The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 26, 1909, Image 1

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fe fsrtieres
t m
A nire new line in an
izcs qualities and
prices now on dis
play in this depart
ment Come and be
shown the splendid
lade Furniture
t Gajet Co
SpfmrfrntRrC ire AtKOllltelV
33rEg Entertainment Features
TttvL Southwest Nebraska Teachers
Asajt2W33a will bring to McCook next
wtwt strong array of platform talent
ECsfics tctll be three numbers in the
aevww Only 200 tickets will be avail
able 5sc ttie citizens of McCook These
asewwoa sale at McMillens and Mc
OmmsTs Tho regular membership
tZsmitxC the teachers association admits
thetQtSJze to all meetings and evening
atwaCreesof tho program The price of
diesis C5 S be
IXIwocsday evening Dr Charles For
lCRj the university will lecture on
di rjrie The Golden Hours of
YciKix He will ue a lantern and
iflttstotfiij tho lecture with numerous
Ecof young person and school patrou
JcSScCbsk should biar this common
aiUsraSsrCure Dr Fordvce is one of ihe
nrasQagralar institute instructors and
Ssitcr3 in Nebraska
TxwsSay evening Frank LaFayette
Lt jcxKEci will uivo his celebrated lecture
Dr Lovelaud is the equal
u ijjlfttform lectuier of The present
5 - y winter lecture courses man
ttfw olare him the best of the series
SToMtiS evening the University of
Ie -Quartet will give an eve
tuisc Z cnusic and impersonation
Tfeik f ciirtec is an organization of a
krttt rlect credit upon the institu
tj -a it represents Fnh of tho
nMSECpwscs not only a talented musician
aHEi59xteman of refinement and
Mr Donald Plumb the
til wicJSac the quartet is well known in
EtUrKjrjCfficccusic circles and he and his
ass5rtaSSes faave hal a number of years
tscKBtcKw and training with the
Tfe wll he prepared to do not only
tD5tsrKikj5 a standard quartet but will
fjccswcC xf so several interesting and orig
u3reE63rcGares in keeping with a lhely
gcswqKcf college boys They will be as
tArfaySuy Montgomery in imperson
aSwaiJisrai novelty sketches
TOkens es still a need for more accom
rooKfeSiiitKi for the visiting teachers
EM5Ss3c froth lodging and meals are
This Caucus Was Held in the
schow Hall Same Evening
tSice Those who can furnish lodging vjjoroU3 defense of the cae now pend
alassrtnr with meals will confer a great in in tne suprerae court of the state
tesxszKmiXi the local committee if tney I wiwrein the McCook Water Works
il3ri to or phono in their name and
fjBjtr SI C Clapps store
Buttons Are Buttons
Steal Corn Ped Article
a ive security therefore and will
j j j proper
T55jfcuIator8 enamelpd and wood
tamLt cfeea you get a refrigerator get
At the McCook tlardwu
Detroit Jewel Gas
nws3 by McCook Hardware
EfSisso3 with you
Wtstfcfcer Gray 107 West B
Qc33s5raska 25 tf
SfeuivscrdGn -and flower seeds at
H P Waite Cos
While the Republicans wero namintr
their city ticket in the court room last
Friday evening the i romotora uf the
Citizens tiKvuuir tu redoing a similar
stunt in th Gtnsuhow hill
0 this gatherum I M Smith was
thu chniriutui una O E Pearson wus
Not having been present to report in
detail tho writer id confined to the re
sults rather than to the particulars
Tbefollowing ticket was placed hi uum
Mayor W 13 Whittitker
Councilman First ward G 15
Councilman Second ward F L
City Clerk II W Conover
City Treasurer M L Search
City Engineer C II Meeker
Members of Beard of Educatiou C II
Boyle and C W Barnes
The city committee was constituted
as follows
T B Campbell and C L Fabnestock
in the First ward and F J Rolfe and
Howe Smith in the Second ward
The committee was empowered to fill
any vacancies which may occur iu I he
committee or on the ticket
Tho Citizens ticket is composed of
excellent materia Thn movement
c aims for its existence the desire to se
cure better things for McCook along
moral lines the nf jro merit of well
known laws now suffering from innocu
ous desuetude
We your committee on resolutions
and platform beg l6ave to report ibo
following C H Boyle
C L Fahnkstock
Frank Real
7 Committee
Tho Citizen party of the City of Mo-
Cool Nebraska in caucus assembled
hereby adopt and reaffirm the following
