v I s EHiEFaj ffc fMank fmbnit By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription a Year in Advance Holdrege has an artificial ice plant with a capacity of 15 tons Mr Dickinson secretary of war claims he is a Democrat but disavows voting for Mr Bryan Which suggests that there are Democrats and Democrats mwpwi t raaau a iww wmataft aster Millinery Opening Tuesday March 16th 2 to 11 p m Elegant Line of Spring Styles for Ladies and Misses The ladies of McCook are invited to call and inspect our splen did offerings Open nights from opening date until Easter Lovell Nies Jg yi y J m wrmmuwim wwv aJwJiirv ON t The mayor of North Platte McCa e bv name was recently fined 400 for illegally selling liquor Congressman Nouris has appointed Charles Benedict of Hastings to the military academy at West Point Semi civilized Mexico recognized the value of daylight saloons by closing all of its pulque shops at 6 oclock Indianola is figuring on a race track A stock company has been organized and an option secured on a tract of land just east of town ill WttmfTmWf iff I V JriGfefe Jf III II WhniKT UUhinrAr III n V nip CW ir w M M pj Congressman Norims arrived home Saturday night from Washington to be with the family until the beginning of the special session called by President Taft to convene March loth next Mon day County option was defeated in the Nebraska state senatp Tuesday by a narrow margin one vote Those voting for the measure were Bodinson Brown Cain Cox Donohoe Gammill King Majors Miller Ollis Kandall Raymond Warren Wiltse Hatfield Myers 10 Opposed to county option Banning Bartos Besse Buck Buhrman Diers Fuller Henry Howell Ketcbum Klein Laverty Ransom Tanner Tibbets Thompson Vnlpp 17 There are signs that American politics will become more scientific with coming years and that we may in time approach justice and equity with less indirection Neither finance nor tariff are political questions They are economic problems not to be juggled Aith without end by time serving and place seeking politicians but to be solved by disinterested high minded ex perts Hence the commission idea is obtruding itself properly in our national politics By a decision of Judge McPherson of the United States district court in Kansas City Monday the two cent fare law of Missouri was declared unrenum erative and confiscatory The judge says if he had the authority which thank heaven he has not he would fix the rate at two and a half cents per mile for the stronger roads and three cents per mile for the weaker lines Thus the people of Missouri have been shown but do they believe what they have been shown Aber nit Even so honorable and dignified a body as the Congress of the United States can repudiate or at least forget its solemn platform pledges and prom ises The case in point is the postal savings bank system promises by the Republican party in its platform The measure was chloroformed by such aris tocratic and plutocratic representatives of the monied interests as Senators Aldrich and Cullom in the senate where the matter was never allowed o come to a vote To the honor and credit of Senators Burkett and Brown be it said that they both vigorously favored the bill which is demanded by the great bulk of the American people The Citizens bank has increased its surplus from 15000 to 20000 Dr T H fntnwnnrL rtpntict rfflnn - UV WiilU over McMillens drug store phone 163 J y - fl fsrasswr t p pi wmaezBaftmm HHBHHBIWiHMI We announce a sale that should interest every man and boy in town A sale brimful of extraordinary saving opportunities Its a quick action sale we have to dispose of the goods in a jiffy and so have cut the prices unsparingly It includes a grand array of this seasons merchandise in r Mens and Boys Clothing and Furnishings A big feature of the sale is a lot of boys suits400 of them which come from the well known manufacturers Ederheimer Stein Every mother who reads this announcement should make a point of seeing these excellent garments and the excessively low prices we quote Then we have a big assortment of short ends of Princeton clothes of this seasons make which owing to our connection with the makers Hiller Watt Co we have been able to secure at less than the cost to produce These famous garments for men and young men will be sold in quick order at the figures quoted And dont forget the furnishings We are offering shirts underwear collars neckwear hats etc at prices that will induce you to buy for future as well as present requirements Remember its a quick action sale with quick action prices and it will take quick action to get the best of the bargains All BOYS SUITS Must Go Long Pant Suits lots of them at 375 Short Pant Suits from 100 up BOYS KNEE PANTS Ever pair goes values up to 75c 38c Mens Fine Dress SMrts One lot duett and Monarch make worth up to 150 sale price SjjC One lot Ideal make all 75c values sale price 50c - Mens Overcoats At this quick action sale we will sell every mans and boys overcoat Prices will do it CAPS Splendid styles both summer and win ter 50c and 75c values sale price 35c Hats One choice lot all good styles val ues up to 3 50 sale price 175 One assortment broken lots values up to 175 50c i iczaBg km LlJlimmu mi n ii i ii I n I IIIMTTITTT nWniIlJlIJIlUimilUliIIMIIM HC CI ADD DRY G00DS hillinery W W L t JL Jr LADIES FURNISHINGS A specia sale of silk petti co -- Sfcar Regular 500 and 600 values at 350 each Your attention is called to these hand some Silk Petticoats in all shades of blue brown red green gray catawba wis teria and black which are now on dis play in our south window Nothing like them has ever been offer ed you before at such a ridiculously low price Call and secure a color for ever gown The quantity is limited but while they last they are yours for only 350 each A special purchase of silk and net waists We also have on sale for this week a beautiful assortment of Waists in Silk-Satin-Cable Nets and Bobnets hand somely trimmed and well tailored Waists which regularly sell for 500 600 and 700 we are offering this week at 225 300 375 and 400 each They are all new spring patterns long sleeves and come in black white blue cream and ecru Come early and get your share New York Suits and Skirts We are showing the strongest line of two piece and three piece suits ever brought to Mc Cook at prices ranging from 1000 to 3500 Handsome Chiffon Panama Skirts in all colors at 600 500 750 and up to 1250 H C CLAPP Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings -a ai3 aaKAifeyB - m rwiii Jr 222 Main Ave Phone 56 McCook Neb j jrr 2 1 1 r S i i k 3 1 A 71