balance is now on hand besides
uncollected land t txes the rate of levy
having been no higher than during
license years J R Foree
Secretary of Boarl of Education
My experience as city attorney and
county attorney forces me to the con
clusion that no community can safely
tolerate the saloon It is a vile dirty
busiaess hateful and injurious to all
that is decent and right Yours
O M Need ham County Attorney
To any or all whom it may concern
We are pain our teachers better
wages than we have ever paid before
have renewed the insurance on ali our
school buildings and will have plenty
of money to run us throughout the
school year I think we will prove
quite conclusively that our schools can
be ruu without any help from the
saloon Yours Respectfully
Mrs Aria S Zentz
Secretary Uoard of Education
We cannot see that business has Len
retarded auy by tho closing of the sa
iouns Although a good many of the
leading liquor men have done all in
their power to black ball us Our col
lections are better we havo a better
town to live and do business in and our
ladies have no fear in passing any street
in our town Troy C Eller
Firm of Eller Son dealers in Dry
Goods Groceries Shoes Fruits Etc
Statements of the three banks of Da
vid City show deposits amounting to
SS07000 on February 14 1903 and on
that date 1909 had combined deposits
ofSflfJloOO an iucreaie of 57f00 iu
one year
Auburn is without an empty store
building- Nearly every business man
favors a continuance of the nolicense
policy having made more cash sales
and had better collections The police
man says there Jess to do no teams
hitched to racks till eleven oclock and
not a woman with a babe in her arms
awaiting her husband until the saloons
close and a policeman compels him to
start homo as was the condition a year
11 jfjvmvAj wv nwrTuwp p
Real Estate Filings
since last report
Nellie Weston unmd to Middy
Gillhonse wd to pt ne qr so
qr 30 3 29 2000 00
Charles Mt eks t ux to A L
Macey wd to e hf se qr A 1
29 200C 00
United States to Jacob
fert Sr pat to w hf e hf 21 2
Tnonias Metcalf et ux to John
W Dutcher qcd tolot4 blk
17 ne qr ne qr w hf ne qr
1 1 OT
i O
Marion Powell ot ux to John
W Dutcher wd to lots 1 2
3 i blUs 17 and 7 ne qr ne
qr pt w hf ne qr 18 3 2 28000 00
Arthur E Stubbs et ux to Asa
F Bdllah wd to w hf 12 3 23
William Iv Kendall et ux to
William J Stilgeboaer wd to
lot 10 n hf lot 15 blk 13
Temperance McCalluui et con9
to City of ludianola wd to
ne qr nw qr IS 3 27
Margaret Baxter wi i to S R
Hunt wd to se qr 10-1-29
Ray E Benjamin to Dewitt Y
Dorwart wd to lot 3 blk S
4th McCook
John E Wilson Et ux to Lmis
Mihm qcd to sw qr 0-3-27
Katie Croskob et cons to Adam
Getfcman qcd to lot 9 blK 5
6th McCook
Frank Stillman et ux to Wil
liam Tuttie wd to w hf sw
qr 23 pt w hf nw qr 4 in 20
neqr 27 3 29
William Tuttie et ux to George
II Tuttie wd to s hf 29 1 29
except 1 acre
9000 00
Willie Sawyer is helping Louis Long-
necker for a while
Dora Sawyer was kept from school
this week with the prevailing cold
A neighbors horses and muies found
their way into Oarens Loncneckers
stable lot one night and ate 10 bushels j
of seed corn
Mr Sexsonis suffering with a lame nprvos
limlv Tvliirli it- f I oUlT
wu icit ib nci ccani iui IJ1U1
to use crutches
There is a whooping time among the
children as the bad colds develop into
the cough
Dr R H Gatewood dentist oHice
over McMiHens drug store phone 163
CURES disease with Pure Blood
The Mrch cf th
A Litarsry Janitor
this janitor is for prominently dis
played in hi rifting room are nearly
a hundred volumes including such au
thors as Slrikesneare Milton Tenny
son arjU Mill Spencer
Emerson lloime Hawthorne IabV
and a dorni others known to fame it
is i pity indeed the tenants atriv n
letter to a man to whom he was lend
ing some money
I send you herewith a bill for If
