The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 08, 1909, Image 6

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Dr J 0 Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb
Office over ElecrlcTheatreonMaln Ave
Office over McAdams Store Phone 1 90
OR ft J 6UNN
DENTIST phone 2
Office Booms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Dr J A Golfer
Room Postoffick Building
McCook Nebraska
EftAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Ofllco in Poatofflce building
C H Boyle
C EEldeed
Attorneys at Iaw
Long Distance Ione 44
Booms 1 and 7 second door
Postoffice Building
Mctooi Neb
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
Btore McCook Nebraska
Real Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
Office over Marshs Meat Market
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
Updike Grain Co
Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phone 13
Fresh Reliable Pure
Guaranteed to Please
Every Gardener and
Planter should test the
superior merits of Our
Northern Grown Seeds
we will send postpaid our
l pkg CO Day Tocisto 20o
1 Frinrets Radish 10s
1 titg Stli krowins Celery 20o
T pk Earl Arrnwbrtd Calibage 15e
1 ptc Fnllerton Stirtet Ittnee 10a
A1m IS larleUef Choice Flower Seeds tie
Write today I Send 10 cents to help pay postage and
packing and receito the above FamoJS XJolIection to
gether with car New and Instracthe Garden Guide
889 Koso St Kockford Illinois
rr i rraifarfHiir m
it hi 101 i n
flUfPlil klE
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska January 5th 1909
Tho board of county commissioners mot pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S
Prcmer and C B Gray commissioners and
Chas Skalla county clerk
Tho minutes of tho meetings hold in December
wore rend It appearing to tho board that tho
county board of Hitchcock county hnd taken
no action concurrently with tho board of this
county on Road No 420 running along tho
county lino between Bed Willow nnd Hitchcock
counties from tho houthwest corner of section
to tho northwest corner of tho southwest
quarter of tho northwest quarter of section 19-2-30
nnd which was grauted by this board on De
cember 22nd 1908 with tho understanding that
tho board of Hitchcock county would take like
action on motion of Gray seconded by Promor
tho action taken by tho board on December 22
1908 in regard to this road was reconsidered
otherwiso the minutes were approved as read
Tho potititions of Alfred Carter for appoint
ment of Overseer District No 7 of W O Finch
and of Geo W Wheeler each for appointment
of Overseer District No 10 were plnced before
tho board and ordered placed on file for future
consideration by tho board
Tho clerk having advertised that tho board
would receivo sealed bids for furnishiug tho
various county oilicors with books blanks and
stationery for tho year 1909 the board pro
ceeded to open and oznmino tho bids on filo and
found the bids of tho Watkins Printing House
and of tho lYork Bluuk Book Co as tho only
bids on file After duo consideration the board
on motion rejected nil bids
Tho following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved
L M Higgins constable East Valley pre
cinct Gcorgo Traphagan constnblo Perry
precinct Charles Bonham constable Tyrone
prccinet James L Hoagland overseer Dis
trict No 2 Alliance precinct Henry Corcoran
overseer District No 6 Perry precinct Charles
Rinck overseer District No 8 Red Willow pre
cinct E B Nelson overseer District No 14
Valloy Grange precinct Samuel Ellis overseer
District No 17 Gervor precinct C R New
berry overseer District No 18 Danbury pre
Annuul settlements of tho following road
overseers were examined nnd approved and on
motion tho clerk was instructed to draw war
rants on their respective road districts in pay
ment thereof as follows
Henry Corcoran overseer District No 0
Perry precinct
Loroy Jones overseer District No 8 Red
Willow precinct
Henry Conrad overseer District No 9
Iudinnola precinct
P N Fougli overseer District No 11 Ty
rone precinct m 00
Geo W Wheeler oerseer District No 10
East Valley precinct
E J Baker overseer DistrictNolt Valley
Grange precinct
J H Hesterworth overseer District Nol5
Driftwood precinct
Joshua Rowland oerseor District NolG
Grant precinct
Samuel Ellis oerteeer District No 17
Gervor precinct 15 00
J F Black overseer District No 18 Dan-
buiy precinct 112 50
Tho claim of Henry Morris for refund of inter
est on real cstato tax in Lebanon Village for
137 was on motion rejected
On motion the county treasurer was in
structed to refund to tho followiug named per
sons the amount of poll tax illegally assessed
against them in 190S and paid by them under
protest as follows E S Waite McCook City
200 being over 50 years of age Allen Wilson
Willow Groe 250 having been fireman for 5
years E S Howell McCook City 200 being
member of fire department
On motion the county treasurer was in
structed to refund to Tim Foley tho sum of
1677 being the amount illegally assessed
