The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1909, Image 6

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McCook People Have Found This
m a v
must give you satisfaction
It must prove that it is the
equal in every way and
superior in some to all
other baking powders or
you must have your money
back You cannot set your
standard of quality too high
to suit us
Insist on Calumet and
dont let your grocer give
you a Substitute
Received Highest
Award Worlds
Pure Food
Chicago 07
rr tkttctvtit Tsras
II illlllldi 1 1
f 1 i 1H
A cold n strain a auddon wrench
A little chuho may hurt tho kidneys
Spoils of Backache often follow
Or soma irregularity of the urine
A certain remedy for such attaoke
A medicine that answers every call
Is Doaid Kidney Pills a sire spec i6o
Mrs B P Marshall living in the
western part of Arapahoe Neb says
While lifting 6ome years ago I strain
od myself and after that began to have
troublo with my kidneys If I worked
a little harder than usual or caught
tho slightest cold I was sure to suffer
severely and at tiroos would bo forced
to remain in bed for a couple of days
My back was very sore and when I
straightened after stooping sharp pains
would dart through me I also had
frequent headaches and dizzy spells and
the kidney secretions annoyed mo some
what by their irregulur action Not un
til I used Doans Kidney Pills was I
able to get relief They went directly
to the root of my troublo nnd before
long I was in good health again
Plenty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at a drug store and
ask what customers report
For ealo by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York solo agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
The aixivu is j lit iinine of a German
chemical which i J one of tho many val
uable ingredients of Foleys Kidney
Remedy ll xnmlhlimtuiraniino ib
recogniz d by mciiiiMl text books ant
authorities as a iiriy nciri solvent anr
antiseptic for tlm untie Take Foley V
Kidney Remedy as moh g jnu notio
any irregularities and avoid a sennut
malady Sold liy A AleMillen
ferfefeQfbrb afc
Tho automobile livery in South
western Nebraska that always
sets there and hack Trips day
or uiKht anywhere Prices reas
A Can be found at 104 iUCCOOK INeD
Oiling the Waters When the Seas Are
Running High
When the captain of a wave beaten
ship pours oil upon the waters he does
not empty a barrel of kerosene over
the side He has somebody stitch up
three or four cotton hags which he
fills first with oakum and -then with
oil usually equal parts of fislroll and
kerosene The hags are then tied
tightly at the tops and pricked all over
with asall needle to permltSt he oil to
exuderand are hung from he boat
davits and weather chains to drip their
contents on the raging billows The
bags must not be allowed to get emp
ty but must be refilled every two
hours For six 1ags ten gallons of
oil are used in tnirty hours Some
times if it is very cold the oil congeals
and will not run out through the boles
fast enough and the mouth of the
bag Is then loosened to let It escape
In that way Its effect Is5 magical on
a rough sea A huge comber will
arise threatening to bury the laboring
vessel under tons of watsrv but will
strike a patch of oil no larger than a
common dining table and subside In
an instant Into a smooth round swell
which the ship rides like a cork
The use of oil is also a valuable aid
in wearing ship in a gale and high
seas A few gallons of paint oil over
the lee quarter enable the vessel to
perform the maneuver in perfect safe
ty without taking a drop of water on
board When a boat ships so much
water that it Is impossible to get the
oil bags slung In position without run
ning the risk of being swept over
board an ordinary bed sheet saturated
with paint oil tied to a rope and al
lowed to float will soon calm the seas
sufficiently to permit men to move
about the decks safely Paint oil is
agreed to be the best to use rape seed
oil and porpoise oil rank next but
kerosene is not satisfactory unless
mixed with some other oil New York
When Morning Breaks Over the Very
Top of Japan
Suddenly a spark a flame and then
a burst of fire and lo and behold
the rosy morning is awake once more
on Fujis pearly crest while Japan
below is yet enveloped in the filmy
mists of night
The pilgrims fall on their knees and
bow their heads to the ground in ado
ration and with much fingering of
rosaries the plaintive cadence of their
prayers rises like a lamentation to the
heavens above
At Benares the sainted city of the
Hindoos as the sun rises each morn
ing across the holy Ganges the pray
ers of the bathing multitude are as
the roaring of the sea But even this
one of the greatest and most stirring
religious spectacles of the world is
not more picturesque than that little
band of pilgrims twixt heaven and
terth high up in the blue profound
on the very top of Japan kneeling in
praise before the great orb which is
