i U it Ry r U n - v A CAUSE OF IRREQULARITY OF TEETH MMMfeSStefiS It is most frequently duo to the un natural uronnrtinn hntuwnn Mm uWn nf X I the jaws and that of the teeth which arises principally from the constant neglect of sufficiently exorcising tho teeth in mastication generations past An organ in constant use becomes more fully developed than one that is neglected Tho same law applies to teeth and their use is limited tho kitchen performing tho workj have sutFered from defective dovolop inunt that operates only on tho structure especially upon tho jaws by re ducing their size Tho operations of correcting irregularities havo become ly simplified within tho last fow years It will bo an agreeable surpriso - t to know my patients who havo ha 1 such operations This subject will bo mighty interesting DR HERBERT J PRATT DENTIST to you if ou make a call omce over McConneir8 Drug storc 221j MaIn Ave- SOUTIIWESTEIIN NeHKASKA HOSPITAL McCook Nebraska now open for tho care of MEDICAL and SU11GICAL CASKS -- Nowly equipped with modern fittings TELEPHONE 126 For rates and further information write the SUPERINTENDENT Wlnnetka Hospital Association Ltd No 6 o a 12 14 16 Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPAET Central Time 1027 p m 500 a M 942 p m - 400 a m MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET No 1 Mountain Time 950 a m 1142 p M 5 Arrives 835 p M 13 1025 am IS 1217 A M IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 505 p m No 175 departs 710 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggago checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Conductor Harry fieale visited his mother in Red Cloud close of last week Extra Agent G S Scott who has been at Heartwell for a while was at headquarters first of the week Mr Gillespie of Akron has been added to the car repairing force at this place and the family will soon join him here Agent J L Booth and Operator Murray at Curtis have fitted up bache lor quarters over the depot at that place Engineer Wallace Clowner of Curtis was on sicklist last week and Otto Savage was in charge of engine 1079 during his incapacity D W Weir of Sterling has succeeded Ray Peters as fireman on engine 1106 out of Curtis Peters is in Wyoming looking after some land near Torington Tohn Eidt who was so seriously in jured in an accident at Oberlin two weeks since is now coming on nicely A brother from Ohio has been visiting him the past week In the interest of economy four ma chinists have been laid off the order going into effect Monday Thomas Gettings Harry Prey John Brenning and Wilbur Anderson are the victims Earl Notley is sick and off duty Pay wagon will be at McOookSunday Tho 1334 is leady to go out of the tmckahop Engine 721 is roceiveng droppit work over No 1 Now screens are being placed in the 10769 front end Helpers Hoffman Snyder and Askins got the retrenchment axe Tho driving brasses on the 1066 are being smoothed up this week Douglas Wentz of the boilermakers full by the wayside in the cut The valves and tires on No 1092 are receiving attention this week Conductor R J Moore is off his run suffering an attack of tonsilitis Tom Hunt has been transferred from the air bench to tho round house Arthur Haley has been transferred from the boilermakers to Jim Egans gang General Supt Byram was in th city with hi private car Tuesday on busi ness The Burlington has ordered from the Baldwin locomotive works 25 new S 1 passenger engines Engineer and Mrs W H Duncan went up to Denver on 3 Monday night returning home on 14 Wednesday night Engineer W W Archibald left on 14 Tuesday for Hot Springs Arkansas to take treatment and the baths for rheumatism General Foreman and Mrs A C Wiehe and Miss Ruth and Will will visit his mother in Lansing Iowa for a week or ten days going on Tuesday of next week A E Steven in retires from the service tomorrow He has purchased an inter est in a contract tinshop in Kansas City and will leave for that city Sunday eve ning to got into harness Mrs Stevenin will accompany him The first report of a railway com missioner on a railroad wreck was filed Thursday by W H Cowgill on the wreck of an extra at Red Cloud on Nov 22 1908 The commissioner places the blame on the road and jecommends the construction of a semaphore outside the yards so that accidents may be averted in the future Engineer Bartholoma and Fireman Snoke were killed and their relatives are seeking damages from the road Daily Star Lincoln White Pine and Tar Mentholated a harmless and efficient cough medicine Pleasant to take Woodworth Co ALWAYS LEADS IN LOW PRICES Just Received Rugs all sizes and qualities Welton Velvets first quality Body Brussels Tapestry Brussels etc etc MISSION BUFFETS and CHINA CLOSETS FINCH WEST B