The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 19, 1909, Image 4

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f Investments
is cuii n nvM nimiii
If you have surplus funds
for investment in ReabEstato
Loans for a term of yoar3 or
short time securities that are
gilt edge we can nearly al
ways supply your- wants in
this lino We offor nothing
that is not safe and if you
are looking for investments
wo would bo pleased to have
you consult us at any time
Become a regular patron of
this bank and note the excel
lent facilities wo offer our
Bank of Mccook
e yiL iuiui iti itMi9iiftr wj Frifeip
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription i a Year in Advance
The Iron Duke Chosen
Honorable Joseph G Cannon the
Iron Duke of American politics so
called has been chosen speaker of the
61st congress receiving 209 votes 196
being sufficient to eiect The remaining
votes were scattered as follows Champ
Olark of Missouri 166 Cooper of Wis
consin 8 Esch of Wisconsin 1 Norris
oi Nebraska 2 Hepburn of Iowa 1
Assisted by the Democrats however
the insurgents succeeded in defeating
the motion fo adopt the old rules and
the regulars failed in thrir effort to
stave off the proposed amendments
Thus at least the insurgents have won
the first skirmish
You can go and help ratify tonight
That half loaf seems to be but a
pretty tough heel
By a vote of 10 to 1 Alliance last
week voted sewer bonds in the sum of
Benkelman is soon to have a second
bank C A and Fred Walker are pro
moting this important enterprise
The American Eeet Sugar Co baa
contracted for about 1100 acres of sugar
beets in the neighborhood of Culbert
son this season an increase of about
GOO acres over last season
Valuable Addition to Library
The High School library this week
received a valuable set of books from
Congressman Geo W Norris It is a
complete set of Farmers Bulletins
bound in leather It is more valuable
from the fact that there are no more
complete sets to be had
sew viyffy swim vswri mv rrvwwvrm
To Boys
Saturday March 20th
we will give away
200 Defender Safety Rifles
to every purchase of
A Boys Suit
We are discontinuing all
our boys lines at much
less than cost
Boys 2 and 3 piece Suits
250 to 800 values
148 398
Boys Knee Pants 50c
75c and 100 values
39 cts
Felt Hats 50c
75c values now
29 cts
Our new store will not carry
Boys and Childrens
Drebert Clothing Co 1
Good Clothes Merchants
itiftHdJUtaAtJUIiridiAA tUVlUli tkAdxAiriiiAAUfc
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice March 19 1909
Anderson Mr C H Brown Mr Clayton
Killstedt August Morris Dr Frank S
McChesncyMr Lloyd McMichael Supt
Rinck Cbas
Walker L E
Westkauip Mrs Jas
Rooney Xiawrenco H
Warner Mr C W
Wilson C A
Bent Miss Mary Brown Mr Clayton
Dimrock Mr Ernest Goodenburger Mr Bert
Moore Hazel Steele Amor 2
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
J F Cordeal Acting P M
Patrick Coyle very HI
Patrick Coyle of Coleman precinct is
very ill with grip and the ailments of
od age Floyd Proper has been tele
graphed for and is expected on No 1
Seed Corn Lancaster Franklin
pMffflny KisBel
II ili
W mWm Mr III
III NOr fmur M
if Worn byWomen of Style f pi
Both More than Pleased
Our Customers at the splendid exhibition of
the seasons choicest and most stylish at our
Spring Millinery Opening Tuesday of this week
and we at the overwhelming attendance and
the evident appreciation of our most earnest
efforts We thank the ladies of McCook most
heartily Your careful inspection is our most
earnest desire
Lovel Nies
pfliyw iKiywiiiiffttPf mi
FwirWiirtgiwwrif fgwT
Mkrle and Tessa Fish visited kdison
relatives over Sunday
Mus Lewis Casten of Choyennd
Wyoming has been visiting McCook
C B Gray whh in Grarid lalaud foro
part of the week on A O U W busi
Mrs T J Ruggle8 we are infornod
suffered an attack of paralysis hrnt4 of
this week - j
Mrs EiKBunERRY and sou Loren de
parted yesterday for their home in Ko
komo Indiana
Mrs T 1 Lombard of Hastings
Michigan is a guest of her daughter
Mrs Claude Pearson
Earl Barger is home from
devoting his time and energy to the
local business and trade
Messrs S E Solomon and J IT
Corrick of Culbertson attended the Odd
Fellows doings Monday evening
Mrs E J Kates came up from Lin
coln Wednesday night and will return
home with Mrs W M Stoner Sunday
W A Hall of Ohiowa this state
has been in the city this week looking
after bis real estate interests in Perry
Mrs II P Sutton returned home
close of last week from her prolonged
stay in Omaha where she was called by
the serious illness of her brother-in-law
Mrs J W Root of Friend a sister
of Mrs D Y Dorvvart and Mrs R
Lamphere of Pleasantdale sister of Mr
D Y Dorwart are their guests this
Mrs Augusta Anton went down to
Oxford Wednosday morning to make
arrangements for holding the district
convention of the Degree of Honor at
that place in April
Mrs George Martin and Mrs L W