the emblem of their empire
Never to have seen sunrise from the
summit of Fuji is never to have really
seen Japan
The kindly nature which made this
lovely land has surpassed all its other
efforts in the lavish profusion with
which it has scattered its favors
around the sacred mountain Rippling
rills and roaring rivers dancing cas
cades and thundering waterfalls
feathery woods and deep forests there
are on every side but of all these
glories the most enchanting are the
lakes which lie embosomed like flash
ing jewels among the hills
Of them all Shoji and Motosu are
the most beautiful the latter excelling
In the exquisite sapphire blue of its
waters and its dainty delicate beauty
all other lakes in Japan and challeng
ing comparison with the fairest wa
ters of the world Herbert G Ponting
in Metropolitan Magazine
It will help actors in gesturing cor
rectly said a playwright to remem
ber that all gesticulation is an inher
itance from our simian ancestors We
show abhorrence best by the same
movements with which Ave would re
pel a wet dog We show affection by
the movements with which we would
receive a loved physical object We
move our heads from side to side to
signify no because that was the way
our monkey ancestors avoided a prof
fered and undesirable morsel of food
We nod for yes because that was the
way our monkey forbears reached for
an acceptable morsel
A Hypocrite
Little Willie Say pa what is a hyp
ocrite Pa A hypocrite my son is
a man who publicly thanks the Lord
for his success and then gets mad ev
ery time anybody insinuates that ho
isnt mainly responsible for it himself
Chicago News
Then He Went
Mr Saphedde Enthusiasm is a fine
thing Now I am always being car
ried away by enthusiasm Miss Caus
tique Yes but the trouble is it doesnt
carry you far enough Philadelphia
Letting the Cat Out
What would you do if papa should
die Charlie asked the father before
a room full of company
Send away the ugly nurse girl and
get the pitty one agin London Tit
Safety Sandwiches
Parson Oh Mrs Hostess how did
you slice this meat In your sandwiches
bo evenly Mrs Hostess delighted
Oh pnRilv We used mv husbands
j safety razor Judge
T JiJi
His brother has a
world of faith in
him and so have
There was a
moments pause
Very well Wil
liam let us cou
sider him en
gaged Please
notify him that
the sooner he
musters his party
and starts out
the better pleased
I shall be
Thus did two
gentlemen of Vir
ginia Thomas
Lord Fairfax and
William his cous
in and confiden
tial agent reach
a decision fraught
with tremendous
Won His
t fea
- - J
consequences to
themselves to George Washington and
to America For the mission with
which they were intrusting the lad
from the Rappahannock was exactly
that best calculated to develop in him
the sterling qualities of self control
energy pluck and determination and to
fit him for the great task of his life
the conduct of an epoch making war
waged in field and forest on steep
mountain side and by swiftly flowing
stream In the wildest section of Vir
giniathen but a British colony lay
vast holdings which Lord Fairfax had
decided to sell They had never been
surveyed and it was to plat them out
that George Washington had been
Truly a formidable undertaking to
traverse the almost pathless wilder
ness to explore a region in which the
redskin lurked and to do this at a time
of year when nature was in her an
griest mood A man and much more
a boy might well have faltered But
George Washington was no ordinary
boy Physically he was well developed
for his age Though little more than
midway through his teens he was al
ready famed as the finest rider in a
section that was celebrated for its
horsemen At fencing running jump
ing he could worst any lad of his years
and mentally he was as William
Fairfax had suggested exceptionally
Consequently it is easier to imagine
than describe the elation he felt when
he heard of his
appointment Ea
gerly he made all
preparations and
early in March
174S struck out
from B e 1 v o i r
William Fairfaxs
magnificent coun
try place to croso
the Blue Ridge
and begin his la
bors in the val
leys of the Alle
shenies He start
ed in a pouring
rain and the far
ther ho went the
harder it rained
And he soon
found other in
conveniences of a
in a rornixo n ipore disagreea
ble type rst night the party
slept at an inn v here George as he
tells us in the journal a happy fortune
has preserved for posterity found in
way of a bed ouly a heap of straw
covered with ut one thread Bear
1 1 itiii mm
An Account of the Early Career of the Man Whose
Every Step In Life Is of Interest to Americans
Copyright 1009 by American Press Association
terest leisurely
quietly But a chance word brought
up a serious subject
Yes yes William said one with
a shade of annoyance in his tone I
know that the matter must be ar
ranged speedily but where are we to
find a competent man a man of the
necessary executive ability and whom
we may trust
Near at hand Thomas And a
