r - I -v J resrrr EAGLES l ilcCook Aerie Xo 1514 F O E meets the second aud fourth Fridays of each month at 800 pm in Diamonds hull Social meetings on tho lirat and third Fridays R S Light W Pres G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at800 p m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sac Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on tho second and fourth Thursdays of each mouth at S p m in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mrs W B Mills Commander Hakeiet E Willetts R K G A K J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R moets on the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m Ganschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr Jacob Steinmetz Adjt relief coRrs McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Yandebhoof Sec L OF G A R McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each mouth at 230 p m in Monte Cristo hall Mary Walker Pres Ellen LeHew Sec p e o Chapter X P E O meets he second and fourth Saturdays of each montj at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs G H Thomas Pros Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec ir f zmzzzr7rT frriVftTW BUCKBEES SEEDS SUCCEED i PEC3AL OFFER ilado to build ew Ilnlncs A trial Will make you our permanent customer Prize Collection ShgsJSii 11 the finest Turnip 7 spienaa union g oesi vane s 10 liclb M varieties in all GCAKAXTU1 TO PLEASE Write to day Mention this Paper SSSD 10 CEBITS 1 to cover posisgo and packing and receiro this valncblo L i ealltctioa of Seel jotpnld together with my big B A Instrnettve UcnuUful Seed end 1lnnt Boob l tells all about the Best varieties of Seeds Flints etc Ml Ik 6S3 BUCKBEE STREET U VI CrJa H n aJCKDSg EOCKTOllDIIX Jp BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds rrrfn r CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook Lodtto No 185 A F St A M moets every first and third Tuoaday of the month at 800 p m in Masonic hall ClIABLUB L FAnVEHTOOK W M Lon Coke Soc H 8 Jt Occcnozoo Council No 10 R S M meets on the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m Q Masonic hall RALrn A Haqdero T I M Sylvebteb Coudeal Soc E A M KIdr Cyrus Chapter No 15 It A M meets every 11 rat and third Thursday of each month at 800 p in in Masonic hull Ciauence R Gbay IT P W R Whittakek Sue KNIOIIT8 TEMPLAR St John Conimandory No 10 K T moets on tho second Thursday of each month at 8KXp m in Masonic hall Emerson Hanson K C SamuelS Oabvkt Uoc eabtebn btae Eureka Chapter No 80 O E S meets the second and fourth Fridays of each mouth at 8 00 p in in Mabonic hail Mes Sabah E Kai W M W E IlABT SOC MODERN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 661 M W A moots every second and fourth Thurridny of eacli mouth at 830 p in in Morris hall Pay assessments at White House Grocery Julius Kunrrt Consul J M Smith Clerk BOYAIi NEIGHBORS Noble Camp No 802 R N A moets every aocond and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p m in Morris hall Mrs Caroline Kunert Oraclo Mrs Augubta Anton Itec w o w Moets second and fourth Thursdays at 8 in TlitnioiiiR 1 1 II II Ciiab F Maekwad C C W C Moyeb Clerk workmen McCook Lodco No 01AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p m in Monto Cristo hall MAUKICEGBIKFINReC MS JenninosM w JMWENTZFinancier HoYZiNTForomnu DEGREE OF HONOR McCook Lode No 3 D of H meets every second aud forth Tnesdays of each month at S0d p m in Monto Cristo hall Mrs Della McClain C of H Mrs Carrie Schlagel Rec locomoxive engineers McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets every secoud and fourth Sunday of each month lit 230 in Morris hall Walter Stokes C E W D Burnett F A E locomotive firemen and enginemen McCook Lodge No 599 R of L F E rneet everv Saturday at 730 p m in chowshall I D Pennington M C H IIusted Sec railway conductors Harvey Division No 95 O R C moots the Becond und fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 800 p m in Morns hall at 301 Main Avenue S E Callen C Con M O McClure Sec BAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson IocIro No 487 B of R T meets first aud third Sundays at 2 30 p m and second anil fourth Fridays at 730 p m oach month in Morris hall C W Corey M R J Moore Sec RAILWAY CABMEN Young America Lodge No 450 B R C of A meets on tlio nrst anu tinru xuesuajs in uucu monthin Morris hall aft 730 p m Ray O Light C C N V Franklin Rec Sec machinists Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets everv socond and fourth Tuesday of the month at S00 p m in Ganschow hall Fred Landberg Pres M L SEABcn