The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 05, 1909, Image 3

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McCook Lodco No 135 A F Ac A MM meets
ovorr flrst mid third Tunmluy of tlio month at
800 p m in Masonic bull
Lon Coke Soc
Occcnoxoo Council No 16 R 8 M moots ou
the liiBt Saturday of ouch month nt 800 p iu
a Mabonic hull
it A urn A Haobeiio T I M
Stlvubtuu Couduai Soc
KIdr Cyrus Chapter No U5 R A M moots
every llrnt and third Thursday of each month ut
800 p m in Mabonic hall
Ciauknce B Quay H P
St John Commundery No 10 K T meets on
the sopotul Thuroduy of euch month at 800 p
m in Masonic hull
Emerbon Hanson E C
SamuelS Gauvet Roc
eabtekn 8tae
Enrnkn Chnptor No 86 O E S moots the
second nud fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p in in Masonic hnll
Mns SAEAn E Kay W M
W E Haut Soc
Noblo Camp No 61 M W A meets evorj
Becond and fourth Thursday of ouch month ni
830 p in in Morris hall Pay assossmonts
at Whito llouso Grocc
Junius Kunuet Consul
J M Smith Clork
Noblo Camp No 862 R N A moetB everj
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p in in Morris hall
Mns Cakoline Kunebt Oracle
Mes Augusta Anton Rec
w o w
Moots nccond and fourth Thursdays at S
oclock iu Diamonds hall
Ciias F Mabkwad C C
W C Moykii Clerk
McCook LodKo No 01 A OUW moots evorj
Monday at 800 p in in Monte Cristo hall
MaukicuGuh kixHkc MS JinningsM W
JMVENTZFinuiicier KoyZint Foreman
McCook Lodco No 3 D of II moots every
second nud forth Tneidays of ouch month ut
800 p in in Monto Cisto hull
Mit3 LbiLA JUcClaik C of H
Mns CaeriuSciilaoeij Ucc
McCook Division No Oil U of L E meets
every second and fourth Sunday of each
month t2i0 iu Morri hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Uuunett F A E
McCook Lodco No 599 B of L F E
meets over Saturday at 730 p m iu Gau3
I D Pennington M
C H IIusted Sec
eailway conductors
Harvey Division No 95 O R C moots the
second uud fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 301
Main Avenue S E Callen C Con
M O McCluee Sec
eailway trainmen
C W Bronsou Lodco No 487 B of R T
moots flrt and third Suudajs at 230 p in aud
second aud fourth Fridays at 7 30 p m each
month in Morris hall C YV Corey M
RJ Mooee bee
eailavay caemen
Young America Lod No 45G B R C of A
meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
month in Morris hall ai 7 30 p m
Ray O Light C C
N V Feanklin Rec Sec
Red Willow Lodco No 587 I A of M meets
every second and fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 p m in Gauschow hall
Feed Landdebg Pres
M L SEABcn Fin Sec
Floyd Beeey Cor Sec
McCookX odco No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meet first and third Fridajs of each month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook Lodco No 42 K of P meets every
Wednedny at 800 p m in Masonic hall
H W Conovee C C
D N Cobb K R S
i McCook Lodco No J37 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall
H G Hughes N G
W A Middletow Sec
McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the first and third Fridays
R S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
McCook Conncil No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p m in Diamonds hall
G R Gale F Sec Fbank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thuridajs of each month at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Valley Queen nive No 2 L O T M meets
every first aud third Thursduy evenings of each
month iu Morn- hall
Mes W B Mills Commander
Haeeiet E Willetts R K
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 2 J0 p m
Ganschows hall
J M Hendeeson Cmndr
Jacob Steinmetz Adjt
McCook Corps No 98 V R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
230 p in in Gantcliow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vaxdeedoof Sc
l of g a e
McCook Circlo No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridays of each month at
230 p m in Monte Cristo hall
Mast Walkee Pres
Ellen LeIIew Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of each montj at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mes G H Thomas Pres
Mes C H Meekek Cor Sue
w 3g3wwgsgr
Msdo to build Ken- Bnnlneiib A trial will
make you our permanent customer
Prize Collection lSiEJHfti
ii f i finest Tcrnip 7 splendid onion 8 best varie
ties 10 SpriPK flowtrlnp Ilnlb Ci vaneUea in aU
Write to day Mention this Paper
to carer pottegs and packing and receive this valuable
collection oi Mean poinuiu wfnuttmw aj ing
Instructive ucnuuiui ceea ana x ism hook
Mils ul ttDOUt us JiCSi vxieues oi aeeai triaaxs nc
CURES disease with Pure Blood