quizzical smile accompanied the reply
I fancy hes visiting Mount Vernon
Not youag George Washington
Precisely young George Washing
ton 1 warrant you the boy has the
makings of a fine man Hes strong
active tireless nnd has a brain to
match his body
But he is only a boy not yet six
teen I believe and this is work for a
man not for a boy Besides what ex
perience can he boast
Experience the other laughed
Why bless you Thomas if you had
seen as much of him as I have youd
grant he had experience Hes forever
at work measuring here calculating
there The lad is a born surveyor
Only the other day and the speaker
chuckled I found him busily engaged
In surveying never can you guess it
N a spacious
room high beam
ed and glowing
with the warmth
of a cheerily
blazing open fire
two men sat talk
ing As men will
after the cares
of the day they
talked on topics
of indifferent In
blanket with double its weight of
min such as Lice Fleas etc
But nothing could daunt his spirit
and despite the continued rains the
swollen streams and the terrific winds
that more than once leveled his tent
to the ground he was constantly in
the field because to quote his own
words our time was too precious to
lose Out bright and early with
chains and instruments he worked till
night and then sought what repose he
could find Occasionally when the par
ty reached some remote settlement
there were feasting and merrymaking
but this was an exception to the gen
eral rule of hard and prolonged toil
We find him writing to a chum
Dear Richard Yours gave me pleas
ure as I received it among barbarians
and an uncouth set of people Since
you received my
letter I have not
slept above three
or four nights in
a bed but after
walking a great
deal all the day
I have lain down
before the fire
upon a little kny
straw fodder or
a bearskin
whichever w a s
to be had with
men wife and
children like
dogs and cats
and happy is he
who gets the
berth nearest the
Here was a
o match fob him
stern but
uable apprenticeship and it is good to
lir iililo tn rpprml tliit li nonuitred him-
in surveying Lawrences turnip field self so creditably that his first mission
accomplished Lord Fairfax found oth
er work for him to do retaining him in
his employ until his surveying days
were at an end Now too he was
given opportunity to indulge in the
manly sports so dear to his virile na
ture for his duties became such that
he was able to reside in one place for
months at a time At Frederick for
example he boarded in the house
widow named Stinson who had se
till ftLIll filLll 1L V tlllLilUlli 1 f ri
tradition is to be accepted Near b I i
was another family of lusty youths
Crawford by name Every evening
when the days work was done the
Stinsons the Crawfords and George
would meet in a large open space
before the Stinson house and en
gage in trials of strength and skill
The others were far heavier than
Washington and in wrestling he was
no match for them As Hugh Stin
son when an old man used to recall
Often have I laid the conqueror of
England on his back But he was
always quick to add Yet in running
and leaping I and the rest were no
match for him
It is pleasant to note that twenty
five years after the bouts at Frederick
when he was called on to lead the Con
tinental army against King Georges
host Washingtons thoughts went back
to the friends of his hard but happy
youth and knowing their worth he
lost no time in offering them commis
sions Several among them accepted
his offer and one William Crawford
won his way to the rank of colonel and
would doubtless have been still further
promoted had he not fallen into the
hands of hostile Indians and been
burned at the stake
m such wise meeting and overcom
ing the difficulties of the wilderness
did George Washington prove his met
tle and gain knowledge that stood him
in the best of stead in his after life as
a military commander Only till 1731
his twentieth year did he follow the
profession of surveyor Then on news
of trouble with the Indians along the
frontier he laid aside the compass fer
tile sword and entered on the career
that was to enshrine him forever in
the hearts of his fellow countrymen
How Washington Looked
Washington was six feet two inches
in height nis hair was brown his
eyes blue and rather cold his skin
clear and ruddy nis nose was promi
nent In youth he was slender but
during his service in the army he
weighed 200 pounds His hands and
feet were enormous His boots were
No 10 He was broad though not
deep chested and exceedingly strong
He could lift with one hand a tout
folded about the tent poles which usu
ally took two men to put it into a bag
gage wagon He could hold a raukot
in one hand and fire It His taste ii
clothes was plain but fastidious He
was very careful about his personal ap
pearance He never wore beard or
mustache and acted as his own barber
In his old age he wore false teeth
which gave to his face in the later por
traits a severity of expression absent
in the earlier and probably more truth
