The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 12, 1909, Image 3

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Conductedsby the McCook W C T U
The Saloon An Unmitigated Curse
Excerpts from two nnto clection si r
mons by Rev Father Onssidy dolivorod
November 22 and 29 1908 at St Marys
Cathedral Fall River Mass
And yt it has many riend this great
power which has corrupted the earth
It has likewise many valiant foes
The suppliers of the saloon and its
I roprietor surely are the foremost friends
of this king o oviIb and of them I have
spoken to you before Many of them
are good men worthy of aid and sympa
thy But thoie are many others that
are wholly bad The evil that they do
they do knowingly willing even eager
ly Such men when the day comes for
decision on this momentous moral ques
tion will endeavor to win their cause
by dishonest illegal and unfair actions
will attempt to debauch iln electorate
of the people They are the ones who
will debauch the city in the name of
And then tbero comes the friend n the
siloou in thid particular case our pjiice
commission the oflicers appointed to t n
force the law against the conduct of thi
nefarious evil who allow the law to br
Next in order as the friend of the
-Saloon is the man who thinks he kuowsn
littlo about the word of God He be
takes himself to a very strange pass for
a liquor dealer the searching of the
Scriptures He looks through the Scrip
tures and picks out a text in which the
word wine is mentioned and he endeavors
from that to draw justification for the
evil things we have today I have in
my band a little pamphlet which has
floated out of the headquarters of the
Liquor Dealers Association into my
possession and which will no doubt be
spread broadcast Wine and the Chris
tian Church Prohibition Not Warrant
ed By Holy and Honest nnd Eminent
How doaperato these men havo grown
when they look to the word of God for
a justification of tho saloon the recruit
ing station of bell They hear St Paul
telling Timothy to take u littlo wine for
his stomachs sake and they say the sa
loon ib all right and this should prove it
Just as though this had anything to do
with tho saloon They even forgot that
Timothy must have been a teetotaler
siuco ho needed St Pauls persuasion to
induce him to use a little wine They
alpo cited in their pamphlet the miracle
of our Lord at Cann turning water into
wine They refer to the use of wine ac
tho last supper of tho churchs use of
wine at the holy sacrifice of tho mass
Just as though that had anything to do
with modern rumshop If 1 can do 80
without irreverence and disrespect I
would like to ask if they think our Lord
would havo turned water into whiskey
if He would have used rum at the last
supper or sanctioned tho use of brandy
or gin for the sacrifice of the mass
Can thoy find anything about these
liquor3 In the Scriptures And if they
quote from Scripture why not get away
long enough from the distractions of the
saloon to make a thorough search of the
sacred book Why not quote the first
verse of the twentieth chapter of the
Book of Proverbs Why not read from
the twent -third chapter of the same
book tho twenty ninth vbrse
And then they quote from eminent
clergymen both Catholic and Protest
ant in an attempt to prove prohibition
not necessary and an invasion of private
rights But even the priest of the
church the archbishops and teachers of
divinity must keep silent before the au
thoritative voice of the Church I read
to you from a decree promulgated by the
third plenary council of Baltimore not
not expressing a private view of any in
dividual or group of individuals but
enacting positive legislation for the
Church in America
It is not to be doubted that among
the evils which we in this country bit-
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terly deplore is to be considered the
abure of intoxicating liquois Excess
of this sort is tho perpetual tinder and
tho prolific origin of misery Abject
ruin falls upon innumerable men and
nnd upon whole families and draws
headlong to eternal damnation myriads
of souls Love of religion aud the
fatherland imposes upon all Christians
the solemn duty of striving with all
their might to wipe out and uproot this
pestiferous evil
Finally we admonish our people who
are engaged in the sale of intoxicating
liquors that they should seriously con
sider with how many nnd how great dan
gers and wth what occasions of sin
their business although a legal one is
surrounded Let them select if they
may a more respectable way of earning
a living
Tho committee of the Liquor Dealers
Association ought to spread that broad
cast It is not the opinion of any one
man It is tho athoritativo voice of the
church in recommendiug legislation
Next as the friend of the saloon
comes the man who thinks of nothing
more to be desired in life than a reduc
tion in taxes who desires public im
provements and is unwilling to pay for
them himself preferring to see them
come from the profits of the saloon In
the discussion of this question in the
public press I have marveled at the fail
ure of men to grasp the gross immoral
ity if not criminality of such argu
ments Mark where these men stand
They say you must get money from the
saloons They never consider what are
its effects upon the lives and morals of
the people They care nothing about
whence the money comes provided it
They would build macadam streets
with the bones of the unfortunate They
would build sewers and parks with the
blood money from the saloons If they
must have these improvements why in
Gods name will they take them from
the blood of the people
I do not believe there are any who
have considered it in this light and I can
not imagine any man mindful of these
consequences of the sale of liquor who
will vote for it as a benefit to the city
But if there aro any of them here that
will do so I say to thorn Tou aro worse
than the worst bum You nre lower
than tho lowegt drunkard Why Be
cause while the drunkard is weak you
are strong The drunkardis blind while
you are clear sighted The drunkard is
drunk while you aro sober What do
you do You set a trap nt bis feet and
stand over him in his stupor and rob
him of bis earnings
Plenty of McCook Readers Have This
You tax the kidnoys overwork
They cant keep up tho continual
The back gives out it aches and
Urinary troubles sot in
Dont wait longer take Doans Kid
ney Pills
L H Soybold living S E Cor of
Third St aud Railroad St Kearney
Neb say6 I can heartily recommend
