The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 05, 1909, Image 4

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    The Successful
of today who does not possess
a bank account is an excep
To no one is a checking ac
count more of a luxury It
solves the problem of always
having his money at hand of
making exact change and re
ceiving a recqipt in return for
thomonoy paid
Some mon oven to this day
persist in carrying a roll of
currency on their persons
tfioy are the ones wo usually
read of in the papers as hav
ing been hold up and rob
A bank account is the best
burglary insurance you can
This bank wants your busi
ness we will appreciate it
wo prove it
Bank of Mccook
Harlan county
u friktp
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Be houest and
honorable first then
The editor of the Rugan Journal
is kicking up his heels in great glee
A delinquent subscriber called him a
jackass the other day Mules are
bringing 8300 to 500 a pair down in
I make no doubt but what in an ulti
mate Lour when all worthy accounts
are posted for eternal adjustment the
cry of one child made hungry will out
weigh all the colleges all the hospitals
all the churches that ever laid their
corner stones in trust collected gold
Hastings coiucilmen became so en
thusiastically anxious to grant saloon
licenses in that city last spring that
they petitioned themselves that is they
signed the petitions praying for the
granting and issuance of such licenses
Sapheads The supreme court has or
dered the revocation of five such licenses
It is announced that Judge John G
Wooley has withdrawn from the Prohi
bition party and will in future vote with
the party or parties best reprepenting
and advancing temperance and to pro
mote the final solution of the temper
ance problem It seen s to be a fact
that while the temperance sentiment
has grown with astounding rapidity of
recent years the Prohibition party has
The third assistant postmaster gener
al according to several exchanges of
last week is out in a franked circular
urging business men to buy government
stamped envelopes and as is the rule
of the department offering to print the
purchasers name and address on the
envelopes free If the government
should invade other branches of busi
ness and apply the same business
ods to them as it does to printers doing
the printing for nothing there isnt
a business in America that could sur
vive a year It is a rank injustice
but queerly none see it but the printers
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
August J Aden 24 of Culbertson and
Mary Uhren 26 of McCook Married
by connty judge February 25th
Clarence E Murphy23 of Cambridge
and Margaret C King 18 of Lebanon
George Ecker 24andRosa Gesellman
23 both of Herndon Kansas Married
by county judge March 3rd
Martin L Scott 27 and Anna Rose
Mokko 23 both of McCook
Dr R H Gatewood dentist office
over McMillens drug store phone 163
The entire Clothing and Furnishing Goods
Stock of
been sold to-
Drebert Clothing Co
who will soon turn the entire room into an up-to-
LOTHES SHOP for men with hard-
wood fixtures floor cases cabinets etc and high grade
lines of Merchandise McCook will then possess
second to none
in the State of Nebraska New Stocks of Clothing
Hats Shirts and Mens Furnishings have been ordered
from the manufacturers and will soon be here for the
-The Tartsch stock must get out nothing reserved
Mens and Boys Suits and Overcoats Hats Furnishings
Shirts Underwear Gloves etc must move quick you
should call at the old Tartsch stand and avail yourself
of these sacrifices
Drebert Clothing Co
A recapitulation of the personal and real estate taxes of 1908 and 1907 for
McCook city makes the following showing
Assessed Value
Real estate property
Personal property
Total value
County and State levy
City of M cCook levy
S 33257943
S 55750445
019 83 100
8 20010300
Increase or
8 12647643
8 13616977
002 dcrse
001 incrse
V -
SPARING Her nerves
A Careful Conaldorato Violtor and
Hep Timid Friend
The mistakes which were plentifully
Bprlnkled along Mrs Comers career
were never regretted by any one more
than by Mrs Comer herself I used
the very best judgment I had she
Bald referring to one unfortunate oc
currenre but as usual everything
went wrong
You sec I went to Greenville In the
morning with Mrs Hobnrt intending
to go on to Nashua but I changed my
mind when the weather turned cool
mid spent the day with Annn Woods
going home at dusk Id forgotten my
little bag with my key in it so I went
right over to Mrs Hobarts
Shed gone down the road to Mrs
Coles but I found her key behind the
left hand blind and went right in
The house was dark but I said to
myself I wont light a lamp for fear
of scaring her u timid woman living
all alone as she does So I sat in the
dark till I heard her coming up the
I When she found the door was un
locked she gave a kind of a gasp so 1
stepped forward and then long as I
had a cold so my voice didnt sound
natural and I was afraid twould
scare her she being so timid I put