southern legislation today is toward
the enactment of electoral qualifica
tions which shall square Avitii that
No Repeal of Fifteenth Amendment
Of course the mere adoption of a
constitutional law is only one step in
the right direction It must be fairly
and justly enforced as well In time
both will come Ileuce it is clear to
all that the domination of an ignorant
irresponsible element can be prevent--ed
by constitutional laws which shall
exclude from voting both negroes and
whites not having education or other
qualifications thought to be necessary
for a proper electorate The danger
of the control of an ignorant electorate
has therefore passed With this change
the interest wThich many of the south
ern white citizens take in the welfare
of the negroes has increased The col
ored men must base their hope on the
results of their own industry self re
straint thrift and business success as
well as upon the aid and comfort and
sympathy which they may receive
from their white neighbors of the
south There was a time when north
erners who sympathized with the ne
gro in his necessary struggle for bet
ter conditions sought to give to him
the suffrage as a protection and to en
force its exercise against the prevail
ing sentiment of the south The move
ment proved to be a failure What re
mains is the fifteenth amendment to
the constitution and the right to have
statutes of states specifying qualifica
tions for electors subjected to the test
of compliance with that amendment
This is a great protection to the negro
It never will be repealed and it never
ought to be repealed If it had not
been passed it might be difficult now
to adopt it but with it in our funda
mental law the policy of southern leg
islation must and will td to obey it
and so long as the statutes of the
states meet the test of this amend
ment and are not otherwise con
flict with the constitution and Iiits of
the United States it is not the
tion or within the province of the fed
eral government to interfere with the
regulation by southern states of their
domestic affairs
Negro Is Now American
There is in the south a stronger feel-
ing than aver among the intelligent
the men rho are doing faithful hard their number Is properly taken as an
work to bring about the early enc our igemeiit and an appreciation of
tlon of this the greatest constructive their progress and this just policy
enterprise of modern times shall be pursued
Free Trade With Philippines j The Appointment of Negroes
The governments of our But It may well admit of doubt
clea in Porto Hico and the Philippines whether In case of any race an ip
are progressing as favorably as could pointment uf one of their number to
be desired The prosperity of Porto a local oiliee in a community in which
Itico continues unabated The the race feeling is so widespread and
ness conditions in the Philippines are acute as to interfere with the ease and
not all that we could wish them to be facllitv with which the local govern-
but with the passage of the new tariff
bill permitting free trade between the
United States and the archipelago
with such limitations In sugar and
tobacco us shall prevent Injury to the
domestic interests on those products
we can count ou an improvement in
business conditions In the Philippines
and the development of a mutually
prolltable trade between this country
and the islands Meantime our gov
ernment In each dependency is uphold
ing the traditions of civil liberty and
Increasing popular control Which might
be expected under American auspices
The work which we are doing there
redounds to our credit as a nation
Words of Friendship For the South
I look forward with hope to increas
ing the already good feeling between
the south and the other sections of the
country My chief purpose Is not to
effect a change in the electoral vote of
the southern states That is a second
ary consideration What I look for
ward to is an increase in the tolerance
of political views of all kinds and
their advocacy throughout the south
and the existence of a respectable po
litical opposition in every state even
more than than this to an increased
feeling on the part of all the people in
the south that this government is their
government and that its ollicers in
their stales are their c nicer
The Negro Question
The consideration of this question
cannot however lie complete and full
without reference to the negro race
its progress and its present condition
The thirteenth amendment secured
them freedom the fourteenth amend
ment due process of law prote tion
of property mil the pursuit of happi
