The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 12, 1909, Image 5

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H 7
We mean all Winter Goods
and they are the choicest in ever
line we will continue our
25 Per Cent Off Sale
Mens Suits Boys Suits
1000 Suits now 750 300 Suits reduced to 225
1200 Suits now 900 350 Suits reduced to 265
1500 Suits now 1125 500 Suits reduced to 375
2000 Suits now 1500 700 Suits reduced to 525
3000 Suits now 2250 7 50 Suits reduced to 565
Mens Overcoats Boys and Youths Overcoats
750 kinds now only 565 3- 50 values down to 265
1000 kinds now only 750 4- values down to 300
1200 kinds now anly 900 4 50 values down to 335
1500 kinds now only 1 125 5 00 values down to 375
1800 kinds now only 1350 7 5 values down to 565
2000 kinds now only 1500 1000 values down to 750
30 00 kinds now only 2250 1200 values down to 900
2 L
Also large line of Flannel Shirts Together with a big display of
Underwear and Hosiery at One- Mens and Boys Pants at the same
Fourth Off discount rate
Come and Participate
The prices will actually warrant
your anticipating your needs in
our lines
Rozell Barger
that is a stranger to manj but should not be is the use of a full set of
teeth If you have neglected and allowed most of your teeth to waste
away you cant do better than to save and protect the remaining teeth by
securing a plate at once You can easily become accustomed to this ne
cessity when it is fitted with extreme care The minutest attention I give
to this work gives many of my patients a wish to have had a plate before
Come in and I will tell you about the kind most suitable for you the
kind that will not arouse your temper
Over McConnelPs Drug Store 212 West Main
Southwestern Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
lnow open
for the care of MEDICAL and
equipped with modern fittings
For rates and further information
Winnetka Hospital Association Ltd
No 2003 is ready for service again
Fireman A P Walters enjoyed a
short lay off last week
Enginel335 from Red Cloud is in the
backshop for an overhauling
Walter Stilwell general foremans
clerk was off duty sick yesterday
Fireman Clayton Brown visited the
family at Red Cloud part of last week
Henry Lashbaugh of the carpenter
gang is off duty nursing an injured el
- Engines 2810 and 124S were over drop
pits 1 and 2 respectively last week re
ceiving repairs of that nature new
flues etc
Brakeman Ira Dye has sold his house
to Engineer M H Hammond who occu
pied the same first of this week Ira
expects to go onto a farm in Frontier
county in the spring
The 326 is in for round house repairs
Earl Newkirk was off part of last
week with an injured foot
Daniel Willard has been elected presi
dent of the Colorado Southern
Engine 1032 was broken in last week
for service after a general overhauling
The new trainmaster A G Smart
from Wymore took charge of his office
last week
Earl Notley is off with an injured fin
ger and Tom Gettings is among those
ailing slightly
No 175 had to take a snow plow up
the Beverly line Tuesday and handled
only the coaches
Ralph Haggard of Orleans formerly
foreman at Oxford visited the boys
jesterday afternoon at the shops
Feouary 2nd was W C Harmons
birthday and the boys of the paint
gang remembered him with a nice rock
ing chair in celebration of the event
Engines 1757 and 1960 in the Holdrege
wreck Tuesday are both being repaired
here the work being rushed The 1757
had her tank badly smashed in while
the 1960 was considerably damaged in
front and about the pilot
Engine No 1757 an R2 new and
equipped with straight stack and regu
lar bituminous burner arrived from the
Sheridan division last Friday and will
with others of that class supersede the
H4 engines on this division in time
The coal which has been in storage in
the McCook yard for over a year is now
being loaded on cars and will be distrib
uted over the Kansas branches and at
the pumping stations The wrecker is
being utilized in the loading The coal
shows the effects of air slacking
Dispatcher H D Stewart was sum
moned to Alma Wednesday night by
the illness of his mother who passed
away about 8 oclock on Thursday
morning Mrs Stewart joined him at
Alma today He has the tenderest
sympathy of all Dispatcher A J
Brown has his trick in the interim
fun iiii g nw wm
Gossip About Train Service
An Alliance man who was in Lincoln
yesterday said that it is understood
there that when the change in time card