against him in 1908 in McCook City by making
an error in his personal property schedule and
paid by him under protest
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and tho clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the road funds of the various com
missioner districts as follows
James Ward Commissioner District No
1 road work 42 00
VOlmstead same 9 00
A L Olmstead same 12 00
JStyers same 12 00
A L Weaver same 21 00
E L Ludwig same 12 00
E Weyentsame 7 50
A Styers same 1 50
Ben Schamel same 9 00
Henry Martin same 15 00
GUngersame 6 00
A L Olmstead same 9 00
E Weyent same 9 CO
Ben Schamel same 5 25
J H Hesterworth same 18 50
E J Baker same 18 00
H W Harry Mfy Co Commissioner Dis
trict No 1 steel culverts 84 00
Hitchcock County Commissioner Dis
trict No 3 work on county line 19 88
Hitchcock County same 60 30
The board commenced checking the account
of Chas Skalla couuty eerk and continued
tho same throughout the day
On motion the board adjourned to meet Jan
uary 6th 1909
F S Lofton Chairman
Attest Cha Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebraska January 6th 1S09
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment Present F S Lofton S
Premer and C B Gray commissioners and
Chas Skalla county clerk
Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro
vided tho board on motion selected the follow
ing named persons from which to draw a jury
for the term of district court which is to begin
February 1st 1909
Commissioner District No 1 Beaver pre
cinct Chas Gentry W A Miuniear Sam Mess
ner Bondvillo precinct Herman Reiucrs John
Breitling Dauburj precinct Almeron Reed E
A Ruby Driftwood precinct Perry Cathcart
Gerver precinct D W liailey Grant precinct
Andrew Anderson Lebanon precinct H E
Waugh Thomas Boyd P H Walters D F
Hupp Missouri Ridge precinct JohnG Ervin
Tyrone pneinct L A Sheldon Valley Grange
precinct E J Baker
Commissioner District No 2 Alliance pre
cinct Bert Wyrich E A Shugroe North Valley
precinct William Nicholson Charles Bell
East Valley precinct I A Ljman George Carr
E E Shoemaker Charles Shafer tritsch pre
cinct Roudy Jones Alex Jensen Indianola
precinct S V Frje S A Lewis Frank Un
tiedt E SDutcher N J Uerling Red Willow
precinct W H Mejers Charles Meyers
Commissioner District No 3 Box Elder pre
cinct Jas Spaulding Dan Doj Ie Jr Coleman
precinct Barney Koetter Perry precinct Geo
Troendley Willow Groe precinct C G
Coglizcr DaveDoeuy E F Mark wad T J
Buggies Geo R Shields BCBowman PM
Bell HJ Cox AMCaldwell T Croughan
Scott Doan D E Eikenbcrry Ed Perkins G
A Folden GC Heckman JM Henderson JE
Nelms HG Phelps O N Rector FL Schwab
E J Wilcox Herman Brow u
The board continued the examination of the
accounts of Chas Skalla couuty clerk through
out the day
On motion the board adjourned to meet Jan
uary 7th 1909
F S Lorroh Chairman
Attest CnAELLS Skalla Cleric
v -
The Great Tragedians Acting Was
Saturated With Realism
Edwin Forrest says William Winter
in Other Days was an uncommonly
massive and puissant animal and all
of his impersonations were more phys
ical than intellectual while no one of
them possessed any spiritual element
From the first and until the last bis
acting was saturated with realism
and that was one reason of his exten
sive popularity He could at all times
be seen heard and understood He
struck with a sledge hammer Noteveu
nerves of gutta percha could remain
unshaken by his blow In the mani
festation of terror he lolled out his
tongue contorted his visage made his
frame quiver and used the trick sword
with the rattling hilt In scenes of
fury he panted snorted and snarled
like a wild beast In death scenes his
gasps and gurgles were protracted and
painfully literal The bellow that he
emitted when as Richelieu he threat
ened to launch the ecclesiastical curse
almost made the theater walls tremble
The snarling yell of ferocity that burst
from him when as Jack Cade he rec
ognized and sprang upon Lord Say in
the forest fairly frightened his hearers
His utterance of Lears delirious pray
er to nature was like a thunderstorm
Often he produced amazingly consola
tory effects affording ample gratifica
tion to the overstrained feeling of his
audience desirous as in stormy pas
sages of King Lear and Othello
the forum scene of Virgiuius the
statue scene of Brutus and the scaf
fold scene of Damon and Pythias
that something tempestuous and ter
rific should be said and done There
are times when it is a comfort to see
somebody who can let himself go For
rest could His style accordingly had
Its positive ample undeniable merits
but neither he nor his apostles were
ever satisfied with acknowledgment of
those merits at their actual worth
The Powerful Motive That Moved the
Commercial Traveler
No Im not whistling and singing
because business is good replied the
hardware drummer What ails me
is because I have a clear conscience
for the first time in three years
Have you confessed to murder
was asked
Gentlemen dont try to be funny
This is a sacred thing I was in Bos