Stayner entertained at the home of the
latter Wednesday afternoon in honor
of Mrs W M Stoner of Lincoln who is
spending the week in the city
Mrs E J Ashcraft formerly of this
county late of Conway Iowa has re
moved to Eddy Kay county Okla to
live with her daughter Mrs Harris
Tuttle also formerly of this county
Mrs W M Day who has been visit
ing in Washington D C is a guest
together with her daughter Catherine
of her parents Mr and Mrs E M Day
on her way home to Salt Lake City
Mr and Mrs D W Colson visited
his father in Iowa last week The re
markable circumstance in the visit is
the fact that neither had seen the other
in almost thirty years and each thought
the other dead
Mrs Paul R Anton and children of
Topeka Kansas have been the guests
of Mrs Augusta Anton since last week
From here they go to Oxford where
they go onto a farm recently acquired
by Mr Anton
R A Green came over from Cedar
Bluffs Kansas Monday and on No 13
Tuesday took his departure for Mon
tana where he goes into the lumber
business other residents of our city
being associated with him in a lumber
proposition in that state
E H Fletcher of our city and
Charles Tyner of Randolph Iowa took
possession of the Slossom meat market
iti tloldrege Monday morning having
recently acquired the business Mr
Fletcher has been employed in shops
here for several years past
Lost Degree of Honor pin Finder
leave at this office Reward
For Sale A 9-horse-power gasoline
engine McCook Cement Stone Co
phone red 196
For Rent 160 acre farm under irri
gation d0 acres of alfalfa
19 2 H P Sutton
For Rent Four rooms Mrs S A
Rovvell 1002 2nd street east
For Rent G room cottage at 507 2nd
street east
Wanted Boys and girls The young
peoples class of the Congregational
Sunday school cordially invite all boys
and girls from ages of 14 to 19 not at
tending Sunday - school elsewhere to
visit their class or to become members
if interested
For Sale A phaeton in good condi
tion Inquire of Mike Walsh phone
Tho Bishops Rebuke
A conceited young cleric once said
to an American prelate Do you not
think that I may well feel flattered
that so great a crowd came to hear
me preach
No was the answer for twice as
piany would come to see you hanged
From The Old Time Parson by P
H Ditchfield M A
Dobber I dont know whether that
critic meant to praise or blame my
work Carter What did he say Dob
ber Well I had a picture of The
Dead Sea and he said It was full of
life Cleveland Leader
The hand can never execute any
thing higher than the character caxr
aspire Emerson
Farmer Glovers Jolly
Mr Editor Perhaps a few reflec
tions or observations on the changbs in
the looks of your town and remarks on
bow the people look tooue who is visit-
ling here a few days after an absence of
several years would interest some of
your readers If one bad spent those
yeurs among strangers in different places
iarid then should drop into this town of
McCook unexpectedly make his way
frora the depot up as far as the post-
office and while waiting for his mail to
be sorted out allow his mind to run
L back over the different people who got
in front of him with outstretched hand
and smiling face with Why hello
when did you get in How long can
you stay Come up to the house want
to talk to you got a place for you to
sleep It would make him look back
over his business transactions to see if
he could pick out a reason why the
people should be so glad to see him
then not finding anything but the
usual business relations of a busy timt
spent for a few years on a ranch up the
rjver a few miles he would be forced to
the conclusion of the writer that the
citizens of McCook are all right They
show by their looks too
First the mayor of the town will grab
one with bis hearty handclasp and
you observe that he looks as if he was a
good feeder as in days of yore when ho
was feeding the people at the old stand
Then as he tears himself away he leaved
the key to the city and a pointer as to
wriich are the best picture shows While
you are still meditating on what part ot
the town to use the key first you see
Bryan no that cant bo Bryan why
its Foxeu But he is all right anyway
if he is looking more like Bryan every
day You escape from him and hello
there is a grain dealer he too shows
sigus of prosperity Then look out
Dodge Matt Drolls auto and find our
self yanked into a carriage and intro
duced to a farmer from Lincoln Then
a ride over the best roads ever back to
town where a former meat cutter fills
you with wholesome food while you won
der why you didnt ask that man S2000
more for that farm but the contract
is signed and nothing to do while the
pay is i eing freighted to you except to
eat sleep visit and wonder why Frank
lin should look younger Wh Watkins
shaves the top of his head for What
the people want with all the new pianos
Why is it you cant find a man in the
county who is owing Berry any money