ness and the fifteenth amendment at
tempted to secure the negro against
any deprivation of the privilege to
vote because he was a negro The
thirteenth and fourteenth amend
ments have been generally enforced
and have secured the objects for Avhich
they were intended While the fif
teenth amendment has not been gener
ally observed in the past it ought to
ment business can be done by the ap
polntee is of sullicient benefit by way
of encouragement to the race to out
weigh the recurrence and luereauj of
race feeling which such an appoint
ment is likely to engender Therefore
the executive in recognizing the negro
race by appointments must exercise a
careful discretion not thereby to do it
more harm than good On the other
hand we must be careful not to en
courage the mere pretense of race feel
ing manufactured in the Interest of in
dividual political ambition
No Race Feeling In White House
Personally I have not the slightest
race prejudice or feeling and recogni
tlon of Its existence only awakens In
my heart a deeper sympathy for those
who have to bear it or suffer from It
and I question the of a policy
which is likely to increase it Mean
time if nothing is done to prevent a
better feeling between the negroes and
the whites in the south will continue
to grow and nmre and more of the
white people wifrcome to realize that
the future of the south is to be much
benefited by the industrial and intel
lectual progress of the negro The ex
ercise of political franchises by those
of his race who are intelligent and
well to do will be acquiesced in and
the right to vote will be withheld only
from the ignorant and irresponsible of
both races
The Labor Question
There is one other matter to which I
shall refer It was made the subject
of great controversy during the elec
tion and calls for at least a passing
reference now My distinguished pred
ecossor lias given much attention to
the cause of labor with whose strug
gle for better things lie has shown the
sincerest sympathy At his instance
congress has passed the bill fixing the
liability of interstate carriers to their
employees for injury sustained in the
course of employment abolishing the
rule of fellow servant and the common
law rule as to contributory negligence
and substituting therefor the so called
be observed and the tendency of rue of comparative negligence It has
also passed a law fixing the compen
sation of government employees for
Injuries sustained in the employ of the
government through the negligence of
the superior It also passed a model
child labor law for the District of Co
lumbia In previous administrations
an arbitration law for interstate com
merce railroads and their employees
and laws for the application of safety
devices to save the lives and limbs of
employees of interstate railroads had
been passed Additional legislation of
this kind was passed by the outgoing
I wish to say that in so far as I can
I hope to promote the enactment of
further legislation of this character
I am strongly convinced that the gov
ernment should make itself as respon
sible to employees injured in its em
ploy as an interstate railway corpora
tion is made responsible by federal
law to its employees and I shall be
glad whenever any additional reasona
ble safety device can be invented to
reduce the loss of life and limb among
railway employees to urge congress
to require its adoption by interstate
Use of injunctions Necessary
Another labor question has arisen
which has awakened the most excited
discussion That is in respect to the
power of the federal courts to issue
injunctions in industrial disputes As
to that my convictions are fixed Take
away from courts if it could be taken
away the power to issue injunctions
in labor disputes and it would create
a privileged class among the laborers
and save the lawless among their num
ber from a most needful remedy avail
able to all men for the protection of
their business against lawless invasion
The proposition that business is not a
property or pecuniary right v hich can
be protected by equitable injunction is
utterly without foundation i i prece
dent or reason The proportion is
usually linked with one to hi ke the
secondary boycott lawful L nch a
proposition is at variance with the
American i otinct and will find no
support in my judgment when submit
ted to the American people The sec
ondary boycott is an instrument of
tyranny and ought not to be made
The issuing of a temporary restrain
ing order without notice has in several
well to do nnd influential element in instances been abused bv its
