ii i I 7 i t If Ifc I h r y TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR MTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTM Portieres I and Rugs A rare new line in all sizes qualities and prices now on dis play in this depart ment Come and be shown the splendid assortment Pade Furniture and Carpet Co A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A HAAAiO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM Have You Reported Have you phoned or told tho com mittee how many teachers you will room or board during the meeting of the S W Nebraska Teachers association April 1 2 3 The rates as averaged from those who have listed accommodations with the oommittee are Rooms for two persons at 75 cents to 1 00 board and room for one person 100 lo 8123 per day We wish to a id that tho committee realize that they will require all the available accommodations of the city and they urge upon all who have not reported to do so at the earliest possible time Phone H C Clapp or call at the store DO IT NOW Best Grades of High Patent Having bought the flour and feed business of H S Godfrey Co I wish to announce to tho people of McCook and- vicinity that I will at all times car ry a complete stock of flour and feed high patent flour I have moved one door north of old location into the Cain brick Patronage solicited 1st st west G W Smith Sale Continues Till March 16 While tho entire Grannis stock will be sold in bulk March 22nd the pre sent closing sale will continue until the evening of March 16th and we announce some more-than-ever attractive bargains until that timp Come and participate J E Kklley Trustee E C Bishop Manager Real Corn Fed Article We have purchased a fine bunch of corn fed steers cows and heifers and offer our trade some of the finest- meats ever put on the block in this city Come and test us RODGEKS it MODKELL Unequaled DeLaval Separators W H Harmon is the local agent and has in stock on West B street a number of these famous money making separa tors Consult him WALL PAPERS Every kind but old Every price but high L W McConnell Druggist FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf Sponges for the bath toilet house cleaning buggy and every other purpose Good ones L W McConnell Druggist Seed Potatoes We will have on track Fkiday and Saturday MARCH 12th and 13th last car of seed potatoes from Minnesota this sea son These are strictly first class Early Ohio stock from theRed River country of Minnesota and those who want the best seed potatoes grown must come at this time as this will surely be the last car of Minnesota potatoes shipped to Mc Cook this season H G Phelps Commission Co Wedding1 Reception At the homo of Mr and Mrs W F Everist Tuesday evening a joyous wedding reception waH participated in by a large company of neighbors ana young friends of their daughter Miss Sadie and Mr Linus C Stoll who en tered tho realm Benodictine February 27th 1009 with the cooperation of Rv Edker I3urton pastor of tho Baptist church Tho nffair was of that informal char acter which appeals to the less punctili ously ceremonial and wns characterized by a gayety and freedom which well comported with the spirit of tho comp any Refreshments in courses two were served Mrs Walter Stokes and Mrs W E McDivitt serving from the large table and Miss Ethel Morrissey and Miss Lorene Calhoun assisting The table and room decorations were of carnations in geusrous display Mrs Albert Barnett presided over the guest book and pencil The young couple were quietly wedd ed at the parsonage Saturday evening February 27th and knowledge withheld from family and friends until last Satur day the bride meanwhile completing the final week of school teaching in dis trict 83 The bride ha9 lived here from child hood and is widely admired for her grace and accomplishments The groom is an artesan of high repute and a good fellow of the fir3t rank The Tribunr can do no more than to add its sincore and hearty congratu lations to those of their host of friends Here they are Pastime Changes Hands Wednesday evening a new proprietor was in possession of the Pastime moving picture theatre W H Harmon having on that date sold and transferred the business to J H Snyder too well known in our city to need an introduction to Tribune readers or McCook theatre goers Mr Snyder comes into possession of this popular amusement resort with a firm determination to maintain ie high reputation for presenting clean bills of amusement at popular prices mid with a resolve to improve in every possible way its service and character as he may be able with experience to do so He will no doubt receive the growing and liberal