Firi Sec Floyd Berry Cor Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows halh KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every Wednesday at 800 p m in Maouic halL H W Conover C C D X Cobb K R S ODD FELLOWS Rj McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday at800 p m in Ganschows hall u ur nidiiM n ur W A MlDDLETON Sec tasn AN ARAB SURGEON His Own Stftry of a Wonderful Opera tion He Performed Mr Walter B Harris in Ills account of a journey to Tnlllet tells the story of n wouderful operation in surgery as Jt wan reported to him by a native dojlor who was traveling In his com pany I think the old man larcied that 1 doubted hi skill At least he was al ways holding forth upon the subject and continually repeating the story that when in Algeria he had been of fered a fabulous salary the sum va ried each time the tale was told to re main in charge of the military hos pital at Algiers an honor which he had declined He never tired of narrating the facts and details of his most success ful operation There is a sect in Mo rocco called Ilamacha who are fol lowers of a certain saint buried near Mekinez These devotees amuse their audience and themselves too let us hope by throwing into the air heavy cannon balls which they allow to fall upon their shaven crowns On the oc casion In question a Ilamdushi had unfortunately been wanting in reli gious power for the cannon ball crushed his skull My old shereef friend had been call ed to the rescue According to his ac count he removed the broken patch of skull replacing It with the rind of n green pumpkin and closed the skin over it In a months time he said the patient was not only convalescent but was once more hard at work prac ticing ids religio acrobatic feats with not only a remodeled and renovated fikull but even a new crop of hair THE SILVER FOX He Is a Glorified Freak of the Red Fox Breed Only those -wise in the woodlore of the north can fully know the magic in the name silver fox The silver fox is not of different kind but a glorified freak of the red race llis parents may have been the commonest kind of red foxes yet nature in extravagant mood may have showered all her gifts on this favored one of the offspring and not only clad him in a marvelous coat but gifted hira with speed and wind nnd brains above his kind to guard his perilous wealth And need he has of all such power for this exquisite robe is so mellow rich so wonderful in style with its gloss black and delicate frosting that it is the most desirable the most precious of all furs -worth many times its weight in gold the no blest peltry known to man It is the proper robe of kings the appanage of great imperial thrones today as was the tyrian purple in the days of Rome This is indeed the hunters highest prize but so guarded by the cunning braiu and the wind and limb of the beast himself that it is through rare good luck more than hunter skill that a few of these fur jewels are taken each year in the woods There are degrees of rank among these patricians They range in qual ity even as diamonds range and the hunters have a jargon of their own to express all shades between the cross and the finest silver black Ernest Thompson Seton in Century Magazine influence of Food What do you thluk of the theory that food has a potent influence in determining character asked Mr Smithfleld as he put three lumps of sugar in his coffee I guess its all right replied Mr Wood as he severed a portion of his beefsteak It always seems a little cannibalistic to me when you order lobster Well retorted Mr Smithfleld good hunioredly I ought to have known it was dangerous to lend you money after I discovered your fondness for beets But seriously if there were anything in the theory wouldnt it make a man sheepish to eat mutton It would and prize fighters ought to restrict themselves to a diet of scraps All In the Mind On the opening day of one winter session the late Professor Tait of Edin burgh university entered the natural philosophy class room in the midst of the uproarious applause common to those occasions Presently he looked up at the tumul tuous benches above him with the smile- of one who had known the ways of students for a lifetime At last when a momentary lull came he re marked his gray eyes twinkling Gentlemen I must remind yon that there is really no such thing as noise It is merely a matter of sub jective impression fvO Flico on Him Two Irish me t led rtoppvd at a privtt Jsp - i s mi rue hrt July niirht iiy tiioy the windv onrn viiCt the light burn ing brightly r r uiotvn iu5 1 ioms