favor of the industrial education of
the negro and the encouragement of
the race to make themselves useful
members of the community The
progress which the negro lias made in
tho last fifty years from slavery when
Its statistics are reviewed is marvel
ous and it furnishes every reason to
hope that in the next twenty five years
a still greater improvement in his con
dition as a productive member of so
ciety on the farm and in tho shop aud
In other occupations may come The
negroes nre now Americans Their
ancestors came here years ago against
their will and this is their only coun
try and their only flag They have
shown themselves anxious to live for
it and to die for it Encountering the
race feeling against them subjected
at times to cruel injustice growing out
of it they may well have our profound
sympathy and aid in the struggle they
are making We are charged with the
sacred duty of making their path as
smooth and easy as we can Any
recognition of their distinguished men
any appointment to office from among
siderate exercise and to remedy this
the platform upon which I was ele t
cd recommends the formulation v a
statute of the conditions under wl i
such a temporary restraining ordei
ought to issue A statute can and
ought to be framed to embody the best
modern practice and can bring the sub
ject so closely to the attention of the
court as to make abuses of the process
unlikely in the future American peo
ple if I understand them insist that
the authority of the courts shall b
sustained and are opposed to an
change in the procedure by which tl
powers of a court may be weakene
and the fearless and effective admin
istration of justice be interfered with
Ilaviiig thus reviewed the questions
likely to recur during my administra
tion and having expressed in a sum
mary way the position which I expect
to take in recommendations to con
gress and in my conduct as an execu
tive I invoke the considerate sym
pathy and support of fellow citi
zens and the aid of Almighty God In
ihe discharge of my responsible duties
Woman With Diamonds Stole a Silk
Waist and Was Fined
On complaint of Olen VV Uoctor Mr-
Olivo Moore wife of Samuel Moon- n
norsenitui ut Oiniiht wh htiH been
topping at the Lndell hoti l for Home
Aeeks was anehtfd Inst evening ut the
Lindell by Olliotr Lvwler m cl hitir tir
ruigiibd in police court mid fim u c23 00
and codts for bhoplifliiig Mrs MuoiO
plead guilty to taking vwtist valued at
Early yoslcrdu aftoruoon Mr Hector
weut to the police station representing
M Rosenthal of the Fashion ttoro and
asked Lhbt one Jeniiu R n be arrested
a id brought to tl o gtutiuti us he In
tiered she had taken u silk waist from
ch ir store Officer Lawler was bent tn
the hotel ihn uouihii was stopping
aud when ho tld htr v In he had come
dho confessed that bhe hud takvn tin
waist and that ihe would plead guilu
Ac the police station she told the citj
detective thatbi had formerly lived at
MeCookwhere her hush nlSamMooie
had been in the fit horso business but
that at the j reset t time she was living
in Lincoln and her husband in Omaha
She confessed to stealing the waist and
beccfd for leniencj cajing that she did
not know why she had taken it as she
tvould not have needed to do ao
With laiyn ietrs rolling down her
checks she old the eountj attorney and
the officers her story saving that sho
was glad now that she had been arrested
as ic had come in time to bave her cJLe
had all the appearance of one who i
well to do as bhe was well dressKl and
on her lingers gluten d lines set with
large diamonds and at hti ears Could bi
seen sparkling cumins Lincoln tJtato
Journal February 28ch
This question has recently been put
to bKVeral individuals How man
would you suppose to bo the average
nuniner of visitors to the libtar daily
The answer has almost without excp
tion been Oh twenty or twenty five
This leads one to believe that theio is
need of enlightenment concerning the
real usefulness of the library to the
Th February report id juat completed
and number of visit
ors to havebeen 81 The largest number
on February 21th 119 the smallest
number on February 14th 29 The
number of books loaned 1276 an aver
a je of 47 daily
In addition to the work of loaning
books there have been many cases of
looking up subject matter for debates
for study clubs for school for Christian
EndeavorEpworth League and Mission 1
arytopjcs Our daily newspapers and
the magazines are largely read Then
too duplicate numbers of magazines
have been given to the sick and many
newspapers have besn given away
In fact this little Carnegie library