support of that play house devoted to the best the market affords id moving pictures illustrated songs etc Letter Boxes At Depot The postoffice department has had two double door letter boxes placed at the railway station for the convenience of the public in mailing letters which are too late to get into the pouches at the postoffice One box is at the east end of the station platform and is for east bound mail only The other box is at the west end of platform for the west bound mail Railway postal clerks on all mail trains will collect the mail from these boxes east bound trains collecting from the east box and west bound trains collecting from the west box Patrons are urged to make use of these boxe9 and not leave any United States mail with the baggageman at depot for mailing Postmaster McCook Nobr March 10 1909 Republican City Caucus The Republican electors of the city of McCook are called to meet in caucus Friday March 19 1909 8 oclock p in in the county court room for the pur pose of placing in nomination candidates for Mayor City Clerk City Treasurer City Engineer Police Judge Members of the City Council and Members of the Board of Education and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting Signed H P Waite C W Barne E F Oshorn Lon Cone Citv Central Committee RIGHT WALL PAPERS AT RIGHT PRICES 1 i It will pay you to know what is right j in papers The only way to know is to investigate Our 1909 papers are now on display and a visit to our wall paper room will do you good See the differ ent combinations and new designs in ex- elusive patterns L W McConnell Druggist A Chance to Get a Home in Oklahoma 1 One million five hundred thousand acres of Oklahoma school will be sold this year on 40 years time at 5 per cent interest under the law just passed by the legislature Map and copy of law description of land and how to buy sent upon receipt of 81 00 School Land Adv Co Helena Okla See tho advertisement of Miss Ander sons millinery opening March 16th Sfca itlc00fe Benefit Royal Neighbors and Log Rolling a play entitled WIVES OF WOODMEN in four acts Under personal direction of S C Beach PATHOS WIT SENTIMENT AND FUN MARCH l 8 1909 AT MENARDS OPERA HOUSE Admission 25 cents Seats may be reserved at McConnells Drug Store on Monday morning Remember THURSDAY NIGHT is the night Come and bring your friends Unlultllled Pledges Two years since both Repub lican and Citizens city platforms pledged actions which we believe have not been fulfilled Tbe Republican platform prom ised their city treasurer to depos it city funds where pajment of two per cent on daily balances could be secured The Citizens platform pledged to publish reports of proceedings of the school board and at least quarterly reports of the city treasury We believe neither have been fulfilled or attempted to be carried out Citizens Party Caucus The Citizens party electors of the City of McCcok are called to meet In caucus Friday March 19th 1909 at 8 oclock P Al in the Gunsebow Fioher hall 201 Main avenue for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the follow ing offices to be voted for at the city election to he held April 6th 1909 to wit Mayor City Clerk City Treasurer City Engineer two Councilmen Mem bers of Board of Education aud Pre cinct Committeemen and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting I M Smith O E Pearson S D McClain C J Ryan City Central Committee COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY court Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report Carl G M Miller 28 and Mrs Dora M Christensen 38 both of Englewood Colarado Frank E Putnam 23 and Nellie Nicholson IS both of McCook Mar ried by county judge March 6th Linus C Stoll 24 and Sadie E Ev erist 21 both of McCook John C Dietz25and Louise AKuhl man 17 both of Cambridge Written consent of brides parents Sunday March 2i the Methodist people will begin a Gos pel Revival Prof Guy Irwin Waltz the singing evangelist of Boston Mass will have charge of the music Mr Carman will preach every night First weeks sermon subjects will be publish ed next week Subject for March 14th morning Only a Pile Left evening The Golden Calf No Session of the Club The commercial club gave way to the city council meeting in its rooms Tues day evening The water question being up filled the club rooms A special meeting is called for tonight I March 12ch For Rent The Babcock 15 acre tract near town Also a 4 room dwelling 705 3rd street West Boyle Eldred Farm Loans Optional puyments No CHsh com mission required P S Heaton Tho most elaborate display of wall paper we have ever shown is uow ready for jour inspection It is to your