The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 05, 1909, Image 8

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    Made from
Everything in drugs McConnell
A McMiileo prescription druggist
Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286
Of course you know Huber keeps teh
Wedding Breakfast Coffee
Earmers and poultry men feed your
hens lkks egg maker nuj incite em
lay We have it Wood worth Co
Your hands and complexion need a
little care at this seasou McConnells
Fragrant Lotion will keep them like
velvet Price 25 cents
For breakfast we have buckwheat Ral
ston and Advo pancake flours and maple
syrup and mapleine to go with them
The record of nirsrj - i
the past year unfer the dry conditions
show a decrease of 281 as against the
ee 1 nis r
Mens and boys best linen collars in all
sizes worth 15c sale price 9 Cts
Mens and boys bow ties regular 25c
value sale price 14 cts
Four-in-hand ties worth from 50 to 75
cents sale price 33 Cts
Fine dress shirts worth 100 125
150 sale price 89 Cts
Dress shirts worth 50c 65c and 75c
sale price 39 cts
Mens and boys light ribbed and
fleece lined underwear Will close out
the entire line at 33 Cts
Mens fine all wool pants worth 300
350 and 400 sale price 229
Mens pants worth 250 and 275
now to go at 169
Boys light and heavy caps worth 25c
35c and 50c now 15 Cts
cream of tartar derived solely
from grapes All the ingredients
of Dr Prices Baking Powder
are printed on the label They
are pure healthful and proper
When baking powders are peddled or
demonstrated examine their labels You
will Cind they are not made from cream
of tartar You dont want them
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
See Stayner for 2nd hand typewriters
Cameras and supplies at Woodwortb
Co a
Dr R II Gait wood dentist office
over MeMillens drug store phone 163
We have fresh lettuce and celery every
Wednesday and Saturday HUBER
You will avoid chapped and rough
bands and face by using MeMillens
Cream Lotion
We have the finest stock of wall paper
this season we have ever showu You
should see it
L W McConnell Druggist
The McCook Building Association
opens a new series of stock and you
should call on the secretary and sub
scribe for 5 or 10 shares at once There
is no safer or better investment for your
preceding wet vear or oousiderablj raonthlv savings Investigate if you do
less t ban State Journal
not understand the proposition
McConnell for drugs
oeatimjiiiiia in iimwmam Atff
Seed Corn Lancastor Franklin
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Sleepless nights front coughing can be
conquered by using Mc Milieus Cough
t ure
Mound diii1iri rwni bookn
r ijitf to lb pat for sale Mt Tuv
We have a full line of California Canned
Goods in both the Advo and J M brands
Nothing superior - HUBER
I In- coiigb temeiix m lime lu tirii
imir iieiylibur iccoiuiii iid is MeLon
ni iis Hil Htn PKf 25
0r i f spring line of viiil ppi r is
iiriiviig anl htirnitVM luirgniin urn
now b had in b th hhw inl retnnaut
WnomvouTM lt Druggists
A monthly investment of 81000 for
120 months pays the holder of MoCo k
Building Association stock 82 KM u
smaller amounts proportionately S -e
the secretary and place your order for
the new stock now open
SurSHiiNK -old in cans from 20c to
S3 00 per ciui It i the ideal varnish
stain Try a little on an old chair or
other piece of furniture makes it look
like now Sold in eleven natural ood
colors at Woodwortb Co s
Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure auy
case of kidney or bladder troublo that is
not beyond the reach of medicine
Cures headache and irn gulnrities that if
neglected might result in Brights dis
ease or diabetes A MeMillen
The hen cackles eciiuse she has
something to advertise She believes
in publicity and publishes abroad the
arrival of a new invoice of goods Loirn
of the hen thou sluggard Many a
merchant has tood lv mil on his count
ers because he doesnt eneUle and let
the people know what he his to sell
LEGE Ifo we owi help ylm We
have already put hundreds in rough col
lege by means of our pl ui Wijie to
dn for full information reirirdini our
offer of a free scbolarshi in any school
