The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 05, 1909, Image 6

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    Presidential Inaugurations
From Washington to Lincoln
All the Way From Jeffersonian Simplicity
to the Pomp and State of Modern Times
the early years of the
government before the capital
was moved to Washington the
induction of a president al
though a ceremony of great dignity
and solemnity was a very small and
select affair
In New York for nearly a fortnight
preceding the great day of April 30
1789 every tavern and boarding house
had been thronged with visitors and
on the day before the inauguration
every private house was filled with
guests from all parts of the Union
In the center of the procession pre
ceded by the senate and followed by
representatives walked George Wash
ington On reaching Federal hall the
troops formed a line on each side of
the way through which the president
vflth his attendants was conducted to
tol by the militia and the ceremony
took place in the senate chamber
which is now the supreme court room
As the dnj for the second inaugura
tion of James Monroe fell on Sunday
the ceremony took place the following
day Monday March 5
John Qulncy Adams was inaugurated
on March 4 1825 and the day was one
of great demonstration and display
President Monroe called at the resi
dence of the president elect who then
resided on F street opposite the Eb
bitt House and here they were joined
by the military escort and the proces
Blon headed by the cavalry moved at
once to the capltol
The Inauguration of Old Hickory
took place on March 4 1S29 and was
a memorable one The friends of
President John Qulncy Adams had
the chamber of the senate where the
representatives hsd assembled a few
minutes before and at the door the
vice president received him and at
tended him to the chair
The vice president then said Sir
the senate and the house of represent
atives are ready to attend you to take
the oath required by the constitution
which will be administered by the
state of New York The president
answered I am ready to proceed
The vice president and the senators
led the way and followed by the rep
resentatives Washington walked to
the outside gallery overlooking both
Wall and Broad streets which were
filled with a sea of upturned faces
Washingtons first official act was to
attend service in old St Pauls
The seeoncT inauguration of Presi
dent Washington took place in Inde
pendence hall at Philadelphia on
March 4 1702
On March 4 1707 John Adams was
Inaugurated president of he United
States in the old statehouse at Phila
delphia Although the day was favor
able there was no parade or gathering
of a large assemblage
Although the generally accepted ac
counts of Jeffersons inauguration
make it appear that he rode to the cap
ital on horseback without attendance
and that the ceremony was of the
simplest kind a newspaper of the day
states that on this day President
Elect Jefferson was escorted from his
lodgings to the capitol by a body of
militia and a procession of citizens
seconcr inauguration on
March 5 1S05 was simpler if possible
than his first
A Ceremonious Occasion
The inauguration of James Madison
was the first ceremony which was
made a great occasion The day was
ushered in by a federal salute and at
an early hour the volunteer corps of
militia began to assemble So great
was the crowd that the oath of office
was administered in the old hall of
representatives now statuary hall at
the capitol For the first time in the
history of inaugurations the various
branches of the government were ush
ered into the hall with ceremonious
pomp and parade
James Madion was inaugurated the
Eecond time on March 4 1S13 He had
a military escort and the ceremonies
In the house of representatives were
similar to those of his first inaugura
tion In the evening there was an in
auguration ball at Davis hotel which
is now the Metropolitan
The 4th of March 1817 was a beau
tiful day and there was a large crowd
to witness the Inauguration ceremo
nies The president elect and vice
president elect left the private resi
dence of President Monroe attended
by a large cavalcade of citizens on
CEsebaclLJTbey jveipjnet J
agreed not to participate In the in
augural ceremonies and the only uni
formed military company in the Dis
trict of Columbia declined to offer its
escort to the president elect A com
pany of Revolutionary officers and sol
diers however organized and ten
dered their services to General Jack
son as an escort and he rode to the
capitol in an open carriage