STREET McCOOK NEBRASKA - X jy f mrazTc jftr i JfruBMbfiUffviiaKsffSBIflfeKteala4 iVU MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE C H NicHors of Lebanon has mmed to Elberta Utah Mit and Miss Aiukkt Baunktt are in Kansas City for a Week Miss Sahau Hooan and Miko arrived from Colorado Wednesday Aight F C Hhckman arrived home last Friday night from an absence of a week or so on busiuess Mb and Mrs C A Gunx of Palisade wore guests of Mr and Mrs A Edgar Hawkins over Sunday Wilson Glover of Ignacio Colorado arrived in town early in the week and has beon attending to some business matters here Mit and Mas C S Mullen of Mc Cook attended the funeral of the hit ters grandmother Mrs Margnret Hutchons Monday Hendley cor B C T T Mrs Caul Ferguson and Mrs John Wiles who have been the guests of Mr J E Kelley for the pnst week or s left for their home in Orleans last Sun day night Mrs A G Dole returned to the city Wednesday night and she and Mr Gnry will go to housekeeping in one of the Fitzgerald dwellings on west B treet first of next week Congressman Norris departed on Thursday night for Washington to be on hand early to assist the insurgents in putting another crimp or two in your Uncle Joes house rules Frank Hammell returned home from McCook Friday Ira Dye moved over from McCook last Friday and will occupy a farm north of town the coming season Curtis Courier W J Goehring of Montrose Colora do spent a few days here close of last week and fore part of f ct of J W Jones He was on his way back to Colorado after visiting the homefolks near Hastings C J OBrien cashier of the McCook National bank arrived home Saturday night from his journey east to bury his father in Utica New York His return was delayed somewhat by visits to rela tives Charles Stewart of Alma has been the guest of his son H D Stewart since close of last week He left Monday night for Alma preparatory to leaving for Northwestern Indiana on a visit to his aged mother Ten Thousand New Views Handsome new post card views of Mc Cook in colors have just arrived from Germany These show views of Mc Cook never before offered the public Busiuess residential and church For sale at this office Engraving and Em Dossing Your wants can be supplied at The Tribune in the line of engraving and embossing such as calling cards invi tations and announcements monogram correspondence paper etc Handsome samples of all on display Prices rea sonable Prompt service If interested come and inspect IN BLACK AND WHITE The Tribune has for sale a nice dis play of local view post cards in colors and in black and white Also a well selected line of greeting and other post cards The McCook Building Association opens a new series of stock and you should call on the secretary and sub scribe for 5 or 10 shares at once There is no safer or better investment for your monthly savings Investigate if you do not understand the proposition SPRING OPENING We wish to extend to the ladies of McCook and vicinity a most cordial invitation to attend our Millinery Opening Tuesday March 16th We will then have on display a beautiful line of Pattern Hats Smart Tailored Styles Dainty Effects for Misses also a large assortment of prac tical styles in Street Hats Toques and Bonnets Music afternoon and evening Remem ber the date Tuesday March 16th Store open evenings after Opening until Easter MISS ANDERSON a7 Main Avenue A MISNAMED EXHIBIT Brings Joy to tho Museum Visitors j and Worries the Curator A curator at the Metropolitan Mix seum of Art is threatened with lusau Ity the cause being n small misnamed exhibit In the gallery outside his offlco door - Twenty times n day declared the harassed man people discover thai that china statuette out In the Frank lin collection is named General Wash ington Instead of Benjamin Franklin vThen they burst in here and announce their discovery and wonder that no one ever noticed It before Half my time Is spent In explaining that we know It well that it was simply a mis take of the potter who labeled It hi France over a century ago and that we cannot change It nor wouldnt If we could Of course I tell them this cour teously and patiently and you know what a strain that is when you are going over the same thing for the thousandth time Id latch the door only there are too many employees seeking me all day long so here I must sit and listen to the names of George Washington and Beniamm Franklin repeated a million times till I wish that neither of those glorious had ever lived And its i ie insane i ten you its tinving in i e lust then the door opened and a lady popped in with Theres a statue out here named General Washington but Im sure And the weary curator being a south erner rose smilingly to his task New York Times A Telegram That Talked At