ton three years ago and I picked up
a package on the street On opening
it I found seventy flve 1000 bills
The name of the loser was there but
I took that money and got out of town
by the first train My conscience told
one that I was as bad as a thief but
I tried to stifle it
A drummer with a conscience
sneered three of the listeners in cho
I went to Chicago with the money
continued the drummer and Invested
it in real estate I knew it was wrong
but I did it Six months ago f found
myself worth 200000 Conscience
would not down It got so bad that I
couldnt look even a confidence man in
the face At length I started for Bos
ton and hunted up the loser of the
wealth I found him in his office and
told my story When it was finished
I laid my all before him and asked his
And what did he do
I will tell you what he did and I
shall never forget it He looked at me
and saw how I was suffering and he
took me by the hand and said in a fa
therly way
My friend suffer no more I was
going to a poker game when I lost that
money and it would have gone any
But what in thunder are you doing
on the road if you are worth 200000
shouted a voice
Conscience again gentlemen con
science It wont let me retire and
leave you fellows to do all the lying
Cincinnati Enquirer
The Earths Changes
The Fiirfa e of Ik earth is under
going steady transformation largely
through the agency of man but per
haps nowhere is the plant and animal
life of lh region being more rapidly
superseded than in New Zealand The
native Polynesian race crowded by
Europeans is becoming extinct Many
of the imported animals run wild and
multiply rapidly at the expense of the
native species oven the streams being
filled with European and American
trout which grow to great size
The origin and therefore the full
heraldic meaning of the is
disputed By some the emblem is sup
posed to represent a lily by others the
iron head of some weapon presumably
a lance From the claims put forth by
English sovereigns to certain princi
palities in France gained by inher
itance or marriage the French royal
coat appeared as a quartering in the
English royal arms Lut it was abol
ished by George IV
Taking Him Down
Yes sir said the pompous indi
vidual I always pay cash for every
thing I get Dear me exclaimed the
matter of fact person Whats the
matter with your credit Chicago
Mrs X I must apologize Mrs Y
for failing to come to your party
Thursday afternoon Mrs Y Oh my
dear dont speak of it You were not
missed Pathfinder
We acquire the strength we have
overcome Emerson
France Made the First Laws Govern
ing Aerial Traffic
In 1S71 when French balloons from
beleaguered Paris were dropping on
the sacred soil of Prussia a royal
decree declared them confiscate as con
traband of war And ou the conclu
sion of peace a measure was passed
through the German relchstag which
forbade under penalty of death any
future similar aerial violation of Ger
man territory during time of war
So long ago as 1830 again balloon
ascents were made illegal in Turkey
bo far as regards Constantinople and
forty miles around and in 1872 the pro
hibition was extended to Include the J
entire Turkish empire To France
however belongs the distinction of hav
ing made the first laws for the regula
tion af aerial traffic In 1784 it was
solemnly decreed that nobody should
be permitted to go up In a balloon or
any other kind of aerostatic machine
which was worked by burning spirits
of wine or any other means of making
a fire
Later in 1811 it was enacted in
France that henceforth no balloon
whether free or captive should be per
mitted to ascend with any species of
furnace or stove that no one should
be allowed to ascend in a balloon un
less he carried a parachute and that
ascents were not to be begun later
than one hour before sunset nor earlier
than an hour after sunrise Further
more no ascents whatever were to be
undertaken during the garnering of the
harvest nor for six weeks prior
The First New Woman
We new women are really not so
new as we think we are said one of
them In the thirteenth century
there were lots of us Can anything
700 years old be new The University
of Bologna had for professor of juris
prudence Movella dAndria She was
no more new than beautiful Her
charms were so overpowering that the
trustees made her lecture behind a
curtain When she lectured openly
the students their minds wholly occu
pied with her beauty could not attend
to what she said Madonna Manzolina
was professor of anatomy Matilda
Tromboni taught languages and Marie
Magnesi held the chair of mathema
tics This university was by no means
a second rate one On the contrary
it was perhaps the leading university
of Europe It had 10000 students
Called For tho Author
The Friars an organization of the
atrical press agents dined a manager
more conspicuous for his shrewdness
than for his culture When the menu
had been properly discussed the giies
of honor amazed his hosts by makinir
a speech notable not only for its grat f
and wit but for some show of erudi