or college Address Robert J Sher
lock 29 1 East 22rl street New Yrk
Bl yK VJgaiim
I nh T 5 s A TEv ET SEV V jrff ST IT Hi sS rfV j T fl
tti 1 wl A ih n mi i m 1 jb mm rtfuBniof yriai smlvj n
9 r r ki u ni i in
j 5 4 JNa
I S i I
1 zr
Look Here
JSIens and boys hats worth 50c 75c and
100 sale price 39cts
Mens hats worth 300 350 and
400 sale price 235
Ladies and misses ribbed hose regular
20c value sale price 13 cts
Misses and childrens hose worth 2 for
35c the will go at 11 cts
Ladies union suits worth 65c and 75c
now at 39 CtS
All ribbons at just one half the marked
Large pencil tablets for school use the
regular 5c ones now 3 cts
Rollman food choppers for grinding meat
and vegetables 42 cts
Mens womens and childrens canvas
rubber sole tennis shoes regular 65c
75c and 100 values now 49 cts
Canned corn per can 7cts Choice salmon tall cans 10 cts Mapleine per bottle 24 cts
Canned tomatoes per can 9 cts 20c coffee in bulk H cts Yeast Foam per pkg 3 cts
Soapo lye per can 7vCts Table apricots 3 lb can 16 cts Laundry soap -10 bars 100
Sultana raisins per pkg 8 cts Table peaches 31b can 16 cts Large 25c pkg crackers 20 cts
Seeded raisins per pkg 8 cts Gallon peaches per can 29 cts Oat Meal per pkg 1 1 cts
Shoes never were sold as cheap quality considered We are actually selling regardless
of cost style or price Now is the time to buy a years supply of footwear You
cannot afford to miss this chance in quality and saving of dollars
ev i81ti w
MdyrjinMi it
Trustees Sale
At oclock 1 1 in Mwodny March
22 19C9 at the siore ioom 300 Mmui ave
nue McCook Nirloi thn undersign
ed will offer foiil to Hie htrht bid-
Mrs J JacKson nuro Phono red 251 Her rnr rnh in Imiu the entire Grannis
stock of merchandise consisting f a
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The cu up rodnte Ht k of nbont 5700OC0
Tribonk office of Dry Goods Notions Furnishing
Goods Carpets Hraoorie and a full
Try our crackers in tin boxes You will jm0f GrocericM all in first class condi
never use any other HUBER I tionlurnn ni2nnipnt of
Or R H Gatewood dentist otlice
over MeMillens drur jtore photic 1G3
mom zxii ieei riwni ciw w yi
month At the Hntne time book ac
count of Hce vnliifi of about 54 000 will
be offered for mhIi o f1 highest biddor
3 5 2 s 7 TC Ktcmfy Trustee
Wrod worth tor mtuns
McConnells Balsam euros coughs
Fresh fruit always in season at Hubers
McMillpns Cold Tablets will break
up and cure your cold
Large size Sunkist oranges JOc a
dozen at T A Wilcox Son s
Discs with tongue trucks thirty dol
lars at McCook Hardware Cos
Majestic Ranges bake the biscuit
brown on both sides and take less fuel
than other stoves
Lawn and garden hose direct from the
factory this means a saving for you at
McCook Hardware Cos
We have the finest lme of Olives and
Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid Hur
dock line HUBER
Special cards for Washingtons Birth
day St Patricks Day St Valentinos
Da etc at this office
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
Alfalfa seed seven to ten dollar per
bushel We can save you money on
seeds McCook Hardware Co
WuIh Finn nd Tir Mentholated a
Hiii i licienr cough niJiciue
Peitsjnt to tae Vuori worth it Co
One Minute and Motor washers save
Ihe clothes and the women work at
McCook Hardware Cos
We are now agents for the Famous Car
hartt Overalls and Jackets atso for their
Gloves and Caps HUBER
Ptimzb home industry by smoking
wUiiiii icitl l lub lUceut cigar and
- Mi ke 7 cent uiuti
i m u iritteuden ttie new
t rnaUts fuin sales a specially
I He m1I book litN i fur ou at the i b
Uiz iis flunk
Alex Bergeron is now in the city and
will remain two or three wee- s Leave
your orders for piano tuning or repair
ing at IT P Suttons
Airx lieryeiou will jreith api reciate
iwii is fr 1 iano tuiiig left at IT P
1 Snt store but cannot make a house
to liuii e canva s of the ciiv
I ole V Honey ami Iir cures coughs
stfeijtheris ttie Inriijs and expels colds
k G t ttie yeiiuirie in a eiiow nackayo
S A McMilen Driuyisf McCook
Neckties stock ties in plain and in
I 1 4-
1 nmiii fi 4dkh r m
iiiiu uuiuia iiu iiuu jusl luumvuu
t jv tf
iue leaamg ciotuing anu gents litrntsu
