The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 19, 1909, Image 8

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    awmiM nniirnn
-- inTOt riiHmrriyTrnrTimiw
r Hn
Albert IC nip out- la Ia t wen
S W Stilgebouer and wife of Dan
iury visited their son Friday
Milton Greer left Monday via McCook
Jor Port Collins Colo
Mrs H S Keith and son took the
irain here Friday evening for York
county Neb to vitir friends and rela
G T Vermillion a real estate afgent
of Alma Neb was visiting with friends
iere one da last week
About i inches of snow feil in these
jparts last mid week being the fiuest
fall of the season
G T xFlumii purchased a five acre
Jract of land ih the I niidi guf Iowell
Jfc Ntisson north or iua m1 torn pus
ssssiou last mid week
cikiuutyniAkn M tteiMjHi
nrr jx c j t
mania larm irucKS
A pue grape cream of
tartar powder Its fame
isworldwide No alum
no phosphatic acid
There is never a qoes
tion as to the absolute
purity and healthfull
ness of the food it raises
Wisconsin steel wheel trucks
We have sold many kinds of K
farm machines but none have -given-as
uniform satisfaction as -
the Moline line We believe
them to be the best made
P t G r h in i heir n Ht of house vacated by Joe Cheney
groceries and m t order bu iness to j Miaa nrl Uth rinlo
near Oberlin Sunday
WJ Stilgebouer of Daubun was in
town a few days the first of the week
Marion Powell came in from Indianola
to accompany the sheep shipment
W A Stone of Danbury was in town
Tuesday forenoon
A D Rodgers of Orleans and Mr
Phillippi of Arapahoe organized a local
lodge of the Modern Brotherhood of
America here Tuesday night
Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any
case of kidney or bladder trouble that is
not beyond the reach of medicine
Cures headache and irregularities that if
neglected might result in Brights dis
ease or diabetes A McMillen
ffTvnrrinTfff vwt vyrpifinnTiwvryi vmrnrwjsl
have now on hand a clean new
stock of the Moline Plow Cos
farm machinery Every ma
chine is of the latest pattern of
this most popular line which
- embraces
Best Ever gang and sulky plows
Goodenough gang and sulky plows
Nebraska Clipper walking plows
Cricket rod breaking plows
Economy disc harrows
Pipe frame spike tooth harrows
Western Belle listers
Tri Bell listers
Success listed corn cultivators
Lay By listed corn cultivators
Dutch Uncle riding cultivators
No Name walking cultivators
Mandt wagons
- r
e --
- f
UiLiLJXAilikit tl iMtkik hi IrtaritliUtJlliffi
McConuell for drugs
Woodworth for uituas
McConnell AIIr prescriptions
Picture framing The Ideal Store
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Seo Stayner for 2nd hand typewriters
Cameras and supplies at Wood worth
Co s
G F Smith lat strret we t lour
itud feed of ail kinds
Try our crackers In tin boxes You will
never use any other HUBER
Field garde i and 11 wer seeds at
II P WaiteCos
tinttman kodaks and N 5 Films
h W McCoNNELL Druggist
Dr R II Galewuud dentist office
over MuMillens druir store phone 16 3
See Rozell Barger the best clothes
merchants about that nqw spring cap
Lawn hofrf direct tom factory at job
bers prices at McCVok Hirdaio o h
Sleepless nights from cmihing can be
conquered by using Mi Milieus Cough
Wall paper latest designs exclusive
L W McConnkll Druggist
Home of the Famous Loomis High
Patent Flour is at Smiths flour aid
We have the finest line of Olives and
Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid
dock line
Suit cases - large assortment just re
ceived at TCozell A Bargers B st Clothes
We are now agents for the Famous Car-
Mr Sines moved last mid week in the nartt Overalls and Jackets also for their
I fllnvAO onit Pone HinvPT
Ducks and geese in multitudes have
added to the joy and exercise of th In
calNimrods past week
Patronize home ind usirj by srmkiin
Commercial Club lu cent cigar mi
fcie Stroke 5 cent cigar
We have a full line of California Canned
Goods in both the Advo and J M brands
Nothing- superior HUBER
Wnite Pine nd Tar Mentholated a
harmless and efficient cough medicine
Pleasant to take Wood worth Co
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
Farmers and poultry mkn feed your
hen les kgg maker and mke Vm
lav We have it Wood worth Co
Smith alsocarries full stock of corn
inual whole wheat tiriilinin and ro
flour hay and feed First btreet west
A trinity of flour superiority
arch Silver Bell and White Satin
Carload just received at Smiths flour
and feed store
If ynu would havn a beautiful com
plexion use McConnells Fragrant Lo
tion It nourishes and whitens the
skin Price 25 cents
For breakfast we have buckwheat Ral
ston and Advo pancake flours and maple
syrup and mapleine to go with them
Foleys Honeyand Tar cures coughs
strengthens the lungs and expels colds
Get the genuine in a jellow package
A McMillen Druggist McCook
It doesnt cost much to paper your
walls when you select the paper here
Our large stock of up to date styles
makes the choosing easy
L W McCoxkell Druggist
Our new springline of wall paper is
arriving and attractive bargains can
now be had in both new ana remnant
1l papers
Woodworth Co Druggists
The Sunday evening program at the
Congregational church was featured
last Sunday by two violin selections bf
enjoyable merit from the artistic bow of
Mr George J Heckman