louis ders I do not pretend to give
suh a ruri I only lend it to you
When yen shall return to your country
you cannot fail of getting into some
kind of business that will in time en-
I 09
175 GO
2100 CO
2000 00
1550 00
1 to
S00 00
9000 00
est man in miliar distress you mivt
pay me by londitig this sum to him
enjoining hii to disch irge the debt by
a like open tion when he shall lie able
and shall meet with another opportu
nity I hone it may then go through
many hand4 before it meets wirli a
knave to top its progress This is a
trick of mine for doing a deal of good
with little money
Proof Positive
A certain prominent and excellent
lawyer of IhKago but one of the
quietest and most unobtrusive of m n
steals arnrul noiselessly with his
hands meekly i lasped on his breast
and a seraphic and perpetual smile A
bomnot at his oxnenso is told of the
late Emery St rrs a brilliurt advo
cate and tin exquisiie wit lie went to
the lawyer oilice and inquired for
him but was informed that he was
out OIi no he isnt he replied I
know that lie is in Tint I assure
you Mr Ptrrrs he is not in Now
responded Mr Storrs I know better
He niust be in It is so still in there
Fcllowir3 Instructions
Dont talk rhildreii said the
but when you want anything hold
up your hand
After a little the new girl held up
hers and whn the teacher asked her
what she wanted she answered Some
candy please
Si ris cf improvement
So your daughter is improving
her piano playing
Yes answered Mr Ctimrox
You cnioy it
Xo Eut it doesnt make me
tmtmimmm m i -- i mi juj lr S - jaZSW aBWMa 5 Sr
An Eccentric Doctor Mansfields Likoncss
Dr Zaliarln -was one of the most Richard Mansfield once asked Frank
mono na ho toiiu nlcn Hi mnof onnn A Vnnlrlvnll trt tnnl n n tilfiiro if hlin
lag more To the actual patient how- Well change this picture a little
ever he was courtesv and S1 il the actcr Terhaps you can fix
tion in the highest degree
it up
Not a fix said the artist as he
rolled up the picture and prepared to
The old St Nieholns hotel that flour- K -with a partln
Khrt Yen dont
lshed in New York on Broadway near want artist ro tlraw vom picture
Spring street put on more style than vou wat a lithographer Good day
any house of its time The waiters
march was an evolution of which aiiyl Wo Apologies
military command iu the country might riele ltrv Peebles viio had taken
have been nroiiil In rhnsp diivs tht n ent in the smoking car had filled
head waiter was a master of tactics s Pipe nnd was about to hunt in his j
TVlir1 Hn vfin cnntnil 1n o COat TlOCket fol fl UlUtoIl WllfIl Jl lir
ped his linger- and in marched the mn of micl1 equatorial diameter sat j
waiters vi i tray loads of citables rtow ln lIl vacant scat by hU side
Keeping perfect step each marched to complacently crushing him against th
his designated table and paused until sle of the tar and almost obliterating
the head waiter snapped his fingers
twice when down went the frays with tnde Jerry said nothing and pro
n mttp At tlo Ki Tnl nf throe sunns ceeded in his search for a mat h It
covers wore removed and dishes sir- 1S hird work to ot ls d down
ranged for the comfort and between hiipelf and the large man
ience of the guests The army then but he found the pocket at last and i
posed Klatnosquely until four simps to1 cnt three cr four matches all of
i a i i i t tiliinli fio lirt ofit1r fliori of
no n nv oom imi iim rron lin loure weifonip Sam tile nor V
ing room Tlie St Nicholas carver i wn glancing down at him over his
weighed about 3r0 pound He had shoulder
irrnnni ofnnMXfinflitn li nAnrc WjlS tmt VOlll llOCllOt I hilll IllV
of roasts Inquisitive guests used to hand in
lintrpr nnvr in spi him niaiilmiIjro tlie It was
Well said Uncle Jerry as lie light
ed his pipe all Ive puff got to say
j puff puli is that you buy durned poor
Theres an apartment house janitor matches Chicago Tribune