platform and declaration of principles
We are in favor
Fikst Of san prpgressive economic
and t usiness mettiodd in the adminis
tration of all municipal t fLiirs the wel
fare of the cit as a whom to be consid
ered in preference to individual or cor
porate iuterests and we are in favor of
the adoption of the initiative and refer
endum laws
Second The impartial and full en
forcement of all laws and city ordin
Tiiiijd The enforcement of all laws
and regulations as to saloons licensed
within the city
Fourth The elimination of all places
of gambling and all other piaces of vice
which may exist or be established and
conducted in violation of the law here
by declaring the same to be opposed to
the moral welfare of the commuuity
aud not to be excused or tolerated under
any pretext and we further declare that
all such places are inimical to the finan
cial interest of the city
Fifth We reaffirm our declarations
of 1907 and 190S as to the municipal
ownership of the city waterworks plant
and urge the c tv authorties To continue
Company is seeking to annul the present
water ordinance and we further declare
that the persistent refusal of that comp-
I fkn wnnt
- n r
3asz353g high favor We make the c - v
dtenable dinance and its impositions and unlaw
flrc sizes and we make thorn
- j lul discriminations render it miierative
right Our experience and care are
tin citv authorities proceed with
Send the that l
TKistlE ttZECthing to you
a11 reasonable dispatch to buld and
faBWMEjuurdres our machine will j
construct the municipal waler plant
Vlfe st 15c to 33o a dozen The
XJsi2ftca D G Co
The utmost
heretoforo voted by the voters of the
city and that such plant should be ade
quate not only for the present needs of
tMe city but should provide for its fu-
H5Wis purchased a fine tmncn ot ture prowth and should be extended to gri 3 Thc very nowest in fav
SirctcGxt steers cows and heifers and Soutb McCook and to all the additions i ii l ti
naauiiuii mutviiuw w
1 1
t i - t
oSSsr cvar Jrade some of the finest meats
trn G on the block in this city
QcrarA est us
within the city limits
Sixth We declare it to be the duty I
nf Hih mtv treasurer to deuosit all funds
j pjy the highest rate of interest on daily
or monthly balances and declare that
he should furnish to the press of tho
city for publication at least quaiterly
statements showing the financuti condi
tion of the city and school district aud
that tho secretary of the board of educa
tion shouldfurnish to the press of the
city for publication reports of the meet
ings of the board of education
Seventh We commend the members
of the present city council for the effi
cient s ervices rendered the city and
GGEBsfetxes good values good store especially commend them for their ear-
taccssSot Viersen Osborn
QPS3xt33ts at H P Waite Cos
Aissaa going to the rinfc -tonight
GEX211 mattes Real Estate Loans
nest efforts in conjunction with private
with Destruction
Brother of G W Dillon Murdered
W U Dillon wnowas murdered on
Lis farm six miles- north of Stamf jrd
presumably Wednesday niht of latt
week was a half brother of George W
Dillon of our city The body wai dis
covered by a neithbor on Friday after
noon last The funeral occurred at
Stamford Monday Andrew and Fied
Dillon of this city attending the burial
their father being physically unable to
go Two neighbor boys 16 and lSyeais
of age aro charged with the terrible
deed The boys were traced by blood
hounds aud arrested Heddendorf the
self confesfed murderer is now in jail
at Red Cloud while hi accomplice
young Critser is held at Hldrege The
boys secured a watch and 820 in money
but expected to secure 1500 Dead
man was an old bachelor and is esteem
ed rich
we know we can be of great help to you
with your home decoration this spring
We have an unusually large stock of the
newest things in wall papers with or
without borders aud plate rail and
beading in harmonizing colors We
have a number of pictures showing dif
ferent decorations for various rooms and
also have the papers in stock to carry
out the designs We know jou wont
be satisfied if you paper before skeins
our stock and it costs you nothing to
