The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 15, 1909, Image 6

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Rev Carmtcbael Kills HlrascTfT
Rov John Havolin Carmfcbael cbarg
od with killing Gideon BrowDing at
Battlo Creek Mioh lant week com
mitted suicide at Cnrtbngo III Mon
day In a letter be acknowledged tbo
commisriion of tbe deed which be at
tributed to an over masteriug desiro on
bis part to escape the hypnotic influence
of Browning
Carmichael preached in Nebraska
several years ago Uenkolman Dono
van and Grant being among his charges
His conduct at Benkelman brought
charges against and resulted in his re
moval from this conference
A Guaranteed Cure For Plies
ltohing blind Blooding or Protrud
ing Files Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Horses Mares
and Mules
Having sold my ice and dray business
and preparing to move away will sell at
public auction on the P Walsh place 1
mile west of McCook
Tuesday January 19 09
commencing at 10 oclock a m the
following described property
Twenty seven Head of Horses--One
bay team one jjelding and one mare 5
and 7 yrs old wt 1100 each one roan I
b yrs
wt 1000 each one white gelding wt
lzW one bay gelding b yrs old wt
1300 one span grey geldings S and 9
yrs old wt 1400 each one black geld
ing 8 yrs old wt 1200 one bay
gelding 6 yrs old wt 1200 one black
gelding 6 yrs old wt 1300 one bay
gelding 6 yrs old wt 1300 one bay
colt 3 yrs old wt 1050 one bay colt
2 yrs old one sorrel gelding 9 yrs old
wt 1409 one bay mare 10 yrs old wt
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain Uncalled for at tbo McCook
poBtoflico January 15 1909
Bonnet Mr C E
Clark Mrs Alvlo
Hiiro Geo
Hall Mr Geo T
Parker Mr M A
Piper Mr Ray G
Sutherlin Mrs J no
Clnrk Mr Wlllio
Frittor Mr Archio
Herman Mr Jacob
Keller E E
PaBo Mr A B 2
Rounds Mrs Irene
Sirnmonds Miss NolT
Saunders L V VS
Colsou Chas Crossman Archio
Hall Mr Mnrfc McCalmont Mr J A
Neul Roy 9 Preston S I
Sodors Win Sherpherd Mrs Ella
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
S B McLkan Postmaster
By order of the to jvn board Clerk L
E Naden of Danbury has given public
notice through the News of that burg
to all parties that gambling within the
village limits mupt be discontinued un
der penalty of the law
I will be at Steve Wilsons upper
barn McCook Neb on Saturday
January 23rd 1909
I ti i
Must be broke and
fat from four to ten
years old Parties
desiring to take the
the market price bring
it your animals and
get it No thin or
skittish horses wanted
1300 one bav saddle pony one cream-
colored saddle mare one grey saddle
Farm Implements Machinery etc
Tvo top buggies - nearly new one
surrey one spring wagon one Jdoosier
wheat drill new one hav ladder one
cow shed one pile lumber four sets
double light harness four sets double
work harness three lumber wagons
one ridinr stirrmjr plow one ridinsr
cultivator two Dftfirinfr mnwnrs ono
team one gelding and one mare McCormick mower one sickle grinder
old wt 900 each black I
one span mares one saddle one DeLaval cream separa
Gyrs old wt 900 each one span brown tor one galvanized water tank one
geldings G and 7 yrs old wt 1000 each wheelbarrow one hand corn sheller one
one span bay mares wt 800 each one granary one 40 gallon iron kettle
span oiacK geininga t ana xu yrs oiu twenty tons prairie liav
Terms--Sums of 81000 and under
cash on sums over 81000 a credit of
Nine months will be given purchaser
to give bankable paper drawing 10 per
cent interest from date until paid 5
per cent discount for cash on sums over
S1000 No property to be removed un
til settled for
Dr J 0 Bruce
E Telephone fc5 AIcCOOK Neb
Office over Elecrlc Theatre on Main Ave
JkAdtJUfciflriii1 t iMitiirfrtrV jnmmi
Office over McAdams Sf ore Phone 1 90
I Hi 41
DENT13T phone 112
Ofilce Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Dr J A Colfer
Room Postoffice Building
McCook Nebraska
JEgAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
vVator Works Office in Postoflice building
C H Boyle
C E Eldbed
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance I one 44
dooms 1 and 7 second floor
PoFtoffice Building
Mcloo Neb
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
Btore McCook Nebraska
Real Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
Office over Marshs Meat Market
ifchifJUUiiiiaifUiaat1 -v iv t d iii1 I m i
MMdleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phono 182 McCook Nebraska
Updike Grain Co
Phone 169 SSGARVEY Mgr
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phone 13
J H Woddell Auctioneer P Walsh Clerk IfcS EiSalW
m yi ra v g i m wmmmmu
Is m if3K Ira fe Srm j h y nu
ft u k h v -a s sak w urtiSMsr
1 1 1 i - 1
Having sold my farm and going lo
move to Texas I will sell at public
auction where I now live three miles
south of McCook on
Wednesday Jan 20 09
commencing at 10 oclock a m the
following described property
Twenty three Head of Horses one
imported Percheron stallion wt about
1900 ten years old imported by Robert
Burgess Son of Winona Illinois one
English Coach stallion eight years old
wt about 1450 bred by Owen L Fitch
of Barry Illinois one span of English
Shire mares eight and ten years old
wt about 3C00 one span of horses
coming four years old wt about 2000
one span of mules coming three years
old three ponies seven eight and ten
years old broke to ride and drive four
Western horses two coming three year
old colts four coming two year old