I iTci f Pat to put out rb Huh T i grt up nut it out aii oiwltd lvi t t d in Pat r c rr r found ip rcop f i Baid JtV no iv- comlncr in with hmtcrus tot3 vuO aro Dl - Goiiur to the mirth rIp is no pleas Tire trin said tho sympathetic friend Well answered the arctic explorer It reminds me somowhnt of the aver hge pleasure trip Everybody is so any ions to start and so glad to et home Washington Star They never taste who always drinJt They always talk who never tliink Prior An Amateur Conjurer During a little pedestrian trip a gen tleman came unexpectedly upon a country race course and on one por tion of the ground found a thimhlerlg establishment in full work Notwith standing the remonstrance of his com panion the gentleman who was a bit of a madcap insisted on watching the game Now would the gent like to wager a crown he could Gnd the pea re marked the expert Yes was the reply The money was on both sides depos ited and the pedestrian lifting up the thimble pointed out the required pea and took the stakes A second bet double or quits end ed to the surprise of the expert in the same result Then a third wager a pound or nothing steadied the nerves of the loser and the trick was accomplished with great caution The gentleman lifted up the thimble and showed the pea at the same time pocketing the stakes Rhelp me etc I didnt put it theie exclaimed the bewildered art ist No but I always carry my own pea rejoined the man who had come out right as he went on his way with the spoils of war London Tit Bits In Modern Egypt Douglas Slodens book on Egypt contains some curious anecdotes For instance My doctor was called to see an Egjptian who was in a very low state What is the matter he asked I think it is only depression I have been a fool and lost a law case I would not backsheesh the other mans lawyer and he backsheeshed mine Later on when another Egyptian told my friend that he had won a law case my friend said I suppose you back sheeshed the other mans lawyer The Egyptian gave a beautiful smile and said How did you know And again I was at Luxor when they were recruiting for the army If a young man was found to be phys ically fit his relations were plunged in grief Professional mourners were hired to squat outside the police sta tion where the recruiting took place yelling and weeping If on the other hand he was rejected as undersized or a weakling or tainted with a loath some disease his relations and friends flew to him rejoicing and kissed him and hung an his neck Goes of Whisky Forty goes of whi y had been consumed by the licensed victualer and still he was sober at least so he told the city coroner Goes is a com mon term in this connection but it lacks tho full appropriateness to the situation of its Scottish equivalent in the story of another big drink told by Dean Eamsay It was at a party near Arbroath held to celebrate the recon ciliation of two farmers who had long been enemies When the party at last broke up at a morning hour the pe nurious lady of the house who had not been able to sleep a wink for anxiety called over the stairs to the servant How many bottles of whisky have they used Betty I dinna ken mem was the answer but theyve druncken six gang o wa ter To the poor girl who had to gang to the well for the qualifying fluid these were goes Indeed London Chronicle Expert Figuring A well known actor tells a story of a in a little New Eng land town svhere he has often spent his summers I was walking down the main street one day said he when I saw old Silas grinning from ear to ear I hardly thought that he was that glad to see me So after speaking to him I said Why the smile that wont come off Silas What has happened to make you so happy this morning Tve been a gittin married this mornin was the unexpected re ply Married You 1 exclaimed Why Silas what on earth have you done that for You know you cant even support yourself as it is Waal said Silas you see its this way I ken purty near support myself an I kind of figured out that she could fin ish up the job Argonaut A Sensible Person An old Scottish lady during her last illness was assiduously attended by a physician to whom she invariably gave a guinea ivhon he came to see her He tod t friends with whom she lived that hr death woud proba bly be very ruiTden and me day vl n she seemed to have fcccniuc uncon scious the decter v - I si f r On his jMTiv i f r d a tirnt h d cea d to and rai hrld of hrr v-1-1 closed but not vizh he - traetetl from it th fee r marking as he dd t V jetl jj friends Pxis to the i t Eyes Only For Her Martha Yen dont npri