The second inauguration of Andrew
Jackson was very simple There was
no military escort no outward display
and no procession
The 4th of March 183S was a beau
tiful day and the inauguration cere
monies of Martin Van Buren were
elaborate and the crowds in Wash
ington severely taxed the capacity of
the city Van Buren was the first
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tire American citizen VnaugurateTl
president for all the others had been
born as British subjects
A Notable Celebration
The inauguration of Old Tippeca
noe was one of the greatest events
that ever occurred In the national cap
ital After the furious campaign
which preceded his election great
crowds gathered in Washington to
witness the inauguration
Exactly one mouth after this Presi
dent Harrison died and on April 0
John Tyler took the oath of office be
fore William Cranch chief judge of
the circuit court of the District of Co
It was a cold rainy day when Presi
dent Polk was Inaugurated but there
was a long procession of the military
as well as civic organizations
Zachary Taylor had fine weather
unlimited noise and great ceremonies
attending his inauguration As the 4th
fell on Sunday he was inaugurated on
As President Taylor died on July 9
one year after his inauguration Vice
President Millard Fillmore took the
oath of office on July 10 in the house
of representatives
The inauguration of Franklin Pierce
was unique In the fact that the vice
president elect William It King was
not in Washington to be sworn Into
office but was on a mission to Cuba
and took the oath of office at a plan
tation on the hills above Matanzas at
the same time President Elect Pierce
was being sworn in in Washington
There was no inaugural ball
The 4th of March 1837 was a splen
did day and James Buchanan was in
augurated with much pomp and cere
mony After reaching the White
House President Buchanan held a
public reception and at night attended
the inauguration ball which was held
in a building in Judiciary square erect
ed for that purpose
The Lincoln Festivities
Abraham Lincoln bad a bright clear
day for his first inauguration but it
rained and the streets were wet and
muddy when he took his second oath
of office The martyr president went
to the capital from Springfield by way
of Indianapolis Columbus Cleveland
Pittsburg and Philadelphia and al
though he was given receptions all
along the way when he reached Har
risburg on account of threatened vio
lence it was thought best to change
the plans and he proceeded to Phila
delphia In one of the public cars and
arriving there at midnight he entered
the New York sleeper and passed
through Baltimore undisturbed and ar
rived In Washington at G30 on the
morning of Feb 23 He remained at
Willards hotel until the inauguration
day when President Buchanan called
for him and in an open carriage the
party proceeded to the capitol In or
der to avoid threatened violence the
president and president elect in their
carriage were preceded by a company
1 of infantry double files of the Dis
trict cavalry on either side and in
fantry and other military organiza
tions following In the long proces
sion there was a large car or float
representing the constitution and the
Union each state being represented
by a little girl dressed in white A
battalion of District troops guarded
the steps of the capitol The cere
mony of swearing in the vice president
in the senate completed the entire
party marched to the east portico of
the capitol where the great scene of
swearing in Abraham Lincoln took
The civil war was in progress when
Mr Lincoln was inaugurated for the
second time There were evidences
of the war everywhere and gloom
and sadness covered the whole land
The president went to the capitol ear
ly to sign bills and therefore the pa
rade marched down without him The
procession however was noteworthy
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Typewriter ribbons papers
sale at The Tribune office
the McCook W C T U
The Saloon an Unmitigated Curse
Excerpts from two antP oleution ser
mons by Kev Father Cassidy deliveifd
November 22 and 29 1908 at St Mar s
Cathpdral Fall River Mass
Drink is easily the supreme destroyer
of the body and of the soul I do not in
tend here to tire jou with long tables of
statistics You are all familiar with the
records compiled concerning the eflVct
upon pauperism and crime upon youth
by intoxicating liquors If theroareany
of you that are not all you have to do
is to read the newspapers or the govern
ment reports or come with mo over the