this House by the side of the road is
a center of activity in McCook which is
well worth your taking notice
Gifts of books are always acceptable
the directors of course reserving the
right of rejecting any which they deem
not worthy to place on the shelves
It gives usIpleasure to acknowledge
some recent gifts with thanks From
Mr Couse The Spoilers by Rev E
Beech and ThelLetters Which Never
Reached Him by an anonymous writer
From the Christian Science society
throughMr E J Mitchell a copy of
Science and Health
A large invoice of new books is just in
greater portion being fiction and juvenile
literature of which the library ha3 been
much in need Next week the notes
will contain a list of the new books in
each department Watch for the list
and then enjoy the books
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice March 5 1909
Brown Mr Claton2 Franklin Mr Fillip
Herring Mr T J
Horton Mr IT H
Ilines Henery J
Matthies Mr L A
Murrell Miss Hattie
Spears Miss Bertha
Manners llr Dan
Hawkint Mrs Ida
Jackson Lester
Mann Mr J H
Mairr Mr Jacob
Smith Herbert L
Warner Mr Perry
Bird Mr Carl Buzzett Miss Kat
Kriider Mr C B Pesler Mr Fred
Steele Mr Verney Youug Bert
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
J F Cordeal Acting Postmnster
Try This For Catarrh
Free tests are now being supplied by mail
to all Catarrh sufferers There is no
expense no obligation whatever
Dr Shoop is combining Oil of Eucalyptus
Thymol Menthol Oil of Wjntergreen etc
and is incorporating these ingredients into
a pure snow white cream like Imported
Petrolatum This Creation Dr Shoops
Catarrh Remedy gives immediate and
lasting relief to catarrh of the nose and
throat That all may first test it free these
trial boxes are being mailed without
charge simply to encourage these tests
and thus fully demonstrate beyond doubt
the value of this combination
If Catarrh has extended down to the
stomach or bowels then Dr Shoops
Restorative must also be used internally
if a complete cure is to be expected
Otherwise the Dr Shoops Catarrh
Remedy will alone be entirely sufficient
Write Dr Shoop Racine Wis for sample
and book Sold by Druggists everywhere
Which hook ihall I tend you
No 1 On Dyspepsia I No 4 For Women
No 2 On the Heart No 5 For Men
No 3 On the Sidneys I No 6 On Bheumatiaa
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
boon made in the county clerk a office
since last report
United States to William E
Windhurst pat to w hf e hf
McCook Loon Trust Co to
Geprge Leland wd to blk 0
in Hrowns park 2o0 CO
Lemren D Fletcher et al to
Sarah M Widonor bt til wd
to sw qr so qrll w hf no qr
ne qr nw qr 14 1 2G 2000 00
Mary E Bnhcrck wid to Frank
Coleman wd to lot 1 blk 5
lots 8 9 blk G lot 13 blk 10
lotl blk 12 lot 2 blk 11 all
in Willow Grove 3G 00
Ezra lJ Mowier ot ux to Adol
phus Heaton wd to se qr 2 I
28 G500 00
William II Ackerman et id to
William Juhie on wd to sw
qr 23 2 30 2300 00
William X Dowim et ux to
Henry Karspeck et ux wd to
ne qr 20 s qr ne qr 19 2 28 GOOO 00
Peter J Colling ot ux to Sam
uel Current wd to lots- 8 9
10 blk 1 Welborn udd In
dinnoln 1800 00
Mary L Phillips et cons to Wil
liam E Windherst wd to pt
tie qr 12 3 28 800 00
Bernhard Toben et ux to Irvin
R King wd to se qr 12 3 28 5000 00
William II Hnbler et ux to
Paul Jahnke wd to nw qr
7 4 30 2100 00
William O Riif sell et ux to
Horace G Henderson wd to
lots 2 3 in G 3 30 800 00
Lon A Fitch to Horace G
Henderson wd to e hf ne qr
6 3 30 1100 CO
United States to Henry W Na
den pat to sw qr 22 1 2S
Gerald Wilcox et ux to Wil
liam M Down wd to sw qr
neqr 5 2 29 4000 00
Lincoln Livington et ux to
Arthur E Stubbs vd to w hf
123 26 12839 50
Gearge F Muntz et al to Evan
gelical Church d to pt ne qr
23 3 2G 1 00
Ida M Mc Mullen to Lowell M
Iliggins lease to ne qrll 3 27 150 00
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m CE
at 7 p m All are welcome
R M Ainsworth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
3 a m Mass and sermon 10U0 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sundaj
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O M I
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a in
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
M B Carman Pastor
Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pa3tor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in the par
sonage every Sunday morning at 1000
All Germans and Russians cordially
invited Rev Wm Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
services G B Hawkes Pastor
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature on
sale Subject next Sunday Man