to have accepted that Mr Pptjoivr he is so awkward yu him holding an umbrella over other day and all the water it he allowed to drain right on to Kaney What better rof v 1 - ou can yen have that he is in love with me lie hadnt the least idea that it was rain ing the dear maii Boston Transcript Not Surprised Mrs Gramercy She must have been surprised when her husband gave her such an expensive present Mrs Park Not surprised my dear but suspi cious You may try to do many a days worry but you can do only one days worV at a time Public Sale Having decided to movo to Denver I will offer for sale at my farm threo and a half miles southeast of McCook on Tuesday February 16 09 comnioncing at ten oclock a m tho following described property namely 5 Head of Horses one mare 9 years old wt 1100 one mare coming 2 years old wt 1200 one mare llyearsold wt 1000 with foal two mare colts coming x year oiu 23 Head of Cattle eight cows with calf eight heifers coming 2 years old with coif three heifers coming 3 years old with calf one registered Shorthorn bull 3 years old three calves 15 Head of Hogs four sows with pig ton head of shoats one pedigreed male hog Machinery one Dain hay stacker one Dain hay buck one disc one binder one McCormick rake one McCormick mower one 2 section harrow one harrow two riding cultivators one 16 inch riding plow one 2 row go devil onr stalk cutter onel horse wheat drill one feed grinder one Western Belle lister one 2 row lister cultivator one breaking plow one wagon with tight box one wagon with rack one lot of lumber one lot of corn cribbing one set good work harness one corn sheller two wire cables 50 feet long one woven wire fence machine one spring wagon one top buggy lot -of choice seed corn lot of sweet corn lot of Early Ohio po tatoes and other unlisted articles FRRE L U N C II AT NOON Terms Sums of S1000 and under cash on sums over 1000 a credit of eight months will be given purchaser to give bankable paper drawing ten per cent interest from date Five per cent discount for cash on sums over 1000 No live stock or property to be removed until settled for W E BOWER JHWoddell Auct V Franklin Clk County Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska February 2nd 1909 The Board of County Commissioners met pur suant to adjournment present S Premer C B Gray and F S Lofton Commissioners Sidney Dodge County Attorney and Chas Skalla County Clerk The minutes of the meetings held on January 12th 13th and 14th were read and 011 motion approved On motion the Board adjourned to meet Feb ruary 3rd 1909 S Premer Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska February 3rd 1909 The iJoard of County Commissioners met pur suant to adjournment present SPremer C B Grny and F S Lofton Commissioners Sidney Dodge County Attorney and Chas Skalla County Clerk The resignation of J JlcCoy as Overseer of District No 19 Beaver precinct was on motion accepted The Clerk having advertised that sealed bids would bo received by the Board for printing the delinquent tax list commissioners proceedings and legal notices for the ensuing year the Board proceeded to open aud examine bids on file The bids of the McCook Republican tho IlcCook Tribune and the ludiauola Reporter were found on file and after Jdue consideration tho contract for the same was awarded to the McCook Tribune The following Deputy Assessors were ap pointed by the County Assessor to fill vacancy and their appointments were confirmed ly the County Board Alliance Precinct Fred Jakob Gerver Precinct C U Coulson On motion S W Stilgebouer was reappointed as member of the Soldiers Relief Commission for the first Commissioner District for a full term of three years On motion the resignation of H H Berry as member of the Soldiers Relief Commission was accepted On motion J A Wilcox was appointed as member of the Soldiers Relief Commission for the third Commissioner District to fill the un expired term of H H Berry On motion G W Probasco was appointed as Justice of the Peace to fill vacancy for Alliance Precinct On motion A C Crabtree was appointed as Constable to fill vacancy for Indianola Precinct A motion was made by Gray seconded by Lofton that all county officers filing a bill of expense must itemize every item of same Motion carried unanimously The report of II H Berry Justice of the Peace of fines collected was examined and on motion approved aud ordered placed on file The report of the Soldiers Relief Commission of the amounts received and disbursed by them from February 1st 190S to February 1st 1909 was examined and on motion