BARTLEY Foster Stilgobouor mado a business trip to Mnrion Wedncuday and Thurs day Dr fcrod Premerhaa severed his part nership here with Dr Hathorn and moved to Hnigler where he will go into practice of modicino having purchased the practice and good will of Dr Jeff ries Dr Premer is a perfect gentle man and a well qualified physician The people of Haigler will find him worthy their confidence and patronage O M Babbitt was a Cambridge visit or between trains Thursday morning G W Jones took Dr Arbogast to Stockvillo one day this week On the return trip they were delayed several hours on account of the auto breaking down Mrs Chandler and children came up from Cambridge Thursday to visit with her brother C M Babbitt and family Miss Ottie McNeal of Norcatur Kan was a guest of Mrs H L Brown Fri day and left for her home Saturday morning Debbie McClung and others 1G in all were down from Indianola to attend the opera Friday evening Several parties from Cambridge at tanded tho opera to see The Devil Mrs Shuck of Cambridge visited in Bartley Friday Edna Thompson of Indianola was an over Sunday visitor in Bartloyj gueat of Miss Pearl Lyman L O Davis was under the doctors care a few days last week Harry Burton is moving on to tho Ira Ritchio farm two miles south of Bart ley E E Smith and son Jon are at Den ver attending the stock show James Madison living east of town is quite sick with pneumonia A H McElroy and Frank Premer bur worthy draymen have purchased lots of Koy Walkmgton in the west part of town and will begin this week to erect two residences and other needed buildings Mrs Marion ltittenberg of Indianola was visitinu her parents Mr and Mrs Durbin here this week week A lady friend from Omahn is visiting with Mr and Mrs Ed Curlee this weisk Horses Mares and Mules KK6 RSftbt tJS rrS raass r ti HNhfflTTMBBiLi INDIANOLA Mr Joe Powers and Miss Janio Don nelly were married at the Catholic church last Thursday morning After tho wedding ceremony a dinner was served at tho home of James Donnelly the brides father Will Sheets came up from Bartley last week and moved the old Duck worth building down to Mr Calvins Mr Calvin will make a residence from it C S Quick went to Denver Friday with a load of hogs for the stock show A party of young people drove dqwn to Bartley Friday night to see the play entitled The Devil And from all reports they saw a devil of a good show I M Smith of McCook was in town Monday looking over the property re cently purchased of S VanMeter George and John Maleck John Mc Clung Ed Smith and Dan Harrison went to Denver Sunday to take in the stock show Ernest Dodd was a McCook sightseer Monday night H W Keyes was a McCook visitor Monday Mr and Mrs E S Byfield spent Sunday and Monday in McCook Miss Sarah Jensen left Monday night for Kansas City Mo atter a weeks visit with homefolks Mr KriB McKinney and family left Tuesday night for their new home in Colorado John Harnon and Robbie McWil liams were McCook visitors Tuesday George Mick is on the sick list Quito n number of young people at tended the dance at Frank Untiedts near Bartley Saturday night Mr and Mrs Tom Jones who have been visiting at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs John Reiter left for their home in Colby Kansas Tuesday Mr and Mrs James Boldman Mr and Mrs Merle Powell and Mr and Mrs W E McClung took in the show at Bartley Friday night John Harrison is rpported quite ill About time weather for a little more cold FarmLoans Go to Johnson Rozell THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies WANTE h - 1 WmKiM I will be at Steve Wilsons upper barn McCook Neb on Saturday January 23rd 1909 R F REYNOLDS Must be broke and fat from four to ten years old Parties desiring to take the the market price bring it your animals an get it No thin or skittish horses wanted is5iaesaLferits3stei ss I have all grades of roofingand prices to suit any pocketbookcome and see ii3i A FEW MEM mUBE HINTS To raise fine birds you must provide comfortable quarters Profitable egg getting presumes this success in the poultry business requires it PAROID the Permanent Ready Hoofing is especially prepared to meet the poultrymens needs It is a heavy felt not paper No tar in it proof against climatic changes Easily applied by anyone with free roofing kit inside each roll does not require painting when first applied and lays fiat The only roofing with rust proof caps You can save money and keep your poultry dry and warm by using PAROID Send or call to day for our book of Farm and Poultry Building Flans It is free STANS3ERRY LUMBER COMPANY Tho C t ODD EPITAPHS Tho Tombstone Inscription Willed Form on the Recks Th2t jC3Kfc rrz bj an Ardent Republican At Attlcu In the little burying jjrounil Is the grave of Nathaniel Grlgsby 114 died In 1S90 and was a man of inucli force He had u war record Fervlna ns second lieutenant In Company G Tenth Indiana cavalry Grlgsby was an ardent Republican ne stood by the G O P at all times and even In death This epitaph Is on his tomb stone O- Through this inscription 1 wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic party I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the mis fortunes of our nation have come to it through this so called party Therefore be ware of this party of treason Grigsbys heirs did not want this in scription to go on the tombstone bul the lawyer declared that the will pro vided that It must be used and the family had to agree But the inscrip tion is headed with a line that Grigs bys will made the epitaph mandatory At Lincoln Is a very odd tombstone A traveling man of that town who had been on the road many years and was quite eccentric framed an epitaph thai Is decidedly original He died several years ago and a traveling bag hewn out of marble stands at the head of his grave On one side of