up on VihPigtoa heights who prob l
coiuiiMiids greater genuine re i A Fraying Man
spect on the part of the tenants than When mon lie in their prayers with
any other janitor either on or off the O thou omnipotent omniscient omiii
heisrhts and all because of his present all seeing ever living bless-
brary Mcst leuants have occsipion at ed potentate Lord God Tohovah I
J some time to viil the janitors living rhould think tliey v ould take brcatli
quarter- nnd so it has come to be Think of a man in hfc family hurried
known what si reallv superior person for his breakfast prayint in such a
Btrain Tie has a note cominir due and
It is goiii to be paid today and he
fee Is buoyant and lie goes down on Free tcf are now being supplied by mail
his knees like a cricket on the hearth to all Catarrh sufferers There is no
aril pios tin ilm enstno obligation whatever
lr inoor is rombininr Oil of Eucnlvntus
ing phru es about J1 liien Thymol Menthol Oil of Wintergrn et-
on to way that he is a sinner he is and is incorporating these ingredients into
proud to say that he is a sinner Thou Pure snow white cream like Imported
accordingly The books Why they e lias it l lien he jumps up and goes
were left i i care of the janitor by an over to lie iv- Ir monies back at
ejected tenant about four years ago niht r1 P through a similar
New York Globe wordy form of evening prayer and
he is caik d a praying man A pray-
Bn Franklins Trick in J might as well rail myself
m ornithologist because I eat
Ueniamin Franklin niu o xvvair ihU a
en once ii awhile for dinner Henry
Ward Eeccher
Origin cf tbr Call-
Anions Ihe different nations the
mode of administering the oath varies
Formerly tho custom was in this coun
try by kissing the Tible At the pros- i
Among the manv
10 CO able you to piy all your debts Iu that 1t tIf -- mni wneral manner is
I case when vou meet with sinnthov lion- D rising the right hand i
thhr s for whih
dates back to the days of Abrsi
patriarch who when oHered by th
king of tscdoni to take the good t
himself made answer I have lift up
mine hard unto the Lord th mpt
high Gcd the prssersir of heawu v d
j earth that I will not take from
thread even to a shoe latehet and th it
I will not tak anything tha i tN
lest then f houldst my I ha- n i
Abram ri h Detroit
Snrcous Opinion cf Women
I have said Pardon the higV t
of the fair sex I consider vonn
superior to men in almost every tiili
They possess the intuitive fatuity t
an extraordinary degree and nriy -most
always be trusted to do i riIn
thing in the riht place They ju o full
of noble intiiicts and though hoavily
handicapped by fate come well out of
every ordeal You have but to turn to
history to realize the truth of what I
At the Market
Mrs C Good morning Bridget I
bono von- mnstnr iiifl rirrnec iii r
- i
not lorgottcn that they re coming to
ilme with me tonight Cock Indade
and theyve nor Theyve ordered a
001 hfv v ivnl -it homn of li -7--7-
Harpers Bazar
How did papa act when yen askjd
hini for my hand
I T could see that he was trying to
control himself but he presented all i
tno symptom of a man who has
ac flvrin ctntThf flTi TT
s it ued to Washington Tnt
Vary Formal
Short Dons Bite Low
Passerby Uere boy your dog has
Could yousp give dat gent at do bitten me on the ankle Dog Owner
gate a small handout mum J Well thats as high as he could reach
Why doesnt he ask for himself I y0u wouldnt expect a little pup like
Oh its up to me to do dat Im him to bite yer neck would yer
his social secretary Louisville London Tit Bits
rier Journal
Who hangs himself In the chimney
Pence hath higher tests of manhood should not complain of smoke
than battle ever know Whlttler man Proverb
ii svir 7iiTari
Slirplc Remedy for LaGrJrpe
Ln grippe coughs aro dangerous as
trie of physicians In Kussln Even The actor explained that he wanted tney frequently aeveiopimo pneumomu