in terest to see our wall paper before buying L W McConnell Druggist Mrs T B Campbell and Mrs V J Gathercole will give a Dorcas kensingfon at the home of Mrs Campbell Thurs day March 18th C F Lehn makes Real Estate Loans MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING MARCH 12 1909 Burial of Baby Byfteld Funeral services wero held at the home in East McCook last Saturday morning at ton oclock after which the little body was conveyed to Indianola where the remains were buried in the cemetery at that place Services at the home were conducted by Rev G B Hawkes of the Congregational church of this city a quartette from the church providing simple music for the touch iog occasion The neighbors in num bers showed their sympathy by their presence and floral tributes further spoke the language of tenderness Little William Wallace was in his sixth month Nicholson Putnam Wedding Miss Nellie Nicholson and Mr Frank Putnam were united in marriage Satur day last County Judge Moore officiat ing This paper wishes them much happiness and prosperity The Nobby Stylish Kind Rozell Barger have just received a new shipment of shirts and neckties all ribbby and stylish at the fight prices A nice assortment to select from FARM LOANS W M Rozell makes farm loans See him at Rozell Bargers clothing store ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs Fred Bortfelt of Red Cloud joined her husband here Sunday Mr and Mrs G G Eisenhart of Culbertson visited the metropolis Mon day C H Morrill of the Lincoln Land Co was in the city Tuesday on busi ness Mr and Mrs J R McCarl moved into their new residence on 1st street east this week Mrs H E Durham who has been very ill for several weeks past is now slowly recovering Mrs C W Taylor is somewhat im proved as we go to press this morning having passed quite a comfortable n ght Mrs Matik G Welles arrived home Tuesday night from Colorado where she has been spending the winter with her sister G E Thompson arrived home last night from his trip east visiting his daughter Margaret briefly in Lincoln on his way home Mrs R E Benjamin of Fairbury was in town early in the week on a real estate deal involving the sale of their dwelling in our city Allen McClain of University Place was in town Tuesday and Wednesday looking after some real estate and other investment matters in this vicinity Mr Borgolte the temple opera house contractor came in from Iowa Monday night on business of his first contract now nearing completion name ly the enclosing of the big building Mb Smith father of Mrs C W Taylor arrived from Lead S Dak Sunday night called by his daughters serious illness Mrs Smith who has been spending the winter in California arrived from Los Angeles Tuesday night on train 6 Mrs Craiu McDonald received word by long distance phone Monday advis ing her of the death the preceding day of her father Mr Ayres Goble of Hast ings She and Air McDonald departed on the evening train for Hastings where the remains were laid to rest Tuesday under auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic The wife and four child ren survive two daughters and a son in addition to Mrs McDonald of our city who have sincerest sympathy of all who know her Apoplexy was the cause of sudden death M obtttte Council Proceedings Special called meeting Tuesday all present held in the commercial club room Reports of police judge and weigh master submitted and placed on fio Petition of H E Durham for permit to operate a peanut and popcorn stand on streets was read and laid over for future decision City treasuror report was read and referred to finance committee The mayor appointed following judges and clerks of election and polling places in the two wards First ward Judges J S Letlew J M Henderson and M J Clark clems Norman Campbell and Charles V Kelley Polling place Kelley building 1st door north of Commercial hotel Second ward Judges Chas Weintz F J Rolfeand Jacob Steinmetz clerks J W Spencer George D Burgess Polling place hose bouse city hall Gas light was ordered installed at corner of C and 3rd street west Bills allowed Barnett Lumber Co coal 9 35 Bullard Lumber Co coal etc 3 35 L A Fitch Co livery 3 00 Paul Anton mdse 50 Htnry Gale salary 27 00 R M Osborn salary 65 00 Fred Scblagel salary 55 00 John Ekstedt salary 50 70 James F Brewer labor 4 40 McCook Electric Co S58 34 90 Welsbach Street Lighting Co S150 142 92 The police judges report for February shows six cases disposed of 16 in fiues were imposed and 88 collected and turned into the city treasury The treasurers report makes the following exhibit GENERAL FUNU Receipts 189173 Expenditures Balance ROAD FUND Receipts 360 