colts two last springs colts
Nine Head of Cattle -six milch cows
one fresh the others will have calves in
the spring one Short Horn bull coming
two years old two fall steer calves
Machinery etc--one Jay Hawk hay
stacker and one McCormick hay buck
J H Woddell Auctioneer
V Franklin Clerk
both new last season two wagons one
with tight box one low wagon and rack
one spring wagon one 2 seated carriage
one 1 seated covered rig one road cart
one McCormick binder one McCormick
mower one hay rake one 10 inch riding
plow one 14 inch walking plow one
shoe press drill one 1 horse drill one
3 section harrow one beet planter one
beet cultivator one beet digger one
disk cultivator one Lightning feed
grinder one endgate seeder one fanning
mill one grapple hay fork one pair of
ice tongs jone cross cut saw one 3 hole
gasoline stove with oven one Sure
Hatch incubator 150 egg sfce one
heatingstove one bedstead one lounge
one large cupboard about half a dozen
chairs about 50 bushels of potatoes
about 15 bushels of onions about three
dozen chickens one pair of ducks
Terms--Sums of S1000 and under
cash on sums over S1000 a credit of
eight months will be given purchaser
to give bankable paper drawing 10 per
cent interest from date until paid 5
per cent discount for cash on sums over
1000 No property to be removed
until settled for
E E Rogers
Fresh Reliable Pure
Guaranteed to Please
Every Gardener and
Planter should test the
superior merits of Our
Northern Grown Seeds
we will send postpaid our
1 pkr CO Day Tomato 20e
1 pL Princess Radish 10a
1 ptg SMi Growlns CItry 20e
1 pks Early srrowhcad tnhnaie 15a
1 rtc FuIIcrton JIarket Icttnee 10a
Also 12 srietles Choice I loner Seeds tie
IVrito today Send 10 cents to help pay postage and
packing and receive the above Famojs Collection to
gether with our Tiew and Instructive Garden Guide
869 Koso St Kockford Illinois
PHONE 1114
1 1 in ny i
IT J H MtbibTiiMMiiiiUk thHMuM
It Brought a Fortune to Its Half
Strangled Victim
Twice Strung Up by He
Confessed to Murder and Was er
ward Vindicated and Recovered S
000 From His Assailants
Late In the fifties of tbe last cen
tury George W King was the pro
prietor of a hotel In Oxford twenty
sis miles from Lafayette Ind In
1839 a stranger arrived at the hotel
and gave his name as Dr Itowe He
told King that he had no money and
asked to be trusted for his board till
he could get practice in the place
promising to pay him as promptly as
possible King consented to the ar
rangement and Rowe soon became a
favorite with the people on account of
his companionable disposition and su
perior intelligence The doctof how
ever fell deeper and deeper In debt
lie had been at the hotel for nearly a
year when King reminded him one
morning that he had not paid any
thing on his board bill for three
months The conversation It after
ward appeared was overheard by
some one in the hotel though noth
ing was thought of it at the time
A week after the conversation Itowe
was called out late at night to see a
patient and failed to return Days
passed without any word from him
and his disappearance soon was con
nected with the conversation that had
passed between him and the landlord
about the unpaid board One night
three months later a party of disguised
men entered the hotel and overpow
ering King took him to a woodland
adjoining the town
He recognized the voices of several
of his captors and especially of the
leader who told him that he was sus
pected of murdering Itowe and de
manded that he confess King stoutly
maintained his innocence and the
leader of the mob ordered his com
panions to string him up A rope
was placed around his neck a dozen
men pulled down a stout limb over
which the other end of the rope was
thrown and when the limb was re
leased it carried King off his feet and
left him hanging by the neck He
was nearly unconscious when let down
and again ordered to confess
Aftor much delay he was restored
sufficiently to understand what was
said to him and he again refused de
claring his innocence and saying I
did not know what had become of
Rowe A second time he was struu
up and a second time let down but
life was nearly extinct and he was
much longer in being restored than be
The luckless landlord knew he could
not pass through another such ordeal
and live so he consented to confess
He purposely lengthened the confes
sion in order to gain time and said
that he and two men named Rogers
and Haggard had poisoned some whis
ky and induced Rowe to drink it and
after his death they had buried him
In a hollow some distance away It
was nearly daylight when the confes
sion was made and the lynchers de
termined to take King to jail in Lafa
yette and I lien arrest Rogers and Hag
Before the jail was readied day had
dawned and King recognized his cap
tors as members of the IIore Thief
Detective company of Denton Warren
and Tippecanoe counties nearly all of
whom were known to him Confident
of his guilt the men made no attempt
to conceal their identity Po trreat
was the exdtement and so intense the
feelinir against King that he waived
exainimtnn and went to jail hoping
that something would turn up to es
tabiii his iimoeence
Vvtui t hi j tii at Lafayette King
lort rs to editors of papers in
Mi iicago St Louis Louis
ville ad ether cuics setting out the
-iv tr os of hfc confinement and
a r h r keep his letter in the
Pir n hoj es that it might fall un-
r uves notice The appeal was a
ritioti one and was copied into