look Papering time is now here aud
you should see our papers while the
stock is complete
L W McConnelt Druggist
Sixteen pieces of the new cotton crepe
dross goods for the tub just opened and
selling at 13c and 20c yard All the
solid colors and some borders and
or of all
son D G Co Actual cash values
One Minute and Motor Washers
ist received at the McCook Hardware
ofthecitv and school district coming
Co These machines are so popular it
into his hands in the bank which will
is difficult to keep a supply liom tne
For Rent
The Babcock 15 acre tract near town
Also a 4 room dwelling 75 3rd street
est Boyle k Eldkkd
Onion set at H P v aite Cos
Field gardeu and flower seeds at II
P Waite Cos
Plant sweet peas now Buy thc seeds
from II P Waite Co 3192
Roller skating healthy exercise en
dorsed by leading physicians everywhere
Lincolns Absolutely Pure Mixed
citizens to close the houses devoted to pajnts are the only home product and
prostitution and the illegal sale of j made especially for this climate Fully
i liquor3 and the arrest of the proprietors guaranteed
j and inmates thereof And we call up j A McMiIlen Druggist
the citizens ticket McCOOK HAS EARlMOIMNG FIRE
The First Brick Block Threatened
Smokf and Water Damage the Woodbrth Drug Stock Morlan Ritchie
Wolff Liw OMces Escape wftlfsiight Loss -Total Loss
Approaches Ten Thousand Dollar Mark
About two oclock Saturday morning
the yeneral merchandiHO otore of Jhn
II GranniB in the Morlan hnck building
was discovered to be on fire and by the
time tho departnibnt bad the flimes
subdued about an hour later the entire
stock of goods invoicing aboutS6000 00
was practically destroed or damaged
beyond usefulness 6y fire smoke and
water Insurance fully covers the loss
The alarm was givn by W L Bass
who with Mrs Jiass occupy a suite ofH
rooms iu the front of the adjoining
Morns brick buildiug They wero
aroused by the smoke penetrating into
their apartments They escaped with
some dfliculty with a few belongings
and none too soon
Water and smoke communicated in
time to the drugstore of C R Wood
worth Co on the south doing damage
in the sum of 1500 00 which is covered
by insurance
While the smoke penetrated the law
on all law abiding citizens irrespective
of party affiliations to join with Ub in an
effect to elect a mayor who will be true
to his solemn oath of office aud his offi
cial obligations by enforcing the laws
and city ordinance and tho election of
officers who will be in accord with such
offices of Morlan Ritchie Wolff the
rfumuge to their invaluable library pap
ers etc is happily Bmall Some records
etc Stored in the basement were slight
ly water soaked but withal they escaped
most fortunately There slight damage
ibosalready been adjusted and paid
Te damage toitbe Morlan building
will approximate S10C0 upon which
unfortunately there is no insurance
i he Morris building damage is nom
inal in amount being confined to wuter
apd smoke
Tiio work of thie department is com
mendable the result -under the circum
stances being a subject for congratula
tion to all persons concerned A slight
variation in detail might have resulted
iu a tevere fire and heavy and disastrous
It is a matter of legret to the writer
that the long and honorable busiuess
career of Mr Grannis in our city should
thus terminate in a disastrous fire
day While the weather and condition
of roads interfered somewhat with
the attendance tho contest was in other
respects entirely satisfactory
m or and true to the trusts reposed mf Butley carried off the first honors
them to the end that law and order
maj prevail within our fair city
Spelling Contest
The Red Widow county spelling con
st was held at Iudianola last Satur
Their class of five scored an average of
99 points Okie Gallatin won first in
both written and oral spelling with a
score of 100 Manford Mecham was se
cond with a score of 99 in both oral
Tind written woik Mr Gallatin was
uitfnn r lpather bound conv of Hiawa
pants or drawers right on and giving the
boys and girls tho most comfortable and
rational underclothing made We will
have these in a few days The Thomp
son D G Co Actual cash values
No Name Stands Higher