is made for the new spring service that
the Barlington will put on a new train
to run from Denver to Edgemont con
necting at Edgemont with the service in
the Black Bills district and that this
train will connect and be consolidated
with Nos 39 and 40 from and to Lincoln
at Alliance and Edgemont It it be
lieved at Alliance that Nos 39 and 40
will be run through and that they will
form the new train to Billings which
will be taken west over the Great
It has been reported from Chicago
that a new train is to be established be
tween Lincoln and the north coast coun
try and that a new train has been plan
ned to reach Denver from Chicago via
Omaha and Lincoln New equipment
is said to have been placed recently in
service on the Burlingtons fast train
between Kansas City ai d Chicago
Lincoln Journal
Engine 1124 is out after light repairs
Engineers Eay and Traubert were in
the Holdrege mix up
Conductor E M Cox is sicfc and Ryan
has the 14223 meanwhile
Roundhouse Foreman Cline of Akron
was at headquarters close of last week
Supt Weidenhamer of the Sterling
division spent Sunday here with the
E S Howell returned Wednesday
night on train 3 from attending a Bur
ling Relief meeting in Chicago stopping
between trains in Lincoln for a look
in on the legislature
Conductors Ryan and Bagley went
down to the Kansas branches with snow
plows Tuesday night to get them
opened up The snow dirt nnd Rus
sian thistles made a bad combination
No 77 of Monday was laid up at Hold
rege on account of the stornij and No
76 Tuesday morning was laid up here
for 24 hours No attempt was made to
move anything Tuesday except the pass
enger trains
A mix up in the Holdrege yard Tues
day put a waycar engine and coach
out of commission temporarily No
98s crew were turning their train on the
Y and Conductor Cassell was turning
his engine preparatory to starting back
to Oxford after plowing out the cuts on
Mascot hill when through a misunder
standing as to use of tracks No 98
train hit the waycar Conductor Cas
sell and Brakeman R J Moon had nar
row escapes from being caught in the
wrecked car
w njT gapcayM
bwmm n eg
nra rn A
mmm 11
HfffSki irfTA
UIIIbh - t 1 ipvjiini1
mcuiuK ieu ujaatu -
i 0 ContrnlTimo 1027 p M
I 50 A M
12 715 A M
U 142 p
10 IKK A M
I Mountain Timo 050 a m
a 1142 p M
5 Arrivps 8H5 P M
13 1025 AM
n 1217 a m
no 17G urrives Mountain Time 505 P M
Vo 175deimrtn 710 A M
Slppiing dinhiK and rcclluiup chair cars
KHUt free mi through train Tickets sold
mil bnegdco checked to uuy point in the Unitud
iiiUh or Canuda
Kir information time tables maps and tick
rail on or write D F Iloatotter Agpnt
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeloy General
Pai Mnnpr Agent Omaha Nebraska
Some Interesting Facts
It has been the idea of railr ad mii
that the system of accounts now followed
on tb Harrington as to the performance
of locomotives that is the amount of
oil used per mile cost of oils per 1000
miles otc involving in total a cotnploto
statement of the accomplishments of
definite class engines in both passenger
and freight serviof taking into account
mileage and tonnage Htc is the pet
scheme of recoot captains ol the riil
rond world
But there recently came to the notice
of the ritpr a paper containing a state
ment made in June 1862 setting foith
in detail the performance of loeomotiV h
on an Iowa road which clearly bettli s
tho fact thrtt railroad mnn of almost a
half century ago kii w r omothing about
these matters which we have been in
the habit of conndpriuu the exclusive
property of very recent railroad meih
The case in point is the report of Clii f
Clerk Wiehe fathei of General Foreman
A C Wiehe of our city to Tnouias W
Pact- M M It is a monthly statement
Hunwiug tho performance of loconiot -
on tho Dubuque Sioux City Railtmri
showing full expenditures in detail for
tle month ending June 30th 1862 tho
run being made to Cedar Falls h de
tail e of 100 miles
The group of engines number- 5 do
ing both freight and pa eiijjer
We will take one fiigine as a -ample
The Delaware Charles llajues en
ginoer made 927 miles on passenger and
1851 on freight during the moith at
a total cost of 3425 49 this total being
made up of the following items Wages
of engineer and fireman 885 repairs
S8 67 oil waste and tallow 3133 wood
S276 25 cleaning of ergine S24 24 This
report shows the following uverage cost
per mile Oil waste and tallow 1 05
cents wood 8 64 cents wages of engi