one time when Georgle Drew Barrymore was playing in San Fran cisco a fabulous sum was offered her by a local theater for her services for a few weeks The offer was exceed- ingly tempting but her contract with J Charles Frohman stood in the way However on the nothing-venture-nothing-won theory she telegraphed a de tailed statement of the offer she had received to Frohman in New York ex plained how anxious she was to ac cept It and wound up with the plea Will you release me In due course of time she received the following tele gram In answer Mrs Georgia Drew Barrymore Palace Hotel San Francisco No CHARLES FROHMAN Albeit disappointed Mrs Barrymore at once sent this characteristic reply Charles Frohman New York City Oh GEORGIE DREW BARRYMORE Doing Double Duty It was one of those sleepy one horse back water towns like Squash said a congressman describing at a Hot Springs dinner a town that he dis liked Squash is the limit A gentleman arrived there the other day and want ed a hair cut He found the barber shop and after shaking the barber vigorously managed to awaken him How long will it take you to cut my hair barber he asked Not long boss said the barber And he rose yawned and stretched himself Then he called upstairs to his wife Hey send the kid down to the newspaper office to tell the editor I want my scissors just as soon as hes flone editin the paper Theres a gent fcere waitin for a hair cut Wash ington Star A Slight Isnt McCorkie awfully thin since his return Yes Do you know what they call his valet at the club No They call him the valet of the shadow Cleveland Plain Dealer Receive no satisfaction for premedi tated impertinence Forget it and for give it but keep inexorably at a dis tance from him who offered It Lava ter fniTTB HKMum TW iijii 1 1 ii in i jLjnAiiMiaaMpf Jam ti iiiiyijacjiiiiijr 7iUjitwticrrst SI X IS i m IS I I ItWytWWwiVfiW WW Wflvytvirwirrfv y y tl y tt pr l Th I I is is Number 2046 One of Our 20 Numbers I IT IS RIGHT IN STYLE FIT AND QUALITY If WW Item 111 Wm Unit IV s l 1 I 1 J I II 111 - II I l II 1 I U foiiRUU ilVi iik an e rt 14 is 11 f5f I i si i mi Ff W I V flit v WlWflhl f i i st i n l - will I Hit i i mm II 5 MYI s 1 illHt 1 JiS We have some which cost more clieaperones too It will pay youto look C L DeGroff Company A dramatic incident of the defeat of the county option measure was the speech of Senator Myers of Rock count when he pointedly referred to Elmer E Thomas as the fake reformer of the tem perance forcesjand their betrayer charg ing Thomas who sat only a few feet from the speaker with being an elemant of power in the defeat of the Republican governor and legislature and thus a traitor to the temperance cause Thom as will not soon forget this merited cast igation for his turpitude and Myers is in the limelight in recognition of his courage RURAL FREE DELIVERY NO 1 LittleOlive Gathercole of McCook is visiting at Mrs Pickerings FrankSchamel and family were Sun d ly visitors at John Calkins This glorious snow strikes the farmers OK Lost Degree of Honor pin leave at this office Reward I 9fthlUirAiUtUUtd UU tUHLiiti jLJ LiiifjJiJiiLLat fn nftM l i il tLitiAiJiri g FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC Finder Fok Sale A 9-horse-power gasoline engine McCook Cement Stone Co phone red 196 ForRent Four rooms Mrs S A Rowell 1200 2nd street east Wanted Boys and girls Tho yountr peoples class of the Congregational Sunday school cordially invito all boys and girls from ages of 14 to 19 not at tending Sunday school elsewhere to visit their class or to become members if interested The JSNebraska Telephone Co has had printed a supplement to tho local telephone directory For Sale A phaeton in good condi tion Inquire of Mike Walsh phono 183 MlTgT7rpnTiirriifiri ameiaemwBaamammmmmmawiaammmmtimsmamamMtammMKmrKmfvm We are now receiving large shipments of new spring and summer goods We have never purchased so advantageously in our thirty years of handling merchandise We ask your inspection of the new goods arriving and guarantee to save you money New Dress Goods in Single Suit Patterns New Dress Skirts in Worsted and Tub Skirts New Waists in Lawns Crepe and Silk New Embroideries Laces and Ribbons New Belts Bags Neckwear and Collars New Parasols Umbrellas and Fans New Mens Neckwear Fancy Half Hose and Gloves New Mens and Boys Suits New Hats Caps and Straw Goods We have added the dies for making the very large oval buttons for trimming purposes Simpsons and American prints 5c best oil cloth 15c 9 quarter Peperell sheetings 23AC good yard - wide muslin 40 Peerless carpet warp 21c lb mens good swing pocket bib overalls 39c boys and girls rompers 39c and the list is long come in ONE PRICE on Dry Goods Co PLAIN FIGURES CASH ONLY 1 2 mjr xoooeeoeoeoeeo