And finally what the people will do
when the bojs are all grown up and the
ducks all lulled
McCook must be all right even if
Frank Everist who is try ing to get
everyone to the sunny San Luis valley
has evidently been sitting for photos of
Evidently tho people of McCook have
faith in the future of their town and
most of them have clear consciences
Some few look as if remorse was con
suming them but Prof Kimmell says
they could be blown away Sure they
wont be missed longi
Come out and see the Pine river
country Wilson Glover Farmer
Ignacio Colorado
How tho Debt Was Collected
In the home of a certain influential
family they arose one morning to find
that no breakfast had been prepared
even the kitchen fire had not been
lighted Upon investigation the cook
was discovered peacefully reclining in
Are you ill inquired the mistress
Not at all I feel quite well was
the surprising response but still no
persuasion would induce her to arise
After a time the doctor was sent for
He put to her his usual questions but
the girl insisted that she felt perfectly
If as you say you are not ill said
the man of pills and potions then tell
me in confidence why you wont get
up and go to work
Well said the girl resolutely
these people owe me 25 and I wont
stir uutil they pay it
Do yoii think youll get it quicker
by staying in bed asked the doctor
I most certainly do she replied
with a gleam of the eye that expressed
determination to fight it out on that
line if it took all summer
The doctor advancing said Roll
over and stay there Thats the only
way youll get it They owe me 80
National Magazine
Marriage In Japan
A Japanese husband is allowed onlv
one wife but to marry is sometimes a
much more serious matter than with
us Either the husband must be form
ally adopted into -the family of the
wife or the wife into the family of the
husband the couple being absorbed
into oue family and subject to its
discipline As a rule this custom
weighs more heavily on the bride than
on the husband for she must not only j
obey her husband but every member
of his family of an older generation j
than himself hence a young woman
often longs for old age so that she
may wield authority over the younger
generations To bring about a mar
riage in Japan an intermediary is ap
pointed whose duty it Is to introduce
the parties and to look to every ar
rangement of the wedding He re
mains through life the guide philos
opher and friend of the married cou
ple who refer all matters all misun
derstandings to his counsel Pear
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
n aaiae teyia64
Trade In Your inferior Separators
15000 American users of poor or worn out soparators traded
them in last year on account of now
De Laval Cream Separators
and there are doubtless many more
owners of such machines who will bo
glad to know that while such ma
chines have no actual valuo the DE
LAVAL Company continues to mako
liberal trade allowances for them
because of the opportunity such ox
changes afford for the most practical
illustration possible of the difference
between good and poor separators
and putting a stop to the salo of
others like them in tho samo neigh
borhood Nobody is injured through
the re sale of these old machines as
they are simply broken up and
scrappiid for their old metal valuo
Then there are many thousands of
DE LA VAL users who should U now that thoy may exchange
out-of-date machines of from 10 to 25 years ago for the much
improved closer skimming easier running and larger capacity
machines of todav
For Sale or Trade at
Harmons Second Hand Store
Corner B St and 2nd St W Telephone 215
White House Grocery
Phone 30
Moore Son
I 1
I in f i mi iiiiiiiiTTrrara iT -
tBSH yJ tin mwiutt mmtGLr SvVIRf
Some people cant see straight but they do not have lo
see they can feel that we have as good lumber as money can
buy and you hit the mark every time you let us figure your
lumber bill If we do not sell the bill there is no harm done
You can rest assured that you have bought your lumber right
if you buy on a basis of our figures We do not get sore and
chew the rag with any because we do not sell you your lum
ber We want to figure your bill every time you want a
stick whether we sell it or not Drop in We have books
with cuts of modern houses from 8100 up and take a pleasure
in kelpingfto arrange your home
Stansberry Lumber Company
aaBIBllm I I fit III I li III
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
at an Old Stand
We wish to make known to the people of McCook
and vicinity that we have purchased theDC Marsh
Meat Market All we wish to add at this time is
that we shall make it our earnest and utmost effort
to maintain the present high character of the market
for the best of
everything in
season at the very low
est cash price We wish the continuance of your
patronage and shall endeavor
to merit your con
fidence and trade
at Marshs Old Stand