IM BLACK SD WHITE i Mii j i r ttui h nun dl9 plaj if luftt vnv vrdrt in colors anil ii iiti U tul hiti Alto a well aoleitrd ii ih f rMtimj ntid othor post earciH The McCook Building Association opens a now series of stock and you should call on the secretary and sub scribe for 5 or 10 sharos at once There is no safer or better investment for your monthly savings Investigate if you do sot understand the proposition 5 M r 1 i I J iff Mms xmcxca BIT ioy I 2 fcCCOR HAYEK CO WAr WS55 - - B i AWvW s v rrttcxts bt SEftr 1UTEK a col accee Boys You Can I If IT I fg f til White House Grocery Phone 30 Moore Son have a suit this spring that is made up in the fane styles and latest colors just as well as your big brother Come and let- us fit you out We have a large assortment of only the best qualities Rozell k Barger The Best Clothes Merchants rfjuesftSBe3nrrrc nit ifiiiiinnirin Vc arc now agents for the Famous Car hartt Overalls and JacKcts also for their Gloves and Caps HUBER White Pine nnd Tar Mentholated a harmless and efliuient cough medicine Pleasant to take Woodworth Co We have the finest line of Olives and Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid Mur doch line HUBER Dr R II Gatewood dentist office ovor McMilens drug store phono 103 The Time Is Near when you will be thinking of a SPRING SUIT We trust you will not be satisfied with any old thing but that you will choose one from an exclusive clothing store that keeps the BEST QUALITY and LATEST STYLES We also keep a line of FUR NISHINGS that you are tempted to buy more than you need Rozell Burger The Best Clothes Merchants asi COMING TO McCOOK NEBRASKA The eminent physician on chronic diseases will visit our city Friday March 19 1909 And will be at the Commercial hotel until 5 P M one day ONLY tho Boston Electro Medical Institute is making a tour of the state lie will give consultation examination and all tho medicines necessary to com plete a cure FREE All purties taking advantage of this offer are requested to statu to their friends the result of this treatment Cures DEAFNESS by an entirely new process Treats all curable cases of catarrh throat and lung diseases eye and ear stomach liver aud kiduuya gravel ilieumatism paralysis neuralgia nerv ous and heart disease epilepsy Brights diS asB and disente of the bladder Moo 1 and skin disease Lqu r and tobacco habit big neck aluilllllO mg Uliftsd 1ilus tiuula and rupture cured with out eteuiuu fiom business Eyes rose and thruat Glasses fitted granulated lids cross eos straightened without niiii If you are improving under your fami ly physician do not take up our valuable time Tub rich aud the poor are treated alike Idlers and curiosity seekers will please stay away Our time is valuable Remember NOT A PENNY will be charged for the medicine required to make a cure of all those taking treat ment this trip Office hour 9 a in Positively married ladies must be accompanied by their husbands Remember the date Friday March i9 At Commercial Hotel McCook Nebr sz aariKji ix BOX ELDER Maxwell Wolfe and family arrived last Saturday from Oregon aud will try farming in Nebraska again Mrs Austin Dixon of Alma is visiting her sister Mrs F G Lytle Amos Singer who will be remembered by tho old settlers of this community passed through here Tuesday to the southern part of Colorado where he has taken a homestead The stork visited the home of Mr and Mrs Ohas Bolles last Friday night Chas thinks tis the same old story Its an eight and a half ound boy The second quarterly conferenc will be held at this place next Sunday and Monday Rev 0 C Wilson district superintendent will preach Sunday evening and the busineos meeting will be held Monday morning at ten oclock Notice Personal Taxes Personal taxes for 1908 were deliquent Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that date should be paid by not later than Febr 1st next as on and after that date they are tubject to collection by distress warraut C Naden Co Treas McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909 Yi Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right This is Just IOI 0i ai Tl The LEKCOLM DAILY NEWS is one of the Largest and Best News and Market Papers in the State Fearless Independent and Accurate Presents the Peoples Side of Public Affairs Without Fear or Favor THE RESULT PRIDE OF THE HEWS fiLOHE IS 300 SO YOU ARE GETTING THIS PAPER FREE A WHOLE YEAR Bring your money in eariy so you get this BARGAIN Rate r iiiynn PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES We give this week a list of the new books received and put into circulation PJCTION I he Sign of the Four Doyle A Study In Scarlet Vera the Medium Davis The Scarlet Car The Husbands of Edith McCutcheon The Barrier Beach Prisoners of Cbanu Parrish The Shuttle Burnett Adventures In Contentment Grayson Freckles Stratton Porter Fashionable Adventures of Joshua Craig Phillips The Firing Line Chambers Friendship Village Gale The Red City Mitchell Mr Crewes Career