Than Hart Schaffner Marx no came
stands higher or fairer in the good
cloihes world Rozell Barger hre
their local prophets Inspect their stl
ish spring suits in green just reeened
For Sale Cheap
If taken at once and forca h Lot S
block S Willow Grove add to Mc
Cook Address
Mrs C Fo tek Waterloo Ijwa
19 a No 420 Franklin street
This Springs Style
Separate pants galore the grepn
browns grays all the staples of this
springs stles Tho Good Clothe
Merchants Rozell Baigek
Large Line of Quick Meal Gasoline
and oil stoves just received at the Mc
Cook ILidware Co Look them over
before bii ing
See Bargain List
of the McCcok Hardware Co on another
page If you need any of these goods
it will save jou money
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S 11 Eaton
W M Rozell makes farm loans See
him at Rozell Bargers clothing store
They wiil appreciate a look in at Mc
Cook greatest merchandise store C L
DeGrofT Co It is your advantage
rib nit
Complete City Ticket Placed in the
Field Last Friday Evening
The Republican caucuB was held in
tho court room as per call last Friday
evening Lon Cone of the city com
mittee called the meeting to order and
C W Barnes of the city committee
Borved ns secretary reading the call
J F Cordeal moved that Mr Cnno
and Mr Barnes be the temporary chair
man and secretary respectively or the
meeting and on bis later suggestion the
temporary organization was made per
Chairman Cone stated the purpose of
the caucus and W B Mills placed in
nomination Joseph H Stephen presont
mayor as the choice of the business
men of the city for renomination E
J Wilcox moved that nominations close
and that the secretary cast thu unani
mous vote of the caucus for Mr
Stephens which Secretary Barnes did
The mayor was called upon for a
speech but did not respond
Charles Skalla named 11 W Conover
for city clerk and Ei OCouner moved
the closing of nominations and the
upanimous selection of Mr Conoxer
with the assistance of the chair
In placing in nomination A C Ebert
for renomination for city treasurer J
F Cordeal promised that the pledge
made in the platform last year that
the city treasurer would deposit the city
money in a bank which agreed to pay
tho city two per cent on daily balances
would be made good by Mr Ebert and
that interest would be paid on such
sums and balances for the past jear
Mr Cordeal moved Mr Eberts election
by acclamation which was done
J R McCarl placed Norman J
Campbell iu nomination for city engin
eer and on suggestion of II P Sutton
this nomination was madebv acclama
tion -- -
Thi re was some delay in naming a
candidate for police judge but Chair
man Cone thought tbo ticjtot should be
complete and V Franklin mentioned I
N Biggs tho present incumbent and he
was named by acclamation It is the
understanding of The Tuibunk that Mr
term does not for another
Biggs expire
tha by Miss Claudia Hatcher county
superintendent and Mr Mecham re
ceived a copy of Evangeline in leather
from the same source
Danbury schools wera second in the
contest Miss Katie Miles averaging 99
and the average of the school being 95
Withal Miss Hatcher was much
pleased with the excellonco of the work
done by the schools aud pupils partici
pating in the contest
Club Will Boost Project
At a special session of the commercial
club Monday nighc the club decided
without dissent to help boost the high
school year book proposition and made
a liberal appropriation for that purpose
The publicity committee of the club
was authorized to prepare the subject
matter and arrance for the illustrations-
The New Nazareth Unions
You know the Nazareth Waists
unions are an extension adding
The selection of candidates for mem
bers of the board of education calied
forth the only ballot of the evening
II P Waite named Matthew Law ritson
Sheriff II I Peterson suggested C W
Bitrnes and C II Boyle retiring mem
bers W M Lewis nominated S- S
Garvey F F Traers and George
Kearns were made tollers and tbo first
ballot resulted in the selection of Law
ritson and Barnes by tho following vote
Barnes 61
Lawritson 03
Garvey 39
Knvlp 3
The city committee was authorized to
fill any vacancies occurring on ticket or