the bag is this line Here Is where Bill stopped last Kansas City Journal A VISION ON THE VELDT Con- fronted the Soldier I thought I saw a form of some kind between the bowlders I jumped to the conclusion that it was a soldier In one second it had vanished I chal lenged but got no answer Those pieces of rock seemed to terrify me I advanced toward them but saw nothing I retired back and took ur my position leaning on my rifle My eyes -went again to the same place and there standing between the two bowl ders was the outline of a woman I brought my rifle to the present cover int the form which stood before me I saw her walk from one piece of rock to the other I watched and saw her repeat her ac tion She then stopped and leaned up against one ef the bowlders with her back toward me I again advanced to where she stood When I had not to within forty or fifty yards of her I saw her turn ronnd and look straight at me with a careworn and sorrowful face Then 1 saw and knew who she was It was my own mother I was not mis taken for she walked within a few yards of me at the same time looking me dead in the face She then turned about and walked to the two pieces of rock and I saw no more of her About three weeks after I received a lettei from home telling me of her death anc burial A Grenadiers South Africar Reminiscence in Occult Review Gambling For Maids Many queer reasons are advanced by servant jrirls for losing a place said the manager of the employment bureau but the queerest I have ever heard was given by a girl who blew in here last week Iler late mistress was a bridge fiend One day for the want of money to bet she and her friends played with their maids foi stakes At the end of the game each woman considered herself in houoi bound to stick to her agreement and an attempt was really made to swap servants according to the ups and downs of the game Some of the girls thus raffled off changed places willing ly enough but that client of mine re fused to be swapped and hustled around hunting a new job New York Sun Rough on His Lordship A carpenter in an English town hav ing neglected to make a gibbet that had been ordered by the hangman on the ground that he had not been paid for the last one he had erected gave so much offense that the next time the judge came to the circuit he was sent for Fellow said the judge in a stern tone how came you to neglect mak ing the gibbet that was ordered on my account I humbly beg your pardon replied the carpenter Had I known it was for your lordship it would have been done immediately The Wave of Indulgence Indulgence nowadays is very much exaggerated We have even come to admire clever thieves and as lone as we are not the victims of the theft we are quite enthusiastic for the rogue who shows great cunning and daring in his crimes He is almost a hero in our eyes and we call him a genius Paris Figaro He Discovered Vhy Mr Oldboy Why do you bring so much water Tommy I merely asked for a drink Tommy I thought youd need more than a glassful cause sister said you was the driest old stick she ever knew Illustrated Bits Mostly Down Brown expatiating on the merits of his latest bargain in motors I dont say shes much to look at but you should see the way she takes a hill Friend callously Up or down Lon don Punch Nature never did betrnytae heart that loved her Barrow FINDING HIS INITIAL A Tanglo of Lotters That Was Finally Mads 0 K The man with a soft low voice had Just completed his purchases What is the name asked the clerk Jepson replied the man Jefferson No Jepson Jepson Thats it Eighty two Your first name Initial please Oh K 0 K Jepson Excuse me it isnt O K I said Oh 0 Jepson No rub out the O and let the K stand The assistant looked annoyed Will you please give me your ini tials again I said K I beg your pardon you said O K Perhaps you had better write it your self I said Oh Just now you said K Allow me to finish what I started to say I said Oh because I did not understand what you were asking me I did not mean that it was my Initial My name is Klrby Jepson Oh No not O but K said the man Give rae the pencil and Ill Avrite it down for you myself There its OK now THE HAUGHTY TURK High Handed Diplomatic Methods of the Seventeenth Century Indignities to which foreign envoys were formerly subjected in China were mild in comparison with those occa sionally meted out to them in Constan tinople M Julian Klaczks in his Etude de Diplomatic Contemporaine relates that in 1G73 the grand vizier having intercepted some French dis patches tried to force Del la Haye first secretary to the French embassy and son of the ambassador to give him the cipher of the embassy The young diplomat Indignantly refused and was in consequence bastinadoed struck in the face with such force that his teeth were broken and he was thrown into prison No attempt was made by Louis XIV to obtain redress for the wrongs inflicted on his repre sentative Until the beginning of the eighteenth century Christian envoys to the porte were forbidden to visit one another or even to confer with one another on neutral ground They were not al lowed to drive in public with their wives and at one time it was pro posed to prevent them from import wine for their own consumption compromise was effected on this poi- on the understanding that the accurs ed liquor was to be conveyed from the harbor to the embassies at night and In great secrecy The Order of the Seraphim The Order of the Seraphim is the oldest and most famous of the decora tions in the gift of the king of Sweden Originally it was instituted by Magnus IV some GOO years ago to commemo rate the siege of Upsala the ancient capital of the Swedish kings and its statutes bound the recipients of the order to fight to the death for the main tenance of their religion and to consti tute themselves the special