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Vednesdav and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these semces
Rev Gcstav Henkelmann
505 3rd street West
IA rMtTii imt evv p ii i vvw i r v r rrvjf
Col W W Crittenden
McCook Bebraska
Farm sales a specialty Datc may be
made at the Citizens Bank
iWtititin i hit At i ii tiadiiii j iiuAajuuOw
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location jnst across
street in P Walsh building
M i fij ijljf
Notice U hereby kivcii thnt tho McCook HncU
Company ha tiled it articles of incorporation
in tho otiictt of tho Secretary of Ktnto of tho
fatato of Nebmsku nnd in tho oilico of th
County Clerk of Ited Willow county Nebraska
Tho location of the principal oilico of
Bum uc tvifll UOUrilpKU nilU IM1
principal place for tho transaction of it
shall be livtl Willow county Nebraska
TliuKenernl nninroof tho bubi o to Lo trans
acted b Miid corporation nliall w
To niniiufncturo clay hIiiiIo blind miiKiiebU
or other minerals into brick roofliitf tllo dmin
tile or into such other forms article or build
in kr mntcritiN as hcIi m d minr mlueraU arc
now or may hereafter bo Ubcd for
Toncciuireowu lea- occupy ucor doveloio
any lands containing clay bhnlo baud maKiie
sia or other Minilnr nunoruls or other lttnd
for anyptirpou of tho company
Tomiiiuorothcrwiooxtrnctor rnmovo clar
shalesand nuiKnesin or other similar minerals
from any hinds owned iicipiircd leased or
occupied by tho company or fron any other
lands and to mako and cntor into contracts for
tho mining or extraction or leuovnl of ur
To buy and to boll or otherwise lo ilenl or to
trallic iu clay shale sand miiKuuu or other
bixirr miner- and any of the product there
of nud any mimufuctuicd article ionsitiiur
wholly or in part thereof
To contract for tho construction of tiuililinm
or other structures tho layiiiR of hrici and of
tiling or tho doiuKofauy other work ii which
tho articles or materials dealt in or i anufuu
u red by this corporation nro used
To do Konernl contracting and to ma or to
let subcontracts for the construction of anr
work iu which tliu articles or dealt iu
or manufactured bj this corporation an- ul
Tho amount of capital stock uuthonvud shall
bo rUJO divided into2 hi res of rtUl ech
which shall be Mihcribid for at not loss than
their par value aud which shall be m
The corponito existence of said corpora
tion shall begin ou tho tenth duy of Miroli IMrJ
nnd shall continue for 20 jenrs Tic highest
amount of indebtedness or liability to which
the corporation is at any timo to subject itself
shall not exceed one half of the par value of
stock outstanding the atlairsof the corora
tion are to ho conducted by a bonrd of directors
consisting of four meml ers wit cted by the
stockholder from among their number The
otlicers of the corporation shall consist of a
resident a Vice lreident n Secretary ami a
Treasurer who shall be chosen by tho Hoard of
Tin Mcoo i ick Company
In the County Court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska County of RedWillow
To Simons William Ulalt Rudolph
Piatt Albert lllatt Frank lilntt Augusta lslntt
Lucille lllatt and 1 iunia Schoregge and to It
persons interested in the estate of Philip IJIatt
On reading tiie petition of William lllatt
prajing that the mlmn istratiou of said ontatti
be granted to Charles K Lthuuaadministrator
It is hereby ordered that oi and all persons
interested in said matter may and do aoouar
at tne Count ourt to be held iu and for said
county on the 11th day of March A 1 Hull at
One oclock I M to show cMise if an thera
be why the prajer of ihe petitioner should not
be grunted and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and thnt the hearing thereof 1
given to all iierons iuti restnl in said matter by
publishing a cop of this Order iu the Mc ook
Tribune a weekly newspaper print d in said
count for three uceessio weeKs prior to said
day of hearing
Witncs m hand and seal of said court this
Strd da of February A 1 llKfti
B i J Mookk County IihIkb
J E Kelle
saKsavjrvvaNapsffissa -a
Steam Fitter
iron HUO bfcWtr Pipe DlaSt
Goods Pumps an Beer Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postofice Building
WiSto 4rr
1 make a specialty of paper
hanging and carry a well se
lected stock of wall paper
Work guaranteed and prices
reasonable Phone Red 2G7
PHONE 1114 1420 24 LAWlttKCt DEflVEB COLO
v - t
raTwilf all Jm
- 7- - UAtKi Tr JTT t alWk f S
- 1 5e3s
- TKKK - VtiXl S5K 2
- Vtii A TSFdir
4 Km jwfe ids
4 rMzTe
1 jrmmFj9
i VCai JBg Xgg
1 I I k l
Barnett Lumber Co
U tnnTMiMtimfgt