hill to the poor house or down the valley
to the orphans asylum or over the road
to tho New Bedford jail and ask the
keepers what proportions of their inmates
have come there through arink After
looking through the orphan asylum I
will guarantee you will hot go further
I will guarantee if you have a heart at
all when you know that ninety jercent
of the orphans at the St Vincents Or
phans Home are there through drink
you will have had enough
A loto government report says that the
health of the individual the safety of tho
family and the future of the country ha9
in alcoholism one of its greatest danger
Now do we aB intelligent iconle or wo
who presume to think ourselves intelli
gent do we realize tho common peril
Do we share tho common responsibility
Those who speak and write skilled in
these things say that drunkennessabout
the effects of which I have said a word
is a disease Then if this be true the
ravages of tuberculosis leprosy and fovr
of all kinds pale into insignificance be
side it For every victim laid low by
these diseases a hundred lie down to die
through drink If alcoholism and drunk
enness be disease where is itcontracted
What causes it Where is it best prop
agated Is it in our homes Not in any
worthy the name of a home Is it in
our schools No Is it in our streets
No Is it in our workshops this wretch
ed wicked thing No Where is it con
tracted but in that vilest of places the
public saloon Is it not their that this
inmoral destroyer takes its raise to
spread its curse upon the children of
What are wo doing to destroy this
pestilential sink What are wo doing
Are we awoke to the common peril
Methods of reform may be a fit subject
for discussion We might argue here nit
night whether prohibition was effectivt
and whether no license was a good thing
We might be some right and some wrong
and we might be unable to convince each
other But no sane man mark my
words no sane man needs any argu
ment to convince him that the saloon as
operated in this city today is an unmit
igated curse
I repeat it there is no good in it It
is all evil It is an unmitigated curse
If the saloon be not an evil why dont
men make it an object of prayer
How often at the end of a sinful story
have I heard a little girl saj Mamma
asked me to pray that papa may not
drink again and the saloon may not get
us all Did ever mother prompt her
child to pray papa might get drunk
again and the saloons might take him
And yet that which you dare not pray
for you will go out and vote for
Yet you know that wherever the sa
loon gets a foothold it furthers not the
work of God but the plans and schemes
of Satau You know that wherever
the saloon is there are mens vilest and
worst passions You know that where
ever the saloon is there is the very
scum of humanity You know that the
saloon in the furtherance of its vile
purpose knows neither maD nor God
nor gospel
As I have said before I am not con
demning men I am condemning the
institution I am condemning and at
tacking the evil which is destrojing my
people and it is my duty to attack it
If others of my cloth and other cloth
see fit to stand idly by and allow this
evil to spread then it is their responsi
bility and not mine I hear some of you
say That is enough we see the peril
we accept the responsibility the time
for words has gone by it is the time for
deeds What would you have us do
What would I have you do Give us
a chance to breathe for we are stifling
The atmosphere of the nation is crush
ing and choking us
What would I have you do Give us
a chance to live for we are on the rocks
of perdition chained by the brewers
bonds The vulture of the saloon is
clutching at our vitals What would I
have you do Break those brewers
chains Destroy those bonds Let us
be free again for God for country and
for home
Simple Remedy for LaGrippe
La grippe coughs are dangerous as
they frequently develop into pneumonia
FoloysHoney and Tar not only stops the
cough but heals and strengthens the
lungs so that no serious results need be
feared The genuine Foleys Honey
and Tar contains no harmful drugs and
is in a yellow package Refuse substi
tutes AMcMillen Druggist McCook
etc for
Emma Howard came out on Saturday
evening and visited until Sunday eve
ning at Louis Longnockers
Little Blossom Longnecker had an
attack of croup on Wednesday night
which prevented her going to school for
Beveral days
Owen Critcbiield has rented the
Spencer place north of Indianola and
he and bis bride moved this week
Au epidemic of bronchitis and grippe
prevails extensively
Mr and Mrs Elmer were out to hiB