Doan- Kidney Pills to all sufferers of
impliint This remedy acted
stricth - to tho representations in my
case and proved to be a kidney cure in
every sense of the word My work
obliges mo to do a great deal of stoopinjj
and lifting and also exposes me to in
clement weather These combined con
ditions probably caused my kidnejs to
become disordered and backache was
the result Though I did not take
Downs Kidney Pills as regularly as I
should have done they nevertheless
benefited me greatly and I willingly give
them my endorsement
Plenty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at a drug store and
ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York Bole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
ni1lTr g3 mifSi aBb Wr
Wednesday March 24th
publishes its great Annual Spring
Fashion Number This edition
will show the leading styles for all
ages from the baby to the grand
mother Besides the regular news
section there will be several sec
tions in full color printed on fine
paper There will be a womens
section devoted exclusively to the
styles and affairs of women there
will be a mens section devoted to
xxii vyoi uici v w xxx aiou jlv a
Home Beautiful Section Newest
things in furniture will be described
as well as in clothes
Order now It will help you
decide the problem of Spring
Christian Bible school at 10 a in
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E
at 7 p m All are welcome
R M Ainswokth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Eaklk Rector
Catholic Order of sor vices Maia
3 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a in
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunda
3chool 230 p m Every Sunday
VVm J Kirwin O M 1
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
M H Caicman Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a iu
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pa3tor
Evangelical Luthkuan Regular
German preaching services in the par
sonage every Suuday morning nt 1000
All Germans and Russians cordiallj
invited Rev War Bkukggeman
607 5th st East
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching t 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
services G B IIawkes Pastor
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature on
sale Subject for next Sunday Sub
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayor
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last report
Robert McQuilken Jr et ux to
Henry II Wiedeman wd to
e bf swqr 3 4 in 31 129 6200 00
Robert S Justice et ux to Louis
Nispel wd to sw qr 33-1-29 3G00 00
Albert Shera single to Emmet
J Records wd to lots 12 13
blk 10 West McCook 900 00
Margret David et cons to Isaac
J Brinegar wd to nw qr23 3-
29 4500 00
Eliza J Gray et cons to
Joesph L Stitt wd to w hf 4
229 1000 00
Eliza Dudek wid to Frank and
Joseph Dudek qcd to s hf se
qr 29 n hf nw qr ne qr 32 3-
John E Hauthorn et ux to Al
D Stevens wd to nw qr 30
4 20
2000 00
2000 00
Albert D Stevens to Henry Mc
Kean wd to nw qr 30 4 26 4000 00
Charlie A Boats et ux Wilkin
Boals wd se qr 31 1 26 qr int 1150 00
United States to Joseph Walk
ington pat to nw qr 9 4 20
My thrpe year old boy was badly
constipated had a high fever and was
in au awful condition I gave him two
doses of Foleys Orino Laxative and the
next morning the fever was gone and ho
was entirely well Foleys Orino Laxa
tive saved his life A Wolkush Casi
mer Wis A McMillen Druggist
Mr and Mrs Sexson were business
visitors in McCook on Thursday
Johnny King had croup first of the
wetk and little Angie has been quite
sick but is better again
Frank Blake wife and baby spen
several days with her mother Mrs
Mrs Helm returned from her visit to
Fort Morgan accompanied by her
daughter Mrs Giese and that new
Mrs Arch Hatcher spent the week at
her fathers J F Helm
Mrs Owens Longnecker gave a little
oyster supper as a surprise on Owens
Only a few young frienas were present
and they had a quipt pleasant time
Mrs Owens knows how to cook oysters
to perfection and Lucy Miller and Alta
Helm are experts in serving them
Louis Longnecker and Arch Haicher
have been having a strenuous time in
learning to ride the goat They seem to
have been hilarious on their last return
from the lodge at 2 a m when Arch
spent the time till day with Louis
How can any person risk taking some
unknown cough remedy when Foleys
Honey and Tar costs them no more It
is a safe remedy contains no harmful
drugs and cures the most obstinate
coughs and colds Why experiment
with your health Insist upon having
the genuine Foleys Honey and Tar
A McMillen Druggist McCook
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tribune office
IBTjTa 3
Col W W tUtcLdcii
McCook Kerailia
Farm mIos n Hpectal 1 -ills n ny bo
inncit ut the I Uizn I iint
kiMUlkkLitklAliLA W10rffaJUWjfe
The automobile- Inert in routh
uitern Ncbrnkn ilnif nluiys
Kuts there and Ih Triiiriii
ornlKlil unyuhf rtw rwi
jp f
Phone 166 1
0 tan oc louml at 104 iuwkhk ico g
like Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cast I
Now location just across rXnCnnls
street in P Wuleh building
iNvavxjesMvarViixa o
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sever Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Soier Trimmings
Estimates Furntsea Fite Base
ment of the Postoff ce Building
wwr srrY
f 11 K 11 KlIAM
1 make a s pcialtj of paper
hanging and carry a well se-
lected stock of wall paper
Work guaranteed and prices
reasonable Phone Rn 207 i
S vs
Tiy Preventics At My Risk
With Book on Colds
Just to prove merit to show you how
quickly Preventics can and will check colds
or the Grippe I will mail you free oa
request these samples and my book Simply
address Dr Shoop Racine Wis
Preventics are thoroughly harmless little
Candy Cold Cure tablets No Quinine nc
laxative nothing sickening whatever
io check early Colds or Gnppe with Pre
ventics means sure defeat for Pneumonia
To stop a cold with Preventics is surely
saferthan to let it run and be obliged tc
sure it afterward Preventics will however
reach a deeply seated cold But takea
early at the sneeze stage they break or
head off these early colds That is surely
better that is why they are named Pre
ventics Promptness however is all-important
Promptness in the use of Pre
ventics may save half your usual sickness
Feverishness night or day with child or
adult suggests the need of Preventics
Write Dr Shoop Kacine Wis today for
samples and booklet Preventics are sold tj
ttti1kkllt --
Barnett Lumber Co