committee on motion of Dad Smith
J R McCarl favored the contiuuatim
of tho preent city committee for an
other ear and it met with unanimous
approval The committee is composed
The of Lou Cone C W Barnes E F
the born and 11 P aite
This cleared everything up to the
selection of councibntn The caucus
divided into two bodies and this matter
was quickly settled
J It lVlcUnri served as cnairman oi
the first ward caucus and they named
H P Waite for councilman by accla
The Second ward came near beating
them to it by unanimously naming L
W McConnell in the Second ward for
councilman Lon Cone was chairman
of this caucus
This cloed one ot the most harmon
ious best oiled caucuses ever held in
the city
The ticket named is a strong and for
the most part able one
Council Transacts Little Business
Ttie city fathers were in regular ses
sion Monday evening with all preseut
Minutes of last meeting approved
An oruer was mace innt in case oi lire j
the electric company must immediately j
turn off light current Chief was also
instructed to notify engineer at the light
Bill of McCook Hardware Co for 6330
and of II W Conover for 2 50 elec
tion supplies were allowed
Linen Finished Suitings
10c to 17oc in solid colors and fancy j
patterns Washable cotton crepes at
18c and 20c High class cotton foulards
2Cc to 25c The Thompson D G Co
Work in the first and third degrees in
the I O O F next Monday night
We have in stock a large line of new
designs and colorings in wall paper at
right prices
A McMillen Druggist
IT is no moro trouble to ojcn
a bank account than to buy
a pound of nails Como in and
say to any employe or officer of
tho bank want to open an
account Toll tho man at tbo
window how much you want
to start thu account with Ho
will fix up your pass book give
you a check book and will ask
you to write your name so wo
will knowyour signature when
ever wo see it The amount of
your deposit will bo credited iu
your pass book All this will
not tako more than two min
utes and oit will have facili
ties for saving money and
taking care of it that aro un
known to the man who is not
a bank depositor
We ill be pleased
to see you at
A home bank
A growing bank
30 inch black taffeta silk 09
36 inch satin mescaline 100
Stetson hats 369
American A grain bags 21
Peerless carpet warp 21
Best table oilcloth 15
Simpsons prints the best CT
Amoskcag apron ginghams 6y
Boys and girls piped rompers 39
Solid leather suit cases 4 75
Mens ribbed Balb union suits 75
Mens seamless shoes 259
f Fine cambric muslin SK
Peporcll 9 quarter sheeting 23
Mens good bib overalls 39
Mens stout blue denim jumpers 39
Cash only buys them We solicit
your trade The Thompson D G Co
Tho uimoat service
Brother-in-law is Dead
Mrs Herman Pade who hns bren in
Fond du Lac Wisconsin on account of
illness among relatives for several
months wired last Thursday tho death
of her brother-in-law James Smith
He was buried Sunday under i uspices
of the Masonic fraternity
You Will Have No Trouble
in selecting a spring suit from our stock
we have tho latest styles and colors
a fine line at the right reasonable fig
ures Rozell fc Barger outfitters to
their majesties tho people
Mens Balbngan Unions
We are now showing the new line of
light weight unions for men at 75c to
150 See tho 75c ones for good sub
stantial vahi The Thompson D G
Co One price plain figures cash onh
Get the Profit
from your cow with a Sharpies or Blue
Bell separator sold by the McCook
Hardware Co
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola 2ebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Stetson Hats 369
at The Thompson D G Co The ut
most service
Fresh garden lawn and field
seeds for saIe aso flour and feed
Every housewife could spend a profit
able hour daily in the rink Healthful
You need njt worr longer about your
corns if ou use McMillens Sure Corn
Dr R II Gitewood dentist office
over McMillens drut store phone 103
C F Lehn buys road orders
For Seed
Barley Oats and White Spring
Wheat at
Updike Grain Co
If you need jour cellar
cemented no v is the
lime io hav th work
doiif We are making a
special price for the next
thirt days
HcCooIc Cement Stone Co
H N Rosetush Manager