approved and ordered placed on file Annual settlement of R E Devine Overseer District No 3 Coleman Precinct was examined and approved and the Clerk was instructed to draw an order on the Road District Fund of District No 5 asTollows RE Devine 5 00 On motion the County Treasurer was in structed to refund to the following named per sons the amouut of polltax assessed against them 190S and paid by them under protest a follows J F Rollings Indianola City over age 200 V S Tomlinson McCook City over age 2i0 JL Rogers Valley Grange Precinct under age 250 E C Underbill McCook City member of fire department 200 On motion the County Treasurer was in structed ts refund to J E Dodgo the sum of lSi5 being the amouut he was erroneously assessed for on book account in 19US aud paid by him under protest The following claims were audited aud al lowed and the Clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the Road Funds of their respective Commissioner Districts as follows E S Hyatt road work Commissioner trictNo3 100 E L Ludwig roadtork Commissioner DistrictNol t CO A L Olmstead same CO On motion the Board adjourned to meet March 9th 1909 S Premer Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk In the Bapiist Church A series of revival meetings will be held in the Baptist church nenine February 21st Rev J H Clny of Holdrege has been secured to do the preaching Mr Clay is a very able preacher and pastor evangelist Get ready to hear him Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribune office DO IT NOW McCook People Should Not Walt Until It Is Too Late Tho appalling death rate from kid ney disease is due in most cases to tbo fact that tbo little kidney troubles aro usually neglected until they become sor ious ThoBlifjbt symptoms give place to chronic disorders and the sufferer goes gradually into tho grasp of dia betes dropsy Brights disease gravel and some other serious form of kidney complaint If you suffer from headache back ache dizzy spells if the kidney secre tions are irregular of passage and un natural in appearance do not delay Help the kidneys at once Doans Kidney Pills are especially for kidney disorders they cure where others fail Over one fiundrod thou sand people have recommended them Heres a case Mrs I H Rust living in Red Cloud Neb say Some years ago I used Doans Kidney Pills with such good suits for kidney trouble and have lately curds Htarted taking them for rhoumatism which has caused me considerable suff ering I am pleasod to Btato that I have so far found the romody to bo very beneficial and I am fully con vincod that I will obtain a permanent ouro through its use Plenty more proof liko this from Mc Cook people Call at L W McCon nells drug storo and ask what custom ers report For salo by all dealors Price 50 cents FoBtor Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole ogenta for tho United States Remember tho nnmo Doanq and take no other A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at Thk Tribune office IN BLACK AND WHITE The Tribune has for sale a nico dis play of local view post cards in colors and in black and white Also a well selected line of greeting and other post TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEAWH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment oi BLULA3ELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothinj Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets Sold by A AlcMILLEN McCook Nebraska February and March Special Rates VERY CHEAP TO WASHINGTON OREGON AND CALIFORNIA Daily during March and April only 2500 for one way colonist tickets to tho coast good in through tourist sleepers THROUGH SERVICE Daily through standard and tourist sleepers to California via Denver Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City through train via direct northwest line to Spokane Seattle and new North Bank Columbia River scenic line to Portland ALASKA-YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION Seattle summer 1909 Very attractive rates next summer embracing the whole coast teur tho grandest railroad journey in the world PLAN NOW ASK THE AGENT for rates variable routes and attractions of the coast tour M D F IIostettei Ticket Agent McCook Nob L W Wakeley G P A Omaha iSS Our Regular Prices Seem Bargain Counter Figures But the Goods Are All Fresh Clean and New McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pens and Holders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands These Are a Few Items in Our Stationery Line THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department i