You can depend upon the dry plates
purchased of us We sell so many that
4j our stock is always fresh We cairv
Seeds plates only in the various sizes
L W McConnell Druggist
A monthly investment of 1000 for
120 months pays the holder of McCook
3j i Building Association stock S200000
3 smaller amounts proportionately See
J I the secretary and place your order for
the new stock now open
Sunshine sold in caus from 20c to
S3 00 per can It is the ideal varnish
stain Try a little on an old chair or
other piece of furniture makes it look
like now Sold in eleven natural wood
colors at Woodworth Cos
The McCook Building Association
opens a new series of stock and you
should call on the secretary and sub
scribe for 5 or 10 shares at once There
is no safer or better investment for your
monthly savings Investigate if you do
not understand the proposition
The regular meeting of the W C T
U will be held at the homo of Mrs B
Lewis March 26 at 3 p m The pro
gram to be given will be evangelistic in
its character After the program a 10c
lunch will be served It is desired that
all the members be present A cordial
invitation given to all who may desire
to attend
vm - S1
Everything in drugs McConnell
A McMillen prescription druggist
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286
Fresh fruit always in season at Hubers
M rs J JacKSon nurpe Phone red 251
McMillens Cold Tablets will break
up and cure your cold
Of course you know Huber keeps teh
Wedding Breakfast Coffee
Field garden and flower seeds at
II P Waite Cos
We have fresh lettuce and celery every
Wednesday and Saturday HUBER
Stylish line of spring caps now in
Kozell Barger best clothes merchants
Dr R II Gatewood dentist office
over McMillens drug store phono 163
You will avoid chapped and rough
hands and face by using McMillens
Cream Lotion
Neckties stock ties in plain and in
fancy colors new line just received at
the leading clothing and gents furnish
ings store Eozell Barger of course
That new line of portieres and rugs at
the Pa le Furniture and Carpet Cos
store cannot be equalled in this section
of stale Something to please all tastes
and purses
Dont forget about liquid veneer
when you have dusty furniture or hard
wood floors to wipe off It takes off the
dirt and polishes at the same time Ap
plied with a cloth 25 aud 50c at Wood
worth it Cos Druggists
A lady remarked to us the other day
I could get along without almond and
cucumber cream but as long as -I can
get it you bet I will Its for
e 1 hands and face Did you ever use
ii 2oc at Woodworth Cos Drugg
Paint made for a dry and hot climate
is not suitable for a wet one The
Heath Milligan paint is the one to
use on jour Uouse because it is prepared
especially to withstand the action of the
weather in this Nebraska climate Let
us figure with you before you paint
WoonwoRTH Co Druggists
Past experience of owners of matured
stock in the McCook Building Associa
tion shows a net earning of S per cent
on their investment Why not be an
investor in this association where your
monthly savings no matter how small
will earn you a good rate of interest
See the secretary about the new series
now open
ry i
TT fn jai - m
the Ba
in every good farming
country and
Sharpies Tubular
get the profit from your
cows No costly re
pairs to buy and you
get twice as much
wirirtTarwmTir -
Friday and Saturday March 19 and 20
For the benefit of our main customers living
the country who make Saturday a special shopping day
we hold our Millinery Opening on these two dys
A full Orchestra will furnish Music
both Afternoon and Evening
Special decorations and an exceptional showing of
Pattern Plats Tailored Hats and Street Hats at prices
which will please you
Dont Miss this Event
222 Main Avenue
Come Either Day
in mfe
- - cS
Everybody Invited
Special Showing of Waists
We call your attention to our large showing of Silk Net Linen
Lawn and Lingerie Waists which are now on display at phenominal
low prices ranging from
68c 75c 100 and up to 500
New York Suits and Dresses
The most complete line ever shown in McCook will be found in
our Ready-to-Wear Department at
1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Al Alterations Free a Fit Guaranteed
A Few Silk Petticoats left at 350 gThese wonderful
bargains are going fast Call and get one before its too late
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
222jMain Ave
McCook Neb
Hum n HwviTEau
jMmimiku i n PCTvrtl
ucis are
w iA
Plows Discs Harrows Cultivators Eureka
Potatoe Planters Sulk and Three wheel Listers
also the Langley loose ground Lister and
speaking of listers you can always tell when the
John Deere has been used as good square top
ridges and no weed patches are left
Whipple Humane Horse Collars and a line
of other Collars and Harness
Velie and John Deere Buggies and New
Moline ane Weber Wagons
Acme Pulverizers Clod Crushers Levelers
We have some special low prices rj Call and
see before buying
Alfalfa Seed from T to 10 per bu Four Varieties of i
Choice Onion Sets Cane Seed Millet Sugar Beet
KcjggBlg WhltelowagoidMine and Calico Dent
GARDEN SEEDS of everyDiscrlDtonir
packages and in bulk
Goods that are right at right prices Come
and see
phone 3i McCook Hardware Co
ix vnvn
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