iny pipers throughout the north-
Two weeks after its first appear
nv o Dr Rowe rode into Oxford and
attended by a number of citizens pro
ceeded to Lafayette where his ap
pearance caused the immediate re
leise of the accused landlord In ex
planation of his disappearance Rowe
said he had left his home in the east
on account of domestic troubles that
lie had learned that his wife was on
her way to Oxford and he had deter
mined to leave the place secretly in
order to prevent her from learning
where lie had gone He had gone to
a little town in southern Illinois and
it was there that he learned that the
man who had befriended him wastus
peUcd of his murder and was in jail
In Lafayette
As soon as King was released h
brought suit against thirty two mem
bers of the Horse Thief Detective
company for 3000 each and also
against the company as a corporation
Thomas A Hendricks afterward vice
president was his counsel but the
case was not allowed to come to trial
the lynchers compromising by paying
King 23000 With this money he
purchased a farm and other property
near Lafayette where he lived till his
at the age of seventv eirht
Whoso would write clearly must
think clearly and if he would write In
a noble style he must first possess ft
j noble soul Goethe
The Cellar Hole and the
By Herbert Kaufman
A caal cart stopped before an office building in
Washington and the driver dismounted removed the
cover from a manhole ran out his chute and pro
ceeded to empty the load An old negro strolled over
and stood watching him Suddenly the black man
glanced down and immediately burst into a fit of
uncontrollable laughter which continued for several
minutes The cart driver looked at him in amusement
Say Uncle he asked do you always laugh when
you see coal going into a cellar The negro sputtered
around for a few moments and then holding his hands
to his aching sides managed to say No sah but I
pst busts when I sees it goin down a sewcr
The advertiser who displays lack of judgment in
selecting the newspapers which carry his copy often
confuses the sewer and the cellar
All the money that is put into newspapers isnt
taken out again by any means The fact that all papers
possess a certain physical likeness doesnt hy any
means signify a similarity in character and its character
in a newspaper that brings returns The editor who
conducts a journalistic sewer finds a different class of
readers than the publisher who respects himself enough
to respect his readers
What goes into a newspaper largely determines
the class of homes into which the newspaper goes An
irresponsible scandal mongering muck raking sheet
is logically not supported by the buying classes of
people It may be perused by thousands of readers
but such readers are seldom purchasers of advertised
Its the clean cut steady normal minded citizens
who form the bone and sinew and muscle of trie com
munity Its the sane self respecting dependable
newspaper that enters their homes and its the home
sale that indicates the strength of an advertising
No clean minded father of a family wishes to have
his wife and children brought in contact with the most
maudlin and banal phases of life He defends them
from the sensational editor and the unpleasant adver
tiser He subscribes to a newspaper ivhich he docs not
fear to leave about the house
Therefore the respectable newspaper can always
be counted upon to produce more sales than one which
may even own a larger circulation but whose distribu
tion is in ten editions among unprofitable citizens
You can no more expect to sell goods to people
who havent money than you can hope to pluck oysters
from bushes
It isnt the number of readers reached but the
number of readers whose purses can be reached that
constitutes the value of circulation Its one thing
to arouse their attention but its a far different thirg
to get their money The mind may be willing but the
pocketbook is weak
If you had the choice of a thousand acres of desert
land or a hundred acres of oasis youd select the
fertile spot realizing that the larger tract had less
value because it would be less productive
Just so the advertiser who really understands
how he is spending his money does not measure by
bulk alone He counts productivity first He takes care
that he is not putting his money into a sci
Copyright 1908 by Tribune Company Chicago
uiw a i
Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets
Contain no Sawdust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and try once CKtDOC Condition
Tablets Worm Kidney Chicken Cholera Blister Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Loose Powder
Spavin Cure Barb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone StiSener Tablets
Sold by AMciUILLEN iHcCooi Nebraska
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
Arent you tired of breakfast fcciis Then it
time to try Falcon Pancakes their flavor will
delight an epicure a pleasant surprise of fluffy
deliciousress Thevre made in an instant of
Self Rising
-8 TTV
perfect combination of wheat corn and
rye ideal addition to any meal highly
nutritious easily digested
Here s an Appetizer Recipe for Falccn Pancakes
To two cups Falcon Self Rising Pancake Floar addrva
cups of railfc one tablespoonful sajaror syrup one eze
hare griddle hot and bake most after turcinc
r l r
j uii 1 11U33 mis iicai a5K yourgrotci iui
Falcon Pancake Flour
Shannon f Mbtt Company
miliars 01 raicon purs Foods
lies xoines Iowa