protectors of the widow and the fatherless When it was revived about the middle of the eighteenth century by King Frederick the obligations laid upon the members were somewhat less onerous The decoration consists of an eight pointed star in white enamel with cher ubs heads of gold and is worn on a broad band of pale blue ribbon Eos ton Transcript Without Horns A clergyman was an important wit ness in a horse dealing case lie gave a somewhat confused account of the transaction in dispute and the cross examining counsel after making sev eral blustering but ineffective attempts to obttin a more satisfactory state ment said Pry sir do you know the differ ence berweoi a hoire and a cow I acknowledge my ignorance re plied tlv reverend gentleman I hard ly know the difference between a horse and a cow or between a bull and a bully only a bull I am told has horns and a bully hero he made a respectful bow to the advocate luck ily for me has none Beans Spanish Style Sonk overnight two cupfuls of white or pink beans In the morning boil with a pinch of soda fifteen minutes and drain Fry one large sliced onion with a piece of pork or bacon Add these to the beans also a cup of canned tomatoes two shredded chili peppers salt and sufficient hot water to cover well Boil briskly for ten minutes on the stove before puttiug in the cooker Leave in for five hours Good Housekeeping Dental Incubation Tommy said the visiting uncie seems to me that baby sister of yours Js pretty slow She hasnt any teeth yet has she Shes cot plenty of teeth replied the indignant Tommy Shes got a whole mouthful of teeth only they aint hatched yet Womans Home Companion Barefaced Freddie said the visitor I hear your father gave you a watch on your birthday Was It a hunting case watch No maam replied Freddie It w a ljarefaeed watch Exchange BOX ELDER Born to Air and Mrs Earl Notley of McCook on Sundny the 17th an eleven and a quarter pound Bon Mrs A T Wilson is spending a few days with them Rob Luringtoijti children have the chickenpox Mr and Mrs F GLytlo returned home la9t Saturday from their visit nt Alma Sinews I ABOUT ADVERTISING NO 9 T S D octor he must not confuse the the back gate wich the livered at the front d sheet W atients Hans carrv a most complete line of Fruit and Orna tiO Perennials Bulbs etc at low prices S Apple 7c Plum 10c Cherry 17c all budded trees Concord Cranes 250 per 100 We pav freight on 10 orders frV stf i2 tpc1 On rs v Chaa Bollea purchased a team of A T Wilson this wook Special meeting comraoncod at tha church last Monday night D 13 Doylo filled hi9 ico houso Mon day Rev Rubottom and Elmer and Anna Wolfe furniahed tho music for the sur prise on Mr and Mrs Matt Stewart last Saturday evening By Herbert Kaufman Out in China all things arcnottopsy turvyl Physicians are paid for keeping people well and when their patients fall ill their weekly salary check is stopped The Chinese judge a medical man not by the number of years he lives but by the length of time his clients survive An advertising medium must be judged in the same way The fact that it has age to its credit isnt so important as the age of its adver tising patronage Whenever a newspaper con tinues to display the store talk of the same es tablishment year after year its a pretty sure sign that the merchant has made money out of that newspaper because no publication can continue to be a losing investment to its cus tomers over a stretch of time without the fact being discovered And when a newspaper is able to boast of an honor roll of stores that have continued to appear in its pages for a stretch of decades it has proven its superiority as plainly as a mountain peak which rises above its fellows The combination of staoiliiy and progress 13 the strongest virtue that a newspaper can pos sess Only theft survive reputation is a difficult thing to get and a harder thin to hold it takes merit to earn it and character to maintain it There is a vast difference between fame and notoriety and just as much difference between a j amous -newspaper and a notorious luc Just as a manufacturer is always to install his choicest stocks in a store which earned the respect of the community yc retailer should be anxious to insert his name in a newspaper which has earned tne respect of its readers The manufacturer feels that he will receive a square deal from a store which has age to its credit Tie can expect as much from a newspaper which is a credit to its aef The newspaper which outlives the ixzx cl so because it was best fitted to it had to the confidence oi its readers and Lc had to be a better newspaocr t cn a and better newspapers goto the homes of bmsr buyers Every bit of its circulation nos xht element of quality and staying pocr And it is the respectable home lovirt eltivent of evt jy community not the touts andiht crmblers toward which the merchant must look lor his business vertebrae he cannot fmd buycis un less he usc s the newspaper that enters thir homes And when he docs enter their h rrrca newspaper tat h for Copyright 1D0S ly Tribune Company plete O - w J J y i GLi2Cy than comes in - ys jtt err TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEACTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment 01 BLUE3ELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothin Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets Sold by AAIcMILLEN AlcCook Nebraska Trees and Seeds That Gfow For the past 23 years we have supplied our customers r it c - t m i c j i ttt Com- stocK o iof all kinds off Farm Garden and Flower Seeds to select jS from Vnte for our large 112 page catalog ana tiaraen iruiae We mail same free of charge to anyone interested also sample pkt May King Lettuce the earliest and finest of all head lettuce German Nurseries and Seed House Box 110 Beatrice Neb S i tf i