tion He sat down at last amid loud
applause when Augustus Thomas at
the same time joining the handclap
ping shouted Author Author
New York Tribune
Emotions England
Ours is a nation of sentiment We
are probably more sentimental in a
tearful way than any other country
In Europe The strongest man in Eng
land can weep when he hears a hymn
that used to bo played on the organ
of the village church when he was a
boy but there is not much depth in
the tears They are not very salt
London Ladies Field
A True Heroine
What is your idea of a heroine
John asked the wife of his bosom
as she looked up from the novel she
was reading
A heroine my dear answered
John is a woman who could talk
back but doesnt Chicago News
Helps Some
Church And has he done anything
lo relieve suffering humanity Go
thamOh yes he has sent his daugh
ter abroad to take her singing lessons
Yonkers Statesman
r ti
Jiiine vraisn
Old Rubber Copper ana Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cast
New location just across rrCctrlc
ttreetin P Walsh building l VUUIV
IT 9
i l
Two cups of
Falcon Sclf Pisin
Pancake Flour one
cap milk two eg3
The Cannon Tjl
By Herbert Kaufman
Business is no Jonger a man to man r
tact in which the merchant and r pai i
establish a personal bond any moru V UJ
tie is a hand-to-hand grapple vlcr bwi 1
muscle and sinew decide the cuv
as well as war has changed in I ct
And the more they ate the better they liked
Falcon Pancakes are almost as indispensable as bread easily
highly nourishing To make them use
one tablespoonful sugar
cutter the size of z wal
nut Mix thoroughly
before adding the flour
For Delicious
vvaffles or Gems
Self -Rising
Pancake Flour
A constant convenience to the busy housewife Its wheat
corn and rye an ideal food combination adding a new delight
to the breakfast table If you enjoy the good things of
life then ask your grocer for r alcon belt Kismg Fan
cake I lour and have a treat for breakfast tomorrow
Shannon Irott Company
Millers cl Falcon Pure Foods
Des Moines Iowa
are now fought at long range
Just as a present day army of herv s vr
have no opportunity to display tJ -
valor of its members just so a Yuu w
counts upon his personal
success is a relic of the past a business d -
Japan changed her policy of rxcrni a r
foreigners after a fleet of warJiips hatri l
down the Satsuma fortifications The wJTir
rai who had hitherto considered their bun
and bows good enough discovered that oi j
cannon was mightier than all the swords ii
creation if they could not get near enough ti
them Japan profited by the lea son Lie ti A
not wait until jurther ram psrt3 vzre hnc o
pieces but was satisfied with her lie ex n noj
and proceeded to modernize her rru cLoc
The merchant who doesnt advcrlisv is
much in the same position as that in v I h J t
stood when her eyes were opened to liu i cr t
times had changed The long range j I iy o vi
competitor will as surely destroy your a smess as ti
cannon of the foreigners crumbled the wails of Sii
suma Unless you take the lesson to heart unless you
realize the importance of advertising not only as the
means of extending your business but for dqemkrg
it as well you must be prepared to face the conse
quences of a folly as great as that of a duelist who
expects to survive in a contest in which his adversary
bears a sword twice the length of his own
Dont think that its too laic to begin Kncauo
there are so many stores which have ha 1 the ad van -
of years of cumulative The city Js
ing It will grow even more next yea U nur
increased trading facilities just as its hungry for
But it will never again support ncghborhor i y r
Newspaper advertising has eliminated ihe strict
being locally prominent and five cent t
have cut out the advantage of b ni v d
comer A store five miles away can reach uut th au
the columns of the daily newspaper and dr v yt
next door neighbor toits aisles while you h by v
see the people on your own block enticed away wtN
your being able to retaliate or supply ru cutai
to take their place
It is not a of your nbihty o yind f7
cost of advertising but of being able to sun rji wifwLl
it The thing you have to consider ij not only ati
extension of your businccs but holding- icit you al
ready have
Advertising is an inwstrcrt the ccst of which
is in the same proportion to o returns as scciis sz to
the harvest And it is just ao preposterous for you to
consider publicity as an expcise as it would he frr a
farmer to hesitate over purchasing a fertilizer he
discovered that he could prcfjihly crcjj L i
by employing it
fCopyitrir by Pomp try f
Ask for and try once BLUE BELL Cough Syrup Pile Remedy Mans Pain Liniment 01
BLUL3ELL Stomach Tablets Diarrhoea Croup Nerve Cough Hay Fever and Catarrh Blood
General Tonic Bright Sunshine Heart Worm Kidney Headache Summer Complaint Soothin
Tablets for Children Liver Female Regulator or Quinsy Tablets
Sold by AA1CA1ILLEN AlcCook Nebraska
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
them fCSL
digested j ljfWV