out my hand and laid it on her arm
I And if youll believe me finished
Mrs Comer plaintively she fell right
over in a faint and cut her forehead
on the edge of the rocking chair and I
i though Id never bring her to
j Theres no use trying to be careful
with a woman like her Youths Com
Tha Making of Acrobats Begins at an
Early Age
It is nothing unusual for the larger
circuses to carry thirty and forty chil
dren ranging all the way from mere
I babies to boys and girls of fifteen and
sixteen years of age The majority
are traveling with their parents both
the father and mother doing daily duty
in the ring and while often they are
trained to follow in the steps of their
elders they are seldom allowed to per
form in public
It is a common belief among circus
men that the performer whose training
is not started until after the age of six
will seldom make a distinctive record
Following the afternoon show I often
saw groups of boys some of whom
could not have been over four and five
years old practicing rudimentary som
ersaults and hand springs while their
parents looked on with a gratified
smile1 These were the families of the
circus aristocracy who treasure the
records of their ancestors with the
pride of a son in his fathers sword and
who see no more inspiring calling for
their own children than that of the Is
great white canvas
Not that their education is neglected
in other respects Several of the fami
lies often hire an instructor perhaps
one of the performers who has the
time and ability for such work to
coach their children in the standard
studies Oue circus has a traveling
school for the youngsters If they an
to be acrobats they are to be educated
acrobats Bohemian Magazine
A Sponge That Works
Here is a clever notion a fog bell
said an old New England fisherman
On a bleak gray afternoon thev
stood at the seashore the old man and
The levies for the years 190S and 1907 with increase and decrease total as his city cousin from Boston A great
Real estate taxes
Personal taxes
For all purposes
Room -
Phone 378
S 26512SS
Br J A Golfer
Postoffice Building
Notice is hereby given that the Stansberry
Lumber Company has filed its articles of incor
poration in the oilice of the county clerk of Red
Willow county Nebraska and in the otlico of
the secretary of state of the state of Nebraska
The principal place for transacting the business
of said corporation is McCook Nebraska and
tho general nature of the business to be trans
acted by said corporation is Dealing in lum
ber lime cement brick hardware paints oils
milt work building material of all kinds coal
and fuel of all kinds and such other materials
and merchandise as are usually or may be con
veniently handled at retail lumber and coal
yards general contracting and the erection
construction alteration repair and fitting up
of buildings of all kinds And in furtherance
of these purposes this corporation may pur
chase own lease sell and convey real and per
sonal property may enter into contracts with
persons and corporations and may do and per
form such other acts as may bo necessary or
proper to tno convenient conduct 01 its said
business Tho amount of capital stock author
ized is 25000 divided into shares of 100 each
to be fully paid when subscribed and non
assessable Said corporation commenced on
March 1 1909 and its duration shall be
ual Tho highest amount of indebtedness or
liability to which the corporation is at any time
to subject itself shall not exceed two thirds of
the par value of the capital stock outstanding
Tho affairs of tho corporation are to be con
ducted by a president rice president secretary
and treasurer who shall constitute a board of
Toot Stansbeeet Lumber Company
18EALJ By j R Stansberry President
Attest I Stansberry Secretary
A vnn j J
Of above figures the school levy totaled S172S653 in 19G8 and 81260763
in 1907 or an increase of 6467992 The increase of city taxes of 1908 over 1907
was 83848S0
As indicating the location of control of taxes
Taxes Levied and Controlled 190S
By the State S 349067
By the County Commissioners 646745
By the City of McCook 32645S6
Tvftir v5rnrj
S 54843
S 4560398 8 323S35S S 1022040
Then referring to the railroad tax in Red Willow county there is no change
in the years 190S and 1907 the total valuation being S4079S000
The levies vary as follows for these years Total levy in 190S 817414 70
In 1907 the total was 81821287 The decrease is S79S17 The county and state
1 Z m j - irAfi cc ll rr r J e z iv
The 1UV 1S J una mms m JUO s m or ll uecrease OI mms
Indianola and Bartley telephone j
companies have displayed wisdom in
kissing and compromising The Bartley
Mutual line has been connected with
the Havana companys switchboard at
Indianola and the Havanas subscribers
now enjoy free connections with Bartley
and some 15 or 20 other exchanges with
which Bartley has free exchange Un
der the terms of the compromise in ad
dition to free exchange between lines
each company is to shinny on his own
side Bartley will secure a new 25