neer and fireman 342 cents repairs 4 5S
cents cleaning engine 87 cent total cost
per mile 1549 cents
The record also shows the average
mileage of the engines to the pint of oil
to be 1176 miles while the engines av
eraged 3764 miles to the cord of wood
An engine making 900 miles according
to this report used 13 cords of wood 10
gallons of oil 20 pounds of waste and
40 pounds of tallow this on freight A
passenger engine making 927 mile- used
28 cords of wood 9 gallons of oil 17
pounds of waste and 35 pounds of tal
In those days an engine went 12 miles
to a pint of oil Now an engine is ex
pected to go 60 miles on a pint of valve
and a pint of engine oil and this record
is exceeded in some instances as the
following report shows
Class 1 3 1 P 2 K 1 2 3 Ji3
Total grour
Div total
Mis asked for
per pint
Vahel Eufcine
80 40
4433 211 138103
3570 155 143 74
4004 129 148 69
3624 139 139 70
4290 186 S5 58
36S4 123 67 43
3570 123 66 43
4144 52 22 15
4691 59 21 15
4592 92 19 16
4480 72 16 13
4144 58 11 9
49229 93 61 23
276195 66 42 25
Will Build a New Railroad
Stockville Feb Feb 4 Stockville
the county seat of Frontier after years
of isolation from the outside world so
far as railroad facilities are concerned
is at last to have a railroad if present
plans mature and with the schemn now
on foot there is no reason why the plan
should fail
The project now on foot is to build an
independent railroad from Stockville to
the nearest point en the Highline of
the Burlington following the valley of
Medicine Creek which is a distance of
about eight miles A preliminary sur
vey has been made and the estimated
cost of the read equipped with one en
gine the necessary sidings etc is about
100000 It is proposed to bond five
precincts tributary to Stockville for
30000 Contributions to the amount
of lper acre have been positively prom
ised by land owners tributary to the
county 6eat which brings the amount
up to about 860000 Stockville will be
assessed for the balance a great deal of
which haB already been subscribed by
local capitalists and ranchmen It is
now thought that the road will be com
pleted in time to handle this years crop
f Cor Lincoln Journal
sjwvtt wivj f ipfnivvnf yyT w iimvwTw vi rny w wr wt iiypwg
Spring Offerings
The choice nnd attractive manufactures
are coming in daily from the eastern
markets and soon the Sjiin stales in
all lines will be represented in our un
approachable stock We mention thfc
week a few items
Wash Fribrics
Dress Trimmings
Muslin Underwear
It will be to your interest and profit to
weekly note the announcements in this
column as the new creations of the
season are unfolded in all chieness and
tasteful detail
You can still
gains in Winter
some marvelous bar
Goods nevertheless
tlLLtyfil Jl lltijiltttllllil L1
C L DeGroff Co j
We were surprised at the bale we have had on our roofing paint and 1
want to say a word about it this week We do not claim it will cure J
corns or help the baby cut teeth but we do claim
1 It will cover shingle felt or paper roofs making a coating
like rubber
2 It will bake or japan when exposed to the heat
3 It sets quickly but dries slowly
1 It can be used on any kind of material
5 It is acid and alkali proof
6 It is thoroughly elastic
7 It is chemically free from acids
S It is water weather and sun proof
9 It does not settle in the package
10 It is odorless when dry
11 It cannot crack peel or blister
12 It does not discolor nor give taste to rainwater
13 It spreads freely and easily
14 It has a high fire test
15 It is always ready for use requiring no thinning
16 It makes roofs watertight
17 It dries with a glossy finish
18 It is cheap in price only
19 It will give satisfaction
20 It is for sale by Stansberry
One gallon covers 350 square feet on metal 100 to 200 square feet on
shingles 200 to 300 square feet on paper and composition roofing
1 We Guarantee this roofing paint to contain no acids or injurious J
I substances of any kind When two coats are applied according to
I our directions we guarantee this paint to wear perfectly for a period
I of five years and agree to furnish free sufficient paint to repaint
i any surface where it has proved defective - t
Just unloaded a car of Western Cedar Posts from Yrnir
British Columbia They speak for themselves for you to
see them is all we ask
Stansberry Lumber Co
iAii im nirtUlrfittJ t i i i tfiY
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
White House Grocery
Phone 30
Moore Son