ings store Rozell it Barger of course
That new line of portieres and rugs at
the Pade Furniture and Carpet Cos
store cannot be equalled in this section
I of state Something to please all tastes
and purses
Luther bush recently convicted at
Befivei Cit and sentenced to five ears
in the penitentiary escaped from the
couuty jail at Beaver City Sunday
night being captured on following
The Glide Automobile built by the
Barthalomew Co at Peoria 111 was
considered to be mechanically the most
correct the simplest and most durable 1 5
car of all that was shown at the great
bhow at Chicago
Lon t forget about liquid vesesr
when you have dusty furniture or hard
wood floors to wipe off It takes off the
dirt and polishes at the same time A p
plied with a cloth 23 and oOjat Wood
worth Co 3 Druggists
A lady remarked to us the other day
I could get along without almond and
crccsinERCtJEAM but as long as I can
get it jou bet I will Its for chapp
ed hands and face Did you ever use
it 2oc at Woodworth Cos Drugg
My three jear old boy was badly
constipated had a high fever and was
in an awful condition I gave him two
dosesof Foleys Orino Laxative and the
next morning the fever was gone and he
was entirely well Foleys Orino Laxa
tive saved his life A Wolkush Casi
mer Wis A McMillen Druggist
Paint made for a dry and hot climate
is not suitable for a wet one The
IIeviii Milligax paint is the one to
use on our housebecause it is prepared
especially to withstand the action of the
weather in this Nebraska climate Let
us figure with you before you paint
WoomvoRTH Co Druggists
Past experience of owners of matured
stock in the McCook Building Associa
tion shows a net earning of S per cent
on their investment Why not be an
investor in this association where your
monthly savings no matter how small
will earn you a good rate of interest
See the secretary about the new series
now open
ViVlivi i ivl ivl fvi l
il2SliS io M UU M
Cant Sweeney Colts
and speaking about colts Spring is the time
when most farmers are starting to work their
young horses the colts and according to au
thority one colt in ever five is sweenied by
old style collars but it is impossible to sweeney
a colt with a
Whipple Collar
afaML3 jgaafraMB JAJgSJuc LfitSku
because there is no pressure at all on the
shoulder muscles where the sweeney comes
from old style collars Then too horses are
started to work most of them toft and read to
bruise and gall with old style collars They
dont do it with a
Whipple Humane Collar
These collars cot 6750 each which is the value of
other parts displaced with the old style collar and
hames and are adjustable to fit horses weighin from
1000 to 1800 pounds
We also have a full line of COLLARS AND HARNESS
Also the latest in FARM IMPLEMENTS WIND
MILLS AND TANKS See us before bu in-
A Pattern
Free with the
New Spring
Style Book
Newest Styles Best Quality Lowest Prices in
Ladies and Misses Suits
at 1200 1 500 2000 2500 and 3500
It is truly refreshing to see these high class tailored gar
ments so moderately priced Our new line embraces practi
cally everything that bears the stamp of fashions approval
Our present showing is an extensive one with all the leading
fabrics and shades represented Now is the time to make
your choice
Ladies Satin Silk 2nd Foulard Gowns
The largest assortment and best values we have ever shown
are now on display Handsome dresses in the best styles and
newest colorings we are offering at
1175 1500 ir50 2000 and Up
Ve guarantee you a perfect lit and furiiali you a beautiful
g0Wn ready to wear for about the price of your bare
materials Let us show you these values
New Grape Novelties
This is the latest craze and we have just received
most beautiful grape designs in Back Combs Barrettes
Belt Buckles Sash Pins Hat Pins Belts etc etc
Call and see them
Our Millinery Department
is growing more attractive each day with the new patterns
and latest ideas which are being brought out Visit this
department when in our store
mm imhitt aji int Lrjy jjjij
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
r r rrirB
222 Main Ave
Phone 56
McCook Neb
111 11 1 m 11 inn 1 1
pnone 31 McCook Hardware Co