62 Expenditures w Balance 360 62 WATER FUND Receipts 702 L0 Expenditures Balance - - - LIOHTFUND Receipts 8 738 45 Expenditures Balance SEWER SPECIAL Receipts 8 942 18 Expenditures Overdrawn 9 74 FIRE FUND Receipts 8 10834 Expenditures Balance CEMETERY FUND Overdrawn S 121S2 Expenditures LIIIRARY FUND Receipts 8 31597 Expenditures Overdrawn 4007 SCALES FUND Receipts 8 12410 Expenditures Balance OCCUPATION FUND Receipts 8 150 75 hiponditures Piano oIo Reading Vocal solo Piano duet Florence Schobel ji rt ZtS 77158 112015 00000 59445 103 05 235 80 50265 il 92 17 00 9134 121 82 35604 5910 6500 502 32 Balance 351 52 The preeminent incident of the coun cil session however was the appearance before the council of General Supt Bjrain C H Morrill and A B Minor three stockholders of the McCook Water Wonts Co These gentlemen submitted a state ment of receipts and expenses for the year 1908 The item of expenditures totals 10 010S3 Tbe income is given at 81209G86 The net income for 1908 is placed at 82 0S003 Ihe gentlemen claim for the company that the rate is not remunerative under the present ordinance and were most anxious to get together with the city on a plan and arraugement agreeable to both parties They claimed they would bo satisfied with a return of 7 per cent on the claim ed v tl nation of the plant of 87500000 I per cent of the 7 being figured for de preciation and any balance above the figures just given to go into the city treasury It is perhaps unnecessary to state that no action was taken by the council It is highly improbable too that a settle ment can ever be made on the basis sug gested if a all This Mornings Program Appended is the program presented at the high school assembly this morn ing Feme Flitcraft Mr J F Forbes A F Coupe Rosthush and Marjorie NUMBER 42 STARTING A BANK ACCOUNT IT is no more troublo to open a bank account than to buy a pound of nails Como in and say to any employe or officer of tho bank I want to open an account Tell the man at tho window how much you want to start tho account with Ho will fix up your pass book give you ii check book and will ask you to writo your namo so we will know your signature when ever wo see it The nmount of your deposit will be credited in your pass book All this will not tako more than two min utes and you will have facili ties for saving monoy and taking care of it that are un known to tho man who is not a bank depositor We will be pleased to seo you at THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK A home bank A growing bank Drebert Clothing Co Close of last week the Sterling Cloth ing Co disposed of tho Tartsch stock of clothing and furnishings to tho Drebert Clothing Co Alex F Drebert of tho company de parted Saturday night for Chicago to order fixtures and furniture for the store to be installed August 1st when he secures possession of the entire room Frank E Wells arrived from Chicago close of last week and i in charge of the store during the absence of Mr Drebert f Mr Korns will continue in the em ploy of the new company Musical Service There will be a special musical service at tho Congregational church next Sun day at 8 p in with the following pro gram Violin solo 2 selections Geo Heckman Vocal F M Kimmell Vocal Miss Ruth Wieho Piano Miss Fay Eikenberry Short sermon bv the pastor on the subject A Great Fact Auspices Mens Sunday Eveuing club One Detail Lacking In our account of the Frazier child falling into the weil in South McCook last week we lacked one detail namely the fact that H P Smith assisted in the rescue of the little fellow by going down into the well on a rope You Will Have No Trouble in selecting a spring suit from our stock we have the latest styles and colors a fine line at the right reasonable fig ures Rozell Barger outfitters to their majesties the people A Splendid Snowfall This section of Nebraska is mantled this morning in several inches of snow the finest fall of the winter John Cashen Auctioneer ndiauola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Farm Loanj N JJohnson over McConnells store Note the date of the millinery open ing at Mis Andersons Tuesday March 16th Purify your blood with McConnells Sarsaparilla and jou will have good health and an abundance of energy tbf remainder of the jear L W McConnell Druggist Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for saIealso flour and feed C J RYAN C F Lehn buys road orders j For Seed j Barley Oats and White Spring t Wheat at f Updike Grain Co SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a special price for the next thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co HN Rosebush Slanager Phone red 196