Churchill Dr Potterf president of the staff of The Testing of Diana Mallory Ward xne wayiarors uniting Fennel and Rue Ilowells The Mediator Steiner The Trail of the Immigrant Lavender and Old Lace Reed The Masters Violin The Moneychangers Sinclair Thp One and I Freemantle The Whole Familv Twelve Authors Under the Crust Page The Three Brothers Phil I potts The Broken Road Mason The Princess Passs The Wbliamsons The Lightning Conductor St Elmo Evans The Virginian Wistpr Ishmael South worth Self Raised The Hidden Hand The Brides Fate it The Changed Krides t JUVENILK HOYS The Winner Tomlinson Four Bos in the Land of Cotton Hnrdinjrof St Timothy Pier Three Boys In An Electric Boat Trowbridge Recollections of a Drummer Roy Kiefer Two Compton Boys lloppin GIRLS Betty Wales Freshmnn Warde SSnphomore Junior Senior B A Dandelion Cottage AHnntint of Rosa Marie it ii Rankin ii Pattvs Friends - Wells CHILDREN The Land of Nver Was Olmsted PrincPS Wisla Swett Wee Winkles at the Mountain Jackson Little Miss Oddity Blanchard A Little Tombov A Dear Little Girl Kittyboys Christmas In addition to these a number of worn books have been replaced by now copies We have also a new book by W D Ilowells London Films and The World I Live In by Helen Keller Of books on religion there are three vol urns of Foreign Missions and Social Progress by Dennis and in the natur al science class flow To Know the Wild Flowers by Mrs Wm S Dana It would he well to preserve this list for reference Librarian Premiums for 1909 Corn The Nebraska State Board of Agri culture is offering 8150 in premiums to the boys under 18 years of age who grow the greatest number of bushels of corn to the acre during 1909 The money is divided 50 to 1st 25 to 2nd 20 to 3rd 15 to 4th 10 to 5th and 5 each to 6th to 11th The contestant to file with VV R Mellor Secretary Lincoln prior to May 20th and is to perform the entire labor of preparing the ground planting cultivation and harvesting Aero to be measured husked and weighed in the presence of two disinter ested freehold residents who make affidavit of findings not later than No ember 1st Successful contestants file account covering details with the secre tary Resolutions Passed At the meeting of the Red Willow Coutty Teachers Association in Bart ley February 27th 1909 the following resolutions were adopted Resolved That it is the unanimous expression of the Red Willow County Teachers association that we extend to Miss Claudia Hatcher our superintend ent of schools our heartfelt sympathy in the iw loss of her father Resolved That a copy of this resolu tion b published in the McCook papers Sinec F P Akdeksox Myrtle Chevill Grace T Ckandall Wanted Success Magazine requires the ht fviue of a man in McCook to look after expiring subscriptions and to se cure new business by means of special methods unusually effective position permanent prefer one with experience but would consider any applicant with good natural qualifications salary 150 per day with commission option Ad dress with reference R C Peacock Room 102 Success Magazine Bldg New York Tribune Is All Printed in McCook You will find local or county news of interest on each of the eight pages of this paper every week It is all printed at home No patent print Read all Get Sato iuslnessforYcjursslf Fp ft UUUlV ULIHI Hi ULUUA llirtUlllllL Will make you money The BUCK is the only jWih two piece self binding self-lock ing water proof frost proof sani tary dry air block made Takes less material and is made quicker than any other block Write to day and let us tell you all about it and how yon can make from Siooto S20 00 every day that yon work sivenzht in each county uet in nrst interlock Block Machine Co City Office 24 lh and Paul S OMAHA NEB APPEAL BY THE W C T U Woo to him that buildBth a town with blood and stnblisheth a city by iniquity Hab 212 No one can say that our city is not being established by iniquity The sa loon that most iniquitous thing the workshops of the devil has -ruled long enough in McCook Its ovil influence is being felt all over our town It is furnishing inmates for the inebriate asylum causing many divorces reduc ing family after family to poverty be sides destroying the bodies and souls of the fathers and sons yes and the daugh ters too until the wives and mothers are crying out in their agony Oh God how long must wo endure this curse While those in authority go about with deaf cars and unseeing eyes to all the misery around them blinded by the few extra dollars in taxes they think they might have to pay were there no drunk ards to pay them for them We often wonder if men are entirely devoid of na tural affection or if they really do not know the danger thrir children are in There is one who is quite wide awake to the ruin he is causing and that is the saloon keeper Here is tho boast oneof them was beard to nirtfco not long ago I am starting lots of hoys on iheir viy to hell we Qout doubt in the b at but that he is nor that tin will keep