when he was summoned to attend an Imitation of an old Roman coin FoloysHoney and Tar not only stops the
Czar Alexander III in his last Illness with his own profile shown Instead of cough hut benla and strengthens tho
Dr Zaliarln required the same Caesars j lunge so that no prrioua ntults need bo
ration for his visit to the palace as to Do you want an absolute likeness fearPj The genuine Foleys Honey
any of his patients homes that is to or shall I idealize It a bit asked Nan- nnd TRr contnjns no harmful drugs and
say all dos had to be kept out of the kivell L Kefuse
in a yellow package
wny all clock stopped and every door I want an absolute likeness re- T n r f McCook
AMcMillen Druggist
thrown wide open Following a process piled Mr Mansfield stiffly nnd the
of gradual undressing he left lib furs artist made a sketch of his patron
Bound receipt books three
in the hall IHs overcoat in the next When the completed plcture a duplicate
room his guloehes in the third and did piece of work that looks as if It receipts to the page for salo at 1hb
continuing arrived at the bedside In were embossed was shown to Mr Tribune office
ordinary indoor costume This was Mansfield he was not pleased I n
only one phase of Dr Zaharlns golden
theory that you should take a rest
before you are tired Accordingly
he sat down after walking every few
yard3 and every eight steps in going
upstairs From the patients relatives
and every one else in the house he re
quired absolute silence until he spok
It looks like a prizefighter said
Mr Mansfield
That is not my fault said Nanki
vell You know that you said you
wanted a likeness
There was a further exchange of
courteries and then Mansfield
gested that the artist try again Ex-
r v iWVH W ffmWWtiW1iM
Col W W Crittenden
McCook Nebraska
Farm sales a specialty Dates may bo
made at the Citizens ifaiiK
to them when his questions had to be cse me aid Nankivell Once will k kutuJUA
answered bv Yes or No and do me
The nntoniohilo livery in South- T
wcMem Nilirttkt tunt always w
Kets there ami nek Trips day
or iiiulit aiyvh tv lrico reas
Phone 166
Can be found at 104 iHCUOOK NCD
treated to the kitchen All meats bv after the other except the last If street in IWaWi hiitine l CLOOK
UK w f
iKe uais
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
1 ssysH sRraxai -9
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
ron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Good- Pumps a 3oiler Trirnmiigs
Estimates Funsea Fiee Base
ment o th Posofxce Buildinc
Try This For Catarrh
jreiroiaium mis Lrcation Dr Shoons
The following real estate filings have lllt so superior a man should be so lie asks for his daily bread lie has Catarrh Remedy
been made in the county clerkd office educed arcl they bow down to him 5t nncl he can always ask for it wlmn luting relief to
gives immediate and
catarrh of the nose nnd
throat That all may first test it free their-
trial boxes are being mailed without
charge simply to encourage these tests
and thus fnlly demonstrate beyond doubt
the value of tins combination
If Catarrh has extended down to the
stomach or bowels then Dr Shnin
Restorative must also be used internally
if a complete cure is to he expected
Otherwise the Dr Shoops Catarrh
I Remedy will alone be entirely sufficient
I Write Dr Siioon Racine Wis for sample
and book Sold by Druggists everywhere
I Which book shill I rend you
No 1 On Tyspersia I No A For Women
No 2 On the Heart No 5 For Men
No 3 Ou the Kidneys I No C On IUieumattoi
world is indebted to the Jew ti2 U fflft T
mede of administering the oath It p
rSPPfES 53 SKrmTAtt
m oks HUkU ---- J J T- f - T - T I
Pnmi liM I42r 24 LAAHifC ilwn rni n
Ml ill iftftji ijiiffl
I iSX e S5wa v WW
1 Syr
1iaf fHI LAMT I TJX id ir -v j i
piMmmjUs i
Baraett Lumber Co