daughters on Sunday
Mr and Mtb Critcbiiejd called on
friends the first of the week
Ira Neels children are very ill with
Tho little Longnecker children huve
all had the prevailing epidemic but are
about well aguin
Pete Andersons family left for their
new home in Iowa the last of the week
He will remain here a while to settle up
Lucy Millnr came out on Saturday
evening and Btaed till Monday evening
visitiug Mrs Owens Longnecker
Mrs Hatcher left the first of the work
for Sterling Colorado where she will
visit her sister Mrs Brown
Owens Longnecker hauled his hogs
to Indianola and it was slushy hauling
Mrs Jacob Wesch is on the sick list
Charles Wesch and Vaughn Benja
min attended the dance at Edwards
over in Hitchcock county Friday eve
John H Wesch isstnjing in McCook
Miss Louisa Wesch and Miss Cou
stance Benjamin were visitors at Mrs
Jacob Wesch Monday Tho latter has
been ill for some time
The Dike family moved on the Peter
Foxen farm last week
A Religious Authors Statement
Rev Joseph II Hosporman Salis
bury N Cwho is the author of several
books writes For several years I was
olllicted with kidney trouble and last
winter I wos suddenly stricken with a
sovero pain in my kidneis and was con
fined to bed eight days unable to get up
without assistance My urine contained
a thick white sediment and I passed
Fame frequently day and night I com
menced taking Foleys Kidney Remedy
and the pain gradually abatpd and final
ly ceased and my urine became normal
1 cheerfully recommend Foleys Kidney
liemedy A McMillen Druggist
Engraving and Embossing
Your wants can be supplied at The
Tribune in the line of engraving and
embossing such as calling cards invi
tations and announcements monogram
correspondence paper etc Handsome
samples of all on display Prices rea
sonable Prompt service If interested
come and inspect
Dr R II Gate wood dentist oflice
over McMilleus drug store phone 103
Sick Kidneys Weaken the Whole Body
Make You 111 Languid and
Weak kidnoya weaken tho body
through the continual drainage of life
giving albumen from the blood into
tho urine and the substitution of pois
onous urio acid that gouB broadcast
through the system sowing the seeds
of disease Loss of albumen causes
weakness languor depression Uric
poisoniug causes rheumatic pains ner
vouBneas nausea orichs in the back
gravel and kidney stoi es The proper
treatment is a kidney treatment and
the best remedy is Doaus Kidney Pills
William Parkes living in Red Cloud
Nebr says For about three years
my kidneys were in a disordered condi
tion and I was obliged to get up three
or four times at night to avoid tho se
cretions I was also subject to dizzy
spells I have now used Doans Kid
ney Pills for ome time and have the
greatest relief therefrom My kidneys
give me no further troubles and the
dizzy spells aro a thing of the past
Plenty morp proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at a drug store and
ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Fuster Milbum Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other -
How can any person risk taking some
unknown cough remedy when Foleys
Honey and Tar costs them no more It
is a safe remedy contains no harmful
drugs and cures the most obstinate
coughs and colds Why experiment
with your health Insist upon having
the genuino Foleys Honey and Tar
A McMilleu Druggist McCook
grffiffiifr Baking Powder sold at ujfc
A Surprise in Store
When you first try the most tempting-
savory fine flavored of all sea food
Dont associate them with oysters you com
The automobile Iheryin South
western Nebraska that always
Kets there and hack Trips day
or night anywhere Prices reas
Phone 166
Zk Can be found at 104
McCook Neb L
CURES disease with Pure Blood
v v rilHrarVUil rHtbiufcNI A It CBCru VASrllfcH
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
B a B B
Paid Up Capital S5oooo Surplus S 15000 t
a a b
i yayaa 5Swai
m vCtJv ucTC
monly buy Sealshipt are packed with
out water in sealed air tight steel containers Sealshipt Carriers
keep the oysters fresh and firm not water soaked They retain all
the incomparable tang of the sea
You cant get enough of Sealshipt More than a surprise a
Every housewife will want a copy of Sealshipt Sense with the
dainty new oyster recipes The following Sealshipt dealers will
give you a copy
The genuine Sealshipt Oysters are always sold from a
White Porcelain Display Case bearing the Sealshipt trade
mark in blue This is for your protection look for it
The Sealshipt Carrier System is patented Infringe-
South Norwalk Connecticut A
A 1
1 1