ful likenesses Stuarts portraits of
Washington are somewhat idealized
Portraits by Trumbull and Sharpless
are considered faithful in most re
spects while that painted by Joseph
Wright in 17S2 was highly approved by
Washington himself The Houdon stat
ue at Richmond has generally been ac
cepted as the most accurate image of
the first president
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last roport
Abner S King 21 and Clara Isabel
Bush 17 both of Bartley Consent of
father filed in writing for bride
Jess T Purvis 21 and Roso L Moore
18 both of Cambridge
Earl McMullen 23 nnd Maude West
22 both of Hayes Center United in
marriage by county judge Feb 18th
Harry M Wyrick 25 and Pearl M
Lyman 22 both of Bartley United in
marriage by county judge Feb 17th
U S Civil Service Examinations
Competitive examinations under the
rules of the U S Civil Service Com
mission for the many governmental po
sitions in tho vnrious uorvices will soon
be held throughout tho United States
being the regular spring examinations
If jou are interested in this service
make application for forms and infor
mation to the U S Civil Service Com
mission at Washington D C or to the
Secretary of the Board of Examiners at
St Paul Minn
The Tribune has for sale a nico dis
play of local view post cards in colors
and in black and white Also a well
selected line of greeting and other post
Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that
may develop into pneumonia overnight
are quickly cured by Foleys Honey and
Tar and it soothes inflamed raembrnnps
heals the lungs and expels the cold
from the system A McMillen drug
gist McCook Nobrnt ka
Dr R 11 Gntewood dentist ofiice
over McMillens druer store phone 1G3
Real Estate Filings
Tuo following real estate uhuk bavo
MR FARMER By the time your boy grows up and becomes old enough to tako
up in his own name one of the new Government Irrigated Farms in the Big
Horn Basin it will be too late for him to get one Will you lot his chance go
by Is this fair to the boy What will he think of your foresight when ho
seeks for land and finds out what you neglected to take in 1909 almost as a
gift an Uncle Sam Irrigated Farm that in 1919 will cost him 1F0 per aero
Of course if he has the price all right but what if he has not
Only 2750 Round Trip After March 1st
Personally conducted excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month Write
D Clem Denver General Agent Land Seekers Information Bureau 1004
Farnam Street Omaha about these excursions
Hostetter Ticket Agent McCook Neb
L W Wakeley G P A Omaha
mm gpa gs jaSE
c3 r -iv ess csk ryf
They are shucked into air tight steel
cans and shipped direct from the beds
p icked with ice around the container not
in contact with the oysters You tret
oil solid meats And bow fresh wholesome
different thev are
150 Value
for 100
AbtiM WSyS1i
FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000
When You Buy Oysters
Dont Pay For Water
Why should you get a pint of water
with every quart of Oysters Water is
cheap bloats and bleaches the oyster
spoils its natural flavor
You have never known how good
oysters can be unless you have bad
Ask for Sealshipt Sense a booklet containing new and attractive
preparing oysters
MX vv CSv
4rf i
fel VS SS I
appetizing and deliciously
If your dealer doesnt sell Sealshipt here are some who
titf T T TiJlff
The genuine Sealshipt Oysters are always sold from a
White Porcelain Display Case bearing the Sealshipt trade
mark in blue This is for your protection look for it
The Sealshipt Carrier System is patented Infringe
ments will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law
South Norwalk Connecticut k
been made in the county clerka ofnea v
since last roport
Charles F Lehn ot ux to Leon
A Fitch wd to e hf no qr 6-3-
30 1000 00
John Stevens et ux to William
O Russell wd to lots 2 3 in
G330 00 00
Marion Powell et al to J W
Pepper d to pt se qr 28 2 29 175 00
Charles W Rogers et ux to
Jacob A Clouse wd tovd 7
8in6Danbury 1800 00
Rebecca Rogers et cons to Jacob
A Clouse wd to 6 in G Dan
bury 20O0O
Mitchell Young et ux to John
E Kuper wd to 1 2 in 18 1 27 1500 00
Charles W Pike sgle to Kester J
Peers d to so qr 334 30
Kester J Peers et ux to Chnrles
W Pike wd to se qr 33 4 30
1 00
1 CO
William E McCoy et ux to
Chauncpy S Messnbrwdne qr
7n hf nwqr8 1 27 5000 00
H I Peterson shff to La villa J
Burtless sd to bx qr 23 a nw
qr 27-1-10 470 03
United States to William Pate
pat to nw qr 18-4-29
C R Kluger the Jeweler 10GO Vir
ginia avenue Indianapolis Ind writes
I was so weak from kidney trouble I
could hardly walk a hundred feet Four
bottlfs of Foleys Kidney Remedy cleared
my complexion cured my backache and
the irregularities ciisappeareu uuu l can
now attend to business evory day and
recommond Foleys Kidney Remedy to
all sufferers as it cured me after tho
doctors and other remedies had failed
A McMillen druggist McCook
i fn pww j why M
Think About Your Boy