them company all the way there H that diggeth pits for others shall fall into them himself Men of Met ook those are yoitr boys and if you by your in fluence and vote do not banish the sa loons than ou urn as guilty as the thief who murders his victim hat he mnv the easier obtain the gold he covets List of Those Examined Following - named persons appeared before the local civil service board last Saturday and were examined for the rural service Leon C Clifton and Roy Smith of Iudiaiiclii V W Kite Percy C itlett A J Whet ler and F A Premtr of Bartle The local board of ei s are E J Brady and Daniel OBrien II Bishop Graves at St Albans Bishop Anson R U raves will be at St j Albans church Sunday March Mtb at 11 a m and celebrate p m he will preach The offering at both services will be for missions in the District of Kearney AH are invited Are Thankful To All To nil the neighbors and friends who assisted during the illness and after tho death of our dear one and for the floral offerings we are most thankful and grateful Mr and Mrs Chas Bvkield in fact No ONE first last and all the time 9 6 I I vaMBBannBM anu The Successful Farmer of today who does not possess a bank account is an oxcei tion To no one i9 a checking ac count more of a luxury It solves tho problem of always having his money at hand of making exact change and re ceiving a receipt in return for the money paid Some men oven to this day persist in carrying a roll of currency on their persons thoy are the ones we usually read of in Jho papers as hav ing been held up and rob bed A bank account is the best burglary insurance you can have This bank wants your busi ness wo will appreciate it we prove it The First National Bank of McCook W ill Excel Them All The Western Redpath Chautauqua St stem i an advance announcement boldly states that their 1909 chautauqua in McCook will be bigger and better than any other chautauqua in this part of the state They will indicate their talnntand attractions generally in future arry Woolard isucs of th papers Spelling- Contest The Red Willow spelling contest will bo held in Indianola Saturday March 20th Tho written snellinir will bo He will preach confirm j ven ul 100 a the communion At THO i wiI1 be hd at 1jl m The oral contest It is earnestly de sired that every school will be represent ed Wants Home For Baby Boy An one who would be willing to give a home to a baby boy six months old should call on Mrs Carpenter on west 2nd street first door north of the Burke rooming house for particulars Gures Colds Prevents Pneumonia ggamaBESggl Bullard Lumber Co SNESSras2ESN EMSSSNENSSs SsSXSsS3SSJSSs SSSKSarJTvsN es and Seeds That Grow 11 cThQ P 1 years w have suPPhed our customers m n oiai ttim neeb ana seeas that grow We iiy u uioit uumpiere ime ot fruit and memai irees Berry Bushes Roses cS Com- m uuius en- ac iow prices fev Dlete stock lWe l lum 10c Che7 lLgU o raS kfnd 5 of uuuucu Licei oncorn j 5 irw rz 1 j jg -T U Td - wm - -X m AAA MMlliiU IM 1 V n tsG Flnivnr nndc f cani freight on WOLfrom Write for our lnr 119 page catalog and Garden GuMa 0- We mail same free of charge to nnwno interested also sample pkt May King Lettuce the earliest and finest of all head lettuce MuwniM iuu oeea riouse Box 110 Deatrio Neb w mm A PLAN NOW YOUR SUMMER VACATION THE SEATTLE EXPOSITION during- the Summer of iooq offers the best chance of years to make the Pacific Coast tour only 5000 round trip with 1500 more via the Shasta Route through California This is the most attractive and educational railroad journey in the world See the Yellowstone Park the magnificent forests along the Coast beautiful Puget Sound Mount Shasta the Santa Clara Valley San Francisco Bay and environs Monterey Santa Barbara orchards worth 1000 per acre Southern CaliforniaAmericas Italy scenic Colorado the modern cities Seattle Spokane Tacoma Port land Oakland San Jose Los Angeles San Francisco Pasadena Salt Lake Denver all a grand panorama of surprises then too the palatial hotels with reasonable Summer rates the Easterner is very welcome out west and is cordially received along the way Send for literature rates information etc D F IIostettei Ticket Agent McCook Xeb L W Wvkelev G P A Omaha miireasigasaM35gEa MAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets MAKES YOUR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PRICE Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and tryonce SKlDOO V n Tablels Worn Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Ho Cto tafleI oSSwde Spavin Cure Barb VArs Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stiffener Tablet Sold by A McMlLLEN iUcCook Nebraska ssssavsssss3NSvssE3NJE5a aposs sssasEssrasifs sbnd ONE ONE ONE Thit k ttio n nf OVP rf ihn Unt T I j - - - c liuiuui i aim uu concerns m a ja No ONE town which is located on ONE East Street But if you cant j find it call phone No ONE when you will be informed that vou can get No ONE lumber No ONE coal No ONE service No ONE treatment V vr 1 u V h i