year franchise and Indianola is to give
the Ash Creek Mutual central service
So everybody ought to be happy
Citizens Bank of McCook
of McCook Nebraska
Charter No 27C Incorporated
in the state of Nebraska at tho close of business
February 23 1909
Loans and discounts 259525 42
Overdrafts secured and unsecured
Honds stocks judgments
Banking house furniture and fixtures
Current expenses and taxes paid
rs --
873 01
1414 82
16000 00
6SS 69
Due from national state and
private banks and bankers 93635 S5
Checks and items of exchge 4900 32
Gold and Bills 14221 00
Silvernickelsdimes pennies 3684 52 116441 69
Total 394943 67
Capital stock 50000 00
Surplus fund 20000 09
Undivided profits 8983 51
Individual deposits subject
to check 1187S6 75
Demand certificates of do
posit 17517 32
Time certificates of deposit 701S2 15
Cashiers checks outstanding 17301 13
Dne to state and nrivato
banks and bankers 92170 81 315958 16
Total 5394943 67
State of Nebraska
County of Red Willow ps
I A CEbert cashier of the above named
bank do hereby swear that the above state
ment is a correct and true copy of the report
mado to tho State Banking Board
A C Ebeet Cashier
Attest V Franklin Director
T C TlrttrT Ttiwinln
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th
day of March 1909 H H Beret
fsKAL Notary Public
My commission expires October 8 1913
bell hung from a scaffold and uuder
Increaseou a metal cover hung a great sponge
This hero inacliinorv is won nil
mmr ma - I tj - -
regular the fisherman explained and i
this here sponge is kept under cover so
as the rain cant get at it In dry
weather ilatchrally the sponge is dry
and light in foggy though it gets i
heavy with fog satchrations just
heavy enough for to press down the t
lever that starts the machinery a going
Then ding dong ding dong sounds the
bell in the fog savin many a fisher
man from wreck on this rock bound
coast Exchange
A Persistent Hen
Ever hear about our little red hen
Well sir she was on the set for
keeps Couldnt keep her off Old
doorknobs soda bottles lamp chim
neys match safes anything was good
enough for her Finally I put her on
three mud turtles and I hope to die
if she didnt hatch out alligators yes
sir three of em One of em ate her
up and when we opened him there
was the hen settin on his back teeth
and theyd swelled up so they choked
him to death Exchange
husband is so very
Most husbands are What did jours
He fixed a fishhook in one of his
pockets because he pretended to sup
pose that I robbed him at night and
then he blamed me because he forgot
it was there Cleveland Plain Dealer
Coarsely Defined
What is the distinguishing
of the problem play
It makes you think The first half
keeps you wondering what the ques
tion is and the second half keeps you
guessing whats the answer Wash
ington Star
The Mean Thing
Mrs Oldham Why are you so down
on that lively Mr Bachelor Mra
Youngling Oh he snubbed our pre
cious Alfred He said he thought
baby might some day become vice
president Exchange
In order to love mankind we must
not expect too much of them Helra
jrwffpvwi Fpywwy ywy
fTTTrtT gfc sa
have now on hand a clean new
-stock of the Moline Plow Cos
farm machinery Every ma-
chine is of the latest pattern of
this most popular line which
v embraces
Best Ever gang and sulky plows
Goodenough gang and sulky plows
Nebraska Clipper walking plows
Cricket rodibreaking plows
Economy disc harrows
Pipe frame spike tooth harrows
Western Belle listers
Tri Bell listers
Success listed corn cnltivators
Lay By listed corn cultivators
Dutch Uncle riding cultivators
No Name walking cultivators
Mandt wagons
farm trucks
Wisconsin steel wheel trucks
We have sold many kinds of
farm machines but none have
given as uniform satisfaction as
the Moline line We believe
them to be the best made
IuMliLl iM4itiLitiiiAfaiJiiii iiqiiAaiitiiaititiiii iMiiAiiaiijLjii ii
m E Baf Lumber AftckpS m
Its natural for us all to want themost and thejhcst our money
will buy But when you buy a bill of lumber without getting an
estimate from us how do you know that you are getting the best
bargain that is possible for you to get You simply cant tell a
thing about it You dont know whether youre losing money
or not The best way is to always let us make you an estimate
on what you want We have complete stocks of everything and
j oars of experienccalong selling and building lines that wo are
willing to give you the benefit of
We are more portly than the above picture shows us but just
as keen after your business right now as when we posed for tho
above picture
Stansberry Lumber Company
at an Old Stand
We wish to make known to the people of McCook
and vicinity that we have purchased theDC Marsh
Meat Market All we wish to add at this time is
thatwe shall make it our earnest and utmost effort
to maintain the present high character of the market
for the best of everything in season at the very low
est cash price p We wish the continuance of your
patronage and shall endeavor to merit your con
fidence